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✓ Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific condition and is defined as a new-onset of

hypertension that occurs most often after 20 weeks of gestation.
✓ The Causes of Pre-Eclampsia are Genetic Factors, Blood Vessels Problems and
Autoimmune disorders.
- Genetic Factor
- refer to the hereditary influences passed down from parents to offspring through genes.
- Blood Vessels Problems
- refer to any condition or disorder affecting the arteries, veins, or capillaries, which are the
vessels responsible for carrying blood throughout the body.
- Autoimmune Disorders
- An autoimmune disorder occurs when the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own
tissues, mistaking them as foreign invaders. Normally, the immune system defends the body
against harmful substances like bacteria and viruses.
✓ The severity of pre-eclampsia is defined by clinical symptoms and test abnormalities.
- Clinical Symptoms
- refer to the signs or manifestations of a disease or medical condition that are observable or
experienced by the patient and can be detected during a medical examination.
- Test Abnormalities
-refer to results from medical tests or examinations that fall outside of the normal range and
indicate a potential health problem.
✓ Signs and Symptoms of Pre-eclampsia
-Rising Blood Pressure
✓ Route of blood flow through the heart
1. Superior and inferior vena cava into the right atrium.
2. Right atrium through tricuspid valve into the right ventricle.
3. Right ventricle through pulmonic valve (semilunar) through pulmonary artery.
4. Blood is now in the lungs.
5. Comes back through the pulmonary valves and into the left atrium.
6. Through the bicuspid valve into the left ventricle.
7. Through aortic semilunar valves and out through the corta.
✓Heart Anatomy
- Your heart is located between your lungs in the middle of your chest, behind and slightly to the
left of your breastbone (sternum). A double- layered membrane called the pericardium surrounds
your heart like a sac. The outer layer of the pericardium surrounds the roots of your heart's
major blood vessels and is attached by ligaments to your spinal column, diaphragm, and other
parts of your body.
✓ Who is at risk for Pre-eclampsia
- woman older than 40 years old
- multiple gestation
Variant of pre-eclampsia life threatening complication
H- Hemolysis
EL- Elevated liver enzymes
LP- Low platelet count
- control high blood pressure
✓Right and Left atrium
- receiver chambers of the heart
✓Right and Left ventricle
- pumping chambers of the heart
✓what separates right to left side of the heart?
- the septum
- Safety of the patient- sidelying to prevent aspiration.
✓33 weeks
-preterm before during the pre eclampsia
✓Roll over test
-a routine test for every pregnant patient between 28 and 32 weeks' gestation for the early
diagnosis of hypertension of pregnancy.
✓ 10 Rights for Safety Medication
1. Right patient
-Check the name on the prescription and wristband.
-Ideally, use 2 or more identifiers and ask the patient to identify themselves.
2. Right medication
-Check the name of the medication, brand names should be avoided.
-Check the expiry date.
-Check the prescription.
-Make sure medications, especially antibiotics, are reviewed regularly.
3. Right dose
-Check the prescription.
-Confirm the appropriateness of the dose using the BNF or local guidelines.
-If necessary, calculate the dose and have another nurse calculate the dose as well.
4. Right route
-Again, check the order and appropriateness of the route prescribed.
-Confirm that the patient can take or receive the medication by the ordered route.
5. Right time
-Check the frequency of the prescribed medication.
-Double-check that you are giving the prescribed at the correct time.
-Confirm when the last dose was given.
6. Right patient education
-Check if the patient understands what the medication is for.
-Make them aware they should contact a healthcare professional if they experience side-effects
or reactions.
7. Right documentation
-Ensure you have signed for the medication AFTER it has been administered.
-Ensure the medication is prescribed correctly with a start and end date if appropriate.
8. Right to refuse
-Ensure you have the patient consent to administer medications.
-Be aware that patients do have a right to refuse medication if they have the capacity to do so.
9. Right assessment
-Check your patient actually needs the medication.
-Check for contraindications.
-Baseline observations if required.
10. Right evaluation
-Ensure the medication is working the way it should.
-Ensure medications are reviewed regularly.
-Ongoing observations if required.

✓ 10 Herbal Medicine of DOH

-Yerba Buena
-Tsaang Gubat
-Ulasimang Bato

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