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1 Background:
This topic requires more attention because leadership plays an important role in organization for
interacting employees. Thousands of research have been done on leadership [ CITATION Ben10 \l
1033 ]. One of the most essential thing for organization is its employee’s growth and leadership.
Leaders are the one who communicate the vision of the organization and guide their employees
to achieve that vision. Through the effective leadership employees can follow and make the
organization strategic vision into their own vision[ CITATION Jur15 \l 1033 ]. There are four main
characteristics in transformational leadership through which leaders relate their followers these
include: inspirational motivation, individual consideration, idealize influence and intellectual
stimulation[ CITATION Boa14 \l 1033 ].

According to [ CITATION Bow15 \l 1033 ] in organizations leadership is the most commonly used
tactic to influence employees. Leaders should have the ability to impact their employees. Leaders
are the one who can directly influence their employees and can increase their motivation level.
There are different models of leadership these model include transactional leadership model,
transformational leadership model and laissez faire model. There is another research
by[ CITATION Naw14 \l 1033 ] who states that transformational leaders are the one who have ability
to stablish new strategies, create opportunities for employees and encourage employee
engagement with the organization. The first concept of transformational leadership concept was
introduce in 1973 by Downtown. Downtown was influenced by the theory of Maslow
hierarchical model of human need. Burns described this concept further in which he says leaders
and their subordinates raise each other to the upper level of morale and motivation.

Transformational leaders inspire their subordinates to work beyond expectations. Many authors
argue the concept of transformational leadership which is best summarize as a relationship
between leader and their subordinates rather than leader doing something for their subordinates.
Besides this transactional leaders are the one who try to motivate their followers through
contingent rewards. Transformational leadership is about improving employee motivation, it
have characteristics that play a vital role in employee motivation by giving dynamic rewards.
1.2 Introduction:
The most important topic for employees in the organization is being researched and studied
comprehensively is motivation. The first most known theory of motivation was given in 20 th
century. The first theory was known as the Maslow hierarchy of needs, second was Herzberg two
factor theory and Vroom expectancy theory. One common thing about theses researchers was
that they all kept the main focus on employee motivation rather than general focus on motivation
alone. The idea of transformational leadership was originally introduced by James Macgregor
Burns in 1996. According to Burns “leaders and their followers give each other higher level of
motivation and moral”. Transformational leaders have the ability to inspire their subordinates so
that they can change their perception, expectation and motivation towards their work and achieve
their goals. Different researchers expanded the idea of transformational leadership by Burns and
referred it as Burns Transformational Leadership Theory.

Transformational leadership is based on the impact an influence that is built on the employees by
their leaders. To keep track of new opportunity business leaders need to direct a design their
organization. The idea of transformational leadership is active and energetic[ CITATION Cho16 \l
1033 ]. The concept of transformational leadership was first mentioned in the study of sociology
by the author down ton J.V. "Rebel Leadership: Commitment and Charm in the radical process
in 1973. Over the last 20 years transformational leadership has increased the theoretical attention
for understanding leadership. Leadership is define as the need to develop the future and to
manage employees to create and achieve the desire result beyond what would normally expected.

According to [ CITATION Gon131 \l 1033 ] transformational leaders are the most important persons
for effective and efficient organization. There are some factor that are affecting the organization
to keep employees motivated, these factor include: retaining and attracting the employees and
rewarding them. Human resource is more difficult to achieve because of globalization.
Motivation is the key factor towards better employee performance in the organization for growth
and success. Motivation is further defined into two parts that is: external and intrinsic motivation.

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