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4 Categories of Human Knowledge

Natural Social Humanities Applied

Sciences Sciences professions

Chemistry Psychology Music Law

Biology Sociology Literature Education
Physics Anthropology Art Nursing
II. Essay.
1. Why is man considered as a rational animal?

Humans are like animals but humans are the only animals with cognitive capacities including abstract
reasoning, complex problem solving, and language use. Our ability to reason, evaluate data, and reach
conclusions sets us apart from other creatures in terms of intellectual ability. Humans possess a unique
level of self-awareness, capable of reflecting on our thoughts, emotions, and motivations. This allows us
to analyze our decisions, learn from past experiences, and plan for the future in a way most animals

Humans have the capacity for moral reasoning, developing ethical frameworks and contemplating the
consequences of our actions. This ability, even if expressed differently across cultures, sets us apart from
animals driven primarily by instinct and survival needs.

We, human are rational animal that have an ability to understand everything, but sometimes Humans often
make irrational decisions influenced by emotions, and biases. Our decision-making is rarely purely logical,
leading some to question the universality of "rational animal."
2. What is the importance of studying social sciences in making the country prosper?

Social disciplines such as anthropology, psychology, and sociology uncover a complex web of cultural
values, power relationships, and social institutions that form a country. This information helps
policymakers create fair and stable communities by enabling them to address serious issues like
discrimination, poverty, and crime.

In order for policies to be effective, they must take consideration both the effects of suggested solutions
on people and economic information. Research in social science offers important insights into societal
trends, public opinion, and the possible unexpected effects of changing policy. For instance,
understanding the cultural background of a development risks ensures its success by avoiding conflicts
between cultures.

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