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In 1998 and 2001, job and employment percentages are shown in the pie chart that.The charts
depict various employment categories and changes over the mentioned years.

In 1998, 98% were occupied in various kinds of agreement, while 2% mere were unemployed.
From the employed percentage, most total are hired as full-time job employees. It took until 37%
of the total population. Under the full-time employee percentage is the part-time job, which
reaches slightly more than a quarter of the population. Around a fifth of the population, which is
20% are Self-employed. Then the hired people as contract employee percentage is 12%. The
rest of the people have a casual job.

Changed data that occurred in 2001 illustrates the improvement of the unemployed amount that
reaches 6% percent. It depicts on the diagram that the total of the sample is 91 people. The
majority of the occupied people remain in full-time jobs reaching 27 people. It shows that
full-time job employee percentage decreased from previous 2 years. On the other hand,
part-time job employee percentage significantly increased to 425 percent of the total sample.
The rise in the amount is also portrayed in self-employed and contract jobs even though less
significant than the full-time jobs. The casual job total is decreased to 2 people only from the
sample total/

Nowadays, computers become a daily need for modern society from children to adults. The
rapid development of digital technology such as the Internet of Things (IoT), internet, social
media, and Artificial Intelligence influence human life in many sectors. For every development
phase, there are advantages and disadvantages that impact human, not exceptionally to the

Children are fast-learning creation that can absorb, learn many new things faster than adults. In
the modern era, a computer also a neccessary equipment for children to learn, communicate
and do relaxation such as playing and enjoying digital entertainment. Games is the most digital
entertaining product that mostly attract children’s focus, especially with the rapid development of
Artificial Intelligence that make them more entertaining, fun, and challenging in the same time.

Every children love playing and game because it part of their developmental phase. With bunch
of advantages of it such as: improve creativity, critical thinking, and visual-spatial skill, there are
some cons that always comes, moreover form parents and teachers. Without correct
supervision from adults, games can lead to focus problem, sleep deprivation, cyber-bullying,
and low academic achievements for the children. However, there are some steps that parents or
guardian or teachers can minimize negative impact of computer games.

The key of the solution is looking for the children developmental phase, to design a beneficial
following strategies such as maintain the screen and game hours, game type selection. For
children around 10-12 years old they may play computer game around 1 hour a day with
supervision and the games are supposed to be selected by the guardian. Some indicators to
choose a good game are: analyze the context of the game, analyze the playing behaviour of the
other players, analyze the good and bad impact of the game to consider whether it i smor
beneficial or harm. Lock some purchase system on the computer also essential to do to avoid
guardian pay something that they are not approved for.

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