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The Impact of Poverty on Student Performance and Academic

Achievement in Jobar integrated school


Poverty presents numerous barriers to academic success, ranging from

inadequate access to educational resources and support systems to heightened
stress and instability in students' home environments. Students from low-
income households often lack access to essential resources such as textbooks,
technology, and educational enrichment opportunities, placing them at a
disadvantage compared to their more affluent peers. Additionally, the chronic
stress and economic insecurity associated with poverty can negatively impact
students' cognitive development, emotional well-being, and overall academic
engagement, further exacerbating disparities in academic achievement.

Furthermore, poverty can influence students' study habits and academic

motivation in profound ways. Economic hardship may force students to
prioritize immediate needs such as employment or caregiving responsibilities
over their academic pursuits, leading to decreased time and energy available for
studying and homework completion. Moreover, students from low-income
backgrounds may lack the support structures and role models necessary to
cultivate effective study skills and goal-setting behaviors, hindering their ability
to succeed academically and pursue higher education or career opportunities.
The impact of poverty on student performance extends beyond individual
factors to encompass broader systemic inequities within the education system.
Schools serving high-poverty communities often face resource constraints,
staffing challenges, and inadequate infrastructure, limiting their capacity to
provide quality education and support services to students in need.
Additionally, socioeconomic segregation and disparities in school funding
exacerbate educational inequalities, further widening the achievement gap
between affluent and disadvantaged students.

Despite these challenges, research also highlights the resilience and potential for academic
success among students living in poverty. Interventions such as targeted academic support
programs, community partnerships, and socioemotional interventions have shown promise in
mitigating the negative effects of poverty on student achievement and promoting educational
equity. By understanding the multifaceted impact of poverty on student performance and
study habits, educators, policymakers, and community stakeholders can work collaboratively
to implement effective strategies and support mechanisms that empower all students to
thrive academically, regardless of their socioeconomic background.


1.What are the effects of financial support to students?

2.What is the impact of poverty on learning and development on the learners?

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