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Which statement below is NOT true of both the nitrogen

and the carbon cycle?
DIRECTIONS: Select the best answer to each of the a. Both cycles keep vital nutrients available to primary
following questions and blacken the appropriate space on producers.
your answer sheet. b. Both nutrients enter and exit the cycle as atmospheric
I. ECOLOGY c. Because both nutrients are abundant in air, both are
available to all autotrophs directly from the atmosphere.
1. A biome is d. Both nutrients are crucial components of the amino acids
a. the thin layer surrounding the Earth that supports all life. all organisms require.
b. all the populations of different species living
and interacting within an ecosystem. II. CELL BIOLOGY
c. a broad-scale region dominated by similar types of
ecosystems. 9. An erythrocyte is placed in a beaker with a
d. an area of land or water composed of a patchwork hypertonic solution. What do you think will happen to
of communities and ecosystems. the cell after several minutes?
a. It will crenate. c. It will plasmolyze.
2. Population density is described as population size per unit b. It will become turgid. d. It will become flaccid.
area/volume. In population density, two kinds of factors are
being considered: dependent and independent factors. 10. What happens during anaphase?
Which of the following is not a density independent factor? a. Chromosomes replicate
a. diseases c. hurricane b. Fragmentation of the nuclear membrane
b. forest fires d. climate change c. Chromosomes start to migrate to opposite poles
d. Chromosomes are freely-scattered in the cytoplasm
3. Which of the following is considered an
abiotic component of the ecosystem? 11. Cell membrane carbohydrates participate in
a. animals c. microbes a. Transporting substances across membranes
b. plants d. temperature b. Cell to cell recognition
c. Attaching the membrane to the cytoskeleton
4. Which of the following questions is most appropriate to d. Attaching the membrane to the cell wall
an investigation at the population level?
a. What is the effect of diminished resources on
12. A diploid cell has 28 chromosomes. When meiosis
an individual's life span?
occurs, how many chromosomes are there during Prophase
b. What is the relationship between resource availability
and birthrate? a. 14 chromosomes c. 56 chromosomes
c. What factors influence the distribution of tropical forests?
b. 28 chromosomes d. 84 chromosomes
d. How long does it take for carbon to be cycled from the
atmosphere into living tissue?
13. Solution A is a 0.5M glucose solution while solution B
is a 0.25M fructose solution. Both are separated by a
5. The energy pyramid shows the decreasing pattern of
semi- permeable membrane that prevents fructose and
energy from producers to consumers and from one
glucose from crossing while allowing water to cross. What
trophic level to another. Producers are placed at the base
will happen to the solutions?
of the pyramid because .
a. Water will move from side A to side B
a. they are used up at a faster rate
b. Water will move from side B to side A
b. they have the most amount of energy available
c. Fructose and glucose will move to opposite sides
c. they can be found in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem
d. There will be no net movement of water and sugars
d. they have pigments available in producing their own food
14. Which of the following substances will easily cross
6. Ecological pyramids can be inverted when..
the cell membrane?
a. they represent number of organisms
a. starch c. chloride ion
b. they represent energy content of organisms
b. sodium ion d. carbon dioxide
c. they represent biomass of organism
d. both a and c are correct
7. Population grows exceptionally when…
15. Vitiligo is a disorder in which melanocytes (cells that
a. birth rate exceeds death rate and neither changes
produce melanin pigment) are unable to function. As a
b. death rate remains above birth rate
result, white patches appear on the skin. Albinism is a
c. immigration and emigration rates are equal
chromosomal mutation that may result in the cessation of
d. none of these
melanin production or a considerable decline in the amount
of melanin. A man who is an intermediate albino (Aa) with
vitiligo (Bb) amrries a woman who is an albino (aa) but has
a normal skin (bb). What percent of their offspring is
considered as purebred?
a.25% b. 50% c. 75% d. 100%

16. Oogenesis is the meiosis that occurs in the ovary of 21. Which of the following statements about the vascular
female organisms. If 5 oogonia are present, how many cambium is TRUE?
active cells are produced when 3 out of 5 oogonia undergo a. the vascular cambium is responsible for production
oogenesis? of branch roots
a. 3 b. 5 c. 6 d. 10 b. the vascular cambium is only found in dicots
c. the vascular cambium produces phloem to the inside and
17. Incomplete dominance is characterized by a cross xylem to the outside
between a homozygous dominant and recessive gene that d. All of the above statements are FALSE
will result in an intermediated trait. Assume the following
sets of genes in a human being: 22. In stems, the points of attachment of leaves and buds
are called:
B – black-colored pupil HH – straight hair a. bud scales c. nodes
bb - blue-colored pupil Hh - wavy hair b. leaf primordia d. meristems
hh - curly hair
23. A mineral deficiency is likely to affect older than
A husband and wife, BBHH x bbHh, wants to know the younger leaves if:
probability of having a child with blue-colored pupil and a. the mineral is a micronutrient
wavy hair. What will you tell them? b. the mineral is very mobile within the plant
a. There is a chance that the offspring will have blue- c. the older leaves are in direct sunlight
d. none of these
colored pupils and wavy hair.
b. There is a chance that the offspring will have blue- 24. If you grow coleus plant, you will need to cut or pinch
colored pupils and wavy hair. off the top bud frequently or the plant will become tall and
c. There is no chance that the offspring will have blue- spindly. Pinching off this bud will slow the production of
colored pupils and wavy hair. by the apical bud and allow the plant to become
d. impossible to determine bushy.
a. auxin b. cytokinin c. gibberellin d. ethylene
18. Feather color in budgies is determined by two different
genes Y and B. YYBB, YyBB, or YYBb is green; yyBB or 25. Macronutrients are elements needed by plants in
yyBb is blue; YYbb or Yybb is yellow; and yybb is white. A relatively large amount. All of the following are
blue budgie is crossed with a white budgie. Which of the macronutrients except .
following results is not possible? a. zinc b. nitrogen c. potassium d. phosphorus
a. green offspring c. blue offspring
b. yellow offspring d. A and B 26. Which of the following apples will ripen the fastest?
a. an apple often flushed with carbon dioxide
19. Recombinant DNA is one of the successful applications b. an apple with an ethylene-releasing banana enclosed in
of genetics in our society and the reason behind the mass a bag
production of vaccines, hormones, etc. Insulin production c. an apple with a beaker of an ethylene-releasing chemical
is made possible because of recombinant DNA. The insulin in a plastic bag
gene from human DNA is cut with the use of restriction d. choices b and c
enzymes. The insulin gene is then combined in a plasmid
(secondary DNA) and inserted into another cellular 27. The response of stems growing upward is referred to as
organism. What could be the organism? a. negative gravitropism
a. Corona virus c. Tobacco mosaic virus b. positive gravitropism
b. Escerichia coli d. Saccharomyces cerevisiae c. negative phototropism
d. positive phototropism
28. Students were asked to collect data on the plant
20. A few seconds after touching the Mimosa pudica Trifolio petalia. Two students reported finding a plant with
plant, its leaflets fold together. It takes about 10 minutes flowers having four petals instead of the usual 3. Which of
or more for the plant to regain and restore the natural the ff. explains this observation?
form of the leaf. A good explanation for this is: a. Unusual findings such as this usually occurs and can
a. Cells suddenly become flaccid after stimulation because easily be disregarded
of the loss of K+ b. All plants having 3 petals produce some flowers with
b. Cells suddenly become turgid after stimulation because of 4 petals
loss of Na+ c. These flowers are actually the result of a new species and
c. Cells suddenly become flaccid after stimulation because of in a few years, this group of plants will have formed 2
the loss of Na+ species.
d. none of these d. Slight variation in the number of petals may occur due to
accidental changes during development

29. Translocation of cytokinin is polar and takes place in the

a. Xylem c. Both a and b
b. Phloem d. Capillary rise

30. Most of the water taken up by the plant is 36. Organogenesis is the process involved in the formation
a. split during photosynthesis as a source of electrons and of organs. Along with this process, the cells choose to
hydrogen become a particular type of cell that will function for a
b. lost by transpiration through stomata specific organ. This process is called differentiation. Which
c. absorbed by cells during their elongation of the following statements are true about a
d. incorporated directly into organic material differentiated cell?

31. The productivity of a crop begins to decline when I. A differentiated cell utilizes a particular set of
leaves begin to wilt mainly because: proteins to perform its function.
a. The chlorophyll wilting leaves decomposes. II. Cells that are differentiated assume a specific
b. Flaccid mesophyll cells are incapable of photosynthesis shape to function effectively to the tissue it
c. Stomata close, preventing CO2 from entering the leaves belongs.
d. none of these III. When the cell differentiates, it deactivates for
some time to regenerate the energy and
32. A botanist used a device called a dendrometer to materials spent during differentiation.
measure slight changes in the diameter of a tree trunk IV. Muscle cells, nerve cells, ad red blood cells are
caused by water movement in the xylem. The device made examples of differentiated cells.
simultaneous measurements at different heights, graphed
below. This suggests that a. I and II c. I, II, and IV
a. water is pulled up the trunk b. I, II, and III d. All of the choices
b. water is pulled down the trunk
c. no movement of water in the trunk takes place 37. The eggs of animals are delicate. Therefore, they must
d. none of these be enclosed in a defensive coat. Because of this need, some
vertebrates developed extraembryonic membranes. The
extraembryonic membranes are yolk sac, chorion, allantois,
and amnion. The amnion contains amniotic fluid. What
could be the possible purpose of amniotic fluid?
a. deliver nourishment for the embryo
b. carry nitrogenous wastes away from the embryo
c. supply blood to the blood vessels of the embryo
d. serve as a cushion sac around the embryo against
physical trauma

38. The germinal layers, which include the ectoderm, the

mesoderm, and the endoderm, are rudiments from which
the different organs of the body are derived. The outer
V. ZOOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY germinal layer (ectoderm) gives rise to the skin epidermis
and organs of the nervous system. The middle layer is the
33. Developmental biology deals with the study of the mesoderm, which is considered as the origin of the skeletal
development of animals. It also deals with the processes muscles and blood vascular system, while the innermost
involved in the transformation of fertilized egg to a layer (endoderm) develops the digestive tracts and glands.
more complex individual. Which of the following is the Which of the following organs most likely originated from
correct sequence of the development of a simple cell to the middle layer?
a more complex organism? a. cloaca c. hypohysis
a. fertilization-gametogenesis-gastrulation-cleavage- b. pancreas d. vertebral column
organogenesis-growth and histological differentiation
b. gametogenesis-fertilization-cleavage-gastrulation-growth 39. What is the correct sequence of events in the
and histological differentiation-organogenesis development of the embryo?
c. fertilization-gametogenesis-cleavage-gastrulation-growth a. Morula → cleavage → blastula → gastrula
and histological differentiation-organogenesis b. Cleavage → morula → blastula → gastrula
d. gametogenesis-fertilization-cleavage-gastrulation- c. Cleavage → gastrula → blastula → morula
organogenesis-growth and histological differentiation d. Blastula → cleavage → gastrula → morula

34. Organisms such as lizards that need to maintain body

temperature through external means do so by
a. shivering to produce heat
b. exposing their bodies to sunlight for hours
c. eating large meals to provide calories for heat production
d. running frequently to warm up

35. If you found a dark rotten smelling flower near the

ground, it would most likely be pollinated by:
a. bats b. butterflies c. moths d. beetles

VI. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 46. Which of the following best illustrate homeostasis?
a. Most human beings are between 5 ft. to 6 ft.
40. For a few women, normal pregnancy is not possible b. The lungs and intestines have large surface areas for
because of some anatomical and physiological exchange.
abnormalities. Nowadays, the practice of in vitro fertilization c. When blood salt concentration goes up, the kidney expels
is widely used. This involves the extraction of the secondary more salt.
oocyte from a woman. The oocyte is then placed in a petri d. When the oxygen in the blood decreases, you may feel
dish. The fertilization and early development occur in vitro light-headed.
(in glass). Arrange the following statements to complete the
process of in vitro fertilization. 47. Which of the following describes the muscles in the
I. It is necessary for the woman to lie down for blood vessels?
several hours. a. striated c. multinucleated
II. The embryo is then transferred into the uterus of b. elongated d. nucleus located at the center of the cell
the female
III. The embryo will be removed from the petri dish. 48. The human male’s testes are located in an outpocketing
IV. A sperm cell is introduced in the petri dish for of the body wall known as the scrotum. An advantage of his
germination. adaptation is that?
a. The testes are better protected in the scrotum than in the
a. IV – I – III – II c. IV – I – II – III body cavity
b. IV – II – III – I d. IV – III – II – I b. A temperature lower than the body temperature is best
for sperm production and storage
41. If the patient is suffering from retention of too much c. Sperm production requires contact with atmospheric air
urine, there might be a problem regarding the secretion of d. The sperm cells can enter the urethra directly from the
what hormone? testes
a. oxytocin c. antidiuretic hormone
b. growth hormone d. adrenocorticotropic hormone 49. One difference between a cancer cell and a normal cell
is that…
42. Because of the differences in the surface of blood cells a. CA cells are unable to synthesize DNA
that act as antigens, human blood is classified into four b. Cell cycle of CA is arrested at S phase
different blood types namely A, B, AB, and O. Blood type AB c. CA cells continue to divide even if they are tightly packed
is also known as “universal recipient” because d. CA cells cannot function properly because they have
. density independent inhibition
a. it has antibody against A and B
b. it has no antibody against A and B 50. In an autonomic nervous system, which of the
c. it has antigen A and antibody against B following is an effect of parasympathetic division?
d. it has antigen B and antibody against A a. the trachea widens
b. the heart rate increases
43. With regard to thermoregulation in humans, which of c. the liver is stimulated to release glucose
the following mechanisms will tend to decrease the rate of d. the muscular contractions of stomach increase
heat loss a person experiences?
a. Increased shivering.
b. Increased sweating.
c. Decreased blood flow to the skin.
d. Decreased metabolic rate.

44. Diuretics…
a. decrease the water permeability of collecting tubules
b. increase the water permeability of collecting tubules
c. decrease the water permeability of the loop of Henle
d. increase the water permeability of the loop of Henle

45. Which is the most accurate description of arteries?

a. They carry oxygenated blood.
b. They carry deoxygenated blood.
c. They carry blood away from the heart.
d. They carry blood toward the heart.

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