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Task 4: Maintain Business Relationships

Q31: What professional networks can you use and maintain business relationships?

Face-to-face meetings
Facebook network
Meetings on skype

□ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory

Q32: What type of information is useful to help you maintain sound

business relationships?

• Birthdays
• work anniversaries
• wonderful interests
• personal preferences
• ordering or shopping for history.

□ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory

Q33: How can you act ethically and responsibly to foster and maintain
business relationships?

ANS : Be fair, strive to nurture relationships by means of the use of preserving

in touch, wishing for birthdays, write non-public handwritten thank you notes.

□ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory

Q34: Define key performance indicators (KPIs).

ANS: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the necessary (key) warning signs
and symptoms of improvement toward an intended result. KPIs affords a focal
factor for strategic and operational improvement, create an analytical basis
for resolution making and assist focal point interest on what matters most.
□ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory
Q35: List four contractual KPIs you may be expected to meet to honour
agreements and comply with agreed terms.
1. Meeting delivery schedules
2. Adhering to product specifications
3. Adhering to exceptional standards
4. Following pricing structures

□ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory

Q36: Explain why you might adjust an agreement.

ANS: If a party doesn’t meet their KPIs or the requirements of each party.

□ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory

Q37: Describe how to make adjustments to agreements.

ANS : By which includes an amendment internet web page to alter the phrases
and conditions If the exchange is significant, I may also moreover favor to
renegotiate and develop a completely new contract.

□ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory

Q38: Who do you consult and share information with when making

ANS: All events worried which consist of customers, suppliers, colleagues and
anyone else affected by using way of the change.

□ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory

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