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based on the data provided, the age group with the highest percentage of
respondents is the 15-20 age group, which accounts for 54.2% of the total
respondents. This indi- cates that the majority of the respondents fall within the
young adult category, which is generally associated with individuals who are
transitioning from adolescence to adulthood.
The second highest percentage of respondents falls within the 20-30 age group, which
accounts for 27.1% of the total respondents. This indicates that there is a significant
proportion of middle-aged individuals in the sample population.

Based on data given above brand reputation play major role for purchase decision
with the highest percentage rate 44.1%
Product design and innovation also main factor in buying decision with the
percentage rate 37.3%
Price and affordability plays major factor specially for middle class family with the
percentage rate 13.6%

Based on the data given above people with the rate of 33.9% rate occasionally
engage with nike marketing campaigns on social media
30.5% of people engage with nike marketing campaigns on social media,they are
rarely or never
20.3% people engage with nike campaigns daily and 15.3% weekly

Based on the data given above influencer partnership of nike resonates with people
with the highest rate of 32.2%
Product innovation and technology of nike resonates with people the percentage
rate of 30.5%
Limited edition releases of nike resonate with people the percentage rate of 27.1%
Community engagement initiatives of nike resonates with the people and the
percentage of 10.2%

Based on the data given above people with rate of 42.4% they prefer to buy nike
sneakers In store
35.6% of people prefer to buy sneakers both equally store as well as online
15.3% of people they prefer to buy nike sneakers online

Based on the data given above 30.5% they have not participated in the nike
sponsored but still they want to participated
There are two group of people with the equal rate of percentage of 27.1% they go but
frequently and occasionally
And 15.3% are not interested for the nike sponsored event

Based on the data give above 35.6% of people they are likely to recommend people
or friends about nike sneakers
And 33.9% are very likely to recommend people or friends about nike sneakers
22% are very natural regarding nike sneakers
8.5% are unlikely it means they are not interested to nike sneakers

Based on the data given above they are two group of people of 30.5% they find
product features and technology and celebrity endorsement and sponsorships most
And 28.8% of people find brand storytelling and messaging most appealing
10.2% of people find community engagement and event most appealing

Based on the data given above people with the highest percentage rate of 44.1% find
it is most important ethical practices in nike marketing
And 32.2% of people find somewhat important
16.9% of people think of it is not very important for ethical practices in nike

Based on the data given above 59.3% of people encounter nike marketing content on
instagram and 16.9% of people encounter twitter and 11.9% in youtube and facebook

Based on the data given above 37.3% are very likely to purchase nike sneakers limited
edition because it is very expensive and 32.25 are very likely and 25.4% of people are
very neutral

Based on the data given above 34.8% people want ot see improvement in nike is that
more sustainable material and 32.6% of people want improvement in nike is that
more variety in colorways and styles and 17.4% of people want improvement in nike
that is enhanced durability and quality and 15.2% of people want improvement is that
increased size inclusivity.

Based on the data given above people are very fond of michael jordan with the
highest rate of 45.5% and 25% of people the buy nike sneakers by he influence of
lebron james and 20.5% of people influence by travis scott and 9.1% of people
serena williams

Based on the data given above 34.8% people want ot see improvement in nike is that
more sustainable material and 32.6% of people want improvement in nike is that
more variety in colorways and styles and 17.4% of people want improvement in nike
that is enhanced durability and quality and 15.2% of people want improvement is that
increased size inclusivity.

Based on the data given above there are two group of same percentage rate the of
34.1% feels about that exclusivity and rarity and design and aesthetics motivate
them to buy nike sneakers
And 27.3% of people feels that collectibility and resale value motivates them to buy
nike sneakers

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