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Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

class ……………………… A

3.44 1. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi uczniów na temat zwierząt. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–5)
dobierz odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–F). Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje
do żadnej wypowiedzi.
A This animal lives in one part of the world.
B This animal is a good swimmer.
C This animal is endangered because it hasn’t got enough food.
D This animal is often dangerous to people.
E There are some untrue opinions about this animal.
F This animal doesn’t do much during the day.

2. Podpisz ilustracje.

1_______________ 2_______________ 3_______________

______ 5_______________ 6_______________

3. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą przymiotników w nawiasach.

1 Horses are ____________________ (heavy) than dogs.
2 I think that animals are ____________________ (interesting) than plants.
3 Whales aren’t as ____________________ (intelligent) as dolphins.
4 Most dogs are ____________________ (big) than rats.
5 I think some cats are ____________________ (bad) pets than dogs because they’re not so
4. Przetłumacz fragmenty w nawiasach na język angielski.
Sharks and dolphins live in seas and oceans, but sharks are fish and dolphins are mammals. Dolphins
are 1 (bardziej inteligentne niż) ____________________ sharks and they are 2 (lepsze niż)
____________________ sharks at learning. Both sharks and dolphins are good swimmers, but usually
dolphins are 3 (szybsze niż) ____________________ sharks. Of course, sharks aren’t 4 (tak przyjazne
jak) ____________________ dolphins – in fact, they can be very dangerous! But not all of them. Some
shark species are 5 (mniejsze niż) ____________________ other fish, like the Dwarf Lantern Shark,
which is only about 17 cm long.
5. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi przymiotnikami. Pierwsze litery wyrazów zostały podane.
1 My dog is very i_______________. He can do clever things.
2 Some snakes are very p_______________. One bite can kill a person.
3 I’m really afraid of wolves. They’re s_______________.
4 Your cat is so c_______________! She’s sweet and pretty.
6. Zaznacz odpowiednie wyrazy.
1 I’m interested in birds, especially beavers / owls.
2 The octopus / camel is a sea animal.
3 Some animals are endangered / poisonous. This means there are not many of them.
4 Birds can fly because they have got shells / wings.
5 I keep some fish in a kennel / tank in my room.

7. Zakreśl wyrażenia, które poprawnie uzupełniają poniższe mini-dialogi.

1 A: I should / Can I ask you something?
B: Yes, of course.
2 A: I haven’t got any money to buy fish food.
B: I shouldn’t / I couldn’t care less! It’s your problem!
3 A: How often should I / I should walk my dog?
B: Every day. He needs a lot of exercise.
4 A: Would you like to have a pet animal?
B: Yes, I can / I’m thinking of buying a cat.

8. Przetłumacz fragmenty podane w nawiasach na język angielski.

1 My computer is (starszy niż) _______________ __________ my brother’s computer.

2 I prefer books to films. I think books are (bardziej interesujące niż) _________________ __________
3 The living room is (największym) ___________ __________ room in our house.
4 (Czy powinienem pójść) __________________ to a vet with my dog?
5 Maybe rats aren’t (tak miłe jak) _____________ ________ hamsters, but they’re very intelligent.

9. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi zaimkami dzierżawczymi. (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs)
1 Mike, there’s a pen under the chair. Is it _____?
2 Stacey hasn’t got a blue bag, so it isn’t _____. I think it’s Eva’s.
3 This new games console is for you and for me. It’s _____.
4 That big black dog is Mandy and Peter’s. It’s _____.
5 This cat isn’t _____. I haven’t got one.
6 Paul has got glasses like these ones, so they must be _____.

10. Od niedawna masz kota. W e-mailu do kolegi z USA:

 opisz wygląd swojego kota,
 napisz, jaki jest twój kot i co o nim sądzisz,
 opisz swoją rolę w opiekowaniu się nim.
Użyj maksymalnie 120 słów.


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