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Empowerment Technology


USING TECHNOLOGY FOR VISUAL Cropping - taking away portions that you want to include.
COMMUNICATION Aspect Ratio - considering 1:1, 3:2 sizes.
Visual Communication Brightness - general lightness and darkness of the images.
- The practice of relaying messages through images or Contrast - enhances the difference between the bright and
graphics. These images can come in photographs, brand dark parts of the image.
designs, interface, typography, infographics, and even digital Shadow - darks parts of your image is exposing the areas
memes.The process of systematically creating these visuals is better.
called graphic design. Highlights - adjusting the bright and shiny parts of your
ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLE OF DESIGN Vignette - creates a fade effect at the edges of the image,
ELEMENTS OF DESIGN creating a border of sorts.
Point - the beginning or end of something in space. Filters - effects applied to experiment the design of your
Line - formed by connecting two points. Lines can indicate image.
movement and direction.
Color - reflected on a surface. It can be intense or dull. TYPOGRAPHY
Value - how close to dark or light element which helps in - The art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the
creating depth in an image. copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader. It
Shape - two-dimensional areas enclosed be boundaries. It can involves font style, appearance, and structure, which aims to
be geometric (triangle, square, rectangle) or organic (leaf- elicit certain emotions and convey specific messages.
shaped, dog-shaped).
Texture - qualities of a surface which can be smooth or rough. Typeface - the appearance or design of letters.
Space - area between the elements, this helps in creating Serif ns. Sans Serif - The serif is the lines or spikes found at
breathing room to allow focus. the end of a type, those that don’t have are called sans serif.
Kerning - the spacing between the letters of the text.
Ligature - how two letters are made to appear together as
Unity - how harmonious the elements are when put together. Shadows & Strokes - to add drop shadows and strokes
Balance - how the elements are distributed. (outlines) helps create separation between the text and its
Emphasis - how an element is designed to draw attention background, making the text more visible.
from the other elements.
Proportion - how an element’s size relates to another. A large
element among small draws attention.
Contrast & Similarity - how consistent the elements are.

Using Photographs
Using guidelines as guides when composing images
- Gridlines can be enabled in most smartphone camera apps
and even on dedicated cameras.
- They help you emphasize the alignment with the
Pose or stage your subject
- Is the position of the body or face of an angle.
Find the light
- Is advisable for you to shoot not against the light or maybe
use silhouette.
Mind where your area focuses
- Is creating a depth-of-field effects where parts outside the
focus area will appear blurry.
Shoot from different perspectives
- Is considering the different angles: bird’s eye view, eye level,
worm’s eye view.
Mind the space
Test I: Identification (4 items from here)
- Is filling the frame but consider extra space in placing other
1. What year was Creeper created? 1973
2. What is the function of Alt + Home? Brings to home
Image Editing page.
- Image can still be improved with editing and adjustments. 3. What is the function of Ctrl + 0? Back to default zoom.
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Snapseed, PicCollage, 4. What internet outbreak happened in 2017? Wannacry
Photogrid, Pixlr, Canva. Ransomware
5. What are the three key technologies introduced? Http,
Empowerment Technology
6. What is the internet’s predecessor during the 1960s?
7. What shortcut key are you going to click if you want to
close the current tab? Ctrl + W
8. What year did the total number of internet users around
the world stand at 4.8? 2020
9. Who started to work on the World Wide Web in 1989
introducing three key technologies? Tim Berners-Lee
10. What shortcut key are you going to click if you want to
open a private (incognito in Chrome) window that does
not keep history or save browsing information? Ctrl +
Shift + N

Test II: True or False

11. Blockchain can be used to store data securely and
transparently. TRUE
12. Companies can use big data to understand their customers
better. TRUE
13. Chatbots and virtual assistants are improved using
artificial learning. TRUE
14. Cloud computing makes computing resources available
on demand. TRUE
15. Information that is processed and stored by computers is
called media. FALSE

Test III: Arrange in Order

16. This will travel as radio waves through wires to your
router. 2
17. The waves will emit light to signal that each packet
reaches the proper address. 4
18. The waves will travel to larger cable wires to direct to the
infrastructure of the internet provider. 3
19. The device sending a data with the use of Wi-Fi or other
network will be converted into bits packet represented by
the binary digits. 1

Test IV: Essay

20. Importance of using technology.

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