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Volume X Nomor X Januari 2022

E-ISSN: 2963-2900 | P-ISSN: 2964-9048


Lailatul Masruroh1, Febriana Kartika Putri2, Winjayanti Melda Pratiwi3, Ani Anggraini4
UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung1, UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung2, UIN
Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung3, UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung4
lailatulmasrurohela@gmail.com1, febrianakartika073@gmail.com2,
winjayantimelda@gmail.com3, aniianggra@gmail.com4

Leadership is critical at all levels of an organization. The method used in this writing is the
literature study method. Primary data was obtained from various books and journals. In the
initial stage the author attempted to collect several materials and various existing books and
journals and then compiled them in the form of a text manuscript that was ready to be published
on a wider scale. Leadership is an effort to influence people to act as expected so that goals
can be achieved. Transformational leadership is the ability to change the environment,
motivation, work patterns and values of subordinates. Collegial collective leadership is
leadership based on bonds and interactions carried out like colleagues.
Keywords: leadership, leader, strategic management
Kepemimpinan sangat penting pada semua tingkat organisasi. Metode yang digunakan
dalam penulisan ini adalah metode studi kepustakaan. Data primer diperoleh dari
berbagai buku dan jurnal. Pada tahap awal penulis berupaya mengumpulkan beberapa
materi dan berbagai buku dan jurnal yang ada kemudian disusun dalam bentuk naskah
teks yang siap dipublikasikan dalam skala lebih luas. Kepemimpinan adalah usaha
untuk memengaruhi orang untuk bertindak seperti yang diharapkan agar tujuan dapat
tercapai. Kepemimpinan transformasional adalah kemampuan mengubah lingkungan,
motivasi, pola dan nilai-nilai kerja kepada bawahannya. Kepemimpinan kolektif
kolegial adalah kepemimpinan berlandaskan ikatan dan interaksi yang dilakukan
layaknya teman sejawat.
Kata Kunci: kepemimpinan, pemimpin, manajemen startegik
Corresponding Author;

Leadership is critical at all levels of an organization. Leadership is the moral and
intellectual ability to visualize and do what is best for the company. Leadership is a key effective
element in strategic management. Leaders focus their organizations on strategic direction. They
create an agenda for strategic change. Organizational leaders maintain the organization's progress
toward the strategic vision.
A visionary is a leader who has far-sightedness. To approach and get what we “see” in
front of us, there is no other way except to take a step forward, then reach for it. The possibility
of various risks on the trip is a challenge. Set the right vision, because the truth of the vision will
guide us to approach, move and achieve it in the right ways. A visionary leader must be able to
be a direction setter, company agent, spokesperson, and coach or teacher. To become a visionary
requires knowledge and skills, learn from those who are successful as true visionaries.
The essence of leadership is a process of activities to influence other people to carry out
activities, so there are many variations of opinion about the functional activities carried out by a

Jurnal Multidisiplin Indonesia

leader to influence followers or employees. Leadership always involves the efforts of a person
(leader) to influence the behavior of a follower or followers in a situation (Widya Manggala,2004)
In order to achieve the expected results, leaders and employees must have a commitment
to the strategic planning that has been made and give full attention to the implementation of the
goals and objectives. Apart from that, in its implementation, good communication is needed
between leaders and employees so that harmonization occurs and avoids miscommunication at
work. So this journal was prepared with the aim of making us better understand the material
regarding “Leadership and Strategic Management”.

The method used in this writing is the literature study method. Primary data was obtained
from various books and journals. In the initial stage the author attempted to collect several
materials and various existing books and journals and then compiled them in the form of a text
manuscript that was ready to be published on a wider scale.

Result and Discussion

A. Definition of Leadership
Leadership is generally defined as a close relationship between a person and a
group of people because they have the same interests. Leadership is a very urgent aspect
in determining the success of an organization, this is because leadership concerns the
behavior of a leader in order to influence employees or employees, so that employees are
willing to work together in order to realize organizational goals (Engkoswara,2010).
Leadership concerns the presence of a person who is trusted to be a leader, who
is seen as having better abilities and/or skills than the average of other employees. A
person's leadership in an organization greatly determines the success or failure of the
organization they lead. There are more than 3000 writings and definitions of leadership
that have been created by humans.
Leadership can be said to be included in the management section, it is included
in the process as well as the management function. Leadership can be interpreted as the
process of influencing other people to do something in a certain way in order to achieve
organizational goals. GR Terry & LW. Rue understands leadership as the process of
influencing other people to do something in certain circumstances to achieve
organizational goals.
Some of these definitions are as follows (Bedjo Sujanto,2007):
1. Leadership is the behavior of an individual who leads the activities of a group
towards a goal to be achieved together (Shared Goal).
2. Leadership is interpersonal influence that is exercised in a particular situation, and
is directed through the communication process towards achieving one or more
specific goals.
3. Leadership is the initial establishment and maintenance of structure in expectations
and interactions.
4. Leadership is the gradual increase of influence over and above mechanical
compliance with routine organizational directives.
5. Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an organized group towards
achieving goals.
6. Leadership is a process of giving meaning (meaningful direction) to collective
efforts, and which results in a willingness to make the desired effort to achieve goals.

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7. Leaders are those who consistently make effective contributions to the social order,
and who are expected and perceived to do so.
Based on various opinions regarding leadership, it can be concluded that each
definition is different according to the author's point of view. However, there are
similarities in defining leadership, namely that it contains the meaning of influencing
other people to act as the leader wishes. So what is meant by leadership is an effort to
influence people or groups to act and behave as expected so that goals can be achieved
effectively and efficiently. Thus, it can be understood that educational leadership is a
process of influencing, coordinating and moving the behavior of other people and making
changes in a more positive direction.

B. Transformational Leadership
1. Understanding
It has been said that a leader in bringing an organization to achieve its goals must
have a charismatic and central role and strategy. This is the definition of
transformational leadership. Transformational leadership itself leads to the process of
building a commitment towards organizational goals and giving followers confidence
to achieve these goals. Transformational leadership theory is studying how leaders
change organizational culture and organize organizational structures and carry out
management strategies to achieve organizational goals. A transformation leader is
also referred to as someone who helps companies and employees in making positive
changes in their activities, these changes can occur on a large scale. The
characteristics of a transformational leader are those who always embrace all
obstacles and barriers that exist in the organization, such as:
a. A leader who likes to share his power with his subordinates and followers.
b. Advise and provide opportunities for organizational progress.
c. Try to prepare everything necessary for progress and the willingness of
subordinates and followers to be more responsible.
A transformational leader is also referred to as someone who helps companies
and employees make positive changes in their activities, these changes can occur on
a large scale. Transformational leadership is defined as a leader's ability to change
the work environment, work motivation, work patterns and work values applied to
his subordinates so that employees can improve and optimize their work performance
to achieve the goals of an organization.
In line with this commitment, Islam views that human existence on this earth has
been given a decree by the Khaliq to become a leader, or a caliph. As Allah SWT
says in Qs. Al-Baqarah verse 30:
ِ ُ‫ض َخلِيفَةً ۖ قَالُوا أَتَجْ َع ُل فِي َها َم ْن يُ ْف ِسدُ فِي َها َو َي ْس ِفك‬
َ ُ‫الد َما َء َونَحْ ُن ن‬
‫س ِب ُح‬ ِ ‫َو ِإذْ قَا َل َربُّكَ ل ِْل َم ََل ِئ َك ِة ِإنِي َجا ِع ٌل فِي ْاْل َ ْر‬
َ‫ِس لَكَ ۖ قَا َل إِنِي أ َ ْعلَ ُم َما ََل تَ ْعلَ ُمون‬
ُ ‫ِب َح ْمدِكَ َونُقَد‬
Meaning: “Remember when your Lord said to the angels: “Indeed, I will make a
caliph on earth." They said: “Why do you want to make (caliph) on earth someone
who will cause damage to it and shed blood, even though we always glorify you by
praising you and purifying you?” God Says: “Indeed I know what you do not know”
(Qs. Al-Baqarah: 30) (Religius Departement,2006)
Transformational leadership seeks to transform the values followed by
subordinates in supporting the organization's vision and mission. Based on the
descriptions above, we can conclude that transformational leadership is a leadership
process that brings change through a clear vision, and involving subordinates in every

Jurnal Multidisiplin Indonesia

activity, as well as a charismatic attitude as an approach between leaders and

followers (Iqbal,2021).
2. Principles of Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership has unique qualities that differentiate it from other
leadership styles because the principles of transformation serve as a reference or
direction as well as its own characteristics. There are various guiding concepts that
support the transformational leadership approach, including:
a. Effective in conveying the idea that leaders must be skilled at outlining goals and
vision in great detail. So that subordinates know the main goal and what must be
b. The capacity to develop a leader's passion requires infectious warmth and
enthusiasm. Not only for his followers, but also for himself. It is easy for a leader
to maintain control over his followers when they are already influenced by the
c. One concept development is innovation from leaders. Extreme changes need to
be anticipated, and leaders must work to adapt as quickly as possible. With
innovation, a business or organization can adapt with the times and develop.
d. Mutual cooperation, which must be embedded in every member, including the
leader. The foundation of a transformative leadership style is mutual support and
covering weaknesses (Lesilolo et al,20113)
3. Characteristics of Transformational Leadership
Apart from being known as a leader who provides a strong example for followers,
transformational leaders, charismatic behavior, providing inspirational motivation,
and paying attention to employees for their performance are several other descriptions
of a transformational leader. The factor of unity and interdependence
(interdependence) is one of the factors of transformational leadership in its efforts to
establish an organizational vision. According to (Assingkily and Mesiono, 2019)
there are several personality characteristics that a transformational leader needs to
have, including:
a. Leaders are required to be firm, have a complete soul, and be independent in their
efforts to carry out the organization's vision.
b. Apart from leaders, followers must also have an awareness of the importance of
solidarity in carrying out organizational goals, which of course is supported by
providing support and motivation by the leader.
c. All actors in the organization, both leaders and followers, are required to
voluntarily put aside personal interests for the sake of the organization's interests
without expecting anything in return (Assingkili et al,2019)
4. Benefits of Transformational Leadership in Educational Institutions
Transformational leadership in the context of educational institutions also has
significant benefits in strategic management, including:
a. Improving the Quality of Education: Transformational leaders in educational
institutions can help improve the quality of education by inspiring teachers and
staff to innovate in teaching methods, curriculum, and learning approaches.
b. Development of a Shared Vision: Transformational leadership helps in
developing a shared vision for an educational institution, which can motivate the
entire educational community, including teachers, students, and parents, to work
towards higher educational goals.

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c. Adaptation to Educational Changes: The world of education continues to change

with technological developments and social changes. Transformational leaders
can help educational institutions more easily adapt to these changes, such as the
use of technology in distance learning.
d. Teacher and Staff Empowerment: Transformational leadership provides a feeling
of empowerment to teachers and staff, enabling them to take an active role in
decision-making and improving the educational process.
e. Improve Relationships with Stakeholders: Transformational leaders tend to build
strong relationships with parents, communities, and other interested parties. This
can help in supporting educational policies, garnering support, and creating a
positive climate around educational institutions.
Transformational leadership can help educational institutions achieve their
vision, mission and strategic goals in a more effective way. By motivating the entire
educational community, encouraging innovation, and managing educational change,
educational institutions can face the complex challenges of modern education.
5. Weaknesses and Strengths of Transformational Leadership
a. Weakness
The weaknesses of transformational leadership are as follows:
1) Lacks conceptual clarity
2) Critiques focus on how transformational leadership is measured
3) Treating leadership as a personality trait or personal tendency rather than a
coaching behavior.
4) Researchers have not established that transformational leaders are actually
capable of changing individuals and organizations.
5) Transformational leadership has the potential to be misused.
b. Excess
Meanwhile, the advantages of transformational leadership are:
1) Increase employee motivation and engagement
2) Increased team performance and productivity
3) Increase innovation and creativity
4) Increase employee satisfaction and retention
5) Development of future leaders.

C. Collegial Collective Leadership

1. Understanding
Collegial Collective is a general term that refers to a leadership system that
involves interested parties in issuing decisions or policies through the mechanisms
adopted, deliberation to reach consensus or voting, by prioritizing the spirit of
Collective leadership itself is a collaborative leadership process that is mutually
beneficial, which allows all elements of an institution to take part in building a
certainty that accommodates mutual benefits. Collective leadership is an activity
carried out by more than two people by interacting and influencing each other through
communication to achieve common goals.
The way to carry out collective leadership is by holding periodic meetings within
the collective body. Meetings here must be regular in nature, in a discussion here
each section must report the results of what it has done or how to achieve a goal.
Collegial collective is a formulation of leadership in bonds to build togetherness and

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one bond, in its implementation we need to consider it in order to create a conducive

Collegial collective regulation means that all members are declared equal in
every decision making as well as their responsibilities, meaning that members have
the same position in expressing opinions regarding their organization. Deliberation
in this case needs to be carried out because each member has various emotions, so in
this case the role of the leader is not only as a figure but also as a mediator, an example
for his members. Leaders in this case are also said to be the same as their members,
but are only responsible for achieving a goal. When something goes wrong, not only
a leader is responsible, but all members are also involved.
So, collegial collective leadership is a leadership style that is based on bonds and
interactions carried out simultaneously like colleagues. Thus, a collegial collective
system is a system in an organization where to achieve a goal requires coordination
between one leader and another. Departing from this understanding, it can be said
that collegial collective leadership is a general term that refers to a leadership system
that involves several leaders in issuing decisions or policies using certain
mechanisms, which are achieved through deliberation to reach consensus or voting
by prioritizing the spirit of togetherness (Al-Fikri et al,2018).
2. Characteristics of Collegial Collective Leadership
In collegial collective leadership, all members need to be given the same space,
given the same trust to realize the vision and mission of the institution that has been
determined. Each division coordinator needs to be entrusted with carrying out the
division's tasks under his control. The plenary meeting forum, in this context, is the
most appropriate place to discuss and discuss what steps/policies should be taken and
decided by the institution.
This collective-collegial leadership supports leadership theories that are relevant
in modern times. Leadership is a behavior of an individual who leads the activities of
a group towards a goal (shared goal) that wants to be achieved together (collectively)
(Devi Pramitha,2020). More clearly, Abu Sinn defines leadership as a system and is
not a single element that influences other people, but it is also influenced by
community opinion, because a leader is part of the community members (jamâ'ah)
who contribute to each other, exchange opinions and experiences, and together trying
to realize collective goals (Abu Sinn,2006).
According to Rensis Likert's research, leadership behavior is successful and
effective if the leader has a participative management style that emphasizes
subordinate orientation and communication and within the organization, a supportive
relationship pattern (Syarqawi Dhofir,2004).
Then, in an organization, there is a great need for organizational communication
that is able to develop the attitudes of members to change their thought patterns and
behavior patterns so that they are in line with the goals of the organization. Redding
and Sanborn in Arni Muhammad say that organizational communication is the
sending and receiving of information in complex organizations (Arni
Muhammad,2005). Meanwhile, Zelko and Dance say that organizational
communication is an interdependent system that includes internal communication
and external communication. The communication in question is in the form of
organizational deliberation to achieve common goals (Arni Muhammad,2005)
In the Islamic perspective, it is also taught that every policy and change that will
be made must be for the benefit of the people, every decision and decision must

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prioritize deliberation between leaders and subordinates. This is done so that all
problems can be resolved based on joint decisions and agreements between superiors
and subordinates. Good, professional and transformational leaders always prioritize
consensus and deliberation. As Allah SWT says:
َ‫ص ٰلو ۖة َ َوا َ ْم ُرهُ ْم ش ُْو ٰرى َب ْي َن ُه ۖ ْم َومِ َّما َرزَ ْق ٰن ُه ْم يُ ْن ِفقُ ْون‬
َّ ‫َوالَّ ِذيْنَ ا ْستَ َجاب ُْوا ل َِر ِب ِه ْم َواَقَا ُموا ال‬
Meaning: And (for) those who accept (obey) the call of their Lord and perform
prayer, while their affairs are (decided) by deliberation between them; and they spend
some of the sustenance that We have given them. (QS. Ashuraa: 38) (Anonim,2008).
The verse above explains about people who always obey their God, when they
are invited to submit to Allah, and the obligation to pray according to the appointed
time, and they always consult in their affairs.
Therefore, every organization cannot abandon organizational communication.
With organizational communication, all elements in the organization are integrated,
where this integration will strengthen the organization to maintain continuity in
achieving goals. Organizational communication is not just a tool to achieve goals, but
more than that, organizational communication is a process that gives rise to a meaning
that is understood collectively and becomes the same thought pattern and behavior
pattern of members of the organization. Without an understanding of the
organization's goals, the organization's goals are just slogans that have no meaning at
3. Lack of Collegial Collective Leadership
Decision making takes a long time, organizational decisions are considered slow
because joint decisions and agreements are the most important thing for the running
of the organization and this delay is also because they have the same portion in the
organization. When someone makes an argument, it is not immediately accepted, but
it is the decision within the organization that becomes the race. If the leader's
decisions are only for racing, then the members are not far from the leader.
Individual innovation is hindered, each argument is different and not every leader
is willing to accept it, which causes time-consuming decision making. The weakness
of this is reducing the gap between members, where arguments from members can be
taken from ideas that are more supportive of the continuity of an organization (Al

Leadership is generally defined as a close relationship between a person and a group of
people because they have the same interests. So what is meant by leadership is an effort to
influence people or groups to act and behave as expected so that goals can be achieved effectively
and efficiently.
Transformational leadership is defined as a leader's ability to change the work environment,
work motivation, work patterns and work values applied to his subordinates so that employees
can improve and optimize their work performance to achieve the goals of an organization. The
weaknesses of this leadership are that it does not have conceptual clarity, and this leadership has
the potential to be misused. Meanwhile, the advantages are increasing employee motivation and
engagement, increasing team performance and productivity, increasing innovation and creativity,
increasing employee satisfaction and retention, as well as developing future leaders.
Collegial collective leadership is a leadership style that is based on bonds and interactions
carried out simultaneously like colleagues. From this understanding, it can be said that collegial
collective leadership is a general term that refers to a leadership system that involves several

Jurnal Multidisiplin Indonesia

leaders in issuing decisions or policies using certain mechanisms, which are achieved through
deliberation to reach consensus or voting by prioritizing the spirit of togetherness. In this
leadership, all members need to be given the same space to realize the vision and mission of the
institution that has been determined.

Anonim. 2008. Al-HikmahAl-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya. Bandung: Diponegoro.
Assingkily, Muhammad Shaleh, dan Mesiono Mesiono. 2019. Karakteristik Kepemimpinan
Transformasional di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) serta Relevansinya dengan Visi Pendidikan Abad
21. Manageria: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam. 4(1).
Departemen Agama. 2006. Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahan. Kudus. PT. Menara Kudus.
Dhofir, Syarqawi. 2004. Kekuasaan dan Otoritas Kiai dalam Pondok Pesantren. Surabaya: UNESA.
Engkoswara dan Aan Komariah. 2010. Administrasi Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Fikri, Muhamad Aldo Al dan Muhammad Lailan Arqam. 2018. Pengaplikasian Kepeminpinan Kolektif
Kolegial Organisasi Muhammadiyah. Al-Qalam: Jurnal Kajian Islam & Pendidikan. 10 (2).
Iqbal, Muhammad. 2021. Kepemimpinan Transformasional dalam Upaya Pengembangan
Sekolah/Madrasah. Jurnal Pendidikan. 10 (3).
Lesilolo, Herly Janet. 2013. Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dalam Rekonstruksi Peran Agama Di
Indonesia. Jurnal Pembangunan Pendidikan: Fondasi Dan Aplikasi. 1(1).
Muhammad, Arni. 2005. Komunikasi Organisasi. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Pramitha, Devi. 2020. Revitalisasi Kepemimpinan Kolektif-Kolegial dalam Membangun Efektifitas
Komunikasi Organisasi Pesantren (Studi Interaksionisme Simbolik di Pondok Pesantren
Jombang). Evaluasi. 4 (1).
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Widya Manggala. 2009. Aset Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi. Semarang: CV Yayasan
Widya Manggala Indonesia.
Sinn, Abu. 2006. Al-Idârah fî al-Islâm. (terj. Dimyauddin Juwaini). Jakarta: Radja Grafindo Persada.
Sujanto, Bedjo. 2007. Manajemen Pendidikan Berbasis Sekolah. Jakarta: Sagung Seto.

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