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Name ……………………………………………………………… class ……………. A.

Zaznacz poprawne opcje.

1 An amateur Polish astronomer recently invented / discovered a new planet.

2 The team carried out / came up with a lot of research on this new drug.
3 There must be something wrong with my computer software / hardware. It’s most probably a damaged
hard disk drive.
4 I’ve forgotten to connect / charge the battery in my phone and now it’s dead.
5 We were high in the mountains and none of us had a phone signal / router so we couldn’t contact
6 We often do / make experiments in our science classes.
7 I think we should carry out / find out some research for our presentation.
8 As a moderator / web designer, I need to check our forum for bad posts and delete them.
9 I don’t like making / taking selfies.
10 My mum came into my room and complained about the signal / volume of the music on my new
11 Most historians believe that the wheel was discovered / invented around 3500 BC.
12 This little program will stop you getting those annoying pop-ups / podcasts with adverts on them while
surfing the web.

Uzupełnij definicje. Pierwsze litery brakujących wyrazów zostały podane.

1 To write things on a computer using a keyboard: t____________

2 A person who writes about a topic on his/her website: b_______________
3 To make a paper copy of a document or image from a computer: p________
4 A computer program which you use to surf the web: b___________
5 To copy a file from the internet onto your computer: d_______________
6 A new machine, system or device made for the first time: i______________
7 A group of files kept together on a computer: f___________
8 A person who breaks into other people’s computers or websites illegally: h__________
9 The part of a monitor that lets you see graphics and text: s____________
10 The electronic parts of a computer: h_______________


pilot do telewizora
naładować baterię
sprzęt komputerowy
wyskakujące okienko

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