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Paper EM2 – Energy Manager – Set B Solutions

low pressure steam is entrained by momentum transfer and then

recompressed in the divergent venture section to an intermittent pressure.

S-6. What is the economic thickness of insulation?

The economic thickness of insulation is the thickness at which, if we make the

insulation even thicker, the additional costs would not be recovered by the
additional savings through reduction of heat losses.

S-7. Explain the difference and common properties between saturated steam and
saturated water at the same pressure.
The differences are
(i) Steam is a gas while water is a liquid
(ii) Steam has a higher enthalphy because heat of evaporation is added.
The common properties are
(i) The temperature is the same.

S-8. Given the choice would you paint the outer surface of a reheating furnace
black, or with a shiny glossy colour (such as silver colour). Explain!

The emissivity of the outer surface should be kept to a minimum since the
skin losses would increase with high emissivity. A black colour acts like a
black body with highest emissivity, while a glossy and shiny aluminium foil
has about the lowest emissivity. Therefore, radiation loss is minimized. Shiny
glossy colour, which has a lower emissivity should be used.

S-9. What is meant by excess air? Why it should be optimized?

A fuel specific amount of air called theoretical or stoichiometric air is required

for perfect combustion. In practice some additional air is required for ensuring
complete combustion, which is known as excess air.

Excess air should be optimised because any additional air will increase the
amount of stack gas and with it increases the stack gas losses.

S-10. What is the function of air distribution in FBC boiler?

The purpose of the air distributor is to introduce the fluidizing air evenly
through the bed cross section thereby keeping the solid particles in constant
motion, and preventing the formation of de-fluidization zones within the bed.

……. End of Section – II ……..

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Bureau of Energy Efficiency

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