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GUARDIANA Date: 1/14/24

Course: DSPED – Sec. 4 Instructor: Dr. Jemima Tandag

“Activity No. 8 Parents Involvement”

1) What are the impacts of parental involvement on the learning experiences of children with behavioral

Consistency in Support:
When parents are actively involved, they can provide consistent support at home that complements the
strategies implemented in the school environment. This consistency is crucial for children with behavioral
issues who benefit from clear expectations and routines.

Communication and Collaboration:

Effective communication between parents and educators is vital. Regular meetings, updates, and open lines of
communication allow for the exchange of information about a child's progress, challenges, and successful
strategies. Collaboration ensures a comprehensive and coordinated approach to addressing behavioral issues.

Reinforcement of Positive Behaviors:

Parents can reinforce positive behaviors and strategies learned at school by implementing them at home.
Consistent reinforcement helps children internalize expectations and develop better self-regulation skills.

Home-School Alignment:
A strong connection between home and school creates a holistic learning environment. When parents are
aware of classroom activities, expectations, and learning goals, they can align their support at home to
enhance the child's overall educational experience.

Early Intervention:
Parents are often the first to notice changes in their child's behavior. Active involvement allows them to identify
potential issues early on and collaborate with educators to implement timely interventions, preventing
behavioral challenges from escalating.

Advocacy and Empowerment:

Involved parents can become advocates for their children, ensuring that their unique learning needs and
challenges are understood and addressed appropriately. Empowered parents are better equipped to navigate
the educational system and access necessary resources and support services.

Understanding Individual Needs:

Parental involvement enables a better understanding of a child's individual needs, strengths, and areas
requiring additional support. This insight helps educators tailor instructional approaches and interventions to
address the specific challenges faced by the child.

Positive Home Environment:

A supportive and positive home environment can contribute to a child's emotional well-being. This, in turn, has
a positive impact on their behavior and ability to engage in learning activities at school.

Promotion of Social Skills:

Parents play a crucial role in fostering the development of social skills. Children with behavioral issues often
struggle with interpersonal relationships, and parental involvement can provide opportunities for practicing and
reinforcing these skills in various social contexts.

Collaboration with Specialized Services:

Parents can collaborate with school professionals, such as special education teachers and counselors, to
access specialized services that address the unique needs of their child. This collaborative approach enhances
the effectiveness of interventions and support.

Encouragement of a Growth Mindset:

Positive parental involvement can contribute to the development of a growth mindset in children. When parents
emphasize effort, perseverance, and the ability to learn from mistakes, children are more likely to approach
challenges with a positive attitude and resilience.

2) How can schools and educators collaborate with parents to create a supportive learning environment
both at home and in school?
Open and Transparent Communication:
Establish regular and open lines of communication between educators and parents. Provide multiple channels,
such as emails, newsletters, parent-teacher conferences, and online platforms, to share information about
academic progress, behavioral updates, and upcoming events.
Orientation and Information Sessions:
Conduct orientation sessions or workshops at the beginning of the school year to inform parents about
classroom expectations, curriculum, grading policies, and available support services. These sessions help
parents understand the school's culture and educational approach.

Parent-Teacher Conferences:
Schedule regular parent-teacher conferences to discuss individual student progress, strengths, areas for
improvement, and strategies for support. Encourage an open dialogue where both parties can share insights
and collaborate on goal setting.

Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 Plans:

Collaborate with parents to develop and review IEPs or 504 plans for students with specific needs or
behavioral challenges. Ensure that parents actively contribute to the planning process and keep them informed
about progress and adjustments.

Family Engagement Events:

Organize family engagement events, such as literacy nights, science fairs, or parent workshops, to involve
parents directly in their child's learning. These events promote a sense of community and provide opportunities
for parents to participate in their child's education.

Homework Support and Guidelines:

Provide clear guidelines for homework and communicate expectations to parents. Offer resources and
suggestions for supporting students at home. This helps parents understand the curriculum and actively
contribute to their child's academic development.

Access to Resources:
Ensure that parents have access to educational resources and materials to support learning at home. This may
include recommended reading lists, online educational tools, and information on community resources.

Parent Volunteer Opportunities:

Create opportunities for parents to volunteer in classrooms, school events, or extracurricular activities. Parental
involvement in school activities strengthens the sense of community and allows parents to witness their child's
educational environment firsthand.

Parent Advisory Committees:

Establish parent advisory committees to provide a platform for parents to share feedback, ideas, and concerns.
These committees can serve as a valuable resource for school improvement initiatives and policy

Positive Behavior Reinforcement at Home:

Encourage parents to reinforce positive behaviors and strategies used in the school setting at home.
Collaborate on consistent approaches to behavior management to provide a unified support system for the

Specialized Support Services:

Collaborate with parents to access specialized support services, such as counseling or special education
resources, when needed. This ensures a coordinated effort to address the unique needs of students with
behavioral challenges.

Cultural Competence Training:

Provide educators with training on cultural competence to better understand and appreciate the diverse
backgrounds of students and their families. Foster an inclusive environment that respects and values cultural

Feedback Mechanisms:
Establish feedback mechanisms, such as surveys or suggestion boxes, to gather input from parents on school
policies, communication strategies, and areas for improvement. Use this feedback to make informed decisions
and enhance the overall learning environment.

Collaboration on Goal setting:

Work collaboratively with parents to set academic and behavioral goals for students. Involve parents in the
goal-setting process to ensure alignment between home and school expectations.

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