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Unidad 1.
Theoretical and Methodological foundations for
special needs based on an inclusive educational
Effects of Stereotypes and prejudices on school failure

MSc. Vivian Coromoto Rojas Ceballos, PhD.

» Subtopic 1: Individual factors
» Subtopic 2: Sociocultural factors
» Subtopic 3: Family factors factors
» Subtopic 4: Institutional factors

Appreciate the theoretical methodological
referents on Special Educational Needs
that allows access to an education on
equal terms with others.

Educational practices related to the inclusion of students with special educational
needs can be derived from three theoretical perspectives: behaviorism,
constructivism, and cognitivism. While inclusive education has been promulgated from
a rights-based philosophy, its implementation requires a change in the mindset of
school principals and teachers. Theoretical perspectives, support inclusive education
practices to optimize instructional actions by providing designs curricula with verified
instructional strategies and techniques to facilitate learning in classrooms, for students
with special educational needs, especially in general education settings.


Subtopic # 1 Individual factors.

Individual characteristics such as student well-being,

attitude towards school, level of motivation,
involvement in scholastic activities and student
effort, gender, work and students’ perception of
parental support all have significant effects on a
student’s school achievements.

Intrinsic academic motivation refers to
participating in activities out of curiosity
and interest; students become deep
learners of the tasks performed.

Extrinsic motivation refers to participating

in learning, for example, to get a reward
or recognition, students are superficially
interested only in grades.

Here are the few individual factors that affect in the
academic failure of the students.

1. Have a goal. Students must set the goal of their

studies. They don't get in the right direction to get high
marks on their exams.

2.Inspiration. It is the only thing that motivates you to

do something. students do not achieve the desired
results in the academic field due to lack of motivation.

3. Laziness. Being lazy people fail in
their studies. They must devote
enough time to their studies to get
high marks on their exams.

4. Dependency. In most cases,

students depend on others to decide
for them.

Subtopic # 2 Socio cultural factors.

Sociocultural factors such as poverty

they explain why some students drop
out of school.

Psychological factors such as

emotional conflict due to sociocultural
influences such as parental negligence
can interfere with children's ongoing
learning process.

An early school drop-out in primary school soon lapses to

Most students who live in slums due to poverty find that

school is a waste of time and no longer attracts them and
they abandon their thoughts.

Others drop out of school due to a negative attitude

towards school and the lack of motivation of the majority
of students who were unable to continue to high school.

The most prominent external factors are poor family
history, parental attitudes, weak family support, child labor,
school absenteeism, and the low value placed on education
by the community causing dropouts.

The predominant external factor is poverty. External causes

can be cited, such as parental illiteracy, malnutrition, rural
residence caused by the low social condition of parents
and their children are the ones who drop out.

Weaknesses in the educational system are considered to be responsible
for the failure of students due to its traditional educating ideas, which
block out the active participation of children to learn and think. It is not

The priority seems to be high marks, while education is of minor

importance. The evaluation legitimizes segregation and exclusion creating
a climate of competition and students are classified in terms of their good
or poor performance. It does not help students with learning difficulties.

Subtopic # 3 Family factors.

The state of the home affects the individual since the

parents are the first socializing agents. The family
background and the context of the child affect her
reaction to life situations and his level of performance at
all levels of education in the school system. The quality of
family interactions is associated with the children’s
academic motivation and achievement.
The behavior is formed in part through direct and
observational learning experiences, meaning that you are
learning by copying from parents.

However, overprotection, authoritarianism, disapproval,

and punishment by outreach parents often have a negative
relationship with students' academic performance.

Likewise, marital instability generates stress, tension,

demotivation and frustration in any context.
Children from divorced families often fail and
take emotional risk, facing challenges from
inadequate financial resources and causing a
lot of stress. It is associated with the low
psychosocial well-being of children. This factor
can influence the academic performance of
students. However, this may not be fully
applicable in all cases of broken homes.
When there is a negative environment in families, such as marital violence, or violence
from parents to children, it is likely that children use violence against parents, having
difficulties in achieving teaching goals characterized by behavior problems.

Teachers face great challenges from children with serious family disorders.

The courses for parents create suitable learning environments at home, and in the
improvement of parent-child relationships with affective and respectful
Subtopic # 4 Institutional factors
The Ministry of Education indicates that there is a considerable number of students
involved in unfavorable learning situations causing early school leaving, grade repetition
or dissatisfaction with the school produced by a kind of relationships, structures and
particular practices that lead to the progressive disengagement of students from the
institution and the learning process.

Students perform poorly because institutions have failed to create an environment that
is accommodating and conducive to their educational and learning needs.
For this reason, it is necessary to know the personal career,
needs, and requirements of the student, to understand what
happens, and to act relating their experiences with the new
knowledge in order to get significant learning.

To improve the students learning the next factors are

important: a) School leadership, b) Bonds among parents,
community and the school, c) Professional capacity, d) Climate
of learning centered in the student and e) Instructional guide.
We find teachers more concerned with final results and to fill administration
documents instead of creating the needed conditions to reflex about pedagogy
practice, quality and contextualization of contents; of contents and learning; climate
of social and personal relationships; acknowledge and valuation of the diversity with
social interactive environment encouraging participation and enhances students’
creative skills in which students are given the freedom to choose tasks, supported
for unusual ideas, taught to learn from failures and encouraged to participate in
decision making enhance their skills and achievement.
Code: ROJAS9829
Abrams, D.(2010). Processes of prejudice: Theory, evidence and intervention.
¿Según sus perspectivas
University of Kent. como inciden las políticas públicas en la

Arash, N. et al.(2016). Academic failure and students’ viewpoint: The influence of

Relación internal
de las políticasand external organizational factors.
públicas y las decisión en
el Ecuador.

Cooper, R.(1998). Socio-cultural and within-school factors that affect the quality of
implementation of school-wide programs.
equence=1 24
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