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The things we have in common

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Neville
Longbottom, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Additional Tags: Good Draco Malfoy, Hurt Draco Malfoy, Hurt/Comfort, Abusive Lucius
Malfoy, Child Abuse, Lucius Malfoy Being an Asshole, Draco Malfoy
Needs a Hug, Draco Malfoy Gets a Hug, Harry potter 4th year, Book 4:
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Boggarts (Harry Potter), Book 3:
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Not Beta Read, BAMF
Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy is a Little Shit, But we love him for
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-09-17 Words: 25,323 Chapters: 1/1
The things we have in common
by zzeacat


Harry smoothed the paper out and read out loud the title of the book printed at the top of the
page ‘Deadly magical beasts and their control’ and laughs to himself.

“What is it Harry?”
He looks at Hermione and Ron.

“Draco Malfoy slipped this page about the basilisk in your books. He saved your life”

A Harry potter half re-write beginning in book two taking off into an Au in book 4.
Featuring, Good Draco, Draco’s boggart, everyone lives even Cedric, Sirius and Lupin taking
Harry in, Draco is a sad gay disaster, Lucious is abusive (because he is fight me), copious
amounts of hurt comfort, Draco cries allot but he also gets allot of hugs, Nevil is a bad ass,
Draco and Harry dancing, Draco is sassy, so is Harry, poking fun at some plot holes because I
can and fuck JKR ima steal my childhood back and make it gayer out of spite.


More Drarry in the year of out lord 2023 yes because the vibes make me happy and I love
writing Draco being a lovable dramatic little shit. enjoy.
Second year

Harry first thought something was suspicious about Draco’s home life in second year, When
he saw Draco and his father in Brogan and Burks. Mr Malfoy kept swinging that cane at
Draco as if that was a fine way to tell his child not to do something. Without hesitation Mr
Malfoy had swung his cane right into Harrys hiding place right next to Draco’s head. But it
wasn’t the action itself that made Harry think, it was Draco’s reaction. He didn’t seem
surprised, his quick response ‘yes father’ came, eyes to the floor instantly and rehearsed.
Moments later when Mr Malfoys cane hadn’t missed Draco this time and impaled the fangs
of the snake into Draco’s hand Harry saw the same rehearsed response. A feeling of dread
filled Harry’s gut; he thought back to his own rehearsed responses. The neglect and yelling
from the Dursleys were bad enough but the rare occasion that Mr or Mrs Dursley got physical
Harry knew from experience that that kind of quick submission was the safest response. He
just never expected Draco Malfoy to know that also.

His sympathy for Draco was quickly squashed when he belittled Harry and his friends in the
bookstore. Harry could almost go back to thinking of Draco as nothing more than a bully if it
weren’t for that dammed cane. It smacked down onto Draco’s shoulder just as Draco was
continuing his snide remarks and again the rude, arrogant boy Harry had come to distain
fizzled out, snapped his mouth shut and looked to his father for orders. Harry couldn’t help
himself, he looked at the cane disapprovingly and glanced into Draco’s eyes, the grey eyes
flickered from sad, to guarded in seconds.

Harry didn’t want to think about it. Draco was an ass. Even if his father was clearly even
more of an ass that doesn’t mean Harry could forgive him for being suck a prick. Harry tried
to convince himself he didn’t care or that he was over thinking it. But sometimes he could
catch a glimpse of Draco from across the dining hall a distant frown on his face or a flinch
from him when one of the older students rushed past him and Harry felt what Miss Weasley
had said was right. When Harry had confessed that sometimes the Dursleys had hit him
although it had only happed a handful of times, she had adamantly told him that no matter
what he had done no child should be treated like that. Draco was Harry’s age too so doesn’t
that mean he is a child also. That means that even Draco Malfoy didn’t deserve it and Harry
wondered if anyone had told Draco that.

Draco didn’t change. Harry half expected to see more of the Draco he thought might be under
the pompous mask, but he didn’t. Not really. The chamber of secrets had been opened, and
Draco seemed actually annoyed that Harry was getting credit for it. Draco was still as rude
and abrasive as first year and Harry felt his sympathy dwindle. But when they disguised
themselves with Polyjuice potion and Draco once again said ‘my father will hear about this’
Harry couldn’t help but hear the underlying fear in Draco’s tone, like the boy didn’t feel the
need to hide it from Crabbe and Goyle. Harry couldn’t help himself he went of script.

“How are things with your father Draco?”

“Why? So you can report back to your old man that mine is getting soft. So I get a good
beating when the year ends and you get rewarded for providing exciting gossip? You tell your
father what you want. I don’t lie to my father. There is nothing you could use against me. I
would much rather suffer the consequences of my failures on my own terms, go find gossip

Harry nor Ron knew what to say to that. They muddled their way into an excuse to leave and
rushed back to Hermione. Her mishap with the Polyjuice distracted them from what Draco
had said until they were going over it all the next day. It was Ron that brought it up actually.

“Oh and Harry went completely off the rails and asked Draco about his father, it was nuts,
Draco got all defensive like Crabbe and Goyle were spies to tattle on him it was crazy.”

Hermione furrowed her brows looking to Harry for a better explanation.

“I didn’t want to say anything because Draco is an ass but… I have seen some things and I
thought …well I think Mr Malfoy might be… aggressive I shouldn’t have asked about him,
but Draco’s response confirmed my suspicions.”

Hermione’s expression morphed form understanding to horror.

“You mean Draco admitted to being abused!”

Hermione squeaked. Ron frowned clearly not having taken the conversation that seriously
until now.

“He implied that his father would give him a beating when he goes home, and I think Crabbe
and Goyle aren’t actually his friends. I think they keep an eye on him so they can tell their
fathers about his behaviour at school so they can report it back to Mr Malfoy”

Hermione rubs her chin pondering.

“So if Draco does anything that he doesn’t tell his father, they will make sure he knows and
he will suffer the consequences”


Harry and Hermione share conflicted sad looks before Ron finally manages to speak.

“It makes sense really. My dad said that the way dark wizards keep accountability is to keep
tabs on each other. He said there was no honour because they would all tattle on each other if
it meant they could have more power. Everyone knows the Malfoys, even if Draco didn’t
introduce himself, he is recognisable to most, his father must keep him under surveillance to
make sure Draco is living up to the name”

“That’s horrible Ron!”

He just shrugs

“Draco’s a right git I’d say he is doing a fine job being a Malfoy”

Hermione smacks him on the back of the head gently

“And what do you think his father would say when he finds out that Harry Potter is the one
suspected of being the heir to Slytherin and not Draco, making him look a fool”

Ron just shrugs.


The issue is benched when they focus back on the chamber of secrets. The chaos that happens
at the end of the year again leaves Harry to ignore Draco as nothing more than an annoyance.
It is when he discovers Dobby is the Malfoys elf that Harry thinks of Draco again. Mr Malfoy
had again used his cane to strike Dobby and Harry ponders Dobby’s earlier behaviour. He
thinks back to the night Dobby spoke to him in the hospital wing.

“Young master only said you should not go to school he did not tell me how to do this! He
planned me keeping your letters, but I was left to my own devices when that did not work”

“Young master? You mean someone sent you to warn me?”

“Oh no. I should not have mentioned the young lord. I did not say that. I am protecting Harry
on my own”

Harry eyed Dobby sceptically.

“If someone sent you, why don’t they just warn me themselves”

Dobby seemed horrified by this idea

“They young lord would be in terrible danger if he was caught! I will not let him endanger
himself even to protect you sir…. Wait I should not have sad that. There is no young lord no
it is a secret”

Harry grumbled Dobby was clearly bad at keeping secrets, but Harry didn’t want him hitting
himself again if he pushed the issue.

Now with the knowledge that Dobby was the Malfoys house elf there was no one else ‘young
master’ could be. Draco Malfoy had asked Dobby to warn Harry. He had also plotted to keep
his friend’s letters form him though. Was Draco helping him or hurting him?

He frankly forgets about the earlier revelation until he slams into Draco heading to the
library to return some of the many books they had borrowed when studying the basilisk.
Books fly in many directions and Harry and Draco are left both on the floor scrambling to
pick them up.

“Merlin look where you are going four eyes. Just because you killed that stupid big snake
doesn’t mean you can prance about like you own the halls”

Harry rolls his eyes. Reaching for the next book. He picks it up realising he doesn’t recognise
it. ‘Deadly magical beasts and their control’. The book is older than any of the ones they had
been reading and it looks more expensive, he turns it over and the book flops open to a spot
where a page had been roughly ripped out. He pauses. Hermione was found with a ripped
page from a book in her hand when she was petrified. This must have been the book that
saved her life. Harry was snapped from his thoughts when the book was snatched from his

“That one is mine”

Harry goes to protest but Draco is already flipping to the front where ‘Malfoy’ is written in
neat cursive. Without another word Draco stands sneers down at Harry and saunters off.
Harry’s mind keeps pondering back to the missing page. He confronts Hermione later that

“Hermione do you still have the page from the book you ripped out when you found out
about the basilisk?”

Hermione blanches looking horrified.

“I did not rip the page out! I would do no such thing to a library book!”

Harry frows, of course why hadn’t he thought of that earlier Hermione was defiantly not the
sort to rip a page from a book.

“That kind of behaviour is foul, I don’t know who would do such a thing, I saw Draco do it
once! Rip pages right from a book when we were at Flourish and Blotts ”

Harry’s mind stutters trying to catch up to his own thoughts. Mr Malfoy had slipped the diary
into Ginny’s cauldron in Flourish and Blotts but what if Draco had done something similar?

“Hermione where did you get the page from? Where is it!”

Hermione rushed though her pile of notebooks shocked by Harrys sudden fervour Ron
looking confused and handed the crumped paper to him.

“I found it slipped between my new notebooks, it is strange I guess but I didn’t have time to
think about it”

“You got these new notebooks from Flourish and Blotts didn’t you?”

“What are you on about Harry?”

Ron scowled. Harry smoothed the paper out and read out loud the title of the book printed at
the top of the page ‘Deadly magical beasts and their control’ and laughs to himself.

“What is it, Harry?”

He looks at Hermione and Ron.

“Draco Malfoy slipped this page in your books. He saved your life”

“What the hell are you on mate! Draco made jokes about the snake going for Hermione all
year! Do you not remember what he called her!?”
Harry nodded. Ron was right Draco had been his usual cruel self. But yet there was evidence
right in front of him of something else.

“I don’t understand it either Ron, but I just ran into Draco in the hall today. We dropped
books, Draco had this book, it had his name on the inside cover and it was missing a page.
Hermione said she saw him rip a page from a book! Draco must have known what his father
was doing and wanted to do something to help. He also must have sent Dobby. He was the
Malfoys house elf and Dobby said his young master wanted me safe!”

“Why would Draco help us?”

Hermione asked

“And why not just warn us like a normal person instead of hidden notes?”

Ron asked grumpily

“That part is easy, Crabbe and Goyle. He is too closely watched to have a chat with us, and I
suspect if we had solved it too easily there might have been a risk his father would have
figured out, we had help. As for why that I am unsure”

“Maybe Draco doesn’t actually believe in his family’s values?”

Hermione pondered

“Or maybe he is just more scared of the dark lord than he is of his father and is protecting
himself because he knows he is too crappy of a wizard to be a good death eater”

Ron interjected. Harry couldn’t help himself but wonder if Ron was right. Draco was still a
Malfoy, and he was still an ass. But he could have helped Harry without saving Hermione, he
slipped the pages into her books to warn her not Harry.

Third year

Third year had left Harry tense and irritated. He paid no mind to Draco and besides his
behaviour in class to Hagrid and Lupin Draco had honestly been barely on Harry’s radar most
of the year. He never confirmed if Draco had in fact saved Hermione’s life last year nor did
he think about Draco’s wellbeing. That was until he was early to one of his private sessions
with Lupin. He realised on the way there that he had gotten times mixed up and he was an
hour early, but he thought he could just interrupt professor Lupin anyway. What he found left
him creeping behind the patrician in the room watching the scene like a stalker.

Draco Malfoy stood in front of the cabinet Harry instantly recognised as the one with the
boggart in it. He knew Draco had not faced it in class Ron, Fred and George had all been
making jokes about what Draco’s boggart might be that he was so ashamed of. Things like a
rabbit or muggle children or other silly ideas. Harry had laughed. But now he wanted to
throw up. What stepped from the cabinet was not something as mundane, or funny. It was
Lucius Malfoy. He strode out from the cabinet instantly raising that dammed cane of his.

“You dare point your wand at me boy!”

Harry saw Draco’s arm falter his mouth clearly unable to form the Riddikulus. The Boggart
swiftly moved forward in an eerily good imitation orLucius’ swagger and swung to bring the
cane down on Draco’s shaking form. Before it could strike Lupin stood in rapidly banishing
the boggart as it focused on him instead. Lupin turned to face Draco concern painted across
his face. He reached out to still Draco’s shaking but he flinched back violently. Lupin’s frown

“Come my boy sit”

Lupin ushered Draco to sit on the stairs in his office as he went up to his desk. Even from the
distance Harry could see Draco forcefully take deep breaths slowly regain control of his body
his face gliding back from fear into controlled apathy with apparent rehearsed ease. Lupin
returned holding something out for Drack to take

“Chocolate, it calms the nerves”

“I assure you Professor my nerves are fine”

Lupin says nothing and keeps is hand outstretched until Draco takes the chocolate giving it a
gentle nibble. Lupin carefully sits next to Draco keeping a bigger distance between him and
Draco than he had when Harry had been sitting on those steps.

“I knew your father when we were in school together”

“I am aware, my father does not speak kindly of you in your youth. Or now I suppose”

Lupin huffs a laugh and leans back to onto the step behind him in a relaxed pose

“I imagine your father does not speak kindly of many people”

“No, kindness is not a word I would ever use to describe him”

Lupin hums in agreement.

“Your father even in is youth was an angry man, manipulative, I should have guessed being
his son was not an easy endeavour”

“I did not have a choice in that matter”

“No I suppose you didn’t, but you do have a choice in how you respond to it. You do not
have to live in fear of him Draco”

The boy huffs in disbelief

“Sometimes fear is necessary. If we did not fear dangerous things, we would not be prepared
to handle them”

“And you think you can handle your father? You are only a boy Draco, by the way you are
speaking I do not get the impression you enjoy being a Malfoy”
“Don’t presume to know me. You know nothing of who I am and what I can handle. I do not
need to enjoy my family’s values to abide by them. We all have battles we must face. I am
not like Potter; I am not some child who needs you to mentor me, and I am not a good
person, I have protected myself at the expense of others and will continue to do so. You of all
people should understand what it is like to battle with a monster inside”

Lupin’s frown deepens the creases of his face contorting the harsh lines of scars on his face.

“Draco. I can help you. Boggarts are serious things; they don’t show you something you fear
they show you the thing you fear most. I can’t imagine what your father must do to make you
feel that way, but I know no child deserves to live under the same roof as someone they fear
like that. You may not know this yet by life isn’t supposed to be this hard Draco”

“Do not pity me, I do not pity you for your burdens. I need nothing from you”

Draco snapped standing up and moving to walk away. He suddenly whipped back around

“ No. I need for you to give me anything else to pass this class than the boggart. I am sure
you can imagine my father would not be pleased if I received a less then good grade in this

Lupin clenches is jaw and nods as Draco leaves the room in a rush. Harry follows Draco out
with his eyes staring at the doorway a moment after he is gone.

“You may come out of hiding now Harry”

Harry gasps and guilty moves from his hiding place.

“How did you know I was there Professor?”

“You breathe loudly. It is not polite to eavesdrop Harry”

“I am sorry”

“I would not have let you for so long but by the time I noticed you it was too late; I did not
want to risk Draco running off.”

Harry nods glancing back at the door.

“I trust you will not go spreading this around the school Harry. I know you two have your
grievances, but this is an issue far beyond a petty rivalry.”

“Of course not professor. To be honest with you I have known for some time that Mr Malfoy
was a bad parent, although not how much Draco feared him.”

Lupin eyed Harry curiously wordlessly asking Harry to explain. So Harry did. He told Lupin
about the time he saw Lucius hit Malfoy with the cane, about how he thought Crabbe and
Goyle were keeping track of him so he couldn’t change his behaviour at school, about Dobby,
and about the page from the book that had saved Hermione’s life.
“So you believe Draco actually tried to protect you and Hermione in a way that would not
endanger his reputation as a Malfoy?”

“Yes sir, I guess now I think he was too scared of being caught to do anything more

Lupin nodded thoughtfully. Harry felt relieved to tell an adult about it. His feeling on the
matter were too confusing. He couldn’t say he liked Draco, but he couldn’t deny that he was
worried and more than a little curious about who the real Draco was.

“Thank you, Harry. I will talk to Dumbledore about this maybe there is something we can

Harry thought back to his own situation. He didn’t live in deep fear of the Dursleys, but he
wasn’t safe with them, Ron had broken him out of the house for Merlins sake and yet he was
still expected to go home to them. If the school and Dumbledore reacted the way, he had to
Harry’s situation he got the feeling Draco was going to be living in fear for a while longer.

Lupin didn’t bring the issue up again and Harry tried to assume this was because it was none
of his business but part of him felt it was more likely because Lupin had no good news to
give. The year continued and Harry got his own taste of living in fear waiting for Serious
Black to jump out of the shadows.


Harry went to speak with Dobby in the Hogwarts kitchen late in the afternoon once and
found Draco there first. He saw Draco kneeling talking to Dobby with a small smile across
his tin lips. Harry had never seen Draco smile like that. He wondered if by freeing Dobby he
had un-intentionally rid Draco of his only friend in his household. He attempted to quietly
approach the scene.

“Young master I made you your favourite, candied green apple slices. Please take them, at
least I know you will eat these. I see your plate come back to the kitchen, you are not eating
enough I worry for you, so frail, who will take your school robes in now I am not there”

“Don’t worry about me Dobby, you have more important things to deal with. And remember
I am not your master anymore. My name is Draco. Thank you for the candy. Although I
didn’t sneak down here for food. I came to warn you. My father is visiting tomorrow be
careful and do not leave the kitchen”

Dobby nodded in doing so his eyes left Draco’s face and he saw Harry approaching.

“Harry! I am glad you came. Wanted to give you these! I learnt how to make treacle tarts;
they are not pretty but I am learning.”

Harry smiled down at Dobby taking the tin of tarts from him.

“Thank you, Dobby, I am sure they are great.”

Draco stood up and left Dobby’s side with surprising grace for someone moving so quickly
and Harry rushed an apology to Dobby in attempts to keep up. he managed to reach Draco’s
side just as he exited the kitchen.

“It would be best if you kept that to yourself Harry, it would not do well for anyone if we
were reprimanded for sneaking into the kitchen.”

Harry nodded but reached out to stop Draco before he could hurry off.

“Dobby was your elf, wasn’t he?”

“Not anymore.”


“Don’t apologise for freeing someone Potter it would not look good for Ganger’s stupid

“S.P.E.W. isn’t stupid it is just...”

“Poorly named? Badly managed?”

Harry laughs unable to disagree with Draco on that. The boy continues leaning back onto the
brick wall behind him.

“Hermione is intelligent, but she is still a Gryffindor, she knows nothing of the strategy
needed to get people's sympathy nor does she know of the intricacies of wizard culture that
surround house elves. If she wants to help them, she has a long way to go to understand them
before she can talk to them property. And she has to change that name. No one will donate to
a charity that sounds disgusting. Honestly, I don’t understand how she still has better grades
than me.”

Draco sighs and rubs his forehead with his hand before pushing himself off the wall they
were leaning on and sauntering away. Harry is pretty sure that is the longest actual
conversation they have ever had. And Draco had given Hermione a compliment, he insulted
her too but still. With every tart Harry ate he wondered if Draco’s candied apple slices were
as ugly and if Draco would have freed Dobby himself is he could have.


Draco broke his arm 2 days later and was as rude as ever. Ron mumbled one night in the
common room that he couldn’t believe Lucius hut Draco at home if he whined about a
broken arm this much. Hermione smacked a teaspoon on his knee harshly for that one. But
later she had punched Draco in the face, and he couldn’t say he didn’t agree with her on that

Harry was thinking about Sirius Black and his parents when he went for a walk towards
black lake it was usually empty there. As he rounded one of the large trees that stood near the
lake, he could hear shouting. As he got closer, he recognised the voice. It was Lucius Malfoy
“I told you to get Hagrid fired! Not to drag me out here to do it for you! I will break your arm
again if I have to Draco. First, I hear you had private lessons with that mutt and now you
can’t even do a simple task for me. You are fortunate it is not near the end of the school year,
or I would be taking you home right now!”

Harrys eyes bulged. He knew that the Malfoys wanted Hagrid fired but asking Draco to
orchestrate it? break his arm again? But Draco had broken his arm when Buckbeak kicked
him did he? He thought back to two days before, Draco had said his father was coming to
visit… The small whisper like voice of Draco caused Harry to involuntarily try to poke his
head form his place behind the tree.


“Do not interrupt me boy! I do not have time for your excuses! I have to go talk to your
headmaster so we can get this fully sorted now that oaf is fired, and the beast executed. I
expect your grades will be high this year, you cannot afford to disappoint me again boy.”

Harry hurried behind the tree when he heard Lucius move, he saw from his hiding place
Lucius Malfoy swish past him long cape flowing behind with his long strides. Harry clenched
his fists a familiar anger rising in himself. He wanted to punch Lucius the same way he
wanted to punch Mr Dursley when he gave him a verbal beat down. His anger dissipated
when he heard the distinct sound of crying from his left. Draco Malfoy was crying. It
shocked Harry how much he didn’t like the sound. He rounded the tree and quietly
approached the crying form. Draco didn’t react until Harry was right in front of him and he

“What do you want Potter?”

“Honestly I came out here with the same idea.”

“What to cry and watch the lake ripple?”


It was honestly the truth

“What does the oh so great Harry Potter have to cry about?”

“Dead parents, living with family that hates me, Sirius Black take your pick.”

Draco sniffled looking up at Harry surprised by the honest answer. Harry took this as his que
and sat by Draco leaning on the tree.

“I won’t tell you why I am here.”


Harry didn’t tell him he already knew and just leaned against the tree in silence. A few
minutes passed and Harry thought that maybe that is all that would happen before Draco
started to speak.
“You shouldn’t worry about Sirius Black.”

“I am pretty sure I should. I know what he did. He betrayed my parents to Voldemort; he is

why they are dead.”

Draco flinched when Harry said Voldemort’s name more so than other wizards and Harry
wondered if Lucius spoke of Voldemort like a god to be worshiped or one to be feared.

“I don’t think that is true.”

Harry looked to Draco eyes wide.

“Why, what do you know Draco?”

“Did you know that Sirius is family?”

“He is my godfather.”

“No not your family, he is mine, Sirius Black he is my mother’s cousin. They grew up
together. But my mother will not speak of him. His spot on the family tree and in all portraits
has been burned off. Only someone who has betrayed the family gets burned off the tree like
that. If he really had betrayed your parents, he would be a hero to mine. I don’t know what he
did but an enemy to my family is probably a friend to you.”

Harry nodded along to Draco’s explanation. If Sirius didn’t betray his family who did? Why
did he break out of Azkaban? Why was he trying to break into Hogwarts and what did he
want with Harry. But if Draco was right then Harry didn’t have to worry about getting

“Thank you, Draco.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Harry nodded.

“I mean it don’t. No one hears about this even your friends. I didn’t give you information and
you didn’t see me cry.”

Draco made eye contact and nodded once as if signalling a deal and Harry nodded back.


Draco had been right about his hunch. And enemy of the Malfoys was a friend to Harry. He
had Sirius. He had family, he didn’t think he would have put his wand down and trusted
Sirius if he didn’t have that talk with Draco by the lake. This was the second year in a row
that Draco had managed to do one small thing that helped Harry not die. He needed to thank
him. But how? Harry was going to go back to his room to study when he realised, he was
being stupid. He had the map! He pulled it out excitedly and checked it. Draco was with
Crabbe and Goyle. Dam. Harry kept checking the map waiting for Draco to be alone sure
enough Draco went to a walk and Harry again found himself overlooking the lake with

“I would prefer if you were at least subtle when stalking me Potter.”

Harry laughed picking up pebbles from at his feet and throwing them out across the lake.

“I have never been that good at subtly honestly. I would have been a crappy Slytherin.”

Draco snorted and honest to God snort who knew Draco snorted when he laughed.

“You a Slytherin? Now there is something that would have been entertaining.”

“The sorting hat wanted to put me in Slytherin you know.”

Draco whipped his head around shocked, and Harry beamed. He had never told anyone that
but the look on Draco’s face was defiantly worth it.

“I told it not to though.”

“Green not your colour?”

Harry laughed.

“Honestly you hadn’t given me the best impression of them.”

“That’s fair, I suppose Ron told you who I was right away, the same way I knew who he was.
Ironic really, you and I both went to that school and instantly everyone knew who we were
and what they expected of us, and we both played right into their hands”

Harry nodded thoughtfully. He hadn’t thought about it like that, but he supposed it was true
Ron reacted to Draco just as quickly as he had reacted to Harry’s scar, a pre-formed idea of
who they were because of what his parents had taught him. Draco was only doing the same.

“The sorting hat doesn’t have a bias like that though it just reads who you are and where it
thinks you would thrive.”

“It considered putting me in Hufflepuff honestly.”

Harry gasped. This was crazy. And why would Draco tell him this? That was trust if Harry
told people, it was sure to ruin Draco’s reputation as the Slytherin prince.

“Yellow is absolutely not your colour.”

Draco laughed lightly covering his smile with his hand.

“No it is not. Could you imagine? You in Slytherin me in Hufflepuff, I would have gone soft
made friends or something. Although I can agree that getting on the bad side of a Hufflepuff
is a grievous mistake and the same goes for my bad side.”

“Agreed I have been on your bad side for long enough I should know.”
Draco shook his head.

“No you weren’t on my bad side, you are on my father’s bad side, it is more like second hand
on my bad side, if you were really on my bad side, you would know trust me.”

Harry smiled. Was Draco trying to say he didn’t hate him?

“I assume you didn’t stalk me to ask me about the sorting hat Harry.”

“I came to say thank you.”

Draco made a disgusted noise.

“Please don’t do that. I need no such thing from you.”

“Too bad. Thank you, for telling me about Sirius it was helpful in understanding what really
happened to my parents. I also wanted to thank you for last year, I know it was you who
slipped the page about the basilisk into Hermione’s book and sent Dobby.”

Drack tensed.

“How on earth… that dammed elf he is a terrible secret keeper.”

“He is but the book was your fault. When you crashed into me in the hall, I saw the book had
pages missing, the title was printed at the top of the page I realised what you must have

“How observant of you Potter, I underestimated you, I was under the impression Hermione
had all the brains in your group.”

“Usually she does I was just paying attention.”

“To me?”

“You implied earlier that you and I are similar Draco. People have certain expectations of us
because of who we are but that isn’t the only thing we have in common.”

Draco scrunched his brows.

“I know the kind of man your father is Draco, I noticed it last year, I know a thing or two
about living under the same roof as a tyrant. I live with my aunt, uncle, and cousin, they are
muggles and hated my mother for being a witch. They hate me I lived in a cupboard until the
end of last year.”

“You don’t understand Harry…”

“I know enough Draco; I know you fear your father enough that he is your boggart.”

Draco snapped his eyes to Harry’s and began to breathe heavily. Maybe Harry shouldn’t have
mentioned it.
“You were there?”

“I didn’t mean to see but yes. You don’t have to be ashamed Draco. It took me time, but I
know now that none of what my aunt and uncle or cousin did to me is my fault and if he tried
to hit me again, I wouldn’t let him because I don’t deserve that. Neither do you.”

“You don’t know what I deserve Harry. I have given you some shitty information sure, but
my sob story doesn’t excuse who I am Harry. I am a Malfoy. That doesn’t go away because
you want it to.”

“Maybe not but it could if you wanted it to. Sirius is going to be taking care of me over the
holiday and will be staying with the Weasleys some of the time too. I have family now.
Family that doesn’t hate me. But as you pointed out last time we were here, Sirius is actually
your family too. You could …”

Harry uncomfortably shrugged.

“What stay with you over the summer? Don’t be stupid Harry, you hate me, don’t forget how
I have treated you or your friends over the years because of a few small acts of good. I don’t
need saving Harry, I can handle it.”

“Can I ask for at least one more favour then?”


“If it gets worse. Please ask for help.”

“I will think about it.”

Harry nods. That will have to do.


Harry eventually confesses his concerns about Draco to Ron and Hermione. He tells them
about What Draco said about Sirius and how that is how he knew to trust him and about what
he overheardLucius say

“What if Lucius broke Draco’s arm and Draco only pretended Buckbeak struck him so he
could hide the injury as Buckbeak’s fault thinking he could use it to get Hagrid fired like his
father asked?”

Harry nodded at Hermione’s guess it made a twisted kind of sense.

“Why would his father leave him with a broken arm he could just heal with magic? Isn’t that
a risk for him”

“Not if it was part of the punishment make Draco hide an injury like that and not let him get
Harry sighed and leaned into the couch. This was depressing him. Why didn’t Draco ask for
help or accept it form Lupin or Harry?

“Draco is right though.”

Hermione mumbles.

“Right about what?”

“We can’t just forget how he had treated us; he isn’t exactly kind. I know some of it is
probably for show so Crabbe and Goyle report back to their fathers well but still. If Draco
doesn’t want to be a better person you can’t make him. He clearly doesn’t want his father to
win but that doesn’t mean he had somehow gotten past all the prejudices he was raised with.”

Harry nodded as usual she was right. Harry was so curious to understand the small part of
Draco he could see underneath that he was looking past the bigger part of Draco. It wasn’t up
to Harry to fix him. Draco had to make the decision himself. Harry just worried Draco might
not before something even worse happened to him.

Year 4

Harry was having a great summer; besides the nightmares he had been having it had been
awesome. He got to help Sirius set up his place at Grimmauld place which was a mess and
hell to clean but he loved spending time with his god father and hearing about he parents he
knew so little of. And then he got to be at the burrow. He loved the burrow. And now they
were going to the quidditch world cup. He was bustling with excitement the whole tip there.
As they went up and up the stairs to their seats when they passed the Malfoys they were
greeted with familiar gibes and distain. Harry looked to Draco who pointedly made eye

“You would miss half the game just trying to get back from the bathroom at half time.”

Draco had said in a mocking tone as his father struck him in the chest with his cane knocking
the air from Draco’s lungs scolding him for gloating before continuing to insult their cheap
high up seats himself. But Harry was still looking at Draco who kept eye contact for a
moment after his remark. It took Harry a second to understand when he realised Draco was
trying to tell him something. Harry replayed what Draco had said. He wanted to meet Harry
in the bathroom at half time. Harry gave what he hoped was a subtle nod and Draco very
minutely relaxed.

When halftime came Harry rushed to the bathrooms making sure they were the ones between
their seats and the booth Draco was in. As he waited in line a hooded figure swept past
tapping him on the shoulder. Harry paused then realised it must be Draco and followed. They
rounded the scaffolding behind one of the display posters and Draco flicked off his hood.

“What the hell are you doing here Potter?!”

“Watching the game?”

“When the game ends leave.”

Harry was confused.

“We have a tent we don’t have peacocks like you do but it will be fine.”

“No Harry you have to leave, and be sure to take Granger with you”

“What is going on Draco?”

The blonde huffed and irritated sigh.

“I Don’t know for certain, but my father has been unusually on edge the past few weeks,
something is happening in the dark wizard community and it has them scared. And now my
father is at this game despite having no interest in quidditch other than to make sure I am on
the team at Hogwarts so he can brag. And there are others here that I know are dark wizards
also. They are planning something tonight if they see you or Granger, they would no doubt
try to kill you or at the very least maim.”

Draco looked frantic he reached out at gripped Harry to emphasize is point when he said they
would kill him if he was seen. As he did the collar of his cloak shifted pulling at the black
turtleneck underneath Harry could see Draco’s neck. It was red it looked like someone had
tried to strangle him.

“Draco what is this. I told you to leave if things got worse.”

Harry said reaching out to touch Draco’s neck his hand stopped by Draco grabbing his wrist.

“I told you my father had been on edge. Promise me Harry you have to go. At the very least
be ready to leave at the first sign of trouble.”

Harry nodded frowning. Draco adjusted his cloak and pulled his hood back up leaving Harry
behind the canvas poster alone and concerned. This isn’t the fun night he wanted.

Harry watched the game allowing himself to momentarily be distracted by its excitement. As
soon as the game was over, he tried to get Mr Weasley’s attention, but he rushed off in the
chaos of celebration. When they all reached the tent Harry was trying to find an adult whilst
Ron was shouting about Victor Crum like a lovesick schoolgirl. Hermione noticed his frantic
behaviour and pulled him to the side.

“What’s wrong Harry?”

“Something bad is going to happen and we need to leave.”

“What… Draco said something didn’t he?”

Harry nodded briefly impressed by how quickly she connected the dots before remembering
he should expect no less from her.
“Are you sure he is not just messing with you trying to frighten you.”

Harry agitatedly shook his head

“Draco is only cruel to us when there are other people around, he made a point to sneak away
and warn me, he was scared Hermione, and he was definitely injured.”

Hermione nodded seriously and looked around the room presumably for an adult. The sounds
outside got louder and Hermione looked at him with dread.

“Sounds like the Irish are getting their pride on.”

Fred laughed. Mr Weasley rushed into the tent as Fred spoke.

“It isn’t the Irish we have to go. Now!”

Everyone rushed about attempting to hold onto each other as the crowed ran about knocking
into people screaming. Harry tried to stay with the group but found himself lost in a sea of
people. He saw the death eaters’ approach and just as he could make out their eyes though the
mask a familiar hooded figure swept in front of him gripping his arm tightly. They moved
away quickly weaving though the chaotic crowd. Draco’s hood fell down as he ran, and he
looked back at Harry eyes frantic they made a b line for the trees. Ron and Hermione must
have spotted them because just as they made it to the trees the two appeared beside them.

“Harry we almost….!”

Draco cut Hermione off harshly raising his finger to silence her breathing heavily eyes
looking beyond them into the chaos, he moved them further behind the tree hand still
gripping Harry’s wrist harshly. They all paused as they listened to the Death Eaters tun and
continue further into the campsite.

“What are you doing Potter! I told you to leave after the game!”

Harry was still trying to catch his breath and calm the adrenaline in his veins as Draco’s
angry face scowled at him mere inches apart Draco’s lean frame boxing him against the tree.

“We tried but we lost track of the adults in our group before we could ask them to go… it all
happened too quickly.”

Hermione pleaded. Draco sighed releasing Harry’s wrist from his grip and leaning out of
Harrys personal space. He looked over to Ron and Hermione.

“Did you travel by port key?”

Ron nodded.

“Where is it?”

Ron seemed hesitant to answer but Hermione cut in impatiently.

“In the forest but it is on the other side of the campsite.”

Draco leaned his head down into his palm clenching his teeth.

“We won’t make it through that crowd it is too risky. You are going to have to wait it out and
stay hidden. The Ministry will be on their way so the Death eaters won’t bother to double
back. Keep to areas they have already destroyed and don’t be seen!”

He hissed pointing to Hermione and Harry in particular. He took a step back and Harry
grabbed his wrist in the same way Draco had held his before.

“Where the hell do you think you are going?”

“I have to go and wait by my family’s port key for my father to return”

“You can’t go back there Draco; they could have seen you. Your hood fell off, if one of the
death eaters saw you helping me your father could kill you!”

Draco scoffed.

“He won’t kill me, my father cares too much about continuing the pure blood line for that.
Besides they didn’t see me the hood fell off after we ran from them it is fine.”

Harry only squeezed Draco’s wrist but didn’t release it. Hermione moved into Draco’s

“Draco if there is even a chance, they saw you then you shouldn’t go.”

Draco pulled his wrist harshly from Harry’s grip.

“I will be fine. I have to go trust me being late would not be a good idea. You just need to
keep out of sight until this whole stupid thing is over.”

Draco began to move away but was stopped by Ron’s bulkier frame.

“What do you think you are doing Weasley?”

“I don’t like you.”

“Thank you for the commentary Weasley the feeling is mutual, but I really have to be going

“I don’t like you, but you just saved Harry’s life, and you saved Hermione’s in second year,
and you tried to save her tonight. That means I owe you. I won’t stop you I don’t understand
your relationship with your family and frankly I don’t want to. But I won’t be indebted to
you. You take this, it is my family home address we will be there. If something happens, and
you need to run you floo right here.”

Draco looked down at the offending piece of paper that Ron was holding, he hesitantly
grabbed the piece of paper and slipped it into his pocket. Truing around with a swish of his
pale blue cape he pulled his hood up and disappeared into the night.


After witnessing the dark mark be cast into the sky and almost being attacked by the ministry
of magic Harry was eternally grateful to be back at the Burrow drinking a calming tea Mrs
Weasley made for them all. As he took a sip Fred piped up from across the table.

“How did you guys keep out of trouble that whole time, you just disappeared into the crowd”

Harry paused unsure of what to say. Hermione and Ron knew about Draco, Lupin and
probably Sirius too but no one else, it wasn’t really Harry’s secret to tell.

“Draco Malfoy saved Harry.”

He nearly choked on his tea at how nonchalantly Ron said it everyone else looking surprised

“Malfoy! Why would he help Harry?”

Arthur asked now paying attention to the conversation. Ron looked from Harry to Hermione,
but neither would give him permission to speak. Ron did anyway.

“It isn’t the first time Draco has helped us. He sent Dobby to warn Harry in second year, he
snuck a page about the basilisk into Hermione’s books that saved her life and last year he told
Harry to trust Sirius and he was right. We haven’t said anything because Draco is clearly
working hard to keep it a secret from his father. But tonight he risked exposing himself to
warn Harry and Hermione. I am telling you because I gave him the address to this place so he
could floo here if he needed.”

Fred and George looked at each other with a small inkling of understanding and Harry
wondered if they had also seen some part of Draco that wasn’t the performance he put on.
Arthur leaned back into his chair looking across the table to his wife.

“Why would you think Draco would need to come here?”

Ron gulped frowning and Hermione took this as her que to speak for him.

“Because we know Lucius Malfoy is abusive and where afraid Draco might have been
spotted tonight. If his father finds out he helped us I am frightened, he will get hurt again”

Molly paled her hands clenching around her teacup he clearly wanted to ask more but Mr
Weasley stopped her. He stood asking everyone to go to bed and get some rest after the
stressful night. As everyone left Harry lingered back a moment Mr and Mrs Weasley moving
to talk together in the corner. They both looked up form one another to Harry.

“Harry my dear we know Ron wouldn’t give the address out easily, just how much danger do
you think Draco might be in?”
Harry looked down at his feet pondering how he could tell them. how much information was
too much? Even what Ron said might feel like a betrayal of privacy to Draco.

“Mr Malfoy broke Draco’s arm last year not Buckbeak, and when I saw him today, he had
read marks around his neck like… it looked like someone might have tried to strangle him.”

Molly gasped into her hand leaning into her husband’s grasp.

“Thank you, Harry. Go get some rest.”

Harry tried to sleep that night but like the rest of the household it was a poor sleep, and
everyone looked like zombies in the morning. Sirius and Lupin arrived before lunch Harry
engulfed by a strong hug from his godfather as he fretted about last night. Everyone was
tightly packed into the living room chatting when the distinct sound of the floo being used
woodshed followed by a loud crash was heard from the kitchen. Half the people in the room
leapt up as the others flinched. Harry rushed into the kitchen closely followed by Lupin and
Mrs Weasley.

Sprawled on the kitchen floor in front of the fireplace was Draco. In nothing but a white
button up dirtied by soot and blood and his black slacks Harry could see how slim the boy
was. Clenched in his hand was the slip of paper Ron had given him. Harry stood shocked at
the sight, as Molly rushed forward. She gently touched his back looking at the state of the
boy and shouted for Arthur. He came rushing in followed by the others and as soon as he saw
Draco his face tightened, and his frantic behaviour changed into firm control.

“We will get him onto the sofa and look over his injuries. Remus you are good at healing
magic, correct? George, can you carry him to the sofa for me?’

Lupin nodded swiping his hair form his face as George gently lifted Draco from the floor.
The boy was completely unconscious entirely slack in Georges arms, but he didn’t strain at
all. As soon as he stood a gasp left George’s lips he looked to his mother meaningfully.

“He is lighter than Harry mum.”

Molly bit her lip and nodded following George into the living room.

“Alright everyone out all you children out! We can handle this. Out.”

Molly ushered them all from the living room George being shoved out after placing Draco on
the couch. Fred rushed up stairs and when Harry saw him move left, he realised where he was
going. Upstairs there was a vent opening that connected to the living room. If you sat quietly
next to it, you could hear everything that was being said in the living room. They waited
breathing shallow as to not make too much noise to hear the voices.

“Oh Merlin Arthur his back is a mess!”

“I can perform a stitching spell but we should clean the wounds first I don’t know much
about anti-infection spells.”

The teens could hear presumably Mrs Weasley leave to fetch water and a cloth.
“That is a laceration spell, what kind of monster uses a laceration spell on their own son.”

Lupin muttered barely audible.

“Lucious. He was always a right dick bag. Being stuck in a family like that is hell I should

Harry didn’t want to think about his godfather in a family like the Malfoys, he knew the
Blacks were crap he had been yelled at my portraits of Sirius’ family enough, but he hoped
they were not like Lucius. The muttering adults suddenly silenced for a few seconds and Miss
Weasley could be heard entering the room again.

“Oh Draco my dear you are awake.”


Faint shuffling could be heard and what may have been a wince.

“We are going to clean your wounds before Lupin here preforms a stitching spell on them if
that is alright.”

“You should preform a closing spell of them first before your stich them. If you seal the
bigger ones closed with a stitching spell before closing the gaps, then the wounds are tighter
and keep re-opening as they heal.”

There is a distinct uncomfortable silence for a few moments. Then the faint slosh of water
and a hiss. Miss Weasley must be cleaning Draco’s wounds.

“Sorry Dear almost done.”

Harry heard the sound of Lupin casting spells he had never heard and presumed he was
healing Draco’s wounds. The silence left the group of teens uncomfortably glancing at each
other. Harry was unsure if he was more uncomfortable when Draco winced in pain or what he
managed to be to quiet when going though healing that had to hurt.

“There we are, now any other injuries I should fix up, you are holding your wrist limply and
have some nasty bruises on your ribs”

“The wrist is broken I could heal it but that is my casting hand and last time I tried to cast a
healing spell with my left hand my pinkie was crooked for months. My ribs are definitely
broken but I don’t think anything else is except maybe my left ankle, but it could just be a
bad sprain”

Harry heard a few more gently uttered spells from Lupin he assumed were more healing

“I am sorry I can’t do more but I am not a healer, you will have to keep the wrist, rips and
ankle wrapped for a few days at least and take it easy”
“That is fine you have done a fair job, ironic that you taught defence really I always thought
healing suited you better.”

“Are you going to tell us what exactly happened now?”

Sirius butted in.


Molly grumbled a thwack sound echoing up the vent Harry easily picturing her slapping his

“I assume Professor Lupin here already spilled the beans about my boggart incident last year
so you can all take a wild guess.”

“No I didn’t actually.”

Another uncomfortable pause.

“Well I assume someone told you something about me, seeing as Mr and Miss Weasley at the
least do not seem surprised that I appeared in their Kitchen.”

“Ron told us you saved Harry in the incident at the cup, he also told us that he gave you this
address if you needed help. We expected you to appear last night.”

“I couldn’t get away that fast. What else did he tell you?”

“How about you tell us what you want us to know Draco and we can go from there.”

Harry heard a sigh from Draco and could practically hear his eyes roll.

“I came here because I needed medical attention and was not in a right state of mind. I did
not come here to spill my life story and cry on your couch.”

“You came here because you needed help, and you are in no position to be rude!”

Sirius snapped.

“You must be Sirius Black. We have never actually met. My mother said you were
handsome, not sure why.”

Harry bites his fist to keep from laughing.

“I was, Azkaban will do that to you.”

Sirius grumbles but Harry can hear the smile in his voice and Harry knew Sirius’s weakness
for sass was getting the better of him.

“Draco, you don’t have to tell us everything, but you have to tell us something. If your father
did this to you, we can help. Arthur works for the ministry using aggressive spells on your
child like this is a crime”
Molly says.

“I am well aware of this. So is my father, he works for the ministry also. He is well versed in
not facing consequences for many things deemed illegal by the ministry. To attempt to press
charges against him would only get Mr Weasley fired and me back in my father’s custody”

“Then what do you expect us to do Draco?”

Lupin asked.

“I just need to stay out of his direct grasp until the school year. I will be safe at Hogwarts. My
father wont risk a scene in the public eye. I can figure out something during the school year.”

“You don’t need to figure out anything Draco you can stay right here.”

Molly muttered clearing crying by the sound of her voice.


Sirius startled everyone .

“Now hold on a minute Sirius I know he has a rivalry with your god son, but he is just a child
you can’t just…”

“He is my family. I will take him. When the school year is up, he can come stay with me and
Harry. You don’t need another mouth to feed Molly and if anyone knows what Draco is going
though it is me.”

The following silence spanned a few minutes before the group of teens heard the adults
leaving the living room and someone beginning to climb the stairs. They all rushed as quietly
as possible to their rooms. Harry realised Draco had managed to avoid telling them exactly
what had happened. Molly entered Ron’s room first eyes drifting from Ron to Hermione then
to Harry.

“Thank you for telling us what you noticed Harry. And I am very proud of you Ron for
giving him our address so he could get help. I know you don’t like him but you helped him
anyway so for that I am grateful”

“Is he alright?”

Harry asked. Molly sighed heavily.

“His injures will take some time to heal but he will be ok. If you boys could help me, I would
like to set up the fold out bed in Fred and Georges room. It will do his injuries no good to
stay on the couch so I thought Draco could take your bed Ron and stay in here with Harry
and you could stay with your brothers”

“Why do I have to sleep on the fold out!”

“Would you rather Draco take the spare bed and Harry go stay with Fred and George leaving
you in here with Draco?”

Ron scowled comically at that causing Hermione to chuckle. Ron may have helped but he
definitely was not at sleep over level with him. Ron stomped out of his room to help his
mother whilst Harry and Hermione were left to change Ron’s bed sheets.

“Are you alright with him here Hermione?”

“Of course I am why would you ask Harry”

“Because although you have been keeping track of him with me of the three of us he has been
the cruellest to you.”

Hermione paused smoothing out the covers on the pillows

“I suppose but harsh words can be forgiven. An apology would do him good, but I did punch
him in the face so maybe that makes us even. Will you be alright sharing a bedroom with

“Of course. It might be a welcome change honestly Ron snores like a freight train.”

Hermione laughs throwing the pillow down onto the bed.

When Harry goes downstairs to get Draco, he finds him sandwiched between Fred and

“Remember last year when you helped us trap Filch on the moving stairs?”

“I didn’t help I… corrected your spell work.”

“Yes whatever, well this year we have new plans we were wondering if you could o-so
graciously correct our spell work again.”

Harry smiled. That’s why Fred and George didn’t seem so mad at Draco, he was just as much
of a troublemaker as them, he was just sneakier about it.

“What kind of stupid prank are you trying to pull Draco into? He hasn’t even been here a

Draco looked up at Harry from his position on the couch. He was in a knit yellow sweater he
knew to be Fred’s that swallowed him whole and the bags under his eyes were stark against
his pale skin.

“It is never too early to plan a good prank Harry.”

“Later, Molly had us set up Ron’s bed for Draco, Ron will be staying with you two”

“Oh man Ron snores.”

“Like the Hogwarts express”

Grumbled Fred then George and Harry smiled and extended his had to Draco.

“You should get some rest. We can come and get you when it is time for dinner.”

Draco stared at the offending had for a few seconds before taking it in a weak grip. Harry
pulled him to standing and Draco shuffled then limped towards the stairs slowly. Draco
paused at the bottom of the stairs glaring at them as if they were his enemy for a moment
before a rush of burgundy sweater brushed past Harry and Draco was lifted into the arms of
Fred. He yelled in surprise as Fred moved quickly up the stairs George following behind.

“Come on, don’t you know loitering on the stairs is rude!”

“Yes rude.”

“This Is a high traffic area in this household, too many children I say.”

“A whole pack of them.”

Fred and George bantered ignoring the shocked look Draco was giving Harry over Fred’s
shoulder. Harry smiled and shrugged at him. Draco was deposited on Ron’s bed and promptly
left by the twins.

“Are they always like that?”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

Harry chuckled. Looking back over Draco’s dishevelled form. He never expected to see
Draco like this but here he was drowned in borrowed cloths sprawled out on Ron’s bed
flushed with embarrassment and confusion.

“Yellow really isn’t you colour.”

Harry joked poking Draco’s arm and the offending jumper. Draco laughed then winced
clutching his side. Harry felt a little guilty, but Draco’s genuine smile was so exciting to

“Get some rest I will fetch you when there is food”

Harry stood to close the curtains

“Leave them open”

Harry glanced at Draco who was shuffling slowly on the bed trying to get more comfortable.
Harry nodded leaving the curtains open and silently left the room closing the door gently as
he left. he stood in front of the door for a few moments unable to decide what to do. How
could he hang out with his friends when Draco Malfoy was asleep a room over? Why did that
bother him in the first place?

Harry tried to sleep facing away from Draco unable to keep his eyes closed he stared at the
wall and prayed he got tired soon. He could occasionally hear Draco shuffle, but the
movements stopped short each time Draco probably too uncomfortable in most positions.
Draco had fallen asleep almost instantly still tired from his injuries. When a violent shuffle
sounded form Draco’s bed Harry turned to look at him. Draco was still asleep his eyes softly
closed blonde lashes almost translucent in the moonlight. Harry wiped the word pretty from
his mind and moved his eyes to Draco’s hands that where gripping he bedsheets tightly.
Draco flinched violently in his sleep again as if bracing for an unseen strike. For a moment
Draco tensed his whole body and shook and Harry worried he was convulsing somehow
having a seizure in his sleep but just as suddenly it began it stopped. Draco sat up in bed
panting hands pulling at his hair tightly.


He flinched glassy eyes meeting Harrys. Tears spilled from his eyes, and he slapped his hand
over his own mouth. Draco cried silently and Harry leapt from his bed to his side. He slowly
reached out to touch Draco no wanting to startle him. After a few seconds he pulled Draco
into his side in a hug. Draco shook silently and pulled himself into Harry further who in turn
wrapped himself around Draco more pulling him into his lap, so he was now holding him
completely. Harry kept his hand at the back of Draco’s neck gently running his fingertips
through the hair at the nape of Draco’s neck as he cried. By the time the sun was rising Draco
had cried himself back to sleep Harry having dosed off a few times himself. He gently laid
Draco in the bed leaving him to rest. He could add this to the list of things he and Draco had
in common, nightmares that left them breathless and scared in the middle of the night.


Having Draco at the Burrow was more fun than anyone expected. He slept allot for the first
few days and Molly kept giving him snacks all the time because he never ate his full dinner
but after about 4 days, he seemed more energetic and was able to eat a full meal. He fit in
with the Weasleys better than expected. The twins loved his wicked sense of humour he was
talented at cleaning spells which Molly loved, Hermione gave him a muggle book to read
which he tore through in a day, and they have been talking back and forth books since. Even
Ron tolerated him, he finally had someone challenging to play chess with although Draco
beating him both gained him respect and just annoyed Ron further.

The nightmares continued although not every night. One night it was Harry having the
nightmare. When he awoke sweating and panting he found Draco hovering over his bed eyes
wide and concerned.


Harry said dumbly.

“I can see that”

Draco sighed. He shuffled and pulled himself up onto Harry’s bed. And sat next to him.
Harry had done this a few times for Draco now, but he hadn’t expected the same kindness
form Draco in return.

Draco shuffled down laying on his back and turned his head to Harry inviting him to lay next
to him. Harry did and stared up at the ceiling shoulders pressed together lying side by side.
Draco pointed his want up and whispered and incantation. A whisp of light emanated from
Draco’s wand and above them danced small figures of white light. Harry calmed as he
watched the figures dance above them eyes occasionally glancing to Draco as he flicked is
wand changing the dance the figures were doing. Draco used magic more comfortably than
any wizard Harry knew. He supposed in Draco’s household magic was everywhere it was just
normal to him. Harrys eyes scanned across Draco’s sharp nose pointing to the ceiling, his
strong cheekbones casting shadows on his face baby fat long gone from Draco’s features
despite his still relatively young age. In the light of the spell Harry could see wetness clinging
to Draco’s blonde eyelashes and he wondered If Draco had been crying silently before or
after Harry’s nightmare began.


When Draco was deemed well enough to play some quidditch outside he seemed ecstatic.
Although he had been getting along with the others, he still rarely smiled. As soon as he got
on a broom Harry could see him relax.

Draco flew through the air with grace more akin to dancing than flying. Harry followed him
up as they gazed down on the Burrows Garden.

“Of all the things wizards can do I think flying is my favourite”

Harry said smiling over at Draco

“I have always loved flying, I got my first broom when I was 10 and I never wanted to come
down, my father had to hex me off my broom more than one to get me to come in for dinner”

Draco chuckled flying higher up away from Harry. A love of flying one more thing to add to
the things Harry had in common with Draco. The small match they had was the most fun
Harry had all summer. And he and Draco lingered up in the air and watched the sunset form
the sky after the match was done.

“Thank you, Harry.”

“For what?”

“All of it, I have treated you and your friends very poorly over the years to save my own
skin. But at the first sign of trouble you forgave me and offered your hand to help.”

“To be fair you technically helped me first.”

“I did a pretty poor job of it.”

“I don’t think I would have done better myself honestly.”

Draco hummed nodding his hair eyes still focused on the sunset and not Harry.

“It is strange.”

“What is strange?”

“You know being here the past two weeks I have actually felt… safe peaceful. To be honest I
don’t actually know what to do with the feeling.”

“Don’t worry if you intend to be my friend it won’t stay that way. I am sure as soon as we go
back to Hogwarts next week, I will manage to get us all in some stupid mess again.”

Draco laughed throwing his head back and Harry was mesmerised by the sight of Draco’s
blond locks highlighted by the setting sun his long neck craning back as he chuckled. Harry
only smiled. This was a sight he hoped he have the opportunity to get used to.

Draco had come into the school year no longer slicking his hair back and pointedly not
sitting with Crabbe and Goyle. He spoke to Harry and his friend in the halls and was given
detention in the first week by Snape for hexing a 5th year who had shouted a slur and a first
year. Harry was excited to see this new Draco. He was fierce, funny but still rude. But the
tournament quickly overshadowed the schools gossiping about Draco’s change in demeanour.


When Harry sat in for defence against the dark arts class and Moody began to demonstrate
the cruciatus curse, he had a sicking realisation. As he watched the creature writhe about in
pain, he could imagine what it might look like if it was a person and the image felt familiar.
He had seen that tense muscle posture the spasms of muscles desperately trying to get away
whilst unable to move. He has seen Draco like that for brief moments in his nightmares.
Harry felt bile rise in his throat. Draco shouted from across the room snapping everyone from
their shocked horror.


Moody ignored him but Hermione began to shout to.

“Stop it! Stop it Please can’t you see it is bothering him?!”

She pleaded. Harry glanced from the tortured creature to Nevil’s face. He looked like Harry
felt or worse. He looked about to throw up or faint. Moody finally stopped his assault
promptly killing the creature soon after. Ron praised Moody’s experience as they left the
room whilst Draco and Hermione angrily disapproved. Harry found himself unable to talk to
shaken by the thought that Draco may be hiding his own experience with the curse. When
they spotted Neville Harry was surprised by Draco going to comfort the boy. Moody bounded
down the stairs moments later steamily trying to remedy his mishap with Neville.

“Come on I have something to show you.”

“No you have shown him enough today, Sir.”

Draco spat gripping Nevil’s shoulder to stop him from going with Moody.

“Nevil come with me I know something you are bound to find interesting.”

With that Draco led Nevil down the stairs away from Moody Harry following behind
curiously. Hermione and Ron didn’t follow but Draco didn’t seem to notice or care. Harry
realised where they were going quickly. The lake. When they arrived Draco sat on the dirt
and began to take off his shoes and socks. Harry absently noticed that Draco’s socs were the
perfect shade of green to match the lining of his school cloak.

“What are you doing?”

Nevil asked still half in a daze

“Take of your shoes and socks and roll up your pants a bit.”

Nevil scrunched his brows but followed the request a moment later. Harry stayed distant
sitting on the dirt content to just watch. Draco handed Harry his cloak which Harry draped
over his legs knowing Draco would hate for it to sit in the dirt. Once Draco and Nevil were
shoes and sock free Draco waded into the water a few paces and plunged his hands down into
the water. After a few moments his hand reappeared and he was holding fist full of a soft
pink looking algae. Nevil’s face lip up immediately.

“Is that…!”

“Roseus tractate more commonly known as…”

“The pink treat!”

Nevil interrupted excitedly. He looked at Draco in awe and then to Harry as if he expected
Harry to be as excited as him.

“Harry! This stuff it is the favourite food or merfolk! Did you know merfolk live in the black

Harry shook his head. No actually he didn’t. That was actually kind of cool. Nevil foraged
for the algae for a bit and Draco let him ramble about plants. When Nevil slipped into silence
Draco spoke again his voice unusually hesitant.

“I am sorry about your parents Nevil. What my aunt did…”

“It wasn’t you.”

“I know but my aunt. What she did, I can’t, I am just sorry, that curse it is beyond
unforgivable it is… evil abhorrent and I am sorry someone in my family did that to your

Nevil was silent for a few moments before nodding. He went back to foraging for plants and
Draco let him. When the three finally left the lake Draco and Nevil had pruned hands and feet
but Nevil looked allot calmer than he had before. They left Nevil to go back to the common
room alone and Harry offered to walk Draco part way to the dungeons.

“That was pretty great what you just did.”

“What? Look for algae?”

“Calm Nevil down like that.”

Draco shrugged a habit Harry was pretty sure he was picking up from him it seemed far too
uncivilised for something Draco to normally do.

“Can I ask. What exactly did happen to Nevil’s parents.”

Draco’s eyes saddened and he rubbed the back of his neck something he did when he was
uncomfortable Harry noticed.

“My aunt a death eater named Bellatrix Lestrange tortured them with the cruciatus curse
repeatedly until they went insane. She is in Azkaban now and Nevil’s parents are at St
mungo’s hospital barely alive the minds lost to the curse.”

Harry nodded unsure what to say. No wonder Nevil looked so poorly earlier; he had been
picturing his parents writhe like that bug the same way Harry had been picturing Draco. He
wanted to ask Draco about the nightmares, about the curse but he felt it was not the right


Harry couldn’t sleep. He kept thinking of the bug in class. The way it stopped dead when the
curse struck it, how familiar the green flash seemed to Harry. How had he survived that
curse? And the thought about the way the bug writhed how it squeaked an apparent scream
and Harry’s mind conjured up the sounds of Nevil’s parents screaming like the bug, of Draco
screaming. He hadn’t screamed in his dreams, but Draco had never made a sound in the
nightmares not even a sob when he cried after. When Harry gave up on sleep, he opened the
Marauders map. Draco was not safe in his bed but up in the observation tower. Had he not
been able to sleep because of what he had seen today? Was he haunted by memories or was
Harry over exaggerating.

When Harry reached the tower, he decided he was not over exaggerating. Draco was shaking
staring out into the sky head resting against the cool metal of the railing his feet dangling
down off the ledge.


“Please go away Harry.”

Draco said not even turning around.

Harry shuffled forward and sat behind Draco. He placed his hands on Draco’s waist and
gently began to pull him away from the ledge. Draco resisted for a moment but gave in
turning and allowing himself to be pulled into Harry’s embrace.

“He used that curse on me Harry. That night after the quidditch cup. He saw me, he saw that I
helped you and he used that curse. When I saw that bug today, I thought I… did I look like
that when he used it? He only used it for a few seconds just a moment, but I can’t…
sometimes I wake up and my body aches at just the memory of how it felt.”

Draco whispered his confession into Harry’s neck and Harry held him tighter. He had hoped
he had been wrong but knowing that he wasn’t left him sick. He doesn’t know why but he
gently left a kiss onto the crown on Draco’s head and squeezed him tighter. Draco settled into
his arms and Harry decided he would punch Lucius Malfoy if ever given the chance.


Before Harry could appreciate how close his friends had gotten to Draco or the groups
newfound dynamic, Harry found himself thrown into a death tournament and his friends
abandoning him. Except Draco.

“Of course I don’t think you put your name in the cup. What idiot would even do that. The
tournament is an outdated tradition pitting children in a stupid death match so the heads of
magical schools can stroke their inflated egos”

Harry had gone out wandering the halls of Hogwarts after his talk with Sirius. He had hoped
to be comforted by his godfather but the conversation only left him more anxious. And after
Ron rudely spoke to him Harry needed someone to be nice to him. He was delighted when he
saw Draco pacing in one of the observation towers again and went there to meet with him.

“Don’t want to do this Draco. Someone put my name in that goblet, and I can’t handle this”

“You can and you will. It is stupid and crazy but so are you.”

Draco said with a smirk. Harry shoved Draco lightly as they both chuckled.

“I mean it though. If anyone can get through this, it is you. Hasn’t Hogwarts sort of always
been a death tournament for you anyway?”

Harry nodded half shrugging in agreement. He gazed out over the grounds the view really
quite spectacular from their vantage point.

“What are you even doing out here so late at night?”

“Waiting for you to have a crisis.”

Harry rolled his eyes and leaned forward on the railing.

“Couldn’t sleep could you, so you use your Prefect privileges to roam the halls at night.”

“I got too used to the sound of you snoring.”

Harry scoffed.

“I do not snore!”

Draco smiled and held out his hand thumb and pointer finger held a small gap apart

“Just a little bit. The occasional snort.”

Draco’s face split into a huge grin as he turned around back leaning on the railing next to

“You have to sleep sometime Draco.”

Draco rolled his eyes and his head and looked to Harry in a sort of gentle irritation.

“I will, I can make us some dreamless sleeping draught. You are out here at night too you
hypocrite and you don’t even have prefect privileges; I should write you up for being out at

Harry turned body mimicking Draco and sighed.

“I just can’t believe Ron thinks I wanted this.”

“Ron is an idiot. I have always said that, and I am always right you should trust my judgment

“He is my friend.”

“Well he is being a shit friend. Either he comes around or he isn’t worth it either way it is not
your problem.”

Harry groaned. He hated this. He always had Ron and Hermione when things got crazy he
didn’t know how to do this without them. Harry felt Draco slip his hand into his and squeeze.

“You have me. I’d say that is a right bit more useful than Ron anyway. But he will come
around, he may be an idiot, but he isn’t cruel, give him time.”

Harry squeezed Draco’s hand in return and nodded. He hoped Draco was right.


Harry thought his last three years at Hogwarts were stressful but now trying to keep up with
study and figure out these dam tasks Harry was so tightly wound he thought he would snap at
any moment. With the first task rapidly approaching even Draco seemed worried. Draco
Harry and Nevil were sitting by the lake again discussing plans whilst Nevil collected lake

“Amazing. Amazing!”

Nevil said getting louder with each one


Draco grumbled.

“You’re doing it again.”

Harry finished. Nevil apologised for distracting them as Draco flicked though a book
detailing the tasks of past Tournaments.

“This is absolutely ridiculous they expect you to just though yourself into some crazy
dangerous tasks with no guide and come out the other end alive! And you didn’t even sign up
for this! I should have a word to that fool Dumbledore myself letting an underage student be
pulled into this shit.”

“Why do you hate Dumbledore so much Draco?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because he hosts teen death tournaments, or because he let you and
your friends go and face the dark lord when you were 12, or because he expects you and me
to play our roles in the battle between his group and the death eaters and has done nothing to
change that?”

Harry nodded along tiredly. He honestly loved when Draco got passionate like this, he had
allot of strong opinions and could express them quite loudly when desired. Draco’s face was
a tiny bit flushed as he spoke, and the bridge of his nose crinkled as she scowled.

“You look cute when you do that.”

Harry blurted. As soon as it left his mouth Harry was ready to combust. His tired brain had
said it before he could stop himself. He watched as Draco’s light flush morphed into a full red
face and he sputtered. Harry couldn’t help but smile at the reaction. Draco was blushing and
Harry loved it. before he could say anything, Hermione approached them.

“Harry, I need to talk to you… Hello Draco.”

Hermione said she opened his mouth to continue but paused and looked back to Draco

“Are you alright Draco you look red enough to fry an egg.”

Draco glared at her and stomped a few feet away towards Nevil who was wading in the
water of the black lake again. Pulling his hood over his head dramatically.

“What was that about?”

Hermione asked looking at Draco as he left. Harry just chuckled and shrug.

“Ronald would like me to tell you, that Seamus told him that Dean was told By Parvati that
Hagrid is looking for you.”

“Is that right well… What?”

Harry was both angry and confused Hermione was clearly confused also. She went back to
Ron to confirm and attempted to explain again before giving up

“Hagrid is looking for you.”

“Well you can tell Ronald…”


Hermione screeched leaving Harry fuming.

“Well that was convoluted and dramatic.”

Draco sighed and Harry angerly snapped his head to him.

“He wont even talk to me! He is being such a child!”

Draco nodded and patted Harry’s back with condescending sympathy. At least he got the
message. Hagrid was looking for him.


“Dragons!” Draco gasped when Harry told him. Draco began writing a list of books from
memory he had read on dragons and pointed out the ones he had in his trunk. Harry was
eternally grateful to Narcissa Malfoy who had sent most of Draco’s things to Hogwarts for
him although she was apparently in France, had had been for months something she did
whenLucius was in a bad mood Draco had said.

“You know allot about Dragons Draco.”

“That’s because of my name dumb ass, Draconis it means dragon”

Between Draco’s study and Moody’s training Harry was feeling at least some bit better about
the task. Draco didn’t like Moody, but Harry wasn’t getting any help from other adults, so he
wasn’t going to ignore it. Moody didn’t have an idea that Harry could actually master in time
for the dragons though.

Harry and Draco sat under a tree in the courtyard students walking past Fred and George
sitting not far off in one of the archways poorly attempting to get the attention of passing
Beauxbatons students. The students form Beauxbatons didn’t like anyone from Hogwarts
though. Except Draco it seemed. He spoke French to them and knew a few of the students.
Apparently, Draco was almost a student there and Harry admitted to himself that the thought
of Draco in the silky blue boys’ uniform was a pleasant one. And Draco speaking French was
unreasonably attractive, but Harry supposed that is why people called the language of love it
was attractive if anyone spoke it…right?

“I don’t know Moody just asked me what spells I was good at, and I blanked!”

Draco rubbed his temples something Harry noticed he did when he was annoyed,
“There has to be something! You have talents you are Harry bloody Potter.”

“Nothing I can use against a dragon! My skills consist of dumb luck and flying mostly.”

Draco paused pulling up a first full of the grass he had been tugging at.

“What did you just say?”

“Dumb luck and flying?”

“Harry brilliant! Flying! You can out manoeuvre the dragon! As long as the dragon stays in a
small space it won’t be able to move as fast as you can on a broom.”

“I am not allowed my broom.”

“No but you are allowed your wand.”

Harry crinkled his brow for a few seconds not getting Draco’s point.

“Summon the broom! Like this ‘Accio apple’ ”

Draco flicked his wand and the apple that had been in Fred Weasley’s hand flew into Draco’s
waiting palm. Draco looked to Fred and smiled taking a bite from the apple right over where
Fred had already begun to eat it. Fred scowled at him and poked his tongue out but ignored
him after.

“It is a simple spell Harry I am sure with some training from me and Moody you will be able
summon your broom in time for the task. I will just have to make sure your broom is out of
lock and key. I am sure Fred and George can help me with a little breaking and entering.”

Harry smiled finally they had a plan and Harry had something useful to focus on. Draco
made plans with Fred and George and Harry practiced the summoning spell any spare
moment he could. His favourite thing to summon was Draco’s scarf. He would summon the
scarf right from Draco’s neck from behind him in the hall or a flight of stairs down from him
and laugh as Draco shouted at him every time.


It was actually Draco’s idea to give Cedric a clue about the dragons.

“I was already thinking about it but I am surprised you suggested it”

“Why? It makes perfect sense. If you give him a clue for this task then if he knows something
before you do in the next task, he will feel obligated to help you. He is a Hufflepuff they take
loyalty very seriously; you help him and there is no doubt he will repay the favour”

Harry huffed a laugh

“Oh so you aren’t suggesting I help out of the goodness of your heart”
“Absolutely not. I fully expect you to destroy him in these tasks if you have to, we are not
losing to him!”

Draco clenched his fist in determination looking into Harry’s eyes with false seriousness. It
only lasted a second before both burst out laughing. Draco leaned his head into Harry as they
chuckled, and Harry felt himself flush at the contact.


The morning of the task began sooner than Harry liked he repeated the plan Draco and
Moody had come up with in his head over again as he paced the tent listening to the crowd
begin to gather to watch. As his anxiety built, he saw rustling from the side of the tent. He
approached and heard a whisper from the other side of the canvas.



“Are you alright? Fred and George have got their end of the plan sorted I thought you would
want to know”

Harry sighed relieved it was nice to know that his broom was somewhere nearby for him to
summon. He saw familiar long fingers slip between the tents walls and he reached out to
grasp them. He squeezed the hand trying to stop himself from shaking with nerves.

“You just need to stay focused Ignore everyone else and…”

“Battle a Dragon”

Harry herd Draco wince and the tent flew open Draco flying into Harry’s arms. The bright
flash of a camera blinded Harry momentarily before he saw Reita Skeeter waddle into the

“Young Love! How… stirring”

Harry let go of Draco squaring his posture defensively.

“Get rid of that picture”

He spat. Draco did not need the attention that could cause. He was in enough danger as it was
avoiding his father and those loyal to him. Reita only smiled tight lipped.

“If anything goes unfortunately today you two might even make the front page”

Draco grumbled from behind Harry but before either could say something Victor Krum spoke

“You two have no business here, this tent is for campions, and friends”
Reita eyed Krum in a way that made Harry uncomfortable for an older woman to be looking
at someone only just eighteen.

“No matter we got what we wanted.”

She left with a flourish of her quill and Dumbledore burst in form the other side of the tent.

“Good day champions, gather round. Now you’ve waited you’ve wondered, at last the
moment has arrived, a moment only the four of you can fully appreciate.”

Dumbledore said glancing around the champions. He did a double take when his eyes landed
on Draco who was clung to Harry’s arm.

“What are you doing here Mr Malfoy?”

“I am here for Harry sir, everyone else has a mentor with them, Harry has me.”

Dumbledore paused for a moment but then must have decided Draco was right or maybe that
he didn’t care because he nodded and continued leaving Draco there to cling to Harry. As
Bartee handed around the bag so the Champions could pull dragons from it to battle Draco
whispered facts about them in Harry’s ear. When Harry pulled out the Hungarian horntail he
cursed his luck, this was only Dragon he remembered because even Hagrid who had a soft
spot for scary creatures described it as a nasty piece of work.

“It is alright, stay out of direct line of it’s mouth it can breathe fire further than most dragons
and is very fast, but it doesn’t have manoeuvrability like you do, it is slow to turn.”

Harry nodded. He felt Draco’s hair tickle the side of his face and he was eternally grateful to
have him by his side.

Their plan worked. Mostly. Harry had not managed to keep the Dragon in an enclosed space
like Draco asked but he did summon his broom. And he did out move the Dragon. He had
done it he had actually beaten the dragon. He let himself be carried into Gryffindor as
everyone whooped and cheered. After he opened the egg, and everyone dissipated as he and
Ron tentatively made up. Hermione hugged him smiling clearly glad to no longer be stuck
between Harry and Ron’s drama. He separated from the hug and glanced to the door out of
the common room.

“You can go.”

Hermione said smiling.

“Where is he going?”

Ron asked offended. Hermione rolled her eyes

“To see Draco idiot, he can’t celebrate in here with us but Draco was the one helping Harry
this whole time he should be the one Harry is celebrating with. Just go Harry I will cover for
you here.”
Harry nodded in thanks rushing out the door. He rushed up to the observatory finding Draco
pacing. He rushed forward smiling Draco snapped his arms out quickly embracing him

“You idiot! I told you to keep it in a small space, but no you had to go and fly around the
school with it!”


“Don’t ever do that again!”

“Wasn’t planning to.”

Harry squeezed Draco tighter placing his hand on the back of Draco’s head who in turn
buried his face closer into the crook of Harrys shoulder.

“You stink.”

Draco mumbled into Harry’s shoulder and Harry chuckled. There was usual Draco again.


The Paper the next morning caused Harry more annoyance than he thought a single photo
ever could. Right there printed huge across the paper was a picture of Draco hugging Harry
tightly with ‘Young Love?’ in bold text underneath it.

“I am sorry about this Draco. I hope this doesn’t cause you any crap with the Slytherins”

Harry knew that not all the Slytherins were pure blood ass hats but of all the houses they
were the most divided and had the most extremists. Draco had managed to keep himself out
of most trouble the sheer loyalty of those who agreed with him and his reputation as someone
you should not mess with. Some of the Slytherins caused mild issues like Crabbe and Goyle
stealing his things occasionally or Pansy Parkinson giving snide remarks but others like
Blaze Zabini seemed very supportive and all the muggle born Slytherins and those who
would have been considered ‘blood traitors’ adamantly held Draco up as still the prince of
Slytherin now a defender for them.

“I can Handle myself Harry it isn’t you fault.”

“You don’t think your father will do anything about it will he?”

Hermione asked worriedly. She did have a point, seeing his son described as ‘The prince of
Slytherin in a forbidden romance with the Gryffindor prince’ in the newspaper can’t have
been something he was happy about.

“I don’t know what he can do about it. Dumbledore won’t let him on school grounds except
to watch tournament evens and even then, he isn’t allowed to leave the event area. And I
check all my mail for spells before opening them. Honestly, I am just sad I didn’t see his
horrified face.”
Harry chuckled he agreed with that he is sure it would have been quite a site.


Harry was leaving the last class for the day when he heard a commotion from down the hall a
group of students already beginning to crowd to watch whatever the drama was. As He
Hermione and Ron approached, he heard the familiar voices of Fred and George.

“Back off! Nothing to see here!”

“Vamoose you vermin!”

Harry sped up his pace fear filling his gut. His instincts proven right as he pushed though the
crowd. Behind the twins Harry caught a glimpse of familiar blonde hair. He pushed to the
front of the crowd and George looked at him with worry. He ran right up to his side.

“What happened?”

“We found him like this. It appears someone had placed a black box hex on him. It traps you
in an invisible box for a certain amount of time and you can’t hear or see anything outside of
it, but everyone can see you”

Harry was furious and deeply worried. He moved behind George and toward Draco who was
curled up on himself leaning on the invisible barrier.

“He is freaking out Harry, we don’t know why, and we don’t know how to undo the spell, but
Cedric went to go get a professor.”

Harry knelt down in front Draco separated by the invisible barrier.

“Draco is afraid of the dark and hates small places.”

Harry said grimly looking back to Draco helplessly. Who ever cast the spell knew Draco well
enough to know what would upset him. Miss McGonagall fortunately came quickly down all
the students dissipating instantly.

“What is going on… oh Draco my dear boy lets get you out of there.”

She quickly cast a spell and Draco slowly moved his head up now able to see. Harry rushed
forward pulling Draco into a hug. He felt Hermione move down with him hugging Draco
form the other side then Ron kneeling behind Draco patting his back in an attempt to be

“What happened?”

Mrs McGonagall asked Fred and George

“We didn’t see it miss but we found Draco like that. I assume you saw the news this morning,
I would hazard a guess some of his house mates didn’t approve”
“Is that right Draco? Did other Slytherins do this?”

Draco nodded from within his pile of friends. She huffed in disgust.

“To do this to your own house mate. Very well, I can’t have you stay in your dorm tonight not
until we find a way to keep you safe. Come with me.”

The group followed Mrs McGonagall Harry and Hermione clinging to Draco’s arms. She
took them up to the seventh floor and as they walked a hall a door appeared.

“The room of requirement. I thought it was just a legend”

Hemione gasped.

“Hogwarts is home to many legends that are true”

Ron looked to Hermione curiously.

“It is a room that appears with whatever the person needs when they truly need it.”

“So if I really had to go, like really had to go it would have a toilet.”

Hermione and Draco sighed.

“Yes Ronald.”

She said. As they all entered the room, they found themselves in a warm room filled with soft
looking pillows and mattresses on the floor a fireplace crackling gently on the back wall.

“Perfect. I will leave you all to stay here for the night. I expect as prefects Hermione, Ron,
and Draco you will not get up to anything stupid. I will talk to the other professors about
finding a solution for Draco. You Fred, George as you are older students, I hope you will care
for the younger. I will check on you later and send up food from the great all for dinner as I
suspect you have now missed it”

And with that she left. Fred and George excitedly threw themselves down on the plush floor
bedding followed more hesitantly by the rest of them.

“A sleep over! What a novel idea it has been a while since we had a proper gathering”

“Right you are Fred, I think the last one was… last year with that big group of Hufflepuffs”

Ron looked to his brothers confused. Draco laughed already more relaxed.

“Oh poor Ron do your brothers never invite you to their sneaky parties? These two are quite
notorious really. You managed to sneak rum into that party, didn’t you? ”

Draco asked

“That we did”
“Aging spell”

“ Had a jolly good time”

“ Played spin the bottle”

George and Fred confirmed

“Yes, I remember! You kissed Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan punched you in the face
the next morning because he didn’t hear the context”

Fred laughed and rubbed his chin as if the mention of the punch brought back the sensation.

“You kissed Dean! Why on earth would you do that! I thought you… but you dated Angelina
Johnson last year.”

Ron exclaimed mouth agape.

“Right bright one is that bother of ours George.”

Fred said rolling his eyes. Harry was watching in rapture. He didn’t know Fred liked boys.
He knew there were gay people at Hogwarts of course there were, he was pretty sure
Dumbledore was gay or maybe asexual he wasn’t certain. But he wasn’t aware if any of his
friends were and frankly his life has been too chaotic for him to think about his own

“Honestly Ron, people can like both you know like Harry.”

Harry coughed.


Hermione frowned.

“I thought, I am sorry I didn’t mean to assume it is just the way you have talked in the past

Harry’s eyes flittered to Draco, and he knew he was blushing but hopefully not too much.

“No it is fine; you are right I guess but I just never really thought about it much.”

Hermione nodded relaxing clearly glad she hadn’t freaked him out.

“Well then congratulations Harry welcome to the club.”

George said slapping his hand on Harry’s shoulder smiling.

“Wait so you are all bisexual! Why didn’t I know this? Draco are you…”

Ron said dumbfounded. Draco frowned as if grossed out.

“Bisexual no merlin no.”

He paused for dramatic effect.

“I am gay very much so, much to my father’s deep disappointment. The Malfoy line
hopefully ends with me.”

Ron leans back with a silent wow.

“You mean you have…”

Ron swallowed audibly.

“Kissed a boy? A little. Haven’t you?”

Ron gasped. Draco was smirking. He was clearly amused my Ron’s reaction so were Fred
and George. Ron was far too easy to tease even Hermione was laughing a bit.

“No! who have you kissed?”

“Well it wouldn’t be you, although I am not opposed to red heads.”

Ron gaped and Fred exaggeratedly winked at him. Harry was laughing but the back of his
mind burned for an answer to the question. He loathed to think of himself of jealous, but he
didn’t much like the idea of Draco kissing someone.

“Oh no please don’t tell me you kissed Fred!”

Ron squeaked.

“Merlin no!”

Draco said jokingly sounding offended.

“I have taste!”

He said letting Ron relax for a moment.

“It was George.”

And with that Draco leaned back into the plush pillows smugly as George and Fred loudly
laughed Hermione stifling snorts in her palm even Harry laughing lightly at Ron’s red face
squashing the jealous feeling he had down.

“It was on the cheek mind you, but I was still surprised he did it”

“I am a Slytherin we take our dares too seriously probably”

“I’ll say Zabini could have died putting that bonnet on Filches cat”
Everyone laughed at that remembering Filch running around after his cat last year trying to
get an ugly pink bonnet off her.

The group gossiped for some time eating the dinner sent up for them and settling into the
floor bed to sleep. Without asking Harry laid close next to Draco, Hermione on Draco’s other
side the twins below them long legs half entailed amongst Harry and Draco’s. It appeared and
unspoken desire from all to be close to Draco. Weather to make him feel safe or to reassure
themselves he was ok was up for debate. A false stary night sky twinkled above them
illuminating the room in a gentle blue glow. As they all settled in for the night Harry made
eye contact with Hermione over Draco blurrily able to make her out without his glasses.

“Draco, why are you afraid of the dark?”

She whispered into Draco’s back. Draco huffed breathing a puff of air that bushed Harrys
face due to their close proximity.

“Malfoy manor is a very traditional wizarding home it includes all the traditional wizarding
amenities of high-class families from generations ago.”

“Including a dungeon.”

Ron pipes up from behind Hermione.


Draco says looking up into Harrys eyes. They stare at each other for a moment in silence.

“The dungeon has no windows it is very dark down there.”

Draco says. He doesn’t need to say that he had been locked in there the implication clear.
Harry thinks back to the times he had been locked in the cupboard under the stairs and the
Dursleys had snapped the shudders closed leaving Harry in darkness. If he hadn’t kept many
spare light bulbs in there, he was sure he would have gone mad sitting in the darkness alone.

Harry allows himself to move his head to rest on Draco’s shoulder and Hermione reaches out
to place a palm on Draco’s arm.

“You know I might just murder your father Draco,”

“I second that.”




The group count off. Draco rolls his eyes fondly and closes them wordlessly asking everyone
to go to sleep.
When Harry is awoken by familiar flinching besides him, he mentally berates himself that he
didn’t see this coming. Draco had a stressful evening and didn’t take a dreamless sleep potion
something Harry knows he does often. Now Draco was in the throes of one of his nightmares.
Harry sits up to look at Draco illuminated by the false stary sky that hug above them. He
blurredly sees something move in his peripheral and realises Hermione and at least one of the
twins must be awake, Hermione likely awoken by Draco’s movements so close to her. Harry
is yet again assaulted by the image of Draco convulsing then immediately awaking silently
gasping for breath. Harry grips Draco on the shoulders pushing down gently to ground him.

“You’re ok Draco it is fine, you are safe and at Hogwarts.”

Draco moves his arms gripping at Harrys sleeves tightly slowing his breathing as tears drip
down his nose.

“That’s it just breathe.”

Harry encourages. He can see Hermione move away getting up to do something. Some
minutes pass and Hermione appears next to them holding something.

“Here Draco it is tea, it helps relax the muscles, it will help with the aches.”

Draco moves from Harrys grasp and takes the tea into his hands. Harry uses the opportunity
to reach out and put his glasses on. How that he can see properly he sees both the twins are
awake looking equally glum Ron appears to only be half awake maybe waking from
Hermione getting up and not Draco’s nightmare.

“What was that Draco?”

George asks. Hermione is looking at Harry intently they silently communicate, and Harry
knows she saw it too, she recognised Draco’s movements, and she knew what Harry knew. It
must be why she gave him the tea; she knew his muscles would be sore.

“A nightmare, sorry.”

“No not that, you I… mean… in your sleep you, I thought you might be having a seizure but
then you just woke up.”

Draco stilled his hands going impossibly whiter as he griped the mug. He looked at Harry for
confirmation of what he feared, and Harry couldn’t control his expression to show anything
but sympathy.

“Do I look like the bug?”

Draco whispered eyes boring into his mug of tea. Harry didn’t know what to say. Hermione
rubbed Draco’s back gently her eyes filling with tears.

“Draco your father used the cruciatus curse on you, didn’t he?”

Draco nodded squeezing his eyes shut tears again rolling down his face. Gasps resounded
form the Weasleys in the room.
“He used an unforgivable?”

Ron muttered not really a question but more surprised horror.

“He should be in Azkaban.”

George growled.

“There are many things my father has done that should land him in Azkaban. But trust me
when I tell you he has fail safes in place for all of them.”

“He can’t just get away with this Draco!”

“He already has.”

Hermione opens her mouth to protest but Harry stops her with a glace. As much as he would
like to take down Lucius this is not the conversation Draco needed right now. Hermione
deflated and placed her head on Draco’s shoulder crying.

“I am alright you know.”

“Like bloody hell you are alright mate.”

Ron said angerly and it was then Harry realised Ron was also crying. Draco must have
noticed also because he had a look of surprise on his face. Ron leaned forward and wrapped a
hand around Draco’s ankle the part of him most easily accessible to him. Draco smiled tearily
but genuinely.

“Maybe not but I will be. Thanks to you”

Ron snorted lightly and nodded. Draco looked exhausted eventually everyone laid back down
and went to sleep. Harry awoke to Draco’s hand stretched out on his chest and Hermione
smirking at him knowingly.

Draco was re-roomed with other Slytherins who were kind to him, Professors not to subtly
kept an eye on him and it appeared not only Slytherins protected their prince but Hufflepuffs
too. Apparently, Cedric asked them two because Harry had helped him in the first task and
Draco had been helping Harry, so he said he owed him. Harry let Draco gloat about being
right just because it made Draco smile


After that night Hermione and Ron encouraged Harry to talk to someone about what had
happened to Draco. Although they knew the Slytherin probably wouldn’t want them too they
decided that an adult needed to know. Harry decided Lupin was the best person to tell, he
already knew about Draco’s boggart and Harry thought he would be the kindest to Draco if
he needed to ask questions.

“You mean to say that Lucius Malfoy used an unforgivable curse on his son?”
Harry only nodded. Lupin had come out to Hogsmeade to meet them, and they were sitting in
a secluded area of the three broomsticks. The trio nodded glumly.

“Thank you for telling me. I wish Draco had reached out, but I understand he hasn’t ever had
an adult to trust so it must be hard for him to rely on us now.”

“What are we going to do about this Lupin. His father may not be taking care of Draco now,
but he still has power over him, Draco could get pulled from school any moment if Lucius
demanded it. he pretends it is ok, but we know he is cautious not to do things that will irritate
his father by putting the Malfoys in the public eye. After he was caught in the news paper
earlier students attacked Draco and we know his father orchestrated it.”

“You three are not going to do anything about it. This isn’t something you should have to
deal with. Let me handle it form here. I should have been doing more ages ago. Keep Draco
out of trouble and the news paper if you can so I can come up with some way to sever his
father’s connection. Maybe I can get his mother to help.”

Lupin looks up at the trio with his soft caring eyes hoping to alleviate their worries.

“Narcissa has been in France since before the quidditch world cup. She writes to Draco, but
she has never offered to help him.”

Hermione angrily sighs.

“Draco says she is fine but disappointed she can’t go home because Draco won’t.”

Harry mutters. He remembers how kindly Draco speaks of his mother and how hard Harry
tries to not hate her despite knowing she did nothing for years when Draco was under
Lucius’s thumb. Draco says she was part of the reason he stayed. He asked Harry if he would
have stayed if it meant protecting his own mother and Harry couldn’t disagree with that.

“If Narcissa left before the world cup she may not know just how far Lucius went. She also
fears her husband, but I do know she loves Draco. I promise you I will figure out a way to
keep him safe. You are doing enough. Focus on staying alive in the tournament Harry. Let me
deal with Lucius”

Harry nods rubbings his hands around one another. Hermione and Ron leave so Harry can
have some time alone with Lupin. They talk pleasantly for a while Lupin telling him about
the progress he and Sirius have made on the house. They go for a walk as they continue their
chat and Lupin takes a moment to stop Harry and look him in the eye.

“It is a very hard thing you are doing with Draco right now Harry. If you ever need to talk
about it know I am here to help.”

Harry feels his eyes sting.

“I wasn’t the one who was cursed but I still have nightmares about it. He didn’t tell anyone. I
don’t think he would have even gone to the Weasley’s for help if Lucius hadn’t cast it. That
curse leaves you disorientated and paranoid for a while after. I think that is why he fled. Had
he been in his normal state of mind I think he might have stayed. Draco is better now but
sometimes I catch him thinking that he deserved it. No child deserves that. Seeing him like
that Lupin it hurts. ”

“To watch someone you love in pain is a terrible thing, Harry. I am sorry you had to see that.”

Harry let’s himself cry as Lupin embraces him. He cries because he is scared. He cries
because he is tired. He cries because he does love Draco and he has absolutely no idea what
to do about it.


The Yue Ball rapidly approaches and Harry watches in amusement as all the students fumble
about trying to get dates. He laughs at Ron’s dancing until he himself realises he is terrible at
Dancing. When Draco spins past him Hermione in his arms as he gracefully glides her across
the room Harry is mesmerised. Draco is a great dancer. Because of course he is. Draco
explains he did dance lessons as a child, ballroom dancing being something upper class
wizards often have to do. When Harry is told he has to open the ball with the other
champions he decides he might as well give up there. Then Hermione decides to throw him
under the bus.

“Draco why don’t you teach Harry how to dance. You are very good, and we don’t want
Harry to look like an idiot at the ball”

Harry flushes and glares at her. Why on earth would she do that. Ron laughs and Hermione
smacks him. Draco agrees and askes Harry to meet him by the room of requirement in the
evening. When Harry snaps at Hermione when they are alone, she smirks at him.

“Are you telling me you are not looking forward to holding Draco in your arms tonight”

Harry flushes and opens and closes his mouth like a fish for a moment. Hermione huffs.

“Honestly Harry, your crush is very cute, but I am getting tired of you making moon eyes at
him across the great hall”

“I do not make moon eyes”

“You drool when he speaks French”

“I do not!”

Hermione rolls her eyes still smirking. She had been spending too much time with Draco she
is picking up on his mischief. Harry did not have a crush on Draco Malfoy! He just cared for
him. Really really deeply. And thought he was pretty. That was normal. Totally.

When Harry arrived at the room of requirement, he found Draco inside wearing a black
turtleneck and slim black slacks. The all-black form fitting outfit accentuated his long legs,
thin waist, and perfect posture. Draco was dancing alone in the room spinning on one foot
gracefully and landing on the other leg. This wasn’t the ball room dancing Harry has seen
before with was ballet. Draco moved about muscles perfectly aligned hands soft yet
controlled and as he spun his short hair bounced in a halo round his face. It was beautiful.
Draco must have seen him because he stopped, and Harry mounded the loss of such a lovely

“I didn’t know you could dance like that.”

“There are many things you still don’t know about me Potter.”

Harry smiled approaching Draco to start the lesson. Draco described the kind of Dancing
that would probably happen at the ball and what Harry would be expected to do. Draco
gently glided Harrys hands to his waist softly giving Harry dancing instructions as he moved
them around the room. The warmth of Draco’s body near his, the exhale Draco let out when
Harry practiced lifting Draco in the air for a twirl, the smell of sour apples form Draco’s
shampoo Harry was happy, too happy. Shit, he did have a crush on Draco Malfoy.


Students were asked to go to the Ball left and right. Hermione was going with Victor Krum of
all people who had followed her around for days in attempts to woo her. Ron had tried to ask
her when he got desperate, and Hermione had yelled at him quite aggressively.

“You are a complete idiot, Ron. I may be gay but even I know more about women than you
do. No girl wants to be asked as a last resort”

Harry could understand that. Draco had kept throwing girls and the occasional boy at Harry
to take to the dance insisting that as a champion he needed an appropriate date. He even
offered to get one of the Beauxbatons students to go with him much to Ron’s jealously. Draco
insisted he wouldn’t help Ron get a date because he would never subject a poor girl to an
evening with Ron.

Harry and Draco had been on their way up to the owl tower Draco describing a student from
Beauxbatons he knew to be a very good dancer when Harry finally snapped

“I don’t want to go with her! I don’t want to go with any of them I want to go with you!”

Draco paused eyes wide in shock.

“That is no way to ask someone to a dance.”

Harry huffed and walked back a few steps down the icy stairs to be on the same step as

“Sorry. I have wanted to ask you for weeks but.”

“You know we can’t.”

Harry sighed his eyes drifted to Draco’s chest and he reached out to pick some snow off
Draco’s sweater.
“I know. We can’t risk you being in the paper again and your father is a benefactor for the
event so he will be right there.”

When Harry heard a sniffle, he hurriedly looked up to Draco’s eyes now briming with tears.

“I would really like to dance with you Harry.”

Draco smiled sadly hastily wiping tears from his eyes. Harry reached up and wiped a tear
with his thumb and let Draco lean into his palm.

“Me too,”

Draco smiled. He sniffled again and straightened himself up.

“When my father no longer has the power to pull me out of this school, I am going to do
something ridiculously dramatic just to annoy him I promise.”

Harry laughs.

“I expect nothing less.”


A few days before the ball when Harry is shopping for his dress robes he bumps into Fred
and George outside the store. His new robes are under his arm and they snatch them from

“Green detailing. Trying to entice Draco by wearing his favourite colour?”

“Green is the colour of my eyes dumb ass the robes match my eyes.”

“Oh so you are not trying to seduce the Slytherin prince? You still have no date to the ball?”

Harry sighs snatching the robes back from George.

“I can’t go to the ball with him. Draco isn’t even going to the dance his father will be there.”

“Well we can’t have that.”

“No the poor dork loves dancing. He deserves to dance with his champion doesn’t he?”

Fred and George say looking to each other as if already plotting. Harry eyes them sceptically
as they swing an arm over his shoulders one of them on each side. They devise a plan and
Harry is incredibly grateful that those two are so good at breaking the rules.


The night of the ball arrives, and Harry and Ron have last minute dates with the Parvati girls.
They are nice enough, but Harry feels guilty for them because of how rude Ron is being. Fred
and George had set them up so Harry’s date knows he will be leaving her early, but Ron’s
date expected some enthusiasm. When Hermione walks down the stairs Harry is elated. She
really does look beautiful and the smile on her face shows she feels it. Harry dances his way
though the entrance with very little mistakes Draco’s hard work paying off. About halfway
into the dance as people have settled and the photographs have begun to ignore the
champions Harry gets the signal from Fred that the plan is ready. Harry makes his apologies
to his date and sneaks out of the room.

He hurries all the way up to the observatory tower stopping before the final set of stairs.
Draco is waiting for him.

“Do you want to tell me why Fred Weasley collected me forced me to put on dress robes and
dragged me up here?”

Harry smiled and extended his hand out to Draco.

“You wanted to dance.”

Draco eyed him sceptically and allowed himself to be led up the final flight of stairs. The
observatory had been decorated with ice crystals and floating lights that the twins had stolen
from the dance, in the corner was the megaphone used in dance classes earlier in the year.
Harry beamed and he turned to watch Draco’s rapidly growing smile.

“You are a sap Potter.”

“I am romantic. Now stop insulting me and Dance with me.”

Harry pulled Draco towards himself and carefully placed his hands on Draco’s waist. Just
like Draco had taught him Harry spun then around and danced. They danced for Hours, until
Draco’s feet hurt and he took his shoes off, and he laughed into Harrys arms when Harry
managed to step on his feet for the first time in the whole night as soon as Draco’s feet were

Their Dancing had gotten lazy and now they were merely swaying from side to side Draco’s
head on Harry’s shoulder. Harry looked down at Draco and released his hand moving to place
it on Draco’s cheek. Draco lifted his head to gaze into Harry’s eyes. Harry guided Draco’s
face closer and gently pressed his lips to Draco’s. The kiss was brief and hesitant Harry not
really sure what he was doing. They only parted a moment when Draco moved back for
another chase kiss. Harry smiled into their third kiss pulling at Draco’s’ waist. Draco pulled

“We shouldn’t.”

Harry nodded. Draco was probably right. Draco was relying on Harry for his livelihood it
wasn’t a fair position to be in for Draco not that Harry would ever use that against him. If
they were caught neither of them would be safe from ridicule even Harry would receive back
lash for being with Draco, he already received some. And if Draco’s father found out who
knows how far he would go to try and punish Draco.

“Just for tonight then. The rest will have to wait.”

Draco nodded and leaned in for another kiss. Tonight they would pretend they were just like
any of the other dates going to the Yue ball. No death matches to attend, no evil fathers to
avoid, no petty house rivalries or nightmares or enemies. Just simple messy teen romance.


Cedric eventually went further with the favour he felt he owed Harry by giving Harry the
clue about the egg.

“He invited you to the Prefect bathroom?”

Ron asked. Harry flushed at the implication. When phrased like that it sounded like Cedric
was flirting with him. But he wasn’t. Was he?

“Cedric was flirting with you Harry.”


“Yeah, he was the git. He is an insatiable flirt he has been teaching himself French just to flirt
with the Beauxbatons students and because he can”

Draco grumbled. Hermione nodding along apparently aware of the gossip.

“This was about the egg he made that clear. The message must be somehow translated by

Draco nodded and told Harry he could sneak him into the prefect’s bathroom the next day so
they could test it out. Harry tried desperately to wipe the image of Draco in the bath with him
from his mind. Harry thought about Kissing Draco more than he wanted to admit but the
unspoken rule that they couldn’t yet force those desires down. Fortunately swim trunks were
brought when they went to the bath. Draco’s bare back was facing Harry and thin silverly
scars shone against his porcelain skin. It felt wrong to see them there, everything about Draco
was poised and neat, the scars didn’t match they were uneven and raised; out of place on his
skin that bore no other blemish, not even a single mole or freckle. Moaning Myrtle ruined
Harry’s ogling.

“Fuck off Myrtle you pervert”

Draco snapped clearly used to her appearing in the prefect’s bathroom.

“I can help you with the egg, that Cedric boy brought it here too you know”

“I presume he opened the egg under water. I don’t need you to tell me that”

Draco snapped. He must have been right because Myrtle wailed and flew off. Harry looked to
Draco in surprise. Draco just rolled his eyes and handed the egg to Harry. They listened to the
message quite a few times until they were sure they remembered it and could write it down.
Draco pointed out that Mermaids lived in the black lake and Harry fretted because he had no
idea how he was going to hold is breath for an hour.

Hermione and Draco dragged him to study spells to breathe under water in the library allot
and Moody had tried to teach him the bobble head charm, but it was clear he wasn’t going to
master the charm in time. Draco had even dragged him out to the lake and tried to get him to
use it in the water there hoping being in the actual water might get Harry’s performance to

Harry breaches the water again unable to keep the charm up for a few minutes. Harry is
getting even more frustrated.

“Come on Harry you have to remain focused! You have to use this charm and you are going
to have to do some kind of treasure hunt or something also!”

“Why don’t you come in here and do it then! It is freezing and the charm is hard!”

Draco scowled down at him, and Harry felt bad for yelling but he was still annoyed. Draco
squatted offering a hand to Harry to pull him out. Harry decided he wanted to surprise and
irritate Draco and pulled Draco into the water. As soon as Draco hit the water he went down
like a stone. Flailing limbs were quickly submerged weighed down by Draco’s heavy winter
cloak. Harry panicked. He dove down as fast as he could grabbing at Draco’s lapels and
pulling him up to the surface. They slapped onto the wooden pier ungracefully panting for

“Why the hell did you not tell me you couldn’t swim!”

“I wasn’t planning on going for a dip in the bloody lake!”

“Why can’t you swim! Who can’t swim!”

“Coming from an oaf who can’t dance!”

“They don’t teach ball room dance in muggle primary school!”

“I didn’t go to primary school I was home schooled, and I did not learn to swim.”

Draco huffed no longer yelling pulling his wand from his pocket.

“Of course not dancing is a much better skill.”

Harry laughed looking to Draco who looked quite comical in his sopping wet robes hair
plastered to his forehead water dripping onto his angular nose. Draco scowled for a second
before laughing too. They kept laughing until Harry’s side hurt.


When Harry and Draco were asked to Dumbledore’s study, he expected it to be something
about the tournament but in front of Dumbledores office was Remus Lupin, and Narcissa
Malfoy. Draco gasped when he saw his mother standing there and Harry instinctively moved
his hand to hold Draco’s who snapped it away from his grasp.
“Wonderful, Draco as I am sure you are aware you have been staying under the care if Lupin
for some time without the permission of your parents. Although I cannot fault you for leaving
the situation you were in unfortunately Hogwarts cannot care for a child who is not in the
care of legal guardian”

Dumbledore rambled gently sitting into his desk chair.

“Lupin here has gone to great lengths to contact your mother and bring her here so she may
act as your guardian in place of your father.”


Draco said with a small formal tilt of his head.

“Narcissa, you have heard the accusations Lupin has made against your husband it is now up
to you to decide how to proceed with Draco’s care.”

“I want to hear from my son.”

Draco left his eyes on the floor a moment and Harry worried he wouldn’t be able to speak.
Draco’s posture suddenly squared, and he looked up to his mother’s eyes.

“I cannot return to my father’s care mother, and I ask you to do not either. What ever Lupin
has told you I assure you it is true. I am not asking you to turn your back on the life you have
worked hard for, you may do what you please all I ask is that you strip my father of his right
to visit me here at Hogwarts or pull me from the school. If you do this for me, I will not press
charges on my father unless he tries to harm me again”

Harry is surprised, and a little angry he wanted to see Lucius go down for this, but it was not
his decision to make.

“Are you sure of this decision Draco? If you do this, you will be cut from the family for
good. You will have no access to the family fortune, name or any of the power that comes
with it. Once your father realises you have betrayed his values you will cease to be a Malfoy.
I ask you to think carefully, do not think of your friends for a moment think only of what you

Narcissa meaningfully makes eye contact with her son who is still standing tall.

“I am certain mother.”

She takes a sharp inhale her eyes very subtly watering. Harry realises she is grieving. By
making this decision Draco has separated himself from his family and she is losing her son.

“Very well, I shall cut your fathers access to you. You may do as you please to show him
your intentions to leave the family. I hear you were staying with my cousin previously.”

“Yes mam.”

“I trust you can return to his care.”

She looks to Lupin for confirmation who nods.

“Will you be alright mother?”

“I will return to France tonight. My family there will care for me. You know your father
Draco he will wish to keep appearances as much as he can. You leaving the family is enough
he will not wish to lose both his son and wife; you know he was never unkind to me I will be

Draco nods eyes glossy swallowing hard trying not to cry. Narcissa moves to leave but stops
my Draco’s side. She places a hand on his shoulder, and he begins to cry earnestly.

“I am sorry son. Let these people help you, they are good for you in ways I never could be. I
will write.”

With that she leaves the room as Draco stands and cries Harry wants to hold him but in two
strides Lupin beats him too it and Draco only cries harder.

“Well congratulations Lupin, you will now be listed as Draco’s secondary Guardian to his
mother. I would list Black but seeing as he is a fugitive, I think it unwise. You my boy Draco
are free from your father here. He can only be here for the tournament, and he no longer has
the power to take you away. You may go as crazy as you desire.”

Draco receives a letter from his mother 2 days later that tells him she has removed Lucius
legal rights from Draco in all aspects and placed a restraining order on him for Draco’s
behalf. If his father goes anywhere near him or sends him a letter Draco will have grounds to
change his father in a public trial. Something his father would definitely avoid. Harry asks
Draco is that means they could be a little more pubic with their relationship now. He doesn’t
ask if that means he can kiss Draco again because that would be embarrassing but he feels it
is implied. Draco tells him when he decides to show he is no longer associating with the
Malfoy values completely he wants to make it a dramatic fuck you too his dad and he is
waiting for the right moment.


The second task is days away and Harry still has no plan to breathe underwater. He is
slamming his head down on the books repeatedly in defeat.

“Stop that Harry you will destroy what little brain cells you have left.”

Draco sighs placing his palm between the book and Harry’s head. Harry just rests his head in
Draco’s palm defeatedly. Nevil approaches noticing the books on plants they are reading and
begins to excitedly rant about gravity resistant trees.

“Nevil no offence but I don’t really care about plants. Now if there was a… Tibetan turnip
that could let me breathe under water for an hour then great.”

“I don’t know about a turnip, but you could always use gillyweed.”
Draco leaps up flailing his arms for Neville to show him. He opens the book he has handing
Draco the page with the plan’s details.

“Oh Neville you genius I could kiss you!”

Nevil flushes uncomfortably.

“Oh so you would kiss Nevil, but I get the cold shoulder”

Harry jokes only causing Nevil to flush redder.

“I can kiss whom I like Potter.”

Draco smirks a light flush on his cheeks.


The day of the task Harry meets Nevil to get the gillyweed and scrunches his nose up at how
unappetizing it looks. Draco would probably make some joke about it being more appetizing
than drowning but he wasn’t there. Harry hadn’t seen him since supper last night and it was
making him incredibly anxious. Hermione wasn’t anywhere to be found either and Harry
tried to convince himself that means they were together. With only Ron and Nevil to calm
him Harry dove into the water anxious. The gillyweed hurt but boy was he glad he had it.
When he finally made his way to where the supposed treasure was being kept what he found
was not his broom which he had assumed would be the treasure stolen. No floating in the
lake was Draco. Harry swam widely for him holding his face in his hands.

When Draco said he wanted a dramatic way to tell everyone he and Harry were close this is
not what he expected. He looked over to see Hermione and Cho Chang floating in the water
too. It was clear the treasures where those the champions loved or were at the least dating
except Fleur’s which was her sister arguably a more concrete treasure than Krums
relationship with Hermione. Harry freed Draco’s bindings and linked his arm. Cedric came
up suddenly grabbing at Cho and tapping his watch to encourage Harry to hurry up. Harry
noticed he didn’t see the other contestant’s and began to worry. He couldn’t just leave them
down here. Not Hermione. He moved to release her but was stopped by a merfolk.

“Only one.” It hissed.

He attempted to argue but there was no need, Krum zipped past with the head of a shark and
swam off with Hermione. Harry began to swim away but he still didn’t see Fleur. He couldn’t
leave her little sister there. He freed the young girl dammed the consequences and swam as
best he could to the surface. The gillyweed was beginning to wear off and creatures were
attacking not allowing him to take two people up. He knew he wasn’t swimming fast enough,
and he felt his ability to breathe under water dissipate. With as much force as he could he
pushed Draco and Fleur’s sister to the surface. He could see their legs kick about as the
regained consciousness, but the relief was shortly lived. Draco began to skink quickly. He
still couldn’t swim! Harry kicked again as creatures began to sting his heels and calf’s, the
pulled him down as he watched Draco get closer sinking into the water.
Harry saw Draco still and a new jolt of energy hit him. He stunned the creates with his wand
moving up the few feet he needed to grasp onto Draco’s side and with the last piece of energy
he had he cast ‘Acendio’ catapulting them both onto the observation stands. They were
quickly surrounded Harry ignoring the people and the cheers and he flipped Draco over and
smacked his back harshly. Draco sputtered spitting up water.

“You idiot you still can’t swim why would you go in the water!”

“Knew you would save me.”

Draco gasped. Harry rolled his eyes.

“Told you I wanted it to be dramatic.”

Harry paused and then remembered Lucius was up on the stands. He lifted Draco’s face and
paused letting Draco nod to give him permission. He pulled him into a kiss that lasted maybe
to long for one so public, but Harry couldn’t bring himself to care. Everyone was whooping
around them, and he was pretty sure it was Fred Wolf whistling in the distance.

“Dramatic enough for you?”

Harry asked as they separated.

“Close enough.”

Draco sighed. In a flurry of movement Harry was thanked by Fleur who excitedly spoke to
Draco in French apparently very grateful. Hermione wrapped them in her towels and Harry
was awarded second place much to Krums distain. Harry only managed to catch a glimpse of
Lucius, but his face was priceless.


After the second task Draco and Harry finally felt free to show some public affection.
Although Draco was clearly not one for public displays of affection, he did allow Harry to
hold his hand in public and Draco liked to lay his head on Harry’s lap in the library. The
gossip for a few days was relentless and Harry more than a few times chewed Gryffindor’s
out who called him a traitor for dating a Slytherin. Draco was escorted to and from class by
various friends for over a week he protested but no one would let him argue. When peoples
interest dwindled Draco even began to sit with the trio at lunch when the tables weren’t
strictly separated by house.

Bartee Crouch is found dead, and Harry accidentally sees memories about Bartee Crouch
junior in Dumbledore’s office. Draco is yelled at by Snape for stealing potion ingredients for
his dreamless sleep potion and is accused of also making Polyjuice which he finds strange.
Harry confesses the Polyjuice incident in year two and Draco is deeply offended that Harry
has seen the Slytherin common room but he has still yet to see the Gryffindors.

When Harry is gazing the map to check for professors before sneaking to meet Draco, he sees
a familiar name still walking the halls. Bartee Crouch. But he is dead so why is he there?
Harry under his invisibility cloak walked past the hall Crouch is supposedly pacing but all he
sees in Moody. He checks his map again, but Moody isn’t in the hall Crouch is and Moody is
in his office. Harry realises that every time he has checked the map Moody has been in the
same spot in his office. He rushes to Draco to discuss the curious finding.

“But Bartee is dead”

Draco said after getting over his annoyance of how Had managed to so easily stalk him the
past two years.

“Yes exactly! But the map shows ghosts like this see”

He said pointing to the faint name of Nearly headless Nick

“And when I went to see no one was there but Moody, but when I check the map Moody is in
his office, every time I check the map Moody is in his office”

“Harry the Polyjuice potions supplies! Moddy is always drinking form his flask”

“Wait you think Moody is actually Bartee Crouch, I saw his body he is absolutely dead”

“No, the map only shows a name. Bartee Crouch named his son after himself. Moody is
Bartee Crouch junior!”

Draco exclaims. This was all making some distant kind of sense. Harry had dreamed of
Bartee Crouch working with Voldemort again, and then someone at the school put him in the
tournament. If Crouch was impersonating Moody, it would explain why he was trying so hard
to help Harry. He needed him in the tournament for some reason.

“We have to tell Dumbledore!”

Harry whispered. Draco shook his head.

“Tell Sirius and Remus first, I trust them more than Dumbledore. What ever Bartee is doing
here he wants to get to you. I trust Sirius to not throw you into some plan to stop the Dark

Harry calls his godfather though the Gryffindor fireplace right away waking him in the
middle of the night and insisting he send Lupin right away and use Dumbledore’s fireplace to
have a meeting. Harry rushed back outside the dorm and he and Draco go right to
Dumbledore’s office. They spill everything they have found and show their evidence. A plan
is devised (one Draco doesn’t really like) that they pretend to not have caught on. Harry is to
continue in the tasks and act as bait. What ever they are planning the clearly don’t simply
want Harry dead. What ever is going to happen in the last task members of the order will be
on standby to step in right away and stop it there.


The day of the final task Draco is more on edge that Harry has ever seen him. He spends the
day comforting Draco more than Draco comforts him. Draco is bouncing from foot to foot
looking around the crowded seats and up at the maze ahead.

“I am protected Draco I am not going into this alone you just have to trust me.”

“I do trust you Harry, I trust you with my life.”

“I know that, but you don’t trust me with mine.”

“No, your life is not your own, so you keep your grubby hands off it.”

Harry laughs stopping Draco’s flailing hands by grabbing them. He kisses Draco gently and
squeezes his hands. He looked over to Cedric who he can feel smiling at him and shrugs. The
tasks beginning with the cannon boom and Harry runs into the maze and into what he knows
is a trap. He is so distracted by having almost been swallowed by vines that he doesn’t think
to stop Cedric from touching the cup with him until It is too late. Both of them roll onto the
grass of a cemetery and are met with Peter Pettigrew. Harry immediately draws his wand
rushing to Cedric who has just unknowingly been thrown into a trap set for Harry. A familiar
green spell if flying towards Cedric before Harry knows what to do and Harry worries, he
may just be watching another person die by that spell. It is miraculously stopped when Lupin
blocks the spell and shouts to Harry.

“Harry, take Cedric back to the cup and get out of here we have it form here”

Harry looks around as Sirius appears followed by a girl with pink hair he doesn’t recognise
and finally by Dumbledore.

“No they boy stays. The Dark lord returns tonight!”

Pettigrew shouts the bundle in his arms tossed into the cauldron in front of him. Spells fly in
many directions as Harry scrambles back to Cedric grabbing him and the cup. They slam
back into the grass and Cheers irrupt loudly, but Harry can’t hear them. Moody is on them
before he can react and is trying to get Harry back to the cup that had rolled away.
Dumbledore isn’t there to stop him and Harry tries to scramble back. It is Snape that blocks

“He is Bartee Crouch junior he is who has been stealing Polyjuice supplies he set a trap for
me to bring me to Voldemort”

Harry yells and Snape disarms Moody immediately. Snape guides Moody away quickly
whilst McGonagall moves to take control of the situation. Harry blearily realises Cedric is
yelling about death eaters trying to bring he who must not be named back and poor
McGonagall is trying to get people to celebrate Hogwarts winning the cup. When Harry
comes out of his haze Hermione smalling him with a hug he looks around for Draco.

“Where is Draco?”

“Lupin came and got him a few minutes ago I assume it had something to do with what was
going on.”

Harry feels his gut plumet and he begins to hyperventilate.

“My map the map where is it!”

He yells frantically he knows he gave the map to Ron before the last task so they could watch
him in the mase.

“Here, it is right here, Harry what is going on?”

Harry snaps the map open eyes desperately searching for Draco’s name.

“Lupin was there with me he is fighting Voldemort right now. So who collected Draco!”

His eyes find Draco on the map finally, but Harry feels no relief. Waling besides Draco is
Lucius Malfoy. Without thinking Harry bolts ignoring his friends and Mrs McGonagall’s
yelling. He can hear Ron and Hermione run behind him as he rushes up the stars though the
crowd he hears Hermione shout at Nevil to get help Lucius has Draco.

Harry can see Draco in the hall in front of them the school uncomfortably empty everyone
still in the quidditch oval where the tournament was being held. Harry shouts for Draco wand
raised. Now he is closer he can see that Lucius is himself what ever he had used to look like
Lupin must have only lasted long enough for him to get on the school grounds and to Draco.

“Harry no!”

Draco shouts as Lucius immediately fires a spell at Harry that just misses.

“Let him go!”

Harry shouts.

“Let my son go! He is my son! He is the heir to the Malfoy name and your soft Ideals have
weakened him! I will not allow my son to become some weak willed, blood traitor fairy!”

“Let him go Mr Malfoy right now.”

Hermione said raising her want to stand next to Harry, Ron taking Harrys other side
wordlessly pointing his wand at Lucius too. Draco was panting next to his father who had a
tight grip on his wrist arm twisted tightly behind his back. Harry could see Draco’s wand in
Lucius front pocket and the side of Draco’s face was red.

“Do not threaten me filthy mudboold. This is none of your concern.”

“Draco is my friend. And he is under my protection.”

“And mine.”

Ron said.

“Your friend. Really Draco these are who you abandon your own family for, a mudboold a
blood traitor and the boy who lived.”
Lucious hissed out twisting Draco’s arm higher causing Draco to tilt forward in attempts to
avoid the pain. Lucius shot a spell towards the trio suddenly and they leapt apart to avoid it.
Ron must have caught the side of the spell because he slammed harshly into the wall
clutching his arm. Harry got up form the floor as fast as he could firing stupefy at Lucius to
no avail.

“Do you really think you can stop me. You are a bunch of children!”

Harry ignored him looking to Draco. He couldn’t keep attacking Lucius with Draco so close.

“Draco remember those muggle skills I taught you?”

Harry said eyeing Draco. Some time back Harry decided to teach Draco some very basic self
defence realising that because Draco grew up with magic, he had no idea how to defend
himself with out it. Harry was grateful to his past self now. Draco slammed his free elbow
into Lucius’ chest hard freeing himself from his grasp and running to Harry. He stayed
crouched allowing Harry and Hermione the opportunity to fire spells over him at his father.
In his dazed state Lucius was not prepared to bock the spells properly and he stumbled
backwards. He regained composure quickly and raised his wand a look of utter fury on his


He began aiming his want to Harry. Draco flung himself in front of the spell arm outstretched
in front of Harry facing his father as he shielded Harry from the spell. Harry watched as
Draco curled in on himself for a moment, then the spell was suddenly halted, Lucius
slammed into the wall harshly by an oncoming spell from his left

“Stay the hell away from Draco!”

Nevil Longbottom shouted wand still raised. The four of them looked to Nevil in shock as
they watched Professor Flitwick, Snape and Hagrid run up behind him. Flitwick raised his
wand to the recovering Lucius.

“Mr Malfoy you are under arrest for the use of an unforgivable spell!”

Snape led Lucius away with a rough grip on his shoulder and Harry focused his attention
back on Draco who was still curled on the floor. Hermione rushed over slamming to her
knees probably to harshly next to Draco.

“Draco are you alright?!”

She pleaded. Draco was panting but his eyes were open, and he was clearly still conscious.
Nevil came to kneel before him, and Draco minutely moved his head.

“Nice shot Longbottom.”

Draco huffed out between pants and Nevil smiled Hermione huffing a laugh in-between tears.
Hagrid stepped forward and scooped Draco up into his giant arms.
“Come one boy lets get you to the infirmary. Are you alright to walk Ron?”

He asked looking to Ron who was still leaning against the wall clutching his arm. Ron
nodded and got up Hermione rushing to his aid.


Ron was treated for a broken arm, Draco for muscle tears, a broken wrist and nerve damage.
Aurous from the ministry came in the morning to take statements and Harry admired their red
robes. Draco laughed at him.

Lupin came to visit later and told them what had happened in the cemetery after he left. They
didn’t manage to stop Voldemort completely as too many death eaters appeared, but his plan
was not a success. What ever it was he needed Harry for it. The Voldemort that was brought
back was weak and in a small frail body. The order had a real chance to stop him thanks to
Harry. Lupin also said that Lucius was going to Azkaban for the use of an unforgivable.
Snape and Flitwick testified they had seen him use it. Draco’s mother had also contacted
Lupin. She had a change of heart and was divorcing. She wanted Draco to spend time in Paris
with her in the summer.

When Draco was let out form the hospital wing the first thing, he decided to do was drag
Harry for a walk past black lake. They walked past the lake hand in hand and Harry felt he
had never seen Draco look so peaceful.

“So Draco what will you do with the feeling now? Are you used to feeling peaceful yet?”

Draco smiled

“Not quite but it is rather nice isn’t it”

Harry nodded gazing out at the lake.

“You are officially no longer a Malfoy, what shall I call you?”

Draco hummed.

“Well my mother is taking back the name Black so that will have to do for now”

“For now?”

Draco hummed again looking over to Harry nodding.

“For now”
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