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problem and in scope introduction students suffering in reading and speaking English at junior high



The problem at hand involves students experiencing challenges in reading and speaking English at
the junior high school level. The scope of this issue encompasses various factors, including language
proficiency, comprehension difficulties, and a potential impact on overall academic performance.To
address this problem effectively, it is essential to consider the specific needs and characteristics of the
students facing these challenges. Understanding their individual learning styles, linguistic backgrounds,
and potential barriers to language acquisition can inform the development of targeted strategies.

The goal is to create a comprehensive and supportive approach that addresses both reading and
speaking skills. This includes implementing structured reading programs, speaking workshops,
interactive language games, and other interventions to cater to the diverse needs of the students.
Moreover, collaboration among educators, specialists, and parents is vital in implementing these
changes successfully. Establishing literacy support teams and involving parents in the language
development process can contribute to a more holistic and coordinated effort.

Regular assessments to track progress and identify areas that require further attention should be
incorporated. Formative assessments can guide ongoing instruction and provide valuable insights into
the effectiveness of the implemented strategies.By addressing the problem within this scope and
implementing targeted interventions, junior high schools can work towards creating a supportive and
effective learning environment for students facing challenges in reading and speaking English. This, in
turn, can contribute to improved language development and overall academic success.

Statement of the problem:

This study hopes to answers the following questions:

1.What is the statement of the problem in English language?

2.What are the problems faced by students in speaking English language? difficulties in speaking in English affect academic performance?

4.What are the challenges that Filipino students have when learning English?

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