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Start with a strong opening
that sets the scene
and draws the reader in.
Use sensory details to create
a vivid picture in the reader's
mind. Describe what can be
seen, heard, smelled, tasted,
and felt.
Show, don't tell. Instead
of simply stating how a
character feels or what
is happening, use actions
and dialogue to convey
the information.
Use figurative language, such
as similes and metaphors, to
add depth and complexity to
your descriptions.
Vary your sentence
structure to keep the
reader engaged. Use
short, punchy sentences
for emphasis, and
longer, more complex
sentences to add detail
and nuance.
Use transitions to move
smoothly from one idea
or scene to the next.
Develop your characters
through their actions,
thoughts, and dialogue,
rather than simply
describing them.
Use dialogue including internal
dialogue to reveal character
and advance the plot.
End with a satisfying
conclusion that ties up loose
ends and leaves the reader
with a sense of closure.
Thank You!
Happy Writing!

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