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Riz D.

11-St. Lorenzo Ruiz
Title: "Unmasking the Dark Side of Teachers’ Influence"
Teachers face various challenges, one of which is dealing with the behavior of rude
students. The impact of such behavior on the overall classroom environment and the
development of other students and even their relationship with their teachers cannot be
overlooked. It is crucial to address this issue and foster an atmosphere of respect and discipline
within the classroom.
In today's digital age, the boundaries between personal and professional lives have
become increasingly blurred, and this holds particularly true for educators who have a significant
influence over their students. The recent incident involving a teacher from the Philippines, who
made derogatory remarks towards her students during a TikTok live session, has brought this
issue into sharp relief. Teachers play a critical role in shaping their students' attitudes, behaviors,
and self-esteem. They are not just transmitters of academic knowledge but also significant
influencers of their students' emotional and social development. Thus, when a teacher uses
derogatory language towards students, as in the case of the recent viral incident, the impact can
be profoundly damaging.
The teacher's words, which were captured and shared across social media platforms,
criticized her students' behavior and academic abilities. This incident, which has garnered over 6
million views, has sparked a controversy that extends beyond the boundaries of the classroom.
Such behavior can negatively affect students' self-esteem, motivation, and overall mental health.
Students who are subjected to derogatory remarks may feel disheartened, leading to a decline in
their academic performance and interest in learning. Furthermore, these incidents can erode the
trust between teachers and students, impacting the overall learning environment.
It's important to acknowledge that teachers, like all individuals, can have moments of
frustration, yet it's crucial to maintain a level of professionalism, especially when interacting
with students. Teachers should strive to create a supportive and encouraging learning
environment. Using derogatory language not only undermines this goal but also sets a poor
example for students. While it is essential to respect everyone’s freedom of expression, it is
equally important to consider the potential implications of one’s actions, especially when in a
position of influence. Teachers, as role models, should lead by example, demonstrating the
values and behaviors they wish to instill in their students.
In this digital age, where the line between private and public life is increasingly blurred,
teachers must be mindful of their online presence. This is not to say that educators should be
barred from expressing themselves on social platforms. However, they must be aware that their
actions can resonate beyond the confines of their personal lives and potentially influence their
students. The incident can also impact the teacher-student relationship. Trust, respect, and
admiration form the bedrock of this relationship. If students witness their teachers engaging in
behavior that contradicts the values they preach, it could lead to a breakdown of this trust and
The incident serves as a stark reminder of the significant influence teachers have over their
students' development. It shows the need for educators to exercise discretion in their words and
actions, both within and outside the classroom. It is important for teachers to remember their role
as influencers and nurturers of young minds and to ensure that their actions align with this

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