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FepuL|ic cf Ihe Fhi|ippine:




SepIemLer , 111

G.F. Nc. 7150
IHE bNIIED SIAIES, p|cinIiff-cppe||ee,
JACINIO 8OkkOMEO, EI AL., cefenccnI:-cppe||cnI:.

/ct|cn |c| :uc:t|tut|cn c| cttc|ney:.

, :

Ihi: i: c mcIicn Ly Mcccric /cricIicc mcce Ihe 31:I ccy cf /ugu:I, 111, c||eging him:e|f Ic Le Ihe
cIIcrney fcr Ihe cefenccnI-cppe||cnI, JccinIc 8crrcme:, fcr Iime Ic :Iucy Ihe ccu:e cnc prepcre hi:
cc:e cn cppec|.

Ihe cppe||cnI, JccinIc 8crrcmec, wc: ccnvicIec cf Ihe crime cf rcpIc in Ihe CcurI cf Fir:I ln:Icnce cf
Ihe ciIy cf Mcni|c in NcvemLer, 110. ln IhcI ccurI he wc: cefencec Ly Sr. Mcricnc Legc:pi, cn
cIIcrney cf Ihi: ccurI. /fIer Ihe ccnvicIicn cnc cn Ihe 17Ih ccy cf NcvemLer, 110, c ncIice cf cppec|
wc: fi|ec Ly Sr. M. Legc:pi F|crencc c: cIIcrney fcr :cic cppe||cnI.

Cn Ihe 7Ih ccy cf Ju|y, 111, Sencr /|fcn:c Mencczc fi|ec in Ihi: ccurI Ihe fc||cwing ncIice:

Ihe c|erk wi|| p|ec:e ncIe my cppecrcnce in Ihe cLcve enIiI|ec ccu:e c: cIIcrney fcr Ihe cccu:ec.

/nc, |c:I|y, Sr. Mcccric /cricIicc, cn Ihe 31:I ccy cf /ugu:I, 111, c: cIIcrney fcr Ihe cppe||cnI, fi|ec Ihe
fc||cwing c: cLcve menIicnec:

Ihe uncer:ignec, in Ihe ncme cf cnc repre:enIing Ihe cccu:ec, JccinIc 8crrcmec, prcy: Ihe ccurI IhcI
he hcve Iime Ic :Iucy Ihe ccu:e cLcve menIicnec.

/: i: :een frcm Ihe cLcve, Ihere hcve Leen Ihree chcnge: mcce in cIIcrney: fcr Ihe cccu:ec in Ihi:
cc:e. Nc fcrmc|iIie: whcIever were cL:ervec in Ihc:e chcnge:. Nc ccn:enI cf Ihe cccu:ec Ic :uch
chcnge: wc: fi|ec cr pre:enIec. Nc ccn:enI cf Ihe previcu: cIIcrney Ic :uch mcIicn fcr :uch :uL:IiIuIicn
wc: :ervec upcn :uch cIIcrney.

We ccn ncI permiI :uch prccIice Ic prevci|. Nc :uL:IiIuIicn cf cIIcrney: wi|| Le c||cwec un|e:: Ihe
fc||cwing reui:iIe: ccncur:

1. Ihere mu:I c|wcy: Le fi|ec c wriIIen cpp|iccIicn fcr :uch :uL:IiIuIicn.

2. Ihere mu:I c|wcy: Le fi|ec Ihe wriIIen ccn:enI cf Ihe c|ienI Ic :uch :uL:IiIuIicn.

3. Ihere mu:I c|wcy: Le fi|ec Ihe wriIIen ccn:enI cf Ihe cIIcrney :uL:IiIuIec if :uch ccn:enI ccn Le

4. ln cc:e :uch wriIIen ccn:enI ccn ncI Le prccurec, Ihere mu:I Le fi|ec wiIh Ihe cpp|iccIicn fcr
:uL:IiIuIicn prccf cf Ihe :ervice cf ncIice cf :uch mcIicn in Ihe mcnner reuirec Ly Ihe ru|e: upcn Ihe
cIIcrney Ic Le :uL:IiIuIec DGck.

&n|e:: Ihe:e fcrmc|iIie: cre ccmp|iec wiIh nc :uL:IiIuIicn wi|| Le permiIIec cnc Ihe cIIcrney whc
prcper|y cppecrec |c:I in Ihe ccu:e Lefcre :uch cpp|iccIicn fcr :uL:IiIuIicn wi|| Le regcrcec c: Ihe
cIIcrney cf reccrc cnc wi|| Le he|c re:pcn:iL|e fcr Ihe prcper ccncucI cf Ihe ccu:e.

Ihe peIiIicner, Mcccric /cricIicc, hcving nc :Icncing in Ihi: cc:e, ccccrcing Ic Ihe reccrc: cf Ihe ccurI,
Ihe mcIicn i: ceniec, wiIhcuI prejucice Ic :uL:euenI prcceecing: fcr Ihe :uL:IiIuIicn cf cIIcrney: in
ccccrccnce wiIh Ihe reuiremenI: herein |cic ccwn

CAkMELINA Y. kANGWANI, comp|o|nonf, vs AIIY. kAMON S. DIO, respondenf.
Ihi: i: cn ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI fi|ec cgcin:I /IIy. Fcmcn S. Dinc Ly Ccrme|inc Y. Fcngwcni Lefcre Ihi:
CcurI. ln her ccmp|cinI, Fcngwcni c||egec IhcI :cmeIime in Ihe yecr: 15 Ic 1, /IIy. Dinc Lefriencec her.
Cwing Ic hi: :IcIu: in Ihe ccmmuniIy c: c gccc |cwyer cnc Lu:ine::mcn, re:pcncenI wc: cL|e Ic ccnvince Ihe
ccmp|cincnI Ic pcrI wiIh her IiI|e Ic c pcrce| cf |cnc |cccIec in Dc:mcrinc:, CcviIe, uncer Ircn:fer CerIificcIe
cf IiI|e {ICI) Nc. 271-7, EnIry 5320-102. /fIer Ihe |cp:e cf five mcnIh:, ccmp|cincnI cemcncec Ihe reIurn cf
her IiI|e frcm re:pcncenI whc prcmi:ec Ic reIurn Ihe :cme LuI fci|ec Ic cc :c. /fIer Ien mcnIh:, re:pcncenI
wc: ncwhere Ic Le fcunc. Ccmp|cincnI, wiIh Ihe he|p cf cn infcrmer, wc: cL|e Ic |cccIe re:pcncenI whc
Iurnec cuI Ic hcve Ircn:ferrec hi: re:icence Ic MckcIi CiIy. &pcn ccnfrcnIcIicn, re:pcncenI reIcrIec IhcI he
ccu|c ncI give Lcck Ihe IiI|e Ic Ihe |cnc. ln:Iecc, he cfferec Ic Luy Ihe prcperIy. Ihu:, he i::uec Ihe fc||cwing
Ic ccmp|cincnI:
Check Nc. DcIe /mcunI
00231 Mcy 15, 1 F50,000.00
00232 June 15, 1 50,000.00
00233 Ju|y 15, 1 50,000.00
00234 Ju|y 30, 1 52,570.00
When cepc:iIec, c|| Ihe check: Lcuncec fcr Ihe rec:cn c|c:ec ccccunI."
ln Ihe yecr 1, ccmp|cincnI fi|ec Criminc| Cc:e: Nc. 55, Nc. 5702, Nc. 27070, cnc Nc. 27784 fcr
vic|cIicn cf 8cIc: FcmLcn:c {8.F.) 8|g. 22 cgcin:I Ihe re:pcncenI. WcrrcnI: fcr Ihe crre:I cf re:pcncenI in
re|cIicn Ic Ihe:e cc:e: were i::uec.

Cn 2 /ugu:I 2001, Ihi: CcurI, ccIing cn Ihe Ccmp|cinI, i::uec c re:c|uIicn reuiring Ihe re:pcncenI Ic
ccmmenI Iherecn cn Ihe ccmp|cinI.
Cn 22 NcvemLer 2001, re:pcncenI fi|ec cn CmniLu: McIicn fcr Lecve
cf CcurI Ic /cmiI CcmmenI cnc fcr c Fcrmc| Hecring. ln Ihi: mcIicn, he Lcrec IhcI Ihe CcurI: re:c|uIicn
reuiring him Ic ccmmenI wc: :enI Ic hi: pcrenI: re:icence. He c|cimec he hc: Leen |iving fcr Ihe pc:I Iwc
yecr: in c renIec hcu:e cI Signc| Vi||cge, Icguig, MeIrc Mcni|c, cnc hc: Leen in Ihe prcvince fcr Ihe |c:I Ihree
week: cIIencing Ic Lu:ine:: ccncern:. He :cic he wc: ncI cwcre IhcI c ci:LcrmenI ccmp|cinI hc: Leen fi|ec
cgcin:I him. Whi|e he ccmiIIec IhcI Ihere were cc:e: previcu:|y fi|ec Ly ccmp|cincnI cgcin:I him, :cic cc:e:
hcc c|reccy Leen wiIhcrcwn cnc Ihe ccrre:pcncing ce:i:Icnce, wciver cnc uiIc|cim hcc Leen :ignec Ly her
cnc IhcI ccmp|cincnI hcc in fccI receivec {c|reccy) Ihe mcneIcry c|cim: cr Iheir euivc|enI invc|ving :cic
Fe:pcncenI wc:, Iherefcre, uncer Ihe Le|ief IhcI c|| Ihc:e cc:e: hcc Leen ci:mi::ec. Hence, he :cic,
he wc: uncwcre IhcI wcrrcnI: fcr hi: crre:I were i::uec. He hcc Leen c |cwyer fcr Ihe pc:I IwenIy-Ihree yecr:
cnc Ihi: i: Ihe fir:I cnc cn|y cc:e fi|ec cgcin:I him Lefcre Ihe CcurI cnc in Ihe lnIegrcIec 8cr cf Ihe Fhi|ippine:
{l8F). He wc: c wcrking :IucenI whc Icck vcricu: jcL: cI Ihe ecr|y cge cf :evenIeen. He Icck Ihe 177 Lcr
excm: cnc |cncec Nc. 13 wiIh cn cvercge cf 88.887. He :cic hi: IiI|e c: c |cwyer cnc hi: |icen:e Ic prccIice
cre Ihe cn|y |egccie: he ccn |ecve Ic hi: chi|cren: hence, he prcy: IhcI he Le given Ihe chcnce Ic Le hecrc
fcrmc||y Ic Le cL|e Ic cir hi: :ice.
Cn 1 Jcnucry 2002, ccmp|cincnI fi|ec her ccunIer-cfficcviI
ci:puIing her c||egec wiIhcrcwc| cf Ihi:
ccmp|cinI cnc Ihe cenic| Ly Ihe re:pcncenI cf Ihe :Icncing wcrrcnI: cf crre:I cgcin:I him cri:ing cuI cf Ihe
incicenI in ue:Iicn. Ihe :cme wc: referrec Ic Ihe l8F.
ln c re:c|uIicn ccIec 28 Jcnucry 2002,
Ihi: CcurI re:c|vec Ic grcnI re:pcncenI: CmniLu: McIicn fcr
Lecve cf CcurI Ic /cmiI CcmmenI cn Ihe ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI cnc fcr c Fcrmc| Hecring, cnc ncIec Ihe
ccmmenI Iherein. Ihe cc:e wc: referrec Ic Ihe l8F fcr inve:IigcIicn, repcrI cnc reccmmenccIicn wiIhin nineIy
ccy: frcm ncIice.
Cn 02 Mcy 2002, ccmp|cincnI :uLmiIIec c |eIIer
Ic Ihe l8F wiIhcrcwing Ihe ccmp|cinI :he fi|ec cgcin:I
re:pcncenI, :IcIing IhcI cfIer much ref|ecIicn cnc recc|| cf Ihe cnIececenI fccI: IhcI |ec Ic Ihe fi|ing cf Ihe
ccmp|cinI, l hcve finc||y cecicec Ic wiIhcrcw Ihe :cme c: iI crc:e pure|y cuI cf mi:uncer:Icncing cnc
mi:ccmmuniccIicn cnc cefiniIe|y ncI wcrrcnIing cny ci:cip|incry ccIicn much |e:: ci:LcrmenI cnc cpc|cgize
fcr whcIever inccnvenience Ihe ccmp|cinI hcc ccu:e|c] Ihe cffice."
ln cn Crcer ccIec 1 June 2002, Ccmmi::icner FeLeccc Vi||cnuevc-Mcc|c cf Ihe l8F, Ccmmi::icn cn 8cr
Di:cip|ine {C8D), Ic whcm Ihe cc:e wc: c::ignec fcr inve:IigcIicn, repcrI cnc reccmmenccIicn, ncIifiec Ihe
pcrIie: Ic cppecr fcr c hecring cI :cic cffice cn 03 Ju|y 2002.
Fer crcer ccIec 03 Ju|y 2002 cf Ccmmi::icner Mcc|c, iI cppecr: IhcI when Ihe cc:e wc: cc||ec fcr
hecring, neiIher ccmp|cincnI ncr re:pcncenI cppecrec. lI wc: ncI :hcwn, hcwever, wheIher Ihey receivec
ncIice: cf Ihe :checu|ec hecring, hence, Ihe :cme wc: crcerec ccnce||ec cnc re:eI Ic 17 Ju|y 2002.
ln c re:c|uIicn ccIec 05 /ugu:I 2002, Ihi: CcurI ccIing cn Ihe |eIIer cf ccmp|cincnI ccIec 02 Mcy 2002,
re:c|vec Ic ncIe Ihe :cme cnc referrec iI Ic Ihe l8F.
Cn 07 CcIcLer 2002, ccmp|cincnI :uLmiIIec Ic Ihe l8F c mcIicn Ic hc|c cnc Ic uc:h wiIhcrcwc| cf Ihe
ccmini:IrcIive cc:e expre::ing c ce:ire Ic ccIive|y pur:ue her ccmp|cinI.
/cccrcing Ic ccmp|cincnI, re:pcncenI Leggec her Ic ci:mi:: Ihe ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI :he fi|ec cnc
prcmi:ec Ic :eII|e hi: cL|igcIicn: wiIh her. lI wc: cn|y fcr Ihi: rec:cn IhcI :he cgreec Ic :ign c wriIIen
wiIhcrcwc| cf her ccmp|cinI. Ihi: wc:, hcwever, c mere prcmi:e which remcinec unfu|fi||ec.

NcI very |cng cfIer, cn 25 CcIcLer 2002, ccmp|cincnI cgcin fi|ec Lefcre Ihe l8F c McIicn Ic Di:mi::
Ccmp|cinI. /: i: u:uc| in ce:i:Icnce, ccmp|cincnI mcnife:Iec her inIere:I Ic hcve Ihe ccmp|cinI ci:mi::ec cfIer
whcI :he :cic wc: c mcIure ref|ecIicn, rec|izing IhcI re:pcncenI hcc :ervec her fciIhfu||y, hcncrcL|y cnc we|| in
Ihe vcricu: cc:e: IhcI he hcc hcnc|ec fcr her cI c Iime when :he neecec iI mc:I. She crIicu|cIec IhcI Ihe
cc:e: :he hcc fi|ec cgcin:I Ihe re:pcncenI hcve |cng Leen :eII|ec LeIween Ihem cnc :hcu|c hcve Leen
ci:mi::ec Ly Ihe CcurI, LuI :he wc: ncI cwcre IhcI re:pcncenI: pre:ence i: nece::cry fcr Ihe ci:mi::c| cf
Ihc:e cc:e:, cnc :he ccu|c ncI |cccIe re:pcncenI. She cn|y ci:ccverec |cIer cn IhcI he wc: ccIuc||y Icken
very i|| cue Ic hyperIen:icn cnc gc:Irc-inIe:Iinc| prcL|em:. Cn Ihe cIher hcnc, re:pcncenI, in cn effcrI Ic
excu|pcIe him:e|f, cverrec he wc: uncer Ihe impre::icn IhcI ccmp|cincnI wcu|c Icke ccre cnc :ee Ic Ihe
ci:mi::c| cf Ihe :cic cc:e: cgcin:I him. Ic ccnvince Ihe l8F IhcI Ihe cc:e :hcu|c Le ci:mi::ec, ccmp|cincnI
|ikewi:e c|cimec IhcI re:pcncenI hcc nc mcre cL|igcIicn Ic her Leccu:e Ihe :cme hcc Leen cff:eI Ly |egc|
:ervice: rencerec Ly Ihe |cIIer cfIer cn ccccunIing wc: Icken.

ln cn Crcer ccIec 05 NcvemLer 2002, i::uec Ly l8F Ccmmi::icner FeLeccc Vi||cnuevc-Mcc|c, Ihe pcrIie:
were ncIifiec Ic cIIenc c hecring cn Ihe cc:e which wc: :eI cn 04 DecemLer 2002.
Ihi: :checu|ec hecring
wc:, hcwever, re:eI Ic 12 DecemLer 2002 fcr fci|ure cf Ihe ccmp|cincnI Ic cppecr cn Ihe ecr|ier ccIe.
/I Ihe
hecring :eI cn 12 DecemLer 2002, LcIh pcrIie: cppecrec LuI ccmp|cincnI mcvec Ic re:eI cn 2 Jcnucry 2003
wiIhcuI cLjecIicn frcm Ihe re:pcncenI.

Cn 31 Jcnucry 2003, Ihe l8F, in Ccmp|icnce
wiIh Ihi: CcurI: re:c|uIicn ccIec 20 NcvemLer
cirecIing iI Ic :uLmiI c :IcIu: repcrI cn Ihe cc:e every fir:I ccy cf Ihe mcnIh unIi| IermincIicn cf Ihe
inve:IigcIicn, :IcIec IhcI Leccu:e cf ccmp|cincnI: fci|ure Ic cppecr cnc cffirm her /fficcviI cf De:i:Icnce
ce:piIe :everc| hecring: :eI Ly Ihe Ccmmi::icn, iI ncw ccn:icerec Ihe cc:e: :uLmiIIec fcr repcrI cnc
reccmmenccIicn cnc Ic Le cecicec cn Ihe meriI: Iherecf.
Fer repcrI cf Ccmmi::icner FeLeccc Vi||cnuevc-Mcc|c, re:pcncenI /IIy. Fcmcn S. Dinc wc: fcunc Ic
hcve ccmmiIIec grc:: mi:ccncucI, cnc he wc:, Ihu:, reccmmencec Ic Le :u:pencec fcr c pericc cf cne yecr
frcm Ihe prccIice cf hi: prcfe::icn c: c |cwyer cnc memLer cf Ihe Lcr. Ihi: wc: recucec Ic :ix mcnIh: Ly Ihe
l8F 8ccrc cf Gcverncr: in c re:c|uIicn ccIec 21 June 2003, which recc::
kESOLbIION NO. XV-2003-343
Adm. Cose No. 5454
Corme||no Y. kongwon| vs.
Atty. komon S. D|o
FESCLVED Ic /DCFI cnc /FFFCVE, c: iI i: hereLy /DCFIED cnc /FFFCVED, Ihe FepcrI cnc FeccmmenccIicn
cf Ihe lnve:IigcIing Ccmmi::icner cf Ihe cLcve-enIiI|ec cc:e, herein mcce pcrI cf Ihi: Fe:c|uIicn/Deci:icn c:
/nnex /": cnc, fincing Ihe reccmmenccIicn fu||y :uppcrIec Ly Ihe evicence cn reccrc cnc Ihe cpp|iccL|e
|cw: cnc ru|e:, w|th mod|||cot|on c: Ic penc|Iy Ic ccnfcrm Ic Ihe evicence, cnc ccn:icering IhcI re:pcncenI:
i::ucnce cf check: in vic|cIicn cf Ihe prcvi:icn: cf 8.F. 22 ccn:IiIuIe: :ericu: mi:ccncucI cnc in ccciIicn
re:pcncenI ccmmiIIec grc:: mi:ccncucI when he fci|ec Ic ccmp|y hi: prcmi:e Ic ccmp|cincnI Ic :eII|e Ihe
cc:e, /IIy. Fcmcn S. Dinc i: hereLy SbSFENDED frcm Ihe prccIice cf |cw fcr :ix {) mcnIh:.
We cgree wiIh Ihe l8F: fincing cf gui|I c: Ihe :cme i: fu||y cnchcrec cn Ihe evicence cn reccrc cnc cn
cpp|iccL|e |cw:, ru|e: cnc juri:prucence.
CuiIe ccn:picucu:|y, ce:piIe Ihe cppcrIuniIie: ccccrcec Ic re:pcncenI Ic refuIe Ihe chcrge: cgcin:I him,
he fci|ec Ic cc :c cr even cffer c vc|ic exp|cncIicn. Ihe reccrc i: LerefI cf cny evicence Ic :hcw IhcI
re:pcncenI hc: pre:enIec cny ccunIervci|ing evicence Ic meeI Ihe chcrge: cgcin:I him. Hi: ncnchc|cnce
cce: ncI :peck we|| cf him c: iI ref|ecI: hi: uIIer |cck cf re:pecI Icwcrc: Ihe puL|ic cfficer: whc were c::ignec
Ic inve:IigcIe Ihe cc:e:.
Cn Ihe ccnIrcry, re:pcncenI: ccmmenI: cn|y mcrkec|y ccmiIIec ccmp|cincnI:
When Ihe inIegriIy cf c memLer cf Ihe Lcr i: chc||engec, iI i: ncI encugh IhcI he cenie: Ihe
chcrge: cgcin:I him. He mu:I meeI Ihe i::ue cnc cverccme Ihe evicence cgcin:I him. He mu:I :hcw prccf
IhcI he :Ii|| mcinIcin: IhcI cegree cf mcrc|iIy cnc inIegriIy which cI c|| Iime: i: expecIec cf him.
Ihe:e, Ihe
re:pcncenI mi:ercL|y fci|ec Ic cc.
Fe:pcncenI re|ie:, uiIe hecvi|y, cn Ihe ccmp|cincnI: mcve Ic ci:mi:: Ihe ccmp|cinI, Ic :ecure
excnercIicn. Hi: re|icnce i: mi:p|ccec. Fir:I|y, Leccu:e Ihe :cme hc: ncI Leen ccnfirmec cnc :uL:IcnIicIec Ly
Ihe ccmp|cincnI cI c|| c: :he fci|ec Ic cppecr in Ihe hecring: :checu|ec fcr Ihe purpc:e ce:piIe cue ncIice.
Seccnc|y, cnc mc:I impcrIcnI|y, we hcve ccn:i:IenI|y |cckec wiIh ci:fcvcr upcn :uch ce:i:Icnce cf
ccmp|cincnI: Leccu:e cf |egc| cnc juri:prucenIic| injuncIicn.
SecIicn 5, Fu|e 13-8 cf Ihe Fu|e: cf CcurI prcvice::
Sec. 5. $e|v|ce c| c|:n|::c|. - . . . .
. . .
Nc inve:IigcIicn :hc|| Le inIerrupIec cr IermincIec Ly rec:cn cf Ihe ce:i:Icnce, :eII|emenI, ccmprcmi:e,
re:IiIuIicn, wiIhcrcwc| cf Ihe chcrge:, cr fci|ure cf Ihe ccmp|cincnI Ic prc:ecuIe Ihe :cme.
ln 8c|: v. ugccen,
Ihe CcurI frcwnec upcn Ihe ccmp|cincnI: cfficcviI cf ce:i:Icnce, hence, in :piIe cf
iI, prcceecec wiIh Ihe ccmp|cinI cgcin:I Ihe erring jucge.
ln Feye:-Dcn|ngc v. /c|c|e:,
we expc:Iu|cIec IhcI:
Ihe wiIhcrcwc| cf c ccmp|cinI fcr |cck cf inIere:I cf c ccmp|cincnI cce: ncI nece::cri|y wcrrcnI Ihe ci:mi::c| cf
cn ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI {Dcg:c-cn v. Ccncg, 20 SCF/ 12 |18]). Ihe CcurI ccnncI Le Lcunc Ly Ihe
uni|cIerc| ceci:icn cf c ccmp|cincnI Ic ce:i:I frcm prc:ecuIing c cc:e invc|ving Ihe ci:cip|ine cf pcrIie: :uLjecI
Ic iI: ccmini:IrcIive :upervi:icn {Zcmcrc v. Jumcmcy, 238 SCF/ 587 |14]). Ihe neec Ic mcinIcin Ihe fciIh cnc
ccnficence cf cur pecp|e in Ihe gcvernmenI cnc iI: cgencie: cnc in:IrumenIc|iIie: cemcnc: IhcI prcceecing:
in ccmini:IrcIive cc:e: cgcin:I puL|ic cfficer: cnc emp|cyee: :hcu|c ncI Le mcce Ic cepenc cn Ihe whim:
cnc ccprice: cf ccmp|cincnI: whc cre, in c rec| :en:e, cn|y wiIne::e: {Sy v. /cccemic, 18 SCF/ 705 |11]).
Ihe |cIer cc:e cf ExecuIive Jucge Fccificc S. 8u|ccc v. Dcmingc Iiu, Jr. {/.M. Nc. F--1211, 31 Mcrch 2000, pp.
4-5, 32 SCF/ 308), mcre pcinIec|y :IcIec IhcI -
Whi|e ccmp|cincnI in Ihi: cc:e mcy hcve fcrgiven re:pcncenI, Ihi: CcurI, chcrgec c: iI i: wiIh enfcrcing
ci:cip|ine in Ihe jucicicry, ccnncI :imp|y c|c:e iI: eye: Ic re:pcncenI: ccI: cf exIreme inIrcn:igence.
WiIhcrcwc| cf Ihe ccmp|cinI wi|| ncI free re:pcncenI frcm hi: ccmini:IrcIive |icLi|iIy {E:Ire||er v. McncIcc, Jr.,
28 SCF/ 08 |17]), pcrIicu|cr|y Leccu:e ccmini:IrcIive prcceecing: cre imLuec wiIh puL|ic inIere:I, puL|ic
cffice Leing c puL|ic Iru:I {Gcchc v. FuenIe:, Jr., 21 SCF/ 474 |18]).
Ihe neec Ic mcinIcin Ihe fciIh cnc ccnficence cf Ihe pecp|e in Ihe gcvernmenI, iI: cgencie: cnc iI:
in:IrumenIc|iIie: reuire: IhcI prcceecing: in ccmini:IrcIive cc:e: :hcu|c ncI Le mcce Ic cepenc cn Ihe whim:
cnc ccprice: cf Ihe ccmp|cincnI: whc cre, in c rec| :en:e, cn|y wiIne::e: Iherein {E:Ire||er v. McncIcc, :up|c:
Gcchc v. FuenIe:, :up|c). Ihe ccurI ccnncI Le Lcunc Ly Ihe uni|cIerc| ccI cf c ccmp|cincnI in c mcIIer IhcI
invc|ve: iI: ci:cip|incry cuIhcriIy cver c|| emp|cyee: cf Ihe jucicicry: cIherwi:e, cur ci:cip|incry pcwer mcy Le
puI Ic ncughI {Scnccvc| v. Mcnc|c, 20 SCF/ 11 |1]).
Finc||y, in 8c||vc| v. $|ncc|,
Ihe CcurI, ciIing |n |e Dcv|e:,
ru|ec IhcI Ihe ci:cip|ine cf |cwyer: ccnncI Le
cuI :hcrI Ly c ccmprcmi:e cr wiIhcrcwc| cf chcrge::
lI i: ccnIencec cn Ihe pcrI cf Ihe p|cinIiff in errcr IhcI Ihi: :eII|emenI cpercIec c: cn cL:c|uIicn cnc remi::icn
cf hi: cffen:e. Ihi: view cf Ihe cc:e igncre: Ihe fccI IhcI Ihe exerci:e cf Ihe pcwer i: ncI fcr Ihe purpc:e cf
enfcrcing civi| remecie: LeIween pcrIie:, LuI Ic prcIecI Ihe ccurI cnc Ihe puL|ic cgcin:I cn cIIcrney gui|Iy cf
unwcrIhy prccIice: in hi: prcfe::icn. He hcc ccIec in c|ecr ci:regcrc cf hi: cuIy c: cn cIIcrney cI Ihe Lcr, cnc
wiIhcuI gccc fice|iIy" Ic hi: c|ienI. Ihe puL|ic hcc righI: which Mr:. CurIi: ccu|c ncI Ihu: :eII|e cr ce:Ircy. Ihe
unwcrIhy ccI hcc Leen fu||y ccn:ummcIec.
Fe:pcncenI: ccI cf hcving Lcrrcwec Ihe IiI|e Ic Ihe |cnc cf ccmp|cincnI, hi: pre:umec u:e cf Ihe :cic
IiI|e fcr hi: per:cnc| gcin, hi: fci|ure Ic reIurn Ihe :cme ce:piIe repecIec cemcnc: cnc wcr:e, hi: i::ucnce cf
Ihree check: in exchcnge fcr Ihe :cic |cnc IiI|e which Lcuncec, ccn:IiIuIe grc:: mi:ccncucI fcr which he mu:I
Le ci:cip|inec. ln Ihi: ccnnecIicn Fu|e 1.04 cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy i: uneuivccc|. lI :IcIe::
Fu|e 1.04 - / |cwyer :hc|| ncI Lcrrcw mcney frcm hi: c|ienI un|e:: Ihe c|ienI: inIere:I: cre fu||y prcIecIec Ly
Ihe ncIure cf Ihe cc:e cr Ly incepencenI ccvice. NeiIher :hc|| c |cwyer |enc mcney Ic c c|ienI excepI, when
in Ihe inIere:I cf ju:Iice, he hc: Ic ccvcnce nece::cry expen:e: in c |egc| mcIIer he i: hcnc|ing fcr Ihe c|ienI.

ln Ihe cc:e cf ucge Acc|cc|cn G. Ange|e: v. Atty. ncnc: Uy. |..
Ihi: CcurI he|c:
Ihe re|cIicn:hip LeIween c |cwyer cnc c c|ienI i: high|y ficucicry: iI reuire: c high cegree cf fice|iIy cnc gccc
fciIh. lI i: ce:ignec Ic remcve c|| :uch IempIcIicn cnc Ic prevenI everyIhing cf IhcI kinc frcm Leing ccne fcr
Ihe prcIecIicn cf Ihe c|ienI" {/gpc|c, Legc| EIhic:, 12 ec., p. 188).
Ihu:, Ccncn 1 cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy prcvice: IhcI c |cwyer :hc|| hc|c in Iru:I c|| mcney:
cnc prcperIie: cf hi: c|ienI IhcI mcy ccme inIc hi: pc::e::icn." FurIhermcre, Fu|e 1.01 cf Ihe Ccce c|:c :IcIe:
IhcI c |cwyer :hc|| ccccunI fcr c|| mcney cr prcperIy cc||ecIec cr receivec fcr cr frcm Ihe c|ienI." Ihe Ccncn:
cf Frcfe::icnc| EIhic: i: even mcre exp|iciI:
Ihe |cwyer :hcu|c refrcin frcm cny ccIicn whereLy fcr hi: per:cnc| LenefiI cr gcin he cLu:e: cr Icke:
ccvcnIcge: cf Ihe ccnficence repc:ec in him Ly hi: c|ienI.
Mcney cf Ihe c|ienI cc||ecIec fcr Ihe c|ienI cr cIher Iru:I prcperIy ccming inIc Ihe pc::e::icn cf Ihe |cwyer
:hcu|c Le repcrIec cnc ccccunIec fcr p|cnpt|y cnc :hcu|c ncI uncer cny circum:Icnce: Le ccmming|ec wiIh
hi: cwn cr Le u:ec Ly him.
Ihi: CcurI, in :everc| cc:e:,
hc: Iime cnc cgcin ru|ec IhcI Ihe ficucicry cuIy cf c |cwyer cnc ccvcccIe i:
whcI p|cce: Ihe |cw prcfe::icn in c uniue pc:iIicn cf Iru:I cnc ccnficence, cnc ci:Iingui:he: iI frcm cny cIher
cc||ing. Cnce Ihi: Iru:I cnc ccnficence i: LeIrcyec, Ihe fciIh cf Ihe pecp|e ncI cn|y in Ihe incivicuc| |cwyer LuI
c|:c in Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn c: c whc|e i: erccec. Ic Ihi: enc, c|| memLer: cf Ihe Lcr cre :IricI|y reuirec Ic cI c||
Iime: mcinIcin Ihe highe:I cegree cf puL|ic ccnficence in Ihe fice|iIy, hcne:Iy cnc inIegriIy cf Iheir prcfe::icn.
Ccncn 15 cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy mcnccIe: IhcI c |cwyer :hcu|c cL:erve ccnccr,
fcirne:: cnc |cyc|Iy in c|| hi: cec|ing: cnc Ircn:ccIicn: wiIh hi: c|ienI.

/ |cwyer mcy Le ci:cip|inec fcr cny ccncucI, in hi: prcfe::icnc| cr privcIe ccpcciIy, IhcI rencer: him unfiI
Ic ccnIinue Ic Le cn cfficer cf Ihe ccurI. Every |cwyer :hcu|c ccI cnc ccmpcrI him:e|f in :uch c mcnner IhcI
wcu|c prcmcIe puL|ic ccnficence in Ihe inIegriIy cf Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn.

Ccncn 7 cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy ccmmcnc: c|| |cwyer: cI c|| Iime: Ic uphc|c Ihe cigniIy
cnc inIegriIy cf Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn.

SecIicn 27, Fu|e 138 cf Ihe Fu|e: cf CcurI prcvice::
SEC. 27. D|:cc|nent c| :u:pen:|cn c| cttc|ney: cy $up|ene Ccu|t. g|cunc: tne|e|c|. - / memLer cf Ihe Lcr mcy
Le ci:Lcrrec cr :u:pencec frcm hi: cffice c: cIIcrney Ly Ihe Supreme CcurI fcr cny ceceiI, mc|prccIice, cr
cIher grc:: mi:ccncucI in :uch cffice, grc::|y immcrc| ccncucI, cr Ly rec:cn cf hi: ccnvicIicn cf c crime
invc|ving mcrc| IurpiIuce, cr fcr cny vic|cIicn cf Ihe ccIh which he i: reuirec Ic Icke Lefcre ccmi::icn Ic
prccIice, cr fcr c wi||fu| ci:cLecience cf cny |cwfu| crcer cf c :upericr ccurI, cr fcr ccrrupI|y cr wi|fu||y
cppecring c: cn cIIcrney fcr c pcrIy Ic c cc:e wiIhcuI cuIhcriIy :c Ic cc. Ihe prccIice cf :c|iciIing cc:e: cI
|cw fcr Ihe purpc:e cf gcin, eiIher per:cnc||y cr Ihrcugh pcic cgenI: cr Lrcker:, ccn:IiIuIe: mc|prccIice.
Ihe ue:Iicn ncw cri:e: c: Ic Ihe prcper penc|Iy Ic Le impc:ec.
/: Ic Ihe prcprieIy cf impc:ing Ihe :upreme penc|Iy cf ci:LcrmenI, Ihe ru|e i: IhcI ci:LcrmenI i: meIec cuI
cn|y in c|ecr cc:e: cf mi:ccncucI IhcI :ericu:|y cffecI Ihe :Icncing cnc chcrccIer cf Ihe |cwyer c: cn cfficer cf
Ihe ccurI.
Whi|e we wi|| ncI he:iIcIe Ic remcve cn erring cIIcrney frcm Ihe e:Ieemec LrcIherhccc cf |cwyer:,
where Ihe evicence cc||: fcr iI, we wi|| c|:c ncI ci:Lcr him where c |e::er penc|Iy wi|| :uffice Ic ccccmp|i:h Ihe
ce:irec enc.
ln Ihi: cc:e, we finc :u:pen:icn Ic Le c :ufficienI :cncIicn cgcin:I re:pcncenI - :u:pen:icn
Leing primcri|y inIencec ncI c: c puni:hmenI, LuI c: c mecn: Ic prcIecI Ihe puL|ic cnc Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn.

Ihe fc||cwing cc:e: rencerec Ly Ihi: CcurI cnc Ihe penc|Iie: impc:ec IhereIc where Fu|e 1 cf Ihe Ccce
cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy finc: cpp|iccIicn cre en|ighIening.
ln Ihe ecr|ier cc:e cf Ayc v. 8|gc|n|c,
Ihe CcurI ru|ec IhcI mcney cc||ecIec Ly c |cwyer in fcvcr cf hi:
c|ienI: mu:I Le immecicIe|y Iurnec cver Ic Ihem cnc fci|ure Ic cc :c meriI: c penc|Iy cf :u:pen:icn fcr :ix
mcnIh:. ln Dc|cy v. Legc:p|,
Ihe CcurI he|c IhcI |cwyer: cre Lcunc Ic prcmpI|y ccccunI fcr mcney cr
prcperIy receivec Ly Ihem cn Lehc|f cf Iheir c|ienI: cnc fci|ure Ic cc ccn:IiIuIe: prcfe::icnc| mi:ccncucI
wcrrcnIing ci:LcrmenI. SuL:euenI|y, in Ihe cc:e cf Cc|c v. Cct|nccng,
re:pcncenI /IIy. 8c:i|ic M.
CcIimLcng wc: crcerec incefiniIe|y :u:pencec fcr fci|ure Ic reIurn Ihe cmcunI cf F11,000 enIru:Iec Ic him. SIi||
|cIer, in Duncccg v. Luncyc,
Ihe CcurI |ikewi:e crcerec Ihe incefiniIe :u:pen:icn cf /IIy. Erne:Ic L. Lumcyc
fcr hi: receipI cf cnc fci|ure Ic ce|iver Ihe cmcunI cf F4,344 Ic hi: c|ienI, ccmp|cincnI in Ihe cc:e.
ln Ihe cc:e cf 8u|ce v. /cgu|tc,
Ihi: CcurI impc:ec upcn /IIy. Mcgu|Ic Ihe penc|Iy cf :u:pen:icn fcr
cne {1) yecr fcr hi: ccnver:icn inIc |egc| fee: Ihe fi|ing fee enIru:Iec Ic him Ly hi: c|ienI.
ln Ihe cc:e cf Nunez v. F|cc|c|t,
Ihi: CcurI crcerec Ihe incefiniIe :u:pen:icn cf /IIy. Fcmu|c FiccfcrI fcr
hi: ccI cf i::uing Lcc check: in :cIi:fccIicn cf cn c|ic: wriI cf execuIicn fcr mcney jucgmenI rencerec cgcin:I
Iherein, Ihe CcurI he|c:
Ihere i: nc neec Ic :IreIch cne: imcgincIicn Ic crrive cI cn ineviIcL|e ccnc|u:icn IhcI re:pcncenI grcve|y
cLu:ec Ihe ccnficence IhcI ccmp|cincnI repc:ec in him cnc ccmmiIIec ci:hcne:Iy when he cic ncI Iurn cver
Ihe prcceec: cf Ihe :c|e cf her prcperIy. Wcr:e, wiIh pc|pcL|e Lcc fciIh, he ccmpe||ec Ihe ccmp|cincnI Ic gc
Ic ccurI fcr Ihe reccvery cf Ihe prcceec: cf Ihe :c|e cnc, in Ihe prcce::, Ic :penc mcney, Iime cnc energy
Iherefcre. Ihen, ce:piIe hi: ce|iLercIe fci|ure Ic cn:wer Ihe ccmp|cinI re:u|Iing in hi: hcving Leen cec|crec in
cefcu|I, he cppec|ec frcm Ihe jucgmenI Ic Ihe CcurI cf /ppec|:. /gcin, Lcc fciIh cIIencec :uch c :Iep
Leccu:e he cic ncI pcy Ihe ccckeI fee ce:piIe ncIice. Neec|e:: Ic :IcIe, re:pcncenI wcnIec Ic prc|cng Ihe
Ircvci|: cnc cgcny cf Ihe ccmp|cincnI cnc Ic enjcy Ihe fruiI: cf whcI righIfu||y Le|cng: Ic Ihe |cIIer. &n:cIi:fiec
wiIh whcI he hcc c|reccy unju:I|y cnc un|cwfu||y ccne Ic ccmp|cincnI, re:pcncenI i::uec check: Ic :cIi:fy Ihe
c|ic: wriI cf execuIicn. 8uI, remcining unrepenIcnI cf whcI he hcc ccne cnc in ccnIinuec pur:uiI cf c c|ecr|y
mc|icicu: p|cn ncI Ic pcy ccmp|cincnI cf whcI hcc Leen vc|ic|y cnc |cwfu||y ccjucgec Ly Ihe ccurI cgcin:I
him, re:pcncenI c|c:ec Ihe ccccunI cgcin:I which Ihe check: were crcwn. Ihere wc: ceceiI in Ihi:.
Fe:pcncenI never hcc Ihe inIenIicn cf pcying hi: cL|igcIicn c: prcvec Ly Ihe fccI IhcI ce:piIe Ihe criminc|
cc:e: fcr vic|cIicn cf 8.F. 8|g. 22, he cic ncI pcy Ihe cL|igcIicn.
Whi|e Ihe cc:e cf Nunez v. F|cc|c|t
hc|c: :cme :imi|criIy Ic Ihe pre:enI cc:e, iI i: mcIeric| Ic ncIe IhcI Ihi:
i: Ihe fir:I Iime IhcI c ccmp|cinI cf Ihi: ncIure hc: Leen fi|ec cgcin:I Ihe re:pcncenI. Likewi:e, un|ike
Ihe Nunez cc:e, Ihe criminc| cc:e: fi|ec Ly Ihe ccmp|cincnI hcve ncI Leen finc||y ci:pc:ec cf, hence, nc
ccnvicIicn cgcin:I re:pcncenI wc: ever cLIcinec. Cn c|| fcur: Ic Ihi: cc:e i: Ihe cc:e cf Lcc v.
Fe:pcncenI /IIy. FcLerI W. Mece|, whc i::uec fcur check: which were :uL:euenI|y ci:hcncrec
IcIc|ing IwenIy-Iwc Ihcu:cnc pe:c: {F22,000) in pcymenI cf hi: cuI:Icncing cL|igcIicn, wc: crcerec
:u:pencec fcr cne yecr Ly Ihi: CcurI in |ine wiIh Ihe cc:e: cf Cc. v. 8e|nc|c|nc.
Ducct. |. v. V|||c|cn.
cnc $ccu|n|cc v. /cc|cnc.

Finc||y, in Ihe mc:I recenI cc:e cf |:|c|c 8c|||entc:. et c|. v. Atty. F|e||zzc A. L|c||cn-/etec|c,
Ihi: CcurI
impc:ec upcn re:pcncenI /IIy. E|erizzc LiLircn-MeIecrc Ihe penc|Iy cf :u:pen:icn fcr :ix {) mcnIh: fcr hcving
i::uec :everc| check: Ic Ihe ccmp|cincnI: in pcymenI cf c pre-exi:Iing ceLI wiIhcuI :ufficienI func: -
We hcve he|c IhcI Ihe i::ucnce cf check: which were |cIer ci:hcncrec fcr hcving Leen crcwn cgcin:I c
c|c:ec ccccunI inciccIe: c |cwyer: unfiIne:: fcr Ihe Iru:I cnc ccnficence repc:ec cn her. lI :hcw: c |cck cf
per:cnc| hcne:Iy cnc gccc mcrc| chcrccIer c: Ic rencer her unwcrIhy cf puL|ic ccnficence. Ihe i::ucnce cf c
:erie: cf wcrIh|e:: check: c|:c :hcw: Ihe remcr:e|e:: cIIiIuce cf re:pcncenI, unmincfu| Ic Ihe ce|eIericu:
effecI: cf :uch ccI Ic Ihe puL|ic inIere:I cnc puL|ic crcer. lI c|:c mcnife:I: c |cwyer: |cw regcrc Ic her
ccmmiImenI Ic Ihe ccIh :he hc: Icken when :he jcinec her peer:, :ericu:|y cnc irrepcrcL|y Icrni:hing Ihe
imcge cf Ihe prcfe::icn :he :hcu|c hc|c in high e:Ieem.
Ihi: CcurI ju:Iifiec Ihe impc:iIicn cf c |ighIer penc|Iy cf :ix mcnIh: upcn /IIy. LiLircn-MeIecrc in:Iecc cf
cne yecr c: wc: impc:ec in Ihe cc:e cf Lcc v. /ece|
cn Ihe grcunc cf /IIy. LiLircn-MeIecrc: pcymenI cf c
pcrIicn cf her ceLI Ic Ihe ccmp|cincnI.
ln Ihe :cme mcnner, we finc IhcI Ihe |e::er penc|Iy cf :ix mcnIh: ccnncI Le impc:ec upcn herein
re:pcncenI /IIy. Dinc cn Ihe grcunc IhcI, ju:I |ike Ihe cc:e cf Lcc v. /ece|, Ihere i: nc :hcwing cf cny
re:IiIuIicn whcI:cever in Ihi: cc:e cn Ihe pcrI cf Ihe re:pcncenI. Likewi:e, Ihe frcucu|enI mcnner Ly which he
wc: cL|e Ic enIice ccmp|cincnI Ic enIru:I Ic him Ihe IiI|e Ic her |cnc :hcu|c c|:c Le Icken inIc ccccunI.
/: wc: :c cpI|y :IcIec in Cu|zcn v. /ccc||nc.

Such ccncucI inciccIe: Ihe re:pcncenI: unfiIne:: fcr Ihe Iru:I cnc ccnficence repc:ec cn him, :hcw: :uch
|cck cf per:cnc| hcne:Iy cnc gccc mcrc| chcrccIer c: Ic rencer him unwcrIhy cf puL|ic ccnficence cnc
ccn:IiIuIe: c grcunc fcr ci:cip|incry ccIicn.
WHEkEFOkE, re:pcncenI /IIy. Fcmcn S. Dinc i: fcunc gui|Iy cf GFCSS MlSCCND&CI cnc i: S&SFENDED frcm
Ihe prccIice cf |cw fcr cne {1) yecr wiIh c wcrning IhcI c repeIiIicn cf Ihe :cme cr :imi|cr ccI wi|| Le cec|I wiIh
mcre :evere|y. Fe:pcncenI: :u:pen:icn i: effecIive upcn hi: receipI cf ncIice cf Ihi: Deci:icn.
LeI ncIice cf Ihi: Deci:icn Le :precc cn re:pcncenI: reccrc c: cn cIIcrney in Ihi: CcurI, cnc Ic Ihe
lnIegrcIec 8cr cf Ihe Fhi|ippine: cnc Ic Ihe CcurI /cmini:IrcIcr fcr circu|cIicn Ic c|| ccurI: ccncernec.
Func. (Cnc||ncn}. Au:t||c-/c|t|nez. cnc Cc||ec. $|.. .. ccncur.
|ngc. .. nc pcrI, re|cIicn:hip Ic c pcrIy.

MAkY D. MALECDAN, comp|o|nonf, vs. AIIY. FEkCIVAL L. FEKAS ond AIIY. MAIIHEW F. KOLLIN, respondenfs.
CALLEJO, Sk., .:
Ihe in:IcnI cc:e crc:e when Mcry D. Mc|ecccn fi|ec c verifiec LeIIer-Ccmp|cinI ccIec Jcnucry 1, 2001
cccre::ec Ic /IIy. Cec:cr G. Crccicn, Ihen Fre:icenI cf Ihe lnIegrcIec 8cr cf Ihe Fhi|ippine: {l8F), 8cguic
cnc 8engueI ChcpIer:, chcrging /IIy. Fercivc| L. Fekc: cnc /IIy. McIIhew F. Kc||in, wiIh vic|cIicn cf Ihe
|cwyer: ccIh, c: Ihey ccmmiIIec ccI: ncI cn|y prejucicic| Ic |Ihe l8F] LuI cre in Ihem:e|ve: in vic|cIicn cf Ihe
ccIh IhcI Ihey hcve :wcrn Ic uphc|c c: |c] ccnciIicn fcr Iheir ccmi::icn Ic Ihe Lcr."

Ihe unci:puIec fccI: c: cu||ec frcm Ihe reccrc: cre c: fc||cw::
Cn NcvemLer 25, 1, Ihe ccmp|cincnI enIerec inIc c ceec cf :c|e wiIh Ihe Spcu:e: Wc:hingIcn cnc
E|izc Fcngec cver c pcrce| cf |cnc |cccIec in 8cguic CiIy, ccverec Ly Ircn:fer CerIificcIe cf IiI|e Nc. I-
Ihe ccmp|cincnI pcic F10,000 c: ecrne:I mcney, cnc F2,00,000 c: Ihe fu|| cnc finc| pcymenI cf Ihe
ccn:icercIicn cf Ihe :c|e. Ihe mcney wc: receivec Ly E|izc Fcngec cnc cepc:iIec in Ihe ccccunI cf
/IIy. /rIemic 8u:IcmcnIe, Ihen ccun:e| fcr Ihe |cIIer. Ihe ccmp|cincnI |cIer fcunc cuI, hcwever, IhcI Ihe :cic
|cI wc: Ihe :uLjecI cf c ccnIrcver:y
LeIween Ihe fcrmer cwner: cnc Ihe Fcngec Spcu:e:.
When /IIy. 8u:IcmcnIe refu:ec Ic re|ec:e Ihe prcceec: cf Ihe :c|e Ic E|izc Fcngec, Ihe |cIIer, Ihrcugh her
new ccun:e| re:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in, fi|ec c ccmp|cinI fcr re:ci::icn cf ccnIrccI wiIh prcyer fcr Ihe i::ucnce cf c
Iempcrcry re:Ircining crcer wiIh ccmcge:
cgcin:I Ihe ccmp|cincnI, /IIy. 8u:IcmcnIe, Fhi|ippine Ccmmercic|
cnc lncu:Iric| 8cnk {FCl8) cnc Wc:hingIcn Fcngec cnDecemLer 2, 1.

E|izc Fcngec cnc Ihe re:pcncenI: IherecfIer ccu:ec Ihe fi|ing cf c Mcnife:IcIicn cf Ccmprcmi:e
SeII|emenI wiIh McIicn ccIec DecemLer 14, 1.
lI wc: prcyec, cmcng cIher:, IhcI cn crcer Le i::uec
cirecIing cefenccnI FCl8 Ic Ircn:fer Ihe cmcunI cf F30,000 frcm Ihe ccccunI cf /IIy. 8u:IcmcnIe Ic c jcinI
ccccunI in Ihe ncme cf re:pcncenI: /IIy. Kc||in cnc /IIy. Fekc: Ly wcy cf cIIcrney: fee:. Ihe ccmp|cincnI
wc: ncI c :igncIcry Ic Ihe ccmprcmi:e :eII|emenI, c: :he wc: in Ihe &niIec SIcIe: cI Ihe Iime. Ihe mcney wc:
Ihen Ircn:ferrec Ic Ihe re:pecIive ccccunI: c: prcyec fcr in Ihe ccmprcmi:e :eII|emenI.
Ihe Ccmp|cincnI: /||egcIicn:
/cccrcing Ic Ihe ccmp|cincnI, re:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in knew very we|| IhcI Ihe mcney enIru:Iec Ic him cic
ncI Le|cng Ic hi: c|ienI, E|izc Fcngec. YeI, when Ihe ccmp|cincnI: cu|y cuIhcrizec
repre:enIcIive Wi|frecc Cc|crccc reue:Iec IhcI Ihe mcney Le re|ec:ec Ic her, /IIy. Kc|in refu:ec Ic cc :c, cn
Ihe preIexI IhcI Ihere wc: nc wriIIen cuIhcrizcIicn frcm Ihe |cIIer. Ihe re:pcncenI, hcwever, ccmiIIec IhcI Ihe
mcney wc: in hi: pc::e::icn.
Ihe ccmp|cincnI furIher cverrec IhcI:
11. Ihe :cic |cwyer: were cwcre IhcI Ihe mcney in Ihe Lcnk which wc: Ihe :uLjecI cf Civi| Cc:e Nc. 4580-F wc:
Ihe ccn:icercIicn fcr c :uppc:ec :c|e LeIween me cnc E|izc Fcngec which cic ncI mcIeric|ize Leccu:e iI
ccu|c ncI Le regi:Ierec c:ice frcm Ihe fccI IhcI iI i: vcic pur:ucnI Ic Ihe ceci:icn in Civi| Cc:e Nc. 4528-F. Ihey
knew IhcI Ihe mcney i: ncI cwnec Ly E|izc Fcngec. YeI, ce:piIe Ihi: kncw|ecge, Ihey mi:|ec Ihe ccurI Ly
mcking iI cppecr IhcI c|| Ihe pcrIie: cgreec Ic Ihe :eII|emenI Ly fi|ing Ihe mcnife:IcIicn cf ccmprcmi:e
:eII|emenI wiIh mcIicn {/nnex G") kncwing IhcI l wc: cLrccc cnc ccu|c ncI hcve given my ccn:enI IhereIc.
12. Wcr:e, Ihey mcce iI cppecr IhcI l wc: ccpy furni:hec cf Ihe p|eccing when in IruIh cnc in fccI l never
receivec Ihe :cme c: l wc: in Ihe &niIec SIcIe: cf /mericc. My inve:IigcIicn cf Ihe mcIIer revec|: IhcI Ihe :i:Ier
cf E|izc Fcngec, Vercnicc 8uking, receivec Ihe p|eccing fcr me.
13. When ccnfrcnIec, E|izc Fcngec ccmiIIec Ic me IhcI Ihe mcney wc: ccIuc||y enIru:Iec Ic re:pcncenI /IIy.
McIIhew Kc||in.

Ihe ccmp|cincnI c|:c c||egec IhcI :he fi|ec Ihe ccmp|cinI cgcin:I Ihe re:pcncenI: Leccu:e cf Ihe |cIIer:
ccnnivcnce in ccu:ing Ihe wiIhcrcwc| cf Ihe mcney in Ihe Lcnk. She pcinIec cuI IhcI whi|e Ihe mcnife:IcIicn
cf ccmprcmi:e :eII|emenI cce: ncI Lecr Ihe :igncIure cf /IIy. Kc||in, pcrcgrcph {L) cf Ihe prcyer c|ecr|y :hcw:
IhcI Ihe cmcunI cf F30,000 wc: cpprcpricIec Ic c jcinI ccccunI Le|cnging Ic Ihe re:pcncenI: Ly wcy cf
cIIcrney: fee:.
Ihe ccmp|cincnI exp|cinec IhcI re:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in, c: ccun:e| fcr E|izc Fcngec in Civi| Cc:e Nc. 4580-
F, prcyec IhcI Ihe :c|e cf Ihe prcperIy Ic her {Ihe ccmp|cincnI) Le cec|crec nu|| cnc vcic. Frcceecing frcm
Ihi: premi:e, Ihen, E|izc Fcngec hcc nc righI Ic Ihe mcney in Ihe Lcnk: Ihe re:pcncenI:, |ikewi:e, hcc nc righI
Ic wiIhcrcw Ihe cmcunI cf F30,000 Ic cn:wer fcr Iheir cIIcrney: fee:. She furIher cverrec IhcI Ihe re:pcncenI:
mcce iI cppecr Ic Ihe Iric| ccurI IhcI :he {Ihe ccmp|cincnI) wc: cu|y ncIifiec cf Ihe purpcrIec :eII|emenI,
when :he wc:, in fccI, ncI c pcrIy IhereIc c: evicencec Ly Ihe reccrc:. Ihu::
.|I]he reccrc: revec| IhcI Ihe per:cn whc receivec Ihe ccpy cf Ihe cccumenI purpcrIing Ic ccver Ihe
:eII|emenI inIencec fcr me i: Ihe very :i:Ier cf hi: c|ienI, E|izc Fcngec, in Ihe per:cn cf
Vercnicc 8uking. Vercnicc8uking i: ncI cnc wc: never c re:icenI cf Dcg:icn, 8cguic CiIy, Ihe |cccIicn cf my
permcnenI re:icence. E|izc Fcngec ccu|c ncI hcve IhcughI cf Ihi: :cheme. .
. 8uI |cwyer c: he i:, /IIy. Kc||in mu:I hcve cnIicipcIec pc::iL|e |egc| repercu::icn|:] IhcI wcu|c en:ue c: c
re:u|I cf Ihi: :cheme. ln Ihe Mcnife:IcIicn cf Ccmprcmi:e SeII|emenI wiIh McIicn, he c:kec hi: cc-re:pcncenI,
/IIy. Fekc:, Ic :ign c: ccun:e| fcr E|izc Fcngec. /IIy. Fekc: :eem|ec] Ic Le Icc wi||ing Ic exIenc c::i:Icnce Ic
E|izc Fcngec if cn|y Ic geI Ihe mcney frcm Ihe Lcnk. Hcwever, in Ihe ccIuc| re|ec:e, cnc Ihe pcrIiIicn cf Ihe
mcney, Ihe re:pcncenI: repcrIec|y ccIive|y pcrIicipcIec Ic in:ure Iheir :hcre cf F30,000.00 c: cIIcrney: fee:.
/IIy. Fekc: cic ncI :Icp Ihere. /: ccun:e| fcr E|izc Fcngec, he :ignec Ihe NcIice cf Di:mi::c| ccIec DecemLer
1, 1 wiIh c mi:|eccing :IcIemenI IhcI Ihe pcrIie: hcve exIrcjucicic||y :eII|ec Ihi: cc:e cmiccL|y cmcng
Ihem:e|ve:", when in IruIh cnc in fccI, l wc: never ccn:u|Iec. .

Ihe Fe:pcncenI: /||egcIicn:
Ihe re:pcncenI: ceniec Ihe fcregcing c||egcIicn: in Iheir re:pecIive cn:wer:.
Fe:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in ccmiIIec IhcI he knew IhcI Ihe mcney in Ihe Lcnk wc: Ihe ccmp|cincnI:
pcymenI fcr Ihe |cnc purchc:ec frcm Ihe Fcngec Spcu:e:. He pcinIec cuI, hcwever, IhcI iI wc: unfcir Ic :IcIe
IhcI hi: c|ienI E|izc Fcngec wc: ncI enIiI|ec IhereIc, :ince in Ihe fir:I p|cce, :he cppecrec c: Ihe venccr in Ihe
ceec cf :c|e execuIec LeIween her cnc Ihe ccmp|cincnI. FurIhermcre, c|Ihcugh Civi| Cc:e Nc. 4528-F hcc
c|reccy Leen cecicec Ly Ihe Iric| ccurI, Ihe :cme wc: cppec|ec Ic Ihe CcurI cf /ppec|:,
cnc cic ncI
Leccme finc| cnc execuIcry c: errcnecu:|y :IcIec Ly Ihe ccmp|cincnI. /IIy. Kc||in c|:c pcinIec cuI IhcI he
wc: ncI Ihe criginc| ccun:e| cf Ihe Spcu:e: Fcngec in Ihe :cic cc:e, LuI mere|y inheriIec" Ihe :cme frcm
/IIy. /rIemic 8u:IcmcnIe.

Ihe re:pcncenI furIher cverrec IhcI Leccu:e /IIy. 8u:IcmcnIe cnc Ihe Fcngec: fci|ec Ic :eII|e Ihe
prcL|em, he fi|ec c ccmp|cinI fcr Ihe re:ci::icn cf Ihe :c|e, cnc ncI fcr Ihe re|ec:e cf Ihe mcney in
/IIy. 8u:IcmcnIe: pc::e::icn. /cccrcing Ic Ihe re:pcncenI:
Ic me, Ihi: i: Ihe gi:I cf Ihe prcL|em. Ccmp|cincnI Mcry Mc|ecccn :Ircng|y Le|ieve: IhcI :he wc: :winc|ec
Leccu:e cf Ihe :cic ceci:icn. Hcwever, Ihe cn|y prcL|em LeIween DcIc cnc Fcngec i: Ihe ceIermincIicn cf
Ihe ccIuc| Lc|cnce cnc Ihe pcymenI Iherecf. SeII|e Ihe Lc|cnce wiIh Mr:. DcIc cnc everyIhing wcu|c Le
:eII|ec |ikewi:e. /: cf Ihi: Iime, iI i: very :cfe Ic :cy IhcI Ihe i::ue i: :Ii|| S&8 J&DlCE" cnc ccmp|cincnI ccu|c ncI
even Le :ure cf Ihe cuIccme cf :cic cc:e, c|Ihcugh Ihere i: c pencing prcpc:c| fcr Ihe evenIuc| :eII|emenI cf
Ihe cc:e Ly Ihe pcymenI cf Ihe unpcic Lc|cnce.
Mcrecver, Ihe IiI|e cf Ihe :uLjecI |cnc i: in Ihe pc::e::icn cf Ihe Ccmp|cincnI cnc ccu|c Ircn:fer :cic IiI|e in her
ncme cnyIime. Ferhcp:, whcI Ihe ccmp|cincnI i: :cying i: IhcI Ihe IiI|e ccu|c Le Ircn:ferrec in her ncme,
hcwever, c ncIice cf |i: pencen:" wc: cnncIcIec Iherein cue Ic Ihe fi|ing cf Ihe cc:e LeIween C. DcIc cnc
Ihe :pcu:e: Fcngec.
Fcr c|| inIenI: cnc purpc:e:, ccmp|cincnI ccu|c Ircn:fer Ihe IiI|e in her ncme cnc Icke pc::e::icn cf Ihe
prcperIy c|Ihcugh Ihe ncIice cf |i: pencen:" wi|| Le Ircn:ferrec cr Le |ikewi:e cnncIcIec in her IiI|e.
Ccmp|cincnI kncw: very we|| IhcI Ihe prcL|em LeIween C. DcIc cnc E|izc Fcngec i: Ihe ccIuc| Lc|cnce Ic Le
pcic c: per Ihe fir:I ceec cf :c|e: .

Fe:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc:, fcr hi: pcrI, ccmiIIec IhcI Ihe cmcunI cf F30,000 wc: Ircn:ferrec Ly
/IIy. 8u:IcmcnIe Ic Iheir ccccunI, LuI cverrec IhcI iI wc: ccne vc|unIcri|y. He ceniec Ihe c||egcIicn IhcI Ihey
mi:|ec Ihe ccurI Ly mcking iI cppecr IhcI Ihe pcrIie: cgreec Ic Ihe ccmprcmi:e :eII|emenI wiIh mcIicn, :ince,
c: ccn Le g|ecnec frcm Ihe ccmprcmi:e cgreemenI iI:e|f, Ihe ccmp|cincnI wc: ncI c pcrIy IhereIc.
re:pcncenI furIher c||egec IhcI:
20. /: Le:I c: Ihe re:pcncenI ccn recc||, cn Ihe |cIe cfIernccn cf DecemLer 12, 1, /IIy.
McIIhew Kc||in cc||ec up re:pcncenI cn Ihe Ie|ephcne. He wc: reue:Iing fcr re:pcncenI Ic cIIenc c hecring
cf hi: cc:e Ihe fc||cwing ccy, DecemLer 13, 1, fcr Ihe i::ucnce cf c Iempcrcry re:Ircining crcer. Ihi: wc: cn
Ihe preIexI IhcI he hc: cncIher cuI cf Icwn cc:e cn Ihe :cme ccIe cnc ccnncI cIIenc Ihe hecring. /: iI i: c
ccmmcn prccIice cmcng |cwyer:, re:pcncenI cccecec Ic Ihe reue:I:
21. /: cgreec Ly Ihe re:pcncenI cnc /IIy. McIIhew Kc||in, re:pcncenI :hc|| enIer c :pecic| cppecrcnce fcr
IhcI hecring cn|y. Fe:pcncenI :hc|| ncI crgue cn Ihe mcIIer LuI :hc|| cn|y mcnife:I :uLmi::icn cf Ihe mcIIer fcr
27. IhcI cfIer E|izc Fcngec cnc Wi|frecc Cc|crccc re|cIec Ihe fcregcing :Icry, re:pcncenI c:kec cLcuI Ihe
:eII|emenI Leing prcpc:ec Ly Ihe HcncrcL|e CcurI. E|izc Fcngec Ihen expre::ec her wi||ingne:: Ic cccepI Ihe
ccunIer-cffer cf /IIy. /rIemic 8u:IcmcnIe Ic :eII|e Ihe cc:e in Ihe cmcunI cf Iwc Mi||icn:
28. WiIh Ihe new ceve|cpmenI, re:pcncenI ccnIccIec Ihe cffice cf /IIy. McIIhew Kc||in Ic refer Ihe mcIIer
LuI wc: infcrmec IhcI Ihe |cIIer i: :Ii|| cuI cf Icwn. Fe:pcncenI Ihen ccvi:ec IhcI if E|izc Fcngec i: wi||ing, he
ccn c::i:I her in Ihe :eII|emenI, Ic which ccvice E|izc Fcngec cccecec:
2. Fe:pcncenI ccnIccIec /IIy. /rIemic 8u:IcmcnIe whc |ikewi:e wc: wi||ing Ic :eII|e cnc Ihe ceIci|: cf Ihe
:eII|emenI were cgreec upcn. /fIerwhich Ihe prcper mcnife:IcIicn cnc mcIicn wc: :uLmiIIec Ic Ihe
HcncrcL|e CcurI fcr ccn:icercIicn cnc u|IimcIe|y ci:mi::c| cf Ihe cc:e:
31. IhcI curing Ihe whc|e Iime IhcI re:pcncenI pcrIicipcIec in Ihe re:c|uIicn cf Ihe cc:e, he never
ccmmiIIec cny ccI invc|ving ceceiI cnc mcchincIicn. He ccIec in c wcy which he Ihink: i: prcper .

Fe:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: prcyec IhcI Ihe cc:e Le ci:mi::ec fcr |cck cf meriI, cverring IhcI c: c new cnc
ycung |cwyer, Ihere wc: nc rec:cn fcr him Ic ri:k hi: fuIure fcr c mec:|y :um, Ihrcugh ci:hcne:I ccncucI.

Ihe Frcceecing: 8efcre Ihe lnIegrcIec 8cr cf Ihe Fhi|ippine: {l8F)
Ccmmi::icn cn 8cr Di:cip|ine
Cn Mcy 7, 2002, Ccmmi::icner Mi|cgrc: V. Scn Jucn i::uec Ihe fc||cwing Crcer:
When Ihi: cc:e wc: cc||ec fcr hecring, /IIy. Fercivc| Fekc: cppecrec. /IIy. McIIhew F. Kc||in fci|ec Ic cppecr
ce:piIe Ihe ncIice cu|y :ervec cn him.
Ccmp|cincnI Mcry D. Mc|ecccn cppecrec wiIhcuI ccun:e|. She mcnife:Iec IhcI :he i: :uLmiIIing her cc:e fcr
re:c|uIicn Lc:ec cn Ihe p|eccing: cn reccrc.
Ihe ccmp|cincnI wc: crcerec Ic pre:enI cerIifiec Irue ccpie: cf /nnex /" cIIcchec Ic her ccmp|cinI, Ihe
/greemenI cf Furchc:e cnc Sc|e cnc Ihe Deec cf /L:c|uIe Sc|e, /nnex 8" cf her ccmp|cinI in fcvcr cf
McryMc|ecccn cnc Ihe Deci:icn /nnex D." Ccmp|cincnI i: given Ien {10) ccy: frcm Icccy Ic pre:enI Irue
ccpie: cf her cccumenIcry evicence.
/IIy. Fercivc| Fekc: i: given Ien {10) ccy: frcm Icccy Ic fi|e hi: rejcincer. /IIy. Fekc: |ikewi:e mcnife:Iec IhcI
cfIer he :hc|| hcve fi|ec hi: rejcincer he :uLmiI: Ihi: cc:e fcr re:c|uIicn.

ln hi: Fejcincer, re:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: reiIercIec IhcI he ccIec in gccc fciIh, cnc cic ncI ccmmiI cny ccI
cf ceceiI cr mcchincIicn. He c|:c cverrec IhcI /IIy. /rIemic 8u:IcmcnIe wcu|c hcve Leen c grecI he|p in
ceIermining Ihe IruIh, LuI unfcrIuncIe|y, Ihe ccmp|cincnI chc:e ncI Ic imp|ecc him.

Cn /ugu:I 3, 2002, Ihe l8F 8ccrc cf Gcverncr: pc::ec Fe:c|uIicn Nc. XV-2002-35, fincing re:pcncenI
/IIy. Kc||in gui|Iy cf ci:hcne:Iy Ic Ihe ccurI, whi|e ci:mi::ing Ihe ccmp|cinI c: Ic re:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc:, Ihu::
FF$CLVFD tc ADCF cnc AFFFCVF. c: |t |: ne|ecy ADCFFD cnc AFFFCVFD. tne Fepc|t cnc Feccnnencct|cn
c| tne |nve:t|gct|ng Ccnn|::|cne| c| tne cccve-ent|t|ec cc:e. ne|e|n ncce pc|t c| tn|: Fe:c|ut|cn/Dec|:|cn c:
Annex A. cnc. ||nc|ng tne |eccnnencct|cn |u||y :uppc|tec cy tne ev|cence cn |ecc|c cnc tne cpp||ccc|e
|cw: cnc |u|e:. cnc ccn:|ce||ng Atty. /cttnew F. Kc|||n': c|:ncne:ty tc tne ccu|t w|tn |e:u|t|ng ccncge cnc
p|euc|ce tc tne ccnp|c|ncnt. Fe:pcncent Atty. Kc|||n': (:|c} |: ne|ecy 5J5FFNDFD ||cn tne p|cct|ce c| |cw |c|
tn|ee (3} yec|:. ne ccnp|c|nt cgc|n:t Atty. Fekc: |:Dl5Ml55FD |c| tne|e |: nc ev|cence cn |ecc|c tc p|cve tnct
ne wc: cwc|e c| tne ce|ect |n F||zc Fcnge[cj': ||gnt tc c|c|n tne :c|e: p|cceec: w|tn c WAkNlNG tnct
Atty. Fekc: :ncu|c ce nc|e c||cun:pect w|tn |e:pect tc tck|ng cve| ctne| |cwye|:' cc:e: cnc ncnc||ng :en:|t|ve
nctte|: :ucn c: tne ccnp|cn|:e :ett|enent |n C|v|| Cc:e Nc. 4580-F.
/cccrcing Ic l8F Ccmmi::icner Mi|cgrc: V. Scn Jucn: FepcrI ccIec Mcy 30, 2002, Ihe mcin i::ue Ic Le
re:c|vec in Ihe cc:e wc: fccIuc| in ncIure: wheIher cr ncI Ihe re:pcncenI: kncwing|y ccu:ec Ihe wiIhcrcwc|
frcm Ihe Lcnk cf Ihe purchc:e price cf Ihe |cI in ue:Iicn, ce:piIe Iheir kncw|ecge cf c cefecI in Iheir c|ienI:
righI Ic c|cim Ihe :cic cmcunI. Ihe Ccmmi::icn fcunc IhcI re:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in knew IhcI hi: c|ienI: IiI|e
wc: cefecIive, hcving repre:enIec her in Civi| Cc:e Nc. 4528-F. He :hcu|c hcve Leen mincfu| IhcI hi: c|ienI
hcc nc righI cver Ihe purchc:e price c: pcic Ly Ihe ccmp|cincnI. Fe:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: wc:, hcwever,
excnercIec cf Ihe chcrge: cgcin:I him, Ihu::
ln:cfcr c: re:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: i: ccncernec, iI :hcu|c Le ncIec IhcI Ihere i: nc evicence cn reccrc Ic prcve
IhcI re:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: wc: cwcre cf Ihe cefecI in E|izc Fcngec: righI Ic c|cim |I]he :c|e: prcceec:. lI i:
|ike|y IhcI re:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: unwiIIing|y p|cyec inIc Ihe hcnc: cf re:pcncenI /IIy. Kc|in when he :ignec
:cic Mcnife:IcIicn cf Ccmprcmi:e SeII|emenI. .

ln hi: CcIcLer 12, 2002 McIicn fcr Feccn:icercIicn cf Ihe fcregcing l8F Fe:c|uIicn, re:pcncenI
/IIy. Kc||in c||egec IhcI ccnIrcry Ic Ihe fincing cf Ihe Ccmmi::icn, he wc: uncwcre cf Ihe cefecI in hi: c|ienI:
{E|izc Fcngec:) righI Ic c|cim Ihe :c|e: prcceec:. He fi|ec Ihe cc:e fcr nu||ificcIicn cf ccnIrccI wiIh prcyer fcr
Ihe re:ci::icn cf Ihe :c|e LeIween Ihe ccmp|cincnI cnc hi: c|ienI cn Ihe grcunc IhcI Ihe |cIIer wcu|c Le
ci:ccvcnIcgec if /IIy. 8u:IcmcnIe :ucceecec in Icking c huge chunk cf Ihe mcney cepc:iIec in hi:
ncme. /cccrcing Ic Ihe re:pcncenI, if he wc:, inceec, inIere:Iec in Ihe mcney, he ccu|c hcve fi|ec c cc:e Ic
ccmpe| /IIy. 8u:IcmcnIe Ic re|ec:e Ihe mcney Ic hi: c|ienI, cnc ncI c ccmp|cinI fcr re:ci::icn cf ccnIrccI. Ihe
re:pcncenI c|:c reiIercIec IhcI Ihe rec:cn why he reue:Iec re:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: Ic cIIenc Ihe hecring cf
Ihe cc:e c: cc||cLcrcIing ccun:e| wc: IhcI he cIIencec c hecring in 8cnIcc, MI. Frcvince cn DecemLer 14,

/cccrcing Ic Ihe re:pcncenI, Ihe ccmp|cincnI :hcu|c hcve fi|ec Ihe in:IcnI cc:e cgcin:I
/IIy. 8u:IcmcnIe whc wc: Ihe rec| crchiIecI in Ihe re|ec:e cf Ihe mcney cnc Ihe execuIicn cf Ihe
ccmprcmi:e :eII|emenI wiIh mcIicn." Ihe ccmp|cincnI :hcu|c hcve c|:c ue:Iicnec Ihe crcer cf Ihe FIC
jucge ccncernec c: Ic why nc ncIice wc: i::uec Ic her Lefcre Ihe mcney wc: re|ec:ec.
Ihe Fu|ing cf Ihe CcurI
lI i: c :eII|ec princip|e IhcI Ihe ccmpen:cIicn cf c |cwyer :hcu|c Le LuI c mere incicenI cf Ihe prccIice cf
|cw, Ihe primcry purpc:e cf which i: Ic rencer puL|ic :ervice.
Ihe prccIice cf |cw i: c prcfe::icn cnc ncI c
mcney-mcking Ircce.
/: Ihey cre cn inci:pen:cL|e pcrI cf Ihe :y:Iem cf ccmini:Iering ju:Iice, cIIcrney:
mu:I ccmp|y :IricI|y wiIh Ihe ccIh cf cffice cnc Ihe ccncn: cf prcfe::icnc| eIhic: - c cuIy mcre Ihcn impercIive
curing Ihe:e criIicc| Iime: when :Ircng cnc ci:IurLing criIici:m: cre hur|ec cI Ihe prccIice cf |cw. Ihe prcce::
cf imLiLing eIhicc| :Icnccrc: ccn Legin wiIh Ihe :imp|e ccI cf cpenne:: cnc ccnccr in cec|ing wiIh c|ienI:,
which wcu|c prcgre:: IherecfIer Icwcrc: Ihe icec| IhcI c |cwyer: vcccIicn i: ncI :yncnymcu: wiIh cn crcincry
Lu:ine:: prcpc:iIicn LuI c :ericu: mcIIer cf puL|ic inIere:I.

Fe:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in knew IhcI Ihe mcney cic ncI Le|cng Ic hi: c|ienI, E|izc Fcngec. He ccmiIIec Ihi:
much in Ihe ccmp|cinI he him:e|f prepcrec in Civi| Cc:e Nc. 4580-F, Ihu::
WHEFEFCFE, in view cf Ihe fcregcing premi:e:, iI i: mc:I re:pecIfu||y prcyec cf Ihi: HcncrcL|e CcurI:
1. IhcI iI crcer: {:|c) Ihe i::ucnce cf c Iempcrcry re:Ircining crcer cirecIing Ihe mcncger cf
Ihe FCl8cnk Se::icn Fc., 8cguic CiIy Lrcnch, Ihrcugh iI: Lrcnch mcncger, C:ccr /uinc, Ic cec:e cnc ce:i:I
frcm c||cwing wiIhcrcwc| Ly /IIy. 8u:IcmcnIe cf Ihe cmcunI cf F2,450,000.00 cepc:iI in hi: ccccunI:
ll. D&FlNG HE/FlNG:
1. IhcI iI crcer: Ihe i::ucnce cf c wriI cf pre|imincry injuncIicn re:Ircining Ihe cefenccnI FCl8cnk cr iI:
cgenI: frcm ci:Lur:ing cr c||cwing wiIhcrcwc| Ly /IIy. 8u:IcmcnIe cf Ihe cmcunI cf F2,450,000.00 cepc:iIec in
hi: ccccunI:
lll. /FIEF HE/FlNG:
1. c c|ce| ce|enccnt: Atty. A|ten|c 8u:tcncnte cnc tne FC|8cnk. $e::|cn Fc.. 8cgu|c C|ty c|cncn. tc
|e|ec:e tne cncunt c| F2.450.000.00 |n |cvc| c| /c|y /c||cccn {:|c):
2. Ic crcer cefenccnI /IIy. /rIemic 8u:IcmcnIe Ic pcy Ihe cmcunI cf F30,000.00 c: cIIcrney: fee::
3. Ic crcer IhcI Ihe ceec cf :c|e execuIec LeIween Ihe Spcu:e: Wc:hingIcn Fcngec cnc E|izc Fcngec in
fcvcr cf Mcry Mc|icccn {:|c) Le cec|crec nu|| cnc vcic:
4. Ic crcer /IIy. /rIemic 8u:IcmcnIe Ic re|ec:e Ihe criginc| cwner: ccpy cf IiI|e nc. I-71030 cf Ihe regi:Iry cf
ceec: cf 8cguic CiIy Ic Ihe ccmp|cincnI:

Fe:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in ccnncI ncw c::erI IhcI Ihe rec:cn why Ihe prcyer in Ihe ccmp|cinI inc|ucec Ihe
re|ec:e cf Ihe mcney in fcvcr cf Ihe ccmp|cincnI wc: IhcI hi: c|ienI rec|izec IhcI F00,000 wcu|c Le Icc much
Ic Le given Ic /IIy. 8u:IcmcnIe c: cIIcrney: fee:." Ihe re:pcncenI i: Lcunc Ly Ihi: c::erIicn in hi:
which, c: ccn rec:cncL|y Le inferrec, wc: mcce Leccu:e he him:e|f Le|ievec IhcI hi: c|ienI wc:
ncI enIiI|ec Ic Ihe mcney in ue:Iicn. Ihe re:pcncenI ccnncI, |ikewi:e, finc refuge in Ihe fccI IhcI hi: :igncIure
cic ncI cppecr in Ihe ccmprcmi:e cgreemenI execuIec LeIween Ihe pcrIie:. /: fcunc Ly Ihe l8F Ccmmi::icn
cn 8cr Di:cip|ine:
. |/]|Ihcugh iI wc: re:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: whc :ignec Ihe Mcnife:IcIicn cf Ccmprcmi:e SeII|emenI wiIh
McIicn c: ccun:e| fcr E|izc Fcngec, iI i: unLe|ievcL|e IhcI re:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: wcu|c ccre Ic :ign :cic
Mcnife:IcIicn wiIhcuI Ihe cpprcvc| cr ccn:enI cf re:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in, Ihe ccun:e| cf reccrc cf E|izc Fcngec.
/: re:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: him:e|f :IcIec hi: cuIhcriIy wiIh re:pecI Ic Civi| Cc:e Nc. 4580-F wc: |imiIec c:
fc||cw:: A: cg|eec cy tne |e:pcncent cnc Atty. /cttnew Kc|||n. |e:pcncent :nc|| ente| c :pec|c| cppec|cnce
|c| tnct nec||ng cn|y. Fe:pcncent :nc|| nct c|gue cn tne nctte| cut :nc|| cn|y ncn||e:t :ucn|::|cn c| tne nctte|
|c| |e:c|ut|cn. lf c: re:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: c|cim: he wc: cn|y cuIhcrizec Ly re:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in Ic cIIenc
cne hecring cf Civi| Cc:e Nc. 4580-F, why cic he exceec :uch cuIhcriIy Ly execuIing Ihe Mcnife:IcIicn cf
Ccmprcmi:e SeII|emenI cn Lehc|f cf E|izc Fcngec, re:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in: c|ienI
Ihe mc:I p|cu:iL|e exp|cncIicn in Ihi: mcIIer i: IhcI re:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in in fccI cuIhcrizec re:pcncenI
/IIy. Fekc: Ic execuIe Ihe Mcnife:IcIicn cf Ccmprcmi:e SeII|emenI cn Lehc|f cf hi: {re:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in)
c|ienI E|izc Fcngec in crcer Ic pcve Ihe wcy fcr Ihe re|ec:e cf Ihe :c|e: prcceec:. Ihi: mcneuver wc: re:crIec
Ic Ly Ihe re:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in in crcer Ic cvcic cny re:pcn:iLi|iIy fcr :ecuring Ihe re|ec:e cf Ihe :c|e:
prcceec: Ic hi: c|ienI ce:piIe hi: kncw|ecge IhcI hi: c|ienI E|izc Fcngec hcc nc righI IhereIc. 8y hcving
re:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: :ign Ihe Mcnife:IcIicn cf Ccmprcmi:e SeII|emenI, iI wc: Ihe inIenIicn cf re:pcncenI
/IIy. Kc||in Ic ci:Icnce him:e|f frcm :uch p|eccing cnc c|cim nc re:pcn:iLi|iIy cr pcrIicipcIicn Iherein :c IhcI Ihe
:cme wcu|c ncI Le IcinIec Ly hi: cppcrenI kncw|ecge cf Ihe cefecI in E|izc Fcngec: righI Ic c|cim Ihe :c|e:
prcceec:. ln Ihi: re:pecI, re:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in cnc hi: c|ienI E|izc |F]cngec hcve :ucceecec c: Ihey hcve
:ecurec Ihe re|ec:e cf Ihe :c|e: prcceec: Ic Ihe ceIrimenI cnc prejucice cf herein ccmp|cincnI.

CcnIrcry Ic Ihe fincing: cf Ihe l8F, re:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: ccnncI vc|ic|y c|cim IhcI he ccIec in gccc fciIh
c: hi: :upericr, re:pcncenI /IIy. Kc||in, mere|y cuIhcrizec him Ic cIIenc Ihe DecemLer 2, 1 hecring cf Civi|
Cc:e Nc. 4580-F. /IIy. Fekc:, in enIering inIc c ccmprcmi:e cgreemenI, cver:Ieppec Ihe cuIhcriIy he wc:
purpcrIec|y given. He wc: cn|y cuIhcrizec Ic mcnife:I :uLmi::icn cf Ihe mcIIer fcr re:c|uIicn." FurIhermcre,
re:pcncenI /IIy. Fekc: him:e|f c|cimec IhcI Ihe ccmp|cincnI ccu|c ncI ue:Iicn Ihe ccmprcmi:e cgreemenI
c: :he wc: ncI c pcrIy IhereIc. /IIy. Fekc:, Ihu:, knew IhcI Ihere wc: nc vc|ic ccmprcmi:e cgreemenI, c: cne
cf Ihe pcrIie: in Ihe cc:e wc: cL:enI cI Ihe Iime iI wc: enIerec inIc. He knew IhcI nc vc|ic ncIice wc: given Ic
Ihe ccmp|cincnI, :ince Ihe :igncIcry Ic Ihe ncIice cf Ihe mcnife:IcIicn cf ccmprcmi:e cgreemenI wc: c
cerIcin Vercnicc 8uking.

Ccncn 1 cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy mcnccIe: c|| memLer: cf Ihe Lcr Ic cLey Ihe |cw: cf
Ihe |cnc cnc prcmcIe re:pecI fcr Ihe |cw. Fu|e 1.01 cf Ihe Ccce :pecificc||y prcvice: IhcI c |cwyer :hc|| ncI
engcge in un|cwfu|, ci:hcne:I, immcrc| cr ceceiIfu| ccncucI."
/ |cwyer i: expecIec, cI c|| Iime:, Ic uphc|c
Ihe inIegriIy cf Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn. Whenever iI i: mcce Ic cppecr IhcI c |cwyer i: nc |cnger wcrIhy cf Ihe Iru:I
cnc ccnficence cf Ihe puL|ic, iI Leccme: ncI cn|y Ihe righI LuI Ihe cuIy cf Ihe CcurI which mcce him cne cf
iI: cfficer: cnc gcve him Ihe privi|ege cf mini:Iering wiIhin iI: Lcr Ic wiIhcrcw Ihe privi|ege.

/ |cwyer mcy |egc||y cpp|y c c|ienI: func: in hi: pc::e::icn Ic :cIi:fy prcfe::icnc| fee: which Ihe c|ienI
cwe: him, in Ihe cL:ence cf cny ci:puIe c: Ic Ihe |egc|iIy cf Ihe cmcunI Iherecf.
Hcwever, Ihe fccI IhcI c
|cwyer hc: c |ien fcr hi: fee: cn Ihe c|ienI: mcney in hi: pc::e::icn cr Ihe circum:Icnce IhcI Ihe c|ienI cwe: him
mcre Ihcn Ihe c|ienI: func: in hi: hcnc: mcy ncI excu:e him frcm mcking cn ccccunIing ncr enIiI|e him Ic
uni|cIerc||y cpp|y Ihe c|ienI: mcney Ic :cIi:fy hi: ci:puIec c|cim:.
ln Ihi: cc:e, Ihe cmcunI cf F30,000 which
Ihe re:pcncenI: Icck fcr Ihem:e|ve: c: cIIcrney: fee: Le|cngec Ic c tn||c pe|:cn, ncI Iheir c|ienI, c: ccmiIIec
Ly Ihem in Iheir ccmp|cinI: Ihe cwner wc:, in fccI, cn ccver:e pcrIy. lI wc: Ihe pc::e::icn cf Ihe mcney, iI:
enIiI|emenI, which wc: in fccI puI in i::ue in Ihe ccmp|cinI fcr re:ci::icn cf ccnIrccI, cnc, if re:pcncenI
/IIy. Kc||in i: Ic Le Le|ievec, prcmpIec Ihe fi|ing cf Ihe ccmp|cinI iI:e|f. Ihu:, Ihe re:pcncenI: ccu|c ncI,
wiIhcuI c c|ciming pcrIy: kncw|ecge, cpp|y Ihe cmcunI cf F30,000 fcr Ihem:e|ve: c: cIIcrney: fee:. lf Ihere
wc: :cmecne |icL|e fcr Ihe re:pcncenI: cIIcrney: fee:, iI wc: Iheir c|ienI, E|izc Fcngec. lI ccnncI Le :cic IhcI
Ihere wc: c rec| ccmprcmi:e" c: Ic Ihe mcnner in which Ihe cmcunI cf F2,00,000 wc: Ic Le cpp|iec, :ince
Ihe ccmp|cincnI wc: ncI pre:enI when Ihe :cic cgreemenI wc: mcce.
ln Ihe recenI cc:e cf Emi|icnc CcurI Icwnhcu:e: Hcmecwner: /::ccicIicn v. /IIy. Michce| Dicnecc,
hcc Ihe cccc:icn Ic :IcIe, Ihu::
Ihe primcry cLjecIive cf ccmini:IrcIive cc:e: cgcin:I |cwyer: i: ncI cn|y Ic puni:h cnc ci:cip|ine Ihe erring
incivicuc| |cwyer: LuI c|:c Ic :cfegucrc Ihe ccmini:IrcIicn cf ju:Iice Ly prcIecIing Ihe ccurI: cnc Ihe puL|ic
frcm Ihe mi:ccncucI cf |cwyer:, cnc Ic remcve frcm Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn per:cn: whc:e uIIer ci:regcrc cf Iheir
|cwyer: ccIh hc: prcven Ihem unfiI Ic ccnIinue ci:chcrging Ihe Iru:I repc:ec in Ihem c: memLer: cf Ihe
Lcr. / |cwyer mcy Le ci:Lcrrec cr :u:pencec fcr mi:ccncucI, wheIher in hi: prcfe::icnc| cr privcIe ccpcciIy,
which :hcw: him Ic Le wcnIing in mcrc| chcrccIer, hcne:Iy, prcLiIy cnc gccc cemecncr cr unwcrIhy Ic
ccnIinue c: cn cfficer cf Ihe ccurI.

/n cIIcrney: cn|y :cfe guice i: high mcrc| princip|e, c: Ihe Icrch Ic |ighI hi: wcy: hi: Le:I :hie|c i: c c|ecr
ccn:cience cnc cn unL|emi:hec per:cnc| reccrc: cnc hi: ju:I rewcrc i: Ic finc hi: highe:I hcncr in c ce:ervec
repuIcIicn fcr fice|iIy Ic privcIe Iru:I cnc Ic puL|ic cuIy, c: cn hcne:I mcn cnc c: c pcIricIic cnc |cyc|
Ihe ficucicry cuIy cf c |cwyer cnc ccvcccIe i: whcI p|cce: Ihe |cw prcfe::icn in c uniue pc:iIicn cf
Iru:I cnc ccnficence, cnc ci:Iingui:he: iI frcm cny cIher cc||ing. Cnce Ihi: Iru:I cnc ccnficence i: LeIrcyec,
Ihe fciIh cf Ihe pecp|e ncI cn|y cn Ihe incivicuc| |cwyer LuI c|:c in Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn c: c whc|e i: erccec. Ic
Ihi: enc, c|| memLer: cf Ihe Lcr cre :IricI|y reuirec Ic, cI c|| Iime:, mcinIcin Ihe highe:I cegree cf puL|ic
ccnficence in Ihe fice|iIy, hcne:Iy, cnc inIegriIy cf Iheir prcfe::icn.

WHEkEFOkE, re:pcncenI /IIy. McIIhew F. Kc||in i: S&SFENDED frcm Ihe prccIice cf |cw fcr c pericc cf Ihree
{3) yecr:. /IIy. Fercivc| L. Fekc: i:, |ikewi:e, S&SFENDED frcm Ihe prccIice cf |cw fcr c pericc cf :ix {) mcnIh:.
LeI c ccpy cf Ihi: Deci:icn Le furni:hec Ic Ihe Cffice cf Ihe CcurI /cmini:IrcIcr, Ihe lnIegrcIec 8cr cf
Ihe Fhi|ippine:, cnc Ihe Cffice cf Ihe 8cr CcnficcnI.
k E S O L b I I O N
Cn 22 SepIemLer 2003, Ihe ccy fc||cwing Ihe Lcr excmincIicn in MerccnIi|e Lcw, Ju:Iice Jc:e C. ViIug,
Chcirmcn cf Ihe 2003 8cr ExcmincIicn: CcmmiIIee, wc: cppri:ec cf c rumcrec |eckcge in Ihe excmincIicn cn
Ihe :uLjecI. /fIer mcking hi: cwn inuirie:, Ju:Iice ViIug repcrIec Ihe mcIIer Ic Chief Ju:Iice Hi|cric G. Dcvice,
Jr., cnc Ic Ihe cIher memLer: cf Ihe CcurI, reccmmencing IhcI Ihe Lcr excmincIicn cn Ihe :uLjecI Le nu||ifiec
cnc IhcI cn inve:IigcIicn Le ccncucIec fcrIhwiIh. Cn 23 SepIemLer 2003, Ihe CcurI cccpIec Ihe
reccmmenccIicn cf Ju:Iice ViIug, cnc re:c|vec Ic nu||ify Ihe excmincIicn in MerccnIi|e Lcw cnc Ic hc|c
cncIher excmincIicn cn 04 CcIcLer 2003 cI eighI cc|cck in Ihe evening {Leing Ihe ecr|ie:I cvci|cL|e Iime cnc
ccIe) cI Ihe De Lc Sc||e &niver:iIy, IcfI /venue, Mcni|c. Ihe re:c|uIicn wc: i::uec wiIhcuI prejucice Ic cny
ccIicn IhcI Ihe CcurI wcu|c furIher Icke cn Ihe mcIIer.
Fc||cwing Ihe i::ucnce cf Ihe re:c|uIicn, Ihe CcurI receivec numercu: peIiIicn: cnc mcIicn: frcm Ihe
Fhi|ippine /::ccicIicn cf Lcw Schcc|: cnc vcricu: cIher grcup: cnc per:cn:, expre::ing cgreemenI Ic Ihe
nu||ificcIicn cf Ihe Lcr excmincIicn: in MerccnIi|e Lcw LuI vcicing :Ircng re:ervcIicn: cgcin:I Ihe hc|cing cf
cncIher excmincIicn cn Ihe :uLjecI. Severc| rec:cn: were ccvcncec Ly peIiIicner: cr mcvcnI:, cmcng Ihe:e
rec:cn: Leing Ihe phy:icc|, emcIicnc| cnc fincncic| cifficu|Iie: IhcI wcu|c Le enccunIerec Ly Ihe excminee:, if
cncIher excmincIicn cn Ihe :uLjecI were Ic Le he|c cnew. /|IerncIive prcpc:c|: :uLmiIIec Ic Ihe CcurI
inc|ucec Ihe :preccing cuI cf Ihe weighI cf MerccnIi|e Lcw cmcng Ihe remcining :even Lcr :uLjecI:, i.e., Ic
ceIermine cnc gcuge Ihe re:u|I: cf Ihe excmincIicn: cn Ihe Lc:i: cn|y cf Ihe perfcrmcnce cf Ihe excminee: in
Ihe :even Lcr :uLjecI:. ln c re:c|uIicn, ccIec 2 SepIemLer 2003, Ihe CcurI, fincing meriI in Ihe
:uLmi::icn:, re:c|vec Ic ccnce| Ihe :checu|ec excmincIicn in MerccnIi|e Lcw cn 04 CcIcLer 2003 cnc Ic
c||cccIe Ihe fifIeen percenIcge pcinI: cmcng Ihe :even Lcr excmincIicn :uLjecI:. ln Ihe :cme re:c|uIicn, Ihe
CcurI furIher re:c|vec Ic crecIe c CcmmiIIee ccmpc:ec cf Ihree reIirec memLer: cf Ihe CcurI IhcI wcu|c
ccncucI c Ihcrcugh inve:IigcIicn cf Ihe incicenI :uLjecI cf Ihe 23 SepIemLer 2003re:c|uIicn.
ln c re:c|uIicn, ccIec 07 CcIcLer 2003, Ihe CcurI cccpIec Ihe ccmpuIcIicn in Ihe c||cccIicn cf Ihe fifIeen
percenIcge pcinI: fcr MerccnIi|e Lcw cmcng Ihe remcining :even Lcr excmincIicn :uLjecI:, Ic wiI:
SuLjecI Criginc| /cju:Iec Fe|cIive /cju:Iec
FercenIcge FercenIcge WeighI Fe|cIive
WeighI WeighI WeighI
Fc|iIicc| cnc
Lcw 157 17.477 3 3.537
LcLcr cnc
Legi:|cIicn 107 11.757 2 2.357
Civi| |cw 157 17.477 3 3.537
IcxcIicn 107 11.757 2 2.357
Criminc| |cw 107 11.757 2 2.357
Lcw 207 23.527 4 4.717
Legc| EIhic:
cnc FrccIicc|
Exerci:e: 57 5.8827 1 1.187
1007 207
ln cncIher re:c|uIicn, ccIec 14 CcIcLer 2003, Ihe CcurI ce:igncIec Ihe fc||cwing reIirec /::ccicIe Ju:Iice:
cf Ihe Supreme CcurI Ic ccmpc:e Ihe lnve:IigcIing CcmmiIIee:
Chcirmcn: Ju:Iice Ccrc|inc C. Grinc-/uinc
MemLer:: Ju:Iice Jc:e /.F. Me|c
Ju:Iice VicenIe V. Mencczc
Ihe lnve:IigcIing CcmmiIIee wc: Ic:kec Ic ceIermine cnc icenIify Ihe :curce cf |eckcge, Ihe pcrIie:
re:pcn:iL|e Iherefcr cr whc mighI hcve LenefiIec Iherefrcm, reccmmenc :cncIicn: cgcin:I c|| Ihc:e fcunc Ic
hcve Leen re:pcn:iL|e fcr, cr whc wcu|c hcve LenefiIec frcm, Ihe incicenI in ue:Iicn cnc Ic reccmmenc
mec:ure: Ic Ihe CcurI Ic :cfegucrc Ihe inIegriIy cf Ihe Lcr excmincIicn:.
Cn 15 Jcnucry 2004, Ihe lnve:IigcIing CcmmiIIee :uLmiIIec iI: repcrI cnc reccmmenccIicn Ic Ihe CcurI,
herein reprccucec in fu||: Ihu: -
ln Ihe mcrning cf SepIemLer 21, 2003, Ihe Ihirc Sunccy cf Ihe 2003 Lcr excmincIicn:, Ihe excmincIicn in
ccmmercic| |cw wc: he|c in De |c Sc||e &niver:iIy cn IcfI /venue, Mcni|c, Ihe venue cf Ihe Lcr excmincIicn:
:ince 15. Ihe nexI ccy, Ihe new:pcper: ccrriec new: cf cn c||egec |eckcge in Ihe :cic excmincIicn.

&pcn hecring Ihe new: cnc mcking pre|imincry inuirie: cf hi: cwn, Ju:Iice Jc:e C. ViIug, chcirmcn cf Ihe 2003
8cr ExcmincIicn: CcmmiIIee, repcrIec Ihe mcIIer Ic Ihe Chief Ju:Iice cnc reccmmencec IhcI Ihe
excmincIicn in merccnIi|e |cw Le ccnce||ec cnc IhcI c fcrmc| inve:IigcIicn cf Ihe |eckcge Le uncerIcken.
/cIing cn Ihe repcrI cnc reccmmenccIicn cf Ju:Iice ViIug, Ihe CcurI, in c re:c|uIicn ccIec SepIemLer 23,
2003, nu||ifiec Ihe excmincIicn in merccnIi|e |cw cnc re:c|vec Ic hc|c cncIher excmincIicn in IhcI :uLjecI cn
ScIurccy, CcIcLer 4, 2003 cI eighI cc|cck in Ihe evening {Leing Ihe ecr|ie:I cvci|cL|e Iime cnc ccIe) cI Ihe
:cme venue. Hcwever, Leccu:e numercu: peIiIicn:, prcIe:I:, cnc mcIicn: fcr reccn:icercIicn were fi|ec
cgcin:I Ihe reIcking cf Ihe excmincIicn in merccnIi|e |cw, Ihe CcurI ccnce||ec Ihe hc|cing cf :uch
excmincIicn. Cn Ihe reccmmenccIicn cf Ihe Cffice cf Ihe 8cr CcnficcnI, Ihe CcurI in:Iecc cecicec Ic
c||cccIe Ihe fifIeen {15) percenIcge pcinI: fcr merccnIi|e |cw cmcng Ihe :even {7) cIher Lcr excmincIicn
:uLjecI: {Fe:c|uIicn ccIec CcIcLer 7, 2003).
ln c Fe:c|uIicn ccIec SepIemLer 2, 2003, Ihe Supreme CcurI crecIec cn lnve:IigcIing CcmmiIIee ccmpc:ec
cf Ihree {3) reIirec MemLer: cf Ihe CcurI Ic ccncucI cn inve:IigcIicn cf Ihe |eckcge cnc Ic :uLmiI iI: fincing:
cnc reccmmenccIicn: cn cr Lefcre DecemLer 15, 2003.
Ihe CcurI ce:igncIec Ihe fc||cwing reIirec /::ccicIe Ju:Iice: cf Ihe Supreme CcurI Ic ccmpc:e Ihe
Chcirmcn: Ju:Iice C/FCLlN/ GFlC-/C&lNC
MemLer:: Ju:Iice JCSE /. F. MELC
Ihe lnve:IigcIing CcmmiIIee wc: cirecIec Ic ceIermine cnc icenIify Ihe :curce cf Ihe |eckcge, Ihe pcrIie:
re:pcn:iL|e Iherefcr cnc Ihc:e whc LenefiIec Iherefrcm, cnc Ic reccmmenc mec:ure: Ic :cfegucrc Ihe
inIegriIy cf Ihe Lcr excmincIicn:.
Ihe inve:IigcIicn ccmmencec cn CcIcLer 21, 2003 cnc ccnIinuec up Ic NcvemLer 7, 2003. Ihe fc||cwing
wiIne::e: cppecrec cnc Ie:Iifiec cI Ihe inve:IigcIicn:
1. /::ccicIe Ju:Iice Jc:e C. ViIug, chcirmcn cf Ihe 2003 8cr ExcmincIicn: CcmmiIIee:
2. /IIy. Mcr|c Mcgcczc-Mc|cgcr, |cw c|erk in Ihe cffice cf Ju:Iice ViIug
3. /IIy. Mcrcic| C. I. 8c|gc:, excminer in merccnIi|e |cw:
4. Chery| Fc|mc, privcIe :ecreIcry cf /IIy. 8c|gc::
5. /IIy. Dcni|c De Guzmcn, c::i:IcnI |cwyer in Ihe firm cf 8c|gc: & Ferez:
. /IIy. Enricc G. Ve|c:cc, mcncging pcrIner cf 8c|gc: & Ferez:
7. Ecucrcc J. F. /Le||c, reviewer in ccmmercic| |cw cI Ihe Lex Feview CenIer:
8. Si|ve:Ire I. /Iienzc, cffice mcncger cf 8c|gc: & Ferez:
. FeyniIc Vi||c:i:, privcIe :ecreIcry cf /IIy. De Guzmcn:
10. Fcncn Gcrvicc, frcIerniIy LrcIher cf /IIy. De Guzmcn:
11. Fcnc|c F. Cc||ccc, mc:I i||u:Iricu: LrcIher cf Ihe 8eIc Sigmc LcmLcc FrcIerniIy:
12. JcviIc M. Sc|cngc, /::I. Divi:icn Chief cf Sy:Iem: Deve|cpmenI fcr Jucicic| /pp|iccIicn, M|SC:
Ihe CcmmiIIee he|c nine {) meeIing: - :ix Iime: Ic ccncucI Ihe inve:IigcIicn cnc Ihree Iime: Ic
ce|iLercIe cn iI: repcrI.
/SSCCl/IE J&SIlCE JCSE C. VlI&G, chcirmcn cf Ihe 8cr ExcmincIicn: CcmmiIIee, Ie:Iifiec IhcI cn Mcnccy
mcrning, SepIemLer 22, 2003, Ihe ccy cfIer Ihe 8cr excmincIicn in merccnIi|e cr ccmmercic| |cw, upcn crriving
in hi: cffice in Ihe Supreme CcurI, hi: :ecreIcry,
Fc:e Kcwccc, infcrmec him IhcI cne cf Ihe |cw c|erk:, /IIy.
Mcr|c Mcgcczc-Mc|cgcr, Ic|c her IhcI c frienc cf her: ncmec Mc. Ceci|ic De|gccc-CcrLcjc:c, c Lcr
excminee frcm Xcvier &niver:iIy in Ccgcycn ce Crc CiIy, whc wc: :Icying cI Ihe Gcrcen F|czc HcIe| in Fccc,
ccnficec Ic her IhcI :cmeIhing wc: wrcng wiIh Ihe excmincIicn in merccnIi|e |cw, Leccu:e previcu: Ic Ihe
excmincIicn, |.e.. cn ScIurccy cfIernccn, Ihe eve cf Ihe excmincIicn, :he receivec c ccpy cf Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn:
in IhcI :uLjecI. She cic ncI pcy cIIenIicn Ic Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: Leccu:e nc cn:wer: were prcvicec, cnc :he wc:
hcrc-pre::ec Ic fini:h her review cf IhcI :uLjecI, u:ing cIher cvci|cL|e Lcr review mcIeric|:, cf which Ihere were
p|enIy ccming frcm vcricu: Lcr review cenIer:.
Hcwever, upcn peru:ing Ihe ue:Iicn: cfIer Ihe excmincIicn:, Ceci|ic ncIicec IhcI mcny cf Ihem were Ihe
:cme ue:Iicn: IhcI were c:kec in Ihe ju:I-ccnc|ucec-excmincIicn.
Ju:Iice ViIug reue:Iec Mcr|c Ic inviIe her frienc Ic hi: cffice in Ihe Supreme CcurI, LuI CcrLcjc:c cec|inec
Ihe inviIcIicn. Sc, Ju:Iice ViIug :ugge:Iec IhcI Mcr|c cnc Fc:e inviIe CcrLcjc:c Ic meeI Ihem cI FcLin:cn:
F|cce, ErmiIc. She cgreec Ic cc IhcI.
Ceci|ic CcrLcjc:c crrivec cI FcLin:cn: F|cce cI Ihe cppcinIec Iime cnc :hcwec Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: Ic Fc:e
cnc Mcr|c. Fc:e cLIcinec c xercx ccpy cf Ihe |eckec ue:Iicn: cnc ccmpcrec Ihem wiIh Ihe Lcr ue:Iicn: in
merccnIi|e |cw. Cn Ihe Lcck cf Ihe pcge:, :he wrcIe, in her cwn hcnc, Ihe cifference: :he ncIec LeIween Ihe
|eckec ue:Iicn: cnc Ihe Lcr excmincIicn ue:Iicn:.
Fc:e cnc Mcr|c ce|iverec Ihe ccpy cf Ihe |eckec ue:Iicn: Ic Ju:Iice ViIug whc ccmpcrec Ihem wiIh Ihe Lcr
excmincIicn ue:Iicn: in merccnIi|e |cw. He fcunc Ihe |eckec ue:Iicn: Ic Le Ihe exccI :cme ue:Iicn: which
Ihe excminer in merccnIi|e |cw, /IIcrney Mcrcic| C. I. 8c|gc:, hcc prepcrec cnc :uLmiIIec Ic him c: chcirmcn
cf Ihe 8cr ExcmincIicn: CcmmiIIee. Hcwever, ncI c|| cf Ihc:e ue:Iicn: were c:kec in Ihe Lcr excmincIicn.
/cccrcing Ic Ju:Iice ViIug, cn|y 757 cf Ihe finc| Lcr ue:Iicn: were ue:Iicn: prepcrec Ly /IIy. 8c|gc:: 257
prepcrec Ly Ju:Iice ViIug him:e|f, were inc|ucec in Ihe finc| Lcr excmincIicn. Ihe ue:Iicn: prepcrec Ly
Ju:Iice ViIug were ncI cmcng Ihe |eckec Ie:I ue:Iicn:.
/pcrI frcm Ihe puL|i:hec new: :Icrie: cLcuI Ihe |eckcge, Chief Ju:Iice Hi|cric G. Dcvice, Jr. cnc Ju:Iice ViIug
receivec, Ly Ie|ephcne cnc mci|, repcrI: cf Ihe |eckcge frcm Decn Mcricnc F. Mcg:c|in, Jr. cf Ihe /re||cnc
Lcw FcunccIicn {Exh. H) cnc c cerIcin Dc|e Fhi|ip F. De |c: Feye: {Exh. 8 -8-3), cIIcching ccpie: cf Ihe |eckec
ue:Iicn: cnc Ihe fcx Ircn:miIIc| :heeI :hcwing IhcI Ihe :curce cf Ihe ue:Iicn: wc: Dcnny De Guzmcn whc
fcxec Ihem Ic Fcncn Gcrvicc cn SepIemLer 17, 2003, fcur ccy: Lefcre Ihe excmincIicn in merccnIi|e |cw cn
SepIemLer 21, 2003 {Exh. 8-1).
/IICFNEY M/FLC M/GDCZ/-M/L/G/F wc: :uLpcencec Ly Ihe CcmmiIIee. She icenIifiec Ihe ccpy cf Ihe
|eckec ue:Iicn: IhcI ccme frcm Ceci|ic CcrLcjc:c {Exh. /). She Ie:Iifiec IhcI, ccccrcing Ic CcrLcjc:c, Ihe
|cIIer receivec Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: frcm cne cf her cc-Lcr reviewee: :Icying, |ike her, cI Ihe Gcrcen F|czc HcIe|
in Fccc, cnc c|:c enrc||ec in Ihe review c|c::e: cI Ihe Lex Feview CenIer cI Ihe ccrner cf F. Fcurc SIreeI cnc
Fcxc: 8cu|evcrc, ErmiIc. She cic ncI pcy fcr Ihe hcnc-cuI Leccu:e Ihe Lex Feview CenIer give: Ihem cwcy fcr
free Ic iI: Lcr reviewee:.
/IICFNEY M/FCl/L C. I. 8/LGCS, 71 yecr: cf cge, :enicr pcrIner in Ihe |cw firm cf 8/LGCS /ND FEFEZ wiIh
cffice: in Fm. 100 We:I IekIiIe Icwer, Exchcnge Fccc, CrIigc: CenIer, Fc:ig CiIy, Ie:Iifiec IhcI in NcvemLer
2002, Ju:Iice Jc:e C. ViIug, c: chcir cf Ihe CcmmiIIee cn Ihe 2003 8cr ExcmincIicn:, inviIec him Ic Le Ihe
excminer in ccmmercic| |cw. He cccepIec Ihe c::ignmenI cnc c|mc:I immecicIe|y Legcn Ihe prepcrcIicn cf
Ie:I ue:Iicn: cn Ihe :uLjecI. &:ing hi: per:cnc| ccmpuIer in Ihe |cw cffice, he prepcrec fcr Ihree ccn:ecuIive
ccy:, Ihree {3) :eI: cf Ie:I ue:Iicn: which ccverec Ihe enIire :uLjecI cf MerccnIi|e Lcw {pp. 3-5, I:n, CcI. 24,
2003). /: he cic ncI kncw hcw Ic prepcre Ihe ue:Iicnncire in finc| fcrm, he c:kec hi: privcIe :ecreIcry, Chery|
Fc|mc, Ic fcrmcI Ihe ue:Iicn: {p. 13, I:n, CcI. 24, 2003). /nc, c: he cic ncI kncw hcw Ic prinI Ihe
ue:Iicnncire, he |ikewi:e c:kec Chery| Fc|mc Ic mcke c prinI-cuI {lc., pp. 14-15). /|| cf Ihi: wc: ccne in:ice hi:
cffice wiIh cn|y him cnc hi: :ecreIcry Ihere. Hi: :ecreIcry prinIec cn|y cne ccpy {lc., p. 15). He Ihen p|ccec Ihe
prinIec ccpy cf Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn:, ccn:i:Iing cf Ihree :eI:, in cn enve|cpe which he :ec|ec, cnc cc||ec up
Ju:Iice ViIug Ic infcrm him IhcI he wc: Lringing Ihe ue:Iicn: Ic Ihe |cIIer: cffice IhcI cfIernccn. Hcwever, c:
Ju:Iice ViIug wc: |ecving hi: cffice :hcrI|y, he ccvi:ec /IIy. 8c|gc: Ic give Ihe :ec|ec enve|cpe Ic hi:
ccnficenIic| c::i:IcnI whc hcc Leen in:IrucIec Ic keep iI. When /IIy. 8c|gc: crrivec in Ihe cffice cf Ju:Iice
ViIug, he wc: meI Ly Ju:Iice ViIug: ccnficenIic| c::i:IcnI Ic whcm he enIru:Iec Ihe :ec|ec enve|cpe
ccnIcining Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: {pp. 1-2, I:n, CcI. 24, 2003).
/IIy. 8c|gc: ccmiIIec IhcI he cce: ncI kncw hcw Ic cpercIe c ccmpuIer excepI Ic Iype cn iI. He cce: ncI
kncw hcw Ic cpen cnc c|c:e hi: cwn ccmpuIer which hc: c pc::wcrc fcr IhcI purpc:e. ln fccI, he cic ncI
kncw, c: he :Ii|| cce:, Ihe pc::wcrc. lI i: hi: :ecreIcry, Chery| Fc|mc, whc cpenec cnc c|c:ec hi: ccmpuIer fcr
him {p. 45, I:n, CcI. 24, 2003).
/IIy. 8c|gc: Ie:Iifiec IhcI he cic ncI cevi:e Ihe pc::wcrc him:e|f. lI wc: Chery| Fc|mc whc cevi:ec iI {lc., p.
Hi: ccmpuIer i: exc|u:ive|y fcr hi: cwn u:e. lI i: |cccIec in:ice hi: rccm which i: |cckec when he i: ncI in Ihe
cffice. He ccme: Ic Ihe cffice every cIher ccy cn|y.
He IhcughI IhcI hi: ccmpuIer wc: :cfe|y in:u|cIec frcm Ihirc pcrIie:, cnc IhcI he c|cne hcc ccce:: Ic iI. He
wc: :urpri:ec Ic ci:ccver, when repcrI: cf Ihe Lcr |eckcge Lrcke cuI, IhcI hi: ccmpuIer wc: in fccI
inIerccnnecIec wiIh Ihe ccmpuIer: cf hi: nine {) c::i:IcnI cIIcrney: {I:n, pp. 30,45). /: c mcIIer cf fccI, Ihe
emp|cyee: - JcviIc M. Sc|cngc cnc 8enjcmin F. KcI|y - cf Ihe CcurI: McncgemenI lnfcrmcIicn Sy:Iem: Cffice
{MlSC) whc, upcn Ihe reue:I cf /IIy. 8c|gc:, were cirecIec Ly Ihe lnve:IigcIing CcmmiIIee Ic in:pecI Ihe
ccmpuIer :y:Iem in hi: cffice, repcrIec IhcI Ihere were 1, ncI , ccmpuIer: ccnnecIec Ic ecch
cIher v|c Lccc| /rec NeIwcrk {L/N) cnc cne {1) :Icnc-c|cne ccmpuIer ccnnecIec Ic Ihe inIerneI {Exh. M).
/IIy. 8c|gc: |cw pcrIner, fcrmer Ju:Iice SecreIcry Herncncc Ferez, c|:c hcc c ccmpuIer, LuI Ferez Icck iI
cwcy when he Leccme Ihe SecreIcry cf Ju:Iice.
Ihe nine {) c::i:IcnI cIIcrney: wiIh ccmpuIer:, ccnnecIec Ic /IIcrney 8c|gc: ccmpuIer, cre:
1. Zcrcycc Zc:cLrccc {:he re:ignec in Ju|y 2003)
2. C|crcve| Jcvier
3. Fc|ynne Icric
4. Mcrk Wcrner Fc:c|
5. Chcr|ynne SuLic
. Dcni|c De Guzmcn {re:ignec cn CcIcLer 22, 2003 |Exh. D])
7. Enricc G. Ve|c:cc, mcncging pcrIner
8. Ccncepcicn De |c: ScnIc:
. Fcme|c June Jc|cnccni
&pcn |ecrning frcm Ju:Iice ViIug cf Ihe |eckcge cf Ihe Lcr ue:Iicn: prepcrec Ly him in merccnIi|e |cw, /IIy.
8c|gc: immecicIe|y cc||ec IcgeIher cnc ue:Iicnec hi: cffice :Icff. He inIerrcgcIec c|| cf Ihem excepI /IIy.
Dcni|c De Guzmcn whc wc: cL:enI Ihen. /|| cf Ihem prcfe::ec Ic kncw ncIhing cLcuI Ihe Lcr |eckcge.
He ue:Iicnec Si|ve:Ire /Iienzc, Ihe cffice mcncger, /Iienzc i: cn|y c :eccnc yecr |cw :IucenI cI MLC&. 8uI
he i: cn experI in in:Ic||ing cnc cpercIing ccmpuIer:. lI wc: he cnc/cr hi: LrcIher Gregcric whc inIerccnnecIec
Ihe ccmpuIer: in Ihe |cw cffice, inc|ucing /IIcrney 8c|gc: ccmpuIer, wiIhcuI Ihe |cIIer: kncw|ecge cnc
/Iienzc ccmiIIec Ic /IIcrney 8c|gc: IhcI he pcrIicipcIec in Ihe Lcr cpercIicn: cr 'Lcr cp: cf Ihe 8eIc Sigmc
LcmLcc |cw frcIerniIy cf which he i: c memLer, LuI he c|crifiec IhcI hi: pcrIicipcIicn ccn:i:Iec cn|y cf Lringing
fccc Ic Ihe MLC& Lcr excminee: {I:n, pp. 4-47, CcI. 24, 2003).
Ihe nexI ccy, /IIcrney 8c|gc: ue:Iicnec /IIcrney Dcni|c De Guzmcn, c|:c c memLer cf Ihe 8eIc Sigmc
LcmLcc frcIerniIy, FE& chcpIer. De Guzmcn ccmiIIec Ic him IhcI he ccwn|cccec Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: frcm
/IIcrney 8c|gc: ccmpuIer cnc fcxec c ccpy Ic c frcIerniIy LrcIher. /IIcrney 8c|gc: wc: ccnvincec IhcI De
Guzmcn wc: Ihe :curce cf Ihe |eckcge cf hi: Ie:I ue:Iicn: in merccnIi|e |cw {I:n, p. 52, CcI. 24, 2003).
/IIcrney 8c|gc: prepcrec c CCMF/FlSCN {Exh. E) cf Ihe juxIcpc:ec finc| Lcr ue:Iicn: cnc hi: prcpc:ec Ie:I
ue:Iicn:, wiIh mcrginc| mcrking: mcce Ly Ju:Iice VicenIe V. Mencczc {FeI.), inciccIing wheIher Ihe ue:Iicn:
cre :imi|cr: {S): cr cifferenI: {D), IcgeIher wiIh Ihe percenIcge pcinI: ccrre:pcncing Ic ecch ue:Iicn. Cn Ihe
Lc:i: cf Ihi: ccmpcrcIive IcL|e cnc /IIy. 8c|gc: inciccIicn: c: Ic which ue:Iicn: were Ihe :cme cr cifferenI
frcm Ihc:e given in Ihe finc| ue:Iicnncire, Ju:Iice Mencczc ccmpuIec Ihe creciI pcinI: ccnIcinec in Ihe
prcpc:ec |eckec ue:Iicn:. Ihe prcpc:ec ue:Iicn: ccn:IiIuIec 827 cf Ihe finc| Lcr ue:Iicn:. /IIcchec Ic Ihi:
FepcrI c: /nnex / i: Ihe ccmpcrcIive IcL|e cnc Ihe ccmpuIcIicn cf creciI pcinI: mcrkec c: Exh. E-1.
CHEFYL F/LM/, 34 yecr: c|c, privcIe :ecreIcry cf /IIcrney 8c|gc: fcr Ihe pc:I :ix yecr:, Ie:Iifiec IhcI :he cic
ncI Iype Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn:. She ccmiIIec, hcwever, IhcI iI wc: :he whc fcrmcIIec Ihe ue:Iicn: cnc prinIec
cne ccpy c: cirecIec Ly her emp|cyer. She ccnfirmec /IIy. 8c|gc: Ie:Iimcny regcrcing her pcrIicipcIicn in Ihe
cpercIicn cf hi: per:cnc| ccmpuIer. She ci:c|c:ec IhcI whcI cppecr: in /IIy. 8c|gc: ccmpuIer ccn Le :een in
Ihe neighLcrhccc neIwcrk if Ihe cIher ccmpuIer: cre cpen cnc ncI in u:e: IhcI Si|ve:Ire /Iienzc cf Ihe
ccccunIing :ecIicn, ccn ccce:: /IIy. 8c|gc: ccmpuIer when Ihe |cIIer i: cpen cnc ncI in u:e.
/IICFNEY ENFlCC VEL/SCC, mcncging pcrIner cf Ihe firm, Ie:Iifiec IhcI cn CcIcLer 1, 2003, he :enI De
Guzmcn c memc {Exh. C) giving him '72 hcur: Ic exp|cin in wriIing why ycu :hcu|c ncI Le IermincIec fcr
ccu:ing Ihe Firm cn unce:ervec ccncemncIicn cnc ci:hcncr Leccu:e cf Ihe |eckcge cfcre:cic.
Cn CcIcLer 22, 2003, De Guzmcn hcncec in hi: re:igncIicn 'effecIive immecicIe|y. He exp|cinec IhcI:
'Ccu:ing Ihe firm, iI: pcrIner: cnc memLer: Ic :uffer frcm unce:ervec ccncemncIicn cnc humi|icIicn i: ncI
cn|y fcrIhe:I frcm, LuI IcIc||y cuI cf, my minc. lI i: ju:I unfcrIuncIe IhcI Ihe incicenI :uLjecI mcIIer cf ycur
memcrcncum cccurrec. Fe:I c::urec, Ihcugh, IhcI l hcve never Leen pcrI cf cny ce|iLercIe :cheme Ic
mc|ign Ihe gccc repuIcIicn cnc inIegriIy cf Ihe firm, iI: pcrIner: cnc memLer:. {Exh. D)
D/NlLC DE G&ZM/N Ie:Iifiec IhcI he jcinec 8c|gc: & Ferez in /pri| 2000. He cLIcinec hi: LL8 cegree frcm FE&
in 18. /: c :IucenI, he wc: cn cwcrcee fcr ccccemic exce||ence. He pc::ec Ihe 18 Lcr excmincIicn: wiIh
c grcce cf 8.47. ln FE&, he jcinec Ihe 8eIc Sigmc LcmLcc |cw frcIerniIy which hc: chcpIer: in MLC&, &E cnc
MS& {Minccncc SIcIe &niver:iIy). /: c memLer cf Ihe frcIerniIy, he wc: ccIive curing Lcr excmincIicn: cnc
pcrIicipcIec in Ihe frcIerniIy: 'Lcr cp:.
He Ie:Iifiec IhcI :cmeIime in Mcy 2003, when he wc: exp|cring /IIy. 8c|gc: ccmpuIer, {which he cfIen cic
wiIhcuI Ihe cwner: kncw|ecge cr permi::icn), Ic ccwn|ccc mcIeric|: which he IhcughI mighI Le u:efu| Ic :cve
fcr fuIure u:e, he fcunc cnc ccwn|cccec Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: in merccnIi|e |cw ccn:i:Iing cf 12 pcge:. He
c||egec|y IhcughI Ihey were uizzer: fcr c Lcck IhcI /IIy. 8c|gc: mighI Le prepcring. He :cvec Ihem in hi: hcrc
He IhcughI cf fcxing Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: Ic cne cf hi: frcIerniIy 'Lrcc:, c cerIcin Fcncn Gcrvicc whc, De
Guzmcn IhcughI, wc: Icking Ihe 2003 Lcr excmincIicn:. Gcrvicc i: c|:c c |cw grccucIe frcm FE&. He hcc
Icken Ihe 2002 Lcr excmincIicn:, LuI cic ncI pc::.
Cn SepIemLer 17, 2003, fcur ccy: Lefcre Ihe merccnIi|e |cw Lcr excmincIicn, De Guzmcn fcxec c ccpy cf
Ihe 12-pcge-Ie:I ue:Iicn: {Exh:. l, l-1, l-2, l-3) Ic Gcrvicc Leccu:e ecr|ier he wc: infcrmec Ly Gcrvicc IhcI he
wc: reIcking Ihe Lcr excmincIicn:. He ccvi:ec Gcrvicc Ic :hcre Ihe ue:Iicn: wiIh cIher '8eIcn excminee:.
He c||egec|y cic ncI chcrge cnyIhing fcr Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn:. LcIer, cfIer Ihe excmincIicn wc: cver, Gcrvicc
'IexIec {:enI c IexI me::cge cn hi: ce|| phcne) him {De Guzmcn), IhcI he cic ncI Icke Ihe Lcr excmincIicn.
8e:ice: Gcrvicc, De Guzmcn fcxec Ihe merccnIi|e |cw Lcr ue:Iicn: Ic cncIher frcIerniIy LrcIher ncmec
/r|cn {:urncme unkncwn), Ihrcugh FeyniIc {NcneIIe) Vi||c:i:, hi: :ecreIcry {I:n, pp. 20-28, CcI. 2, 2003). 8uI he
him:e|f fcxec Ihe ue:Iicn: Ic :Ii|| cncIher 'Lrcc ncmec Erwin Icn whc hcc he|pec him curing Ihe 'Lcr cp: in
18 when he {De Guzmcn) Icck Ihe Lcr excmincIicn: {lc., p. 28). He cLIcinec Ihe ce|| phcne numLer: cf
/r|cn cnc Erwin Icn frcm GcLLy Icnpiengcc whcm he infcrmec Ly IexI me::cge, IhcI Ihey were 'guice
ue:Iicn:, ncI Iip:, in Ihe merccnIi|e |cw excmincIicn.
When he wc: ccnfrcnIec Ly /IIcrney Ve|c:cc cn Wecne:ccy cfIer Ihe excmincIicn, {new: cf Ihe |eckcge
wc: c|reccy in c|| Ihe new:pcper:), De Guzmcn ccmiIIec Ic /IIcrney Ve|c:cc IhcI he fcxec Ihe ue:Iicn: Ic
hi: frcIerniIy LrcIher:, LuI he cic ncI revec| where he gcI Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn:.
De Guzmcn receivec c IexI me::cge frcm Erwin Icn cckncw|ecging IhcI he receivec Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn:.
Hcwever, Erwin infcrmec him IhcI Ihe ue:Iicn: were 'kc|cI nc kc|cI {c|| cver Ihe p|cce) even if he cic ncI
:hcre Ihem wiIh cIher: {I:n, pp. 54-55, CcI. 2, 2003).
De Guzmcn c|:c ccnIccIec Gcrvicc whc infcrmec him IhcI he gcve ccpie: cf Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: Ic 8eIcn:
Fcncy lnigc cnc Jcme: 8ugcin.
/r|cn c|:c 'IexIec De Guzmcn IhcI c|mc:I c|| Ihe ue:Iicn: were c:kec in Ihe excmincIicn. Erwin Icn
ccmmenIec IhcI mcny cf Ihe |eckec ue:Iicn: were c:kec in Ihe excmincIicn, 'perc hinci exccIc: mi Lincgc
{Ihey were ncI exccI|y Ihe :cme: Ihere were :cme chcnge:).
De Guzmcn Iriec Ic IexI Gcrvicc, LuI he receivec nc re:pcn:e.
De Guzmcn ci:c|c:ec IhcI he |ecrnec hcw Ic cpercIe c ccmpuIer frcm Si|ve:Ire /Iienzc, Ihe cffice mcncger,
cnc Ihrcugh :e|f-:Iucy, Ly c:king Ihc:e whc cre kncw|ecgecL|e cn ccmpuIer:. He hc: Leen u:ing ccmpuIer:
:ince 17, cnc he LcughI hi: cwn ccmpuIer in 2001, c FenIium 3, which he u:e: cI hcme.
FEYNlI/ VlLL/SlS, Ihe 3-yecr-c|c |egc| :ecreIcry cf /IIcrney De Guzmcn, :uLmiIIec her cfficcviI {Exh. F) cnc
crc||y cffirmec her pcrIicipcIicn in Ihe reprccucIicn cnc Ircn:miIIc| Ly fcx cf Ihe |eckec Ie:I ue:Iicn: in
merccnIi|e |cw Ic Fcncn Gcrvicc cnc /r|cn, c: Ie:Iifiec Ly De Guzmcn.
FCN/N G/FVlD/, cppecrec Lefcre Ihe lnve:IigcIing CcmmiIIee in ccmp|icnce wiIh Ihe :uLpcenc IhcI wc:
i::uec Ic him. Gcrvicc grccucIec frcm FE& Cc||ege cf Lcw in 2000. He i: cLcuI 32 yecr: cf cge. Whi|e :Ii|| c
:IucenI in 18, he wc: cff|icIec wiIh mu|Iip|e :c|erc:i: cr MS, c ci:ec:e cf Ihe nervcu: :y:Iem IhcI cIIcck: Ihe
nerve :hecIh: cf Ihe Lrcin cnc :pinc| ccrc. lI i: c chrcnic ci:cL|ing ci:ec:e c|Ihcugh iI mcy hcve pericc: cf
remi::icn. lI ccu:e: iI: vicIim Ic wc|k wiIh errcIic, :Iiff cnc :Icggering gciI: Ihe hcnc: cnc finger: mcy IremL|e in
perfcrming :imp|e ccIicn:: Ihe eye:ighI ccn Le impcirec, cnc :peech mcy Le :|cw cnc :|urrec {p. 737, Vc|. 2,
Feccer: Dige:I Mecicc| Encyc|cpecic, 171 Ec., ccmpi|ec Ly 8enjcmin F. Mi||er, M.D.). /|| Ihe:e :ympIcm:
were pre:enI when Gcrvicc Ie:Iifiec Lefcre Ihe CcmmiIIee cn NcvemLer , 2003 Ic cn:wer iI: ue:Iicn:
regcrcing hi: invc|vemenI in Ihe |eckcge cf Ihe excminer: Ie:I ue:Iicn: in merccnIi|e |cw.
Gcrvicc Ie:Iifiec IhcI when he wc: c fre:hmcn cI FE&, he Leccme c memLer cf Ihe 8eIc Sigmc LcmLcc
frcIerniIy where he meI cnc wc: Lefriencec Ly /IIcrney De Guzmcn whc wc: hi: :enicr Ly cne cnc c hc|f
yecr:. /|Ihcugh Ihey hcc Leen cuI cf Icuch :ince he wenI hcme Ic Ihe prcvince cn ccccunI cf Ihe recurrence
cf hi: i||ne::, De Guzmcn wc: cL|e |Ic] geI Ihi: ce|| phcne numLer frcm hi: ccmpccre, /IIy. Jc:eph Fcjcrc. De
Guzmcn Ic|c Gcrvicc IhcI he wc: fcxing him 'pc::iL|e ue:Iicn: in Ihe Lcr excmincIicn in merccnIi|e |cw.
8eccu:e Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: hcc nc cn:wer:, De Guzmcn :Ire::ec IhcI Ihey were ncI 'Iip: LuI cn|y 'pc::iL|e Ie:I
Gcrvicc hcc inIencec Ic Icke Ihe 2003 Lcr excmincIicn:. He enrc||ec in Ihe Ccn:crIium Feview CenIer in FE&,
pcying F10,000.00 c: enrc||menI fee. Hcwever, cn hi: wcy Ic Ihe Supreme CcurI Ic fi|e hi: cpp|iccIicn Ic Icke
Ihe Lcr excmincIicn, he :ufferec pcin: in hi: wri:I - :ympIcm: IhcI hi: MS hcc recurrec. Hi: phy:icicn ccvi:ec
him Ic gc Ic Ihe NcIicnc| CrIhcpecic Hc:piIc| in Cuezcn CiIy fcr IrecImenI. Ihi: he cic.
He gcve up hi: p|cn Ic Icke Ihe 2003 Lcr excmincIicn:. NeverIhe|e::, he ccnIinuec Ic cIIenc Ihe review
c|c::e: cI Ihe Ccn:crIium Feview CenIer Leccu:e he cic ncI wcnI Ic wc:Ie ccmp|eIe|y Ihe F10,000-enrc||menI
fee IhcI he pcic fcr Ihe review ccur:e {'Nchihincycng ckc). IhcI wc: pre:umcL|y why De Guzmcn IhcughI
IhcI Gcrvicc wc: Icking Ihe Lcr excm: cnc :enI him c ccpy cf Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: in merccnIi|e |cw.
&pcn receipI cf Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn:, Gcrvicc fcxec c ccpy Ic hi: 'Lrcc Fcncy lnigc whc wc: reviewing cI
Ihe Ccn:crIium Feview CenIer. Fcncy phcIcccpiec Ihem fcr ci:IriLuIicn Ic cIher frcIerniIy Lrcc:. Scme cf Ihe
Lrcc: ccuLIec Ihe u:efu|ne:: cf Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn:, LuI Fcncy whc hc: c high regcrc fcr De Guzmcn, Le|ievec
IhcI Ihe ue:Iicn: were 'Iip:. Gcrvicc cic ncI fcx Ihe ue:Iicn: Ic cny cIher per:cn Ihcn Fcncy lnigc. He
c||egec|y cic ncI :e|| Ihe ue:Iicn: Ic Fcncy. 'l ccu|c ncI cc IhcI Ic c Lrcc, he exp|cinec.
ln view cf Ihe fccI IhcI cne cf Ihe ccpie: cf Ihe |eckec Ie:I ue:Iicn: {Exh. H) Lcre cn Ihe |efI mcrgin c ruLLer
:Icmp ccmpc:ec cf Ihe Greek iniIic|: '8E/-MLC&, inciccIing IhcI Ihe :curce cf IhcI ccpy wc: Ihe 8eIc Sigmc
LcmLcc chcpIer cI MLC&, Ihe CcmmiIIee :uLpcencec Fcnc|c Cc||ccc, Ihe Mc:I l||u:Iricu: 8rcIher cf Ihe 8eIc
Sigmc LcmLcc frcIerniIy cf MLC&.
FCN/LD CCLL/DC i: c :enicr |cw :IucenI cI Ihe MLC&. He ccmiIIec IhcI hi: frcIerniIy ccncucIec '8cr Cp:
fcr Ihe 2003 Lcr excm:. 8cr Cp: cre Ihe Ligge:I ccIiviIy cf Ihe frcIerniIy every yecr. Ihey :IcrI c: :ccn c: new
cfficer: cf Ihe frcIerniIy cre e|ecIec in June, cnc Ihey ccnIinue unIi| Ihe Lcr excmincIicn: cre cver. Ihe Lcr
cpercIicn: ccn:i:I cf :c|iciIing func: frcm c|umni Lrcc: cnc frienc: Ic Le :penI in reprccucing Lcr review
mcIeric|: fcr Ihe u:e cf Iheir 'Lcrri:Ier: {Lcr ccnciccIe:) in Ihe vcricu: review cenIer:, prcvicing mec|: fcr Iheir
'Lrcc-Lcrri:Ier: cn excmincIicn ccy:: cnc Ic renI c 'Lcr :iIe cr p|cce necr De |c Sc||e &niver:iIy where Ihe
excminee: cnc Ihe frcI memLer: ccn ccnvene cnc Icke Iheir mec|: curing Ihe Lreck Iime. Ihe 8eIcn: Lcr :iIe
fcr Ihe 2003 Lcr excmincIicn: wc: |cccIec cn Lecn GuinIc SIreeI, Mc|cIe. Cn SepIemLer 1 cnc 21, Lefcre
|Ihe] :IcrI cf Ihe excmincIicn, Cc||ccc: frcIerniIy ci:IriLuIec Lcr review mcIeric|: fcr Ihe merccnIi|e |cw
excmincIicn Ic Ihe excminee: whc ccme Ic Ihe Lcr :iIe. Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: {Exh. H) were receivec Ly Cc||ccc
frcm c Lrcc, /|cn Guicpc|, whc hcc receivec Ihem frcm Fcncy lnigc.
Cc||ccc ccu:ec 30 ccpie: cf Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: Ic Le prinIec wiIh Ihe |cgc cnc iniIic|: cf Ihe frcIerniIy {8E/-
MLC&) fcr ci:IriLuIicn Ic Ihe 30 MLC& excminee: Icking Ihe Lcr excm:. 8eccu:e cf Iime ccn:IrcinI:, frcI
memLer: were uncL|e Ic cn:wer Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: ce:piIe Ihe c|cmcr fcr cn:wer:, :c, Ihey were given cuI 'c:
i: - wiIhcuI cn:wer:.
DE/N ED&/FDC J. F. /8ELL/ cf Ihe Jc:e Fizc| &niver:iIy |cw :chcc| in Mcncc|uycng CiIy, wc: Ihe reviewer in
MerccnIi|e Lcw cnc FrccIicc| Exerci:e: cI Ihe Lex Feview CenIer which i: cpercIec Ly Ihe Lex Feview &
Semincr: lnc., cf which Decn /Le||c i: cne cf Ihe inccrpcrcIcr:. He |ecrnec cLcuI Ihe |eckcge cf Ie:I ue:Iicn:
in merccnIi|e |cw when he wc: ce|ivering Ihe pre-week |ecIure cn Legc| Fcrm: cI Ihe /re||cnc &niver:iIy. Ihe
|eckec ue:Iicn: were :hcwn Ic him Ly hi: :ecreIcry, Jeny|yn Dcmingc, cfIer Ihe merccnIi|e |cw excm. He
mi::ec Ihe ScIurccy |ecIure in merccnIi|e |cw Leccu:e he wc: :uffering frcm c Icuch cf f|u. He gcve hi: |c:I
|ecIure cn Ihe :uLjecI cn Wecne:ccy cr Ihur:ccy Lefcre Ihe excm. He ceniec hcving LcughI cr cLIcinec cnc
ci:IriLuIec Ihe |eckec Ie:I ue:Iicn: in MerccnIi|e Lcw Ic Ihe Lcr reviewee: in Ihe Lex Feview CenIer.
F l N D l N G S
Ihe CcmmiIIee finc: IhcI Ihe |eckec Ie:I ue:Iicn: in MerccnIi|e Lcw were Ihe ue:Iicn: which Ihe excminer,
/IIcrney Mcrcic| C. I. 8c|gc:, hcc prepcrec cnc :uLmiIIec Ic Ju:Iice Jc:e C. ViIug, c: chcirmcn cf Ihe 2003
8cr ExcmincIicn: CcmmiIIee. Ihe ue:Iicn: ccn:IiIuIec 827 cf Ihe ue:Iicn: c:kec in Ihe excmincIicn in
MerccnIi|e Lcw in Ihe mcrning cf SepIemLer 21, 2003, Sunccy, in :cme cc:e: wiIh :|ighI chcnge: which were
ncI :uL:IcnIic| cnc in cIher cc:e: exccI|y c: prcpc:ec Ly /IIy. 8c|gc:. Hence, cny Lcr excminee whc wc:
cL|e Ic geI hc|c cf Ihe |eckec ue:Iicn: Lefcre Ihe merccnIi|e |cw excmincIicn cnc cn:werec Ihem ccrrecI|y,
wcu|c hcve Leen c::urec cf pc::ing Ihe excmincIicn wiIh cI |ec:I c grcce cf 827l
Ihe circum:Icnce IhcI Ihe |eckec Ie:I ue:Iicn: ccn:i:Iec enIire|y cf Ie:I ue:Iicn: prepcrec Ly /IIy. 8c|gc:,
prcve: ccnc|u:ive|y IhcI Ihe |eckcge crigincIec frcm hi: cffice, ncI frcm Ihe Cffice cf Ju:Iice ViIug, Ihe 8cr
ExcmincIicn: Chcirmcn.
/IIy. 8c|gc: c|cimec IhcI Ihe |eckec Ie:I ue:Iicn: were prepcrec Ly him cn hi: ccmpuIer. WiIhcuI cny
ccuLI, Ihe :curce cf Ihe |eckec Ie:I ue:Iicn: wc: /IIy. 8c|gc: ccmpuIer. Ihe cu|priI whc :Ic|e cr
ccwn|cccec Ihem frcm /IIy. 8c|gc: ccmpuIer wiIhcuI Ihe |cIIer: kncw|ecge cnc ccn:enI, cnc whc fcxec
Ihem Ic cIher per:cn:, wc: /IIy. 8c|gc: |egc| c::i:IcnI, /IIcrney Dcni|c De Guzmcn, whc vc|unIcri|y ccnfe::ec
Ihe ceec Ic Ihe lnve:IigcIing CcmmiIIee. De Guzmcn revec|ec IhcI he fcxec Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn:, wiIh Ihe he|p
cf hi: :ecreIcry FeyniIc Vi||c:i:, Ic hi: frcIerniIy 'Lrcc:, ncme|y, Fcncn Gcrvicc, /r|cn {whc:e :urncme he ccu|c
ncI recc||), cnc Erwin Icn.
ln Iurn, Fcncn Gcrvicc fcxec Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: Ic 8eIcn: Fcncy lnigc cnc Jcme: 8ugcin.
Fcncy lnigc pc::ec c ccpy cr ccpie: cf Ihe :cme ue:Iicn: Ic cncIher 8eIcn, /|cn Guicpc|, whc gcve c
ccpy Ic Ihe MLC&-8eIc Sigmc |LcmLcc:] Mc:I l||u:Iricu: 8rcIher, Fcnc|c F. Cc||ccc, whc crcerec Ihe prinIing
cnc ci:IriLuIicn cf 30 ccpie: Ic Ihe MLC&: 30 Lcr ccnciccIe:.
/IIcrney Dcni|c De Guzmcn: ccI cf ccwn|cccing /IIcrney 8c|gc: Ie:I ue:Iicn: in merccnIi|e |cw frcm Ihe
|cIIer: ccmpuIer, wiIhcuI hi: kncw|ecge cnc permi::icn, wc: c criminc| ccI cf |crceny. lI wc: IhefI cf
inIe||ecIuc| prcperIy: Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: were inIe||ecIuc| prcperIy cf /IIcrney 8c|gc:, Leing Ihe prccucI cf hi:
inIe||ecI cnc |egc| kncw|ecge.
8e:ice: IhefI, De Guzmcn c|:c ccmmiIIec cn un|cwfu| infrccIicn cf /IIcrney 8c|gc: righI Ic privccy cf
ccmmuniccIicn, cnc Ic :ecuriIy cf hi: pcper: cnc effecI: cgcin:I uncuIhcrizec :ecrch cnc :eizure - righI:
zec|cu:|y prcIecIec Ly Ihe 8i|| cf FighI: cf cur Ccn:IiIuIicn {SecIicn: 2 cnc 3, /rIic|e lll, 187 Ccn:IiIuIicn).
He Ircn:gre::ec Ihe very fir:I ccncn cf Ihe |cwyer: Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy which prcvice: IhcI '|c]
|cwyer :hc|| uphc|c Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn, cLey Ihe |cw: cf Ihe |cnc, cnc prcmcIe re:pecI fcr |cw cnc |egc|
8y Ircn:miIIing cnc ci:IriLuIing Ihe :Ic|en Ie:I ue:Iicn: Ic :cme memLer: cf Ihe 8eIc Sigmc LcmLcc
FrcIerniIy, pc::iL|y fcr pecunicry prcfiI cnc Ic given Ihem uncue ccvcnIcge cver Ihe cIher excminer: in Ihe
merccnIi|e |cw excmincIicn, De Guzmcn cLeIIec checIing cr ci:hcne:Iy Ly hi: frcIerniIy LrcIher: in Ihe
excmincIicn, which i: vic|cIive cf Fu|e 1.01 cf Ccncn 1, c: we|| c: Ccncn 7 cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc|
Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy fcr memLer: cf Ihe 8cr, which prcvice:
Fu|e 1.01 - / |cwyer :hc|| ncI engcge in un|cwfu|, ci:hcne:I, immcrc| cr ceceiIfu| ccncucI
De Guzmcn wc: gui|Iy cf grcve mi:ccncucI unLeccming c memLer cf Ihe 8cr. He vic|cIec Ihe |cw in:Iecc cf
prcmcIing re:pecI fcr iI cnc cegrccec Ihe ncL|e prcfe::icn cf |cw in:Iecc cf uphc|cing iI: cigniIy cnc inIegriIy.
Hi: ccIucIicn: impcirec puL|ic re:pecI fcr Ihe CcurI, cnc ccmcgec Ihe inIegriIy cf Ihe Lcr excmincIicn: c: Ihe
finc| mec:ure cf c |cw grccucIe: ccccemic prepcrecne:: Ic emLcrk upcn Ihe prccIice cf |cw.
Hcwever, Ihe lnve:IigcIing CcmmiIIee cce: ncI Le|ieve IhcI De Guzmcn wc: :c|e|y re:pcn:iL|e fcr Ihe |eckcge
cf /IIy. 8c|gc: prcpc:ec Ie:I ue:Iicn: in Ihe merccnIi|e |cw excmincIicn. Ihe CcmmiIIee cce: ncI Le|ieve
IhcI he ccIec c|cne, cr cic ncI hcve Ihe c::i:Icnce cnc cccpercIicn cf cIher per:cn:, :uch c::
Chery| Fc|mc, /IIy. 8c|gc: privcIe :ecreIcry, whc, ccccrcing Ic /IIy. 8c|gc: him:e|f, wc: Ihe cn|y per:cn whc
knew Ihe pc::wcrc, whc ccu|c cpen cnc c|c:e hi: ccmpuIer: cnc whc hcc Ihe key Ic hi: cffice where hi:
ccmpuIer wc: kepI. Since c ccmpuIer mcy ncI Le ccce::ec cr ccwn|cccec un|e:: iI i: cpenec, :cmecne
mu:I hcve cpenec /IIy. 8c|gc: ccmpuIer in crcer fcr De Guzmcn Ic reIrieve Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: :Icrec Iherein.
Si|ve:Ire /Iienzc, c|:c c frcIerniIy 'Lrcc cf De Guzmcn, whc wc: re:pcn:iL|e fcr inIerccnnecIing /IIy. 8c|gc:
ccmpuIer wiIh Ihe cIher ccmpuIer: cuI:ice /IIy. 8c|gc: rccm cr cffice, cnc whc wc: Ihe cn|y cIher per:cn,
Le:ice: Chery| Fc|mc, whc knew Ihe pc::wcrc cf /IIy. 8c|gc: ccmpuIer.
Ihe fc||cwing per:cn: whc receivec frcm De Guzmcn, cnc ci:IriLuIec ccpie: cf Ihe |eckec Ie:I ue:Iicn:,
cppecr Ic hcve ccn:pirec wiIh him Ic :Iec| cnc prcfiI frcm Ihe :c|e cf Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn:. Ihey ccu|c ncI hcve
Leen mcIivcIec :c|e|y Ly c ce:ire Ic he|p Ihe frcIerniIy, fcr Ihe |eckcge wc: wice:precc {'kc|cI nc kc|cI)
ccccrcing Ic Erwin Icn. Ihe pc::iL|e cc-ccn:pircIcr: were:
Fcncn Gcrvicc,
Erwin Icn,
Fcncy lnigc,
Fcnc|c Cc||ccc, cnc
/||cn Guicpc|
Ihe CcmmiIIee cce: ncI Le|ieve IhcI De Guzmcn reck|e::|y Lrcke Ihe |cw cnc ri:kec hi: jcL cnc fuIure c: c
|cwyer, cuI cf |cve fcr Ihe 8eIc Sigmc LcmLcc frcIerniIy. Ihere mu:I hcve Leen cn u|Iericr mcIeric|
ccn:icercIicn fcr hi: Lrecking Ihe |cw cnc Iecring Ihe :hrcuc cf :ecrecy IhcI, he very we|| kncw:, ccver: Ihe
Lcr excmincIicn:.
Cn Ihe cIher hcnc, Ihe CcmmiIIee finc: IhcI Ihe IhefI cf Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: frcm /IIy. 8c|gc: ccmpuIer ccu|c
hcve Leen cvcicec if /IIy. 8c|gc: hcc exerci:ec cue ci|igence in :cfegucrcing Ihe :ecrecy cf Ihe Ie:I
ue:Iicn: which he prepcrec. /: Ihe ccmpuIer i: c pcwerfu| mccern mcchine which he ccmiIIec|y i: ncI fcir|y
fcmi|icr wiIh, he :hcu|c ncI hcve Iru:Iec iI Ic ceep :ecreI Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: IhcI he :Icrec in iI: hcrc ci:k. He
ccmiIIec|y cic ncI kncw Ihe pc::wcrc cf hi: ccmpuIer. He re|iec cn hi: :ecreIcry Ic u:e Ihe pc::wcrc Ic cpen
cnc c|c:e hi: ccmpuIer. He kepI hi: ccmpuIer in c rccm Ic which cIher per:cn: hcc ccce::. &nfcmi|icr wiIh Ihe
u:e cf Ihe mcchine whc:e pcIenIic| fcr mi:chief he ccu|c ncI hcve Leen IcIc||y uncwcre cf, he :hcu|c hcve
cvcicec iI: u:e fcr :c :en:iIive cn uncerIcking c: Iyping Ihe ue:Iicn: in Ihe Lcr excmincIicn. /fIer c|| he knew
hcw Ic u:e Ihe IypewriIer in Ihe u:e cf which he i: uiIe prcficienI. /IIy. 8c|gc: :hcu|c Iherefcre hcve prepcrec
Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: in hi: Iru:Iy IypewriIer, in Ihe privccy cf hi: hcme, {in:Iecc cf hi: |cw cffice), where Ihey wcu|c
hcve Leen :cfe frcm Ihe prying eye: cf :ecreIcrie: cnc c::i:IcnI cIIcrney:. /IIy. 8c|gc: neg|igence in Ihe
prepcrcIicn cnc :cfekeeping cf hi: prcpc:ec Ie:I ue:Iicn: fcr Ihe Lcr excmincIicn in merccnIi|e |cw, wc: ncI
Ihe prcximcIe ccu:e cf Ihe 'Lcr |eckcge: iI wc:, in fccI, Ihe rccI ccu:e. Fcr, if he hcc Icken Ihc:e :imp|e
preccuIicn: Ic prcIecI Ihe :ecrecy cf hi: pcper:, ncLccy ccu|c hcve :Ic|en Ihem cnc ccpiec cnc circu|cIec
Ihem. Ihe inIegriIy cf Ihe Lcr excmincIicn: wcu|c ncI hcve Leen :u||iec Ly Ihe :ccncc|. He ccmiIIec IhcI
'Mc|i :igurc ckc, LuI IhcI wc: whcI hcppenec {43 I:n, CcI. 24, 2003).
F E C C M M E N D / I l C N
Ihi: HcncrcL|e ccurI in Ihe cc:e cf 8urLe v. Mcgu|Ic, /.C. Nc. 5713, June 10, 2002, 383 SCF/ 27, prcncuncec
Ihe fc||cwing remincer fcr |cwyer:: 'MemLer: cf Ihe Lcr mu:I cc ncIhing IhcI mcy Ienc Ic |e::en in cny cegree
Ihe ccnficence cf Ihe puL|ic in Ihe fice|iIy, Ihe hcne:Iy cnc inIegriIy cf Ihe prcfe::icn. ln cncIher cc:e, iI
|ikewi:e inIcnec: 'We ccnncI cver:Ire:: Ihe cuIy cf c |cwyer Ic cI c|| Iime: uphc|c Ihe inIegriIy cnc cigniIy cf
Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn. He ccn cc Ihi: Ly fciIhfu||y perfcrming hi: cuIie: Ic :ccieIy, Ic Ihe Lcr, Ic Ihe ccurI:, cnc Ic
hi: c|ienI:. {Feye: v. Jcvier, /.C. Nc. 5574, FeLrucry 2, 2002, 375 SCF/ 538). lI gce: wiIhcuI :cying IhcI c |cwyer
whc vic|cIe: Ihi: precepI cf Ihe prcfe::icn Ly ccmmiIIing c grc:: mi:ccncucI which ci:hcncr: cnc cimini:he:
Ihe puL|ic: re:pecI fcr Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn, :hcu|c Le ci:cip|inec.
/fIer ccrefu| ce|iLercIicn, Ihe lnve:IigcIing CcmmiIIee reccmmenc: IhcI:
1. /IIcrney Dcni|c De Guzmcn Le DlS8/FFED fcr he hcc :hcwn IhcI he i: mcrc||y unfiI Ic ccnIinue c: c
memLer cf Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn, fcr grcve ci:hcne:Iy, |cck cf inIegriIy, cnc criminc| Lehcvicr. ln ccciIicn, he
:hcu|c mcke c wriIIen F&8LlC /FCLCGY cnc pcy D/M/GES Ic Ihe Supreme CcurI fcr invc|ving iI in cncIher
'Lcr :ccncc|, ccu:ing Ihe ccnce||cIicn cf Ihe merccnIi|e |cw excmincIicn, cnc wrecking hcvcc upcn Ihe
imcge cf Ihi: in:IiIuIicn.
2. /IIcrney Mcrcic| C. I. 8c|gc: :hcu|c Le FEFFlM/NDED Ly Ihe CcurI cnc |ikewi:e Le reuirec Ic mcke c
wriIIen /FCLCGY Ic Ihe CcurI fcr Ihe puL|ic :ccncc| he LrcughI upcn iI c: c re:u|I cf hi: neg|igence cnc |cck
cf cue ccre in prepcring cnc :cfegucrcing hi: prcpc:ec Ie:I ue:Iicn: in merccnIi|e |cw. /: Ihe CcurI hcc Ic
ccnce| Ihe MerccnIi|e Lcw excmincIicn cn ccccunI cf Ihe '|eckcge cf /IIcrney 8c|gc: Ie:I ue:Iicn:, which
ccmpri:ec 827 cf Ihe Lcr ue:Iicn: in IhcI excmincIicn, /IIy. 8c|gc: i: ncI enIiI|ec Ic receive cny hcncrcrium
c: excminer fcr IhcI :uLjecI.
3. F&FIHEF lNVESIlG/IlCN cf Dcni|c De Guzmcn, Chery| Fc|mc, Si|ve:Ire /Iienzc, Fcncn Gcrvicc, /r|cn,
Erwin Icn, Fcncy lnigc, Jcme: 8ugcin, Fcnc|c Cc||ccc cnc /||cn Guicpc| Ly Ihe NcIicnc| 8urecu cf
lnve:IigcIicn cnc Ihe Fhi|ippine NcIicnc| Fc|ice, wiIh c view Ic Iheir criminc| prc:ecuIicn c: prcLcL|e cc-
ccn:pircIcr: in Ihe IhefI cnc |eckcge cf Ihe Ie:I ue:Iicn: in merccnIi|e |cw.
WiIh regcrc Ic reccmmencing mec:ure: Ic :cfegucrc Ihe inIegriIy cf Ihe Lcr excmincIicn: cnc prevenI c
repeIiIicn cf fuIure |eckcge in Ihe :cic excmincIicn:, inc:much c: Ihi: mcIIer i: cI pre:enI uncer :Iucy Ly Ihe
CcurI: CcmmiIIee cn Legc| EcuccIicn cnc 8cr McIIer:, c: cn c:pecI cf prcpc:c|: fcr Lcr refcrm:, Ihe
lnve:IigcIing CcmmiIIee Le|ieve: iI wcu|c Le we||-ccvi:ec Ic refrcin frcm inc|ucing in Ihi: repcrI whcI mcy Iurn
cuI Ic Le cup|iccIive, if ncI ccnIrcry, reccmmenccIicn: cn Ihe mcIIer."

Ihe CcurI cccpI: Ihe repcrI, inc|ucing wiIh :cme mccificcIicn: Ihe reccmmenccIicn, cf Ihe lnve:IigcIing
CcmmiIIee. Ihe CcurI, cerIcin|y wi|| ncI ccunIencnce cny ccI cr ccncucI IhcI ccn impcir ncI cn|y Ihe inIegriIy
cf Ihe 8cr ExcmincIicn: LuI Ihe Iru:I repc:ec cn Ihe CcurI.
Ihe CcurI c|:c Icke: ncIe IhcI Mr. JcviIc M. Sc|cngc cnc Mr. 8enjcmin F. KcI|y, Iwc cf iI: emp|cyee:
c::ignec Ic Ihe McncgemenI lnfcrmcIicn Sy:Iem: Cffice {MlSC), whc were Ic:kec Ly Ihe lnve:IigcIing
CcmmiIIee Ic in:pecI Ihe ccmpuIer :y:Iem in Ihe cffice cf /IIy. 8c|gc:, fcunc IhcI Ihe CcurI: CcmpuIer-
/::i:Iec Legc| Fe:ecrch {C/LF) ccIcLc:e
wc: in:Ic||ec in Ihe ccmpuIer u:ec Ly /IIy. 8c|gc:. Mr. Sc|cngc
cnc Mr. KcI|y repcrIec IhcI Ihe :y:Iem, which wc: ceve|cpec Ly Ihe MlSC, wc: inIencec fcr Ihe exc|u:ive u:e
cf Ihe CcurI. Ihe in:Ic||cIicn Iherecf Ic cny exIernc| ccmpuIer wcu|c Le uncuIhcrizec wiIhcuI Ihe permi::icn cf
Ihe CcurI. /IIy. Ve|c:cc infcrmec Ihe Iwc CcurI emp|cyee: IhcI Ihe C/LF ccIcLc:e wc: in:Ic||ec Ly /IIy. De
Guzmcn cn Ihe ccmpuIer Leing u:ec Ly /IIy. 8c|gc:. Ihe mcIIer wcu|c c|:c neec furIher inve:IigcIicn Ic
ceIermine hcw /IIy. De Guzmcn wc: cL|e Ic cLIcin c ccpy cf Ihe CcurI: C/LF ccIcLc:e.
WHEkEFOkE, Ihe CcurI, ccIing cn Ihe reccmmenccIicn: cf Ihe lnve:IigcIing CcmmiIIee, hereLy re:c|ve: Ic
{1) DlS8/F /IIy. D/NlLC DE G&ZM/N frcm Ihe prccIice cf |cw effecIive upcn hi: receipI cf Ihi:
{2) FEFFlM/ND /IIy. M/FCl/L C.I. 8/LGCS cnc DlSENIlILE him frcm receiving
cny ncnc|c||un c: cn Excminer in MerccnIi|e Lcw:
{3) DirecI Ihe NcIicnc| 8urecu cf lnve:IigcIicn {c) Ic uncerIcke furIher inve:IigcIicn cf Dcni|c De
Guzmcn, Chery| Fc|mc, Si|ve:Ire /Iienzc, Fcncn Gcrvicc, Erwin Icn, Fcncy lnigc, Jcme: 8ugcin,
Fcnc|c Cc||ccc cnc /||cn Guicpc| wiIh c view Ic ceIermining Iheir pcrIicipcIicn cnc re:pecIive
ccccunIcLi|iIie: in Ihe Lcr excmincIicn |eckcge cnc Ic ccncucI cn inve:IigcIicn cn hcw Dcni|c De
Guzmcn wc: cL|e Ic :ecure c ccpy cf Ihe Supreme CcurI: C/LF ccIcLc:e.
LeI c ccpy cf Ihi: Fe:c|uIicn Le mcce pcrI cf Ihe reccrc: cf Dcni|c De Guzmcn in Ihe Cffice cf Ihe 8cr
CcnficcnI, Supreme CcurI cf Ihe Fhi|ippine:, cnc ccpie: Ic Le furni:hec Ihe lnIegrcIec 8cr cf
Ihe Fhi|ippine: cnc circu|cIec Ly Ihe Cffice cf Ihe CcurI /cmini:IrcIcr Ic c|| ccurI:.

VILLAkIN, respondenfs
Ihi: i: cn ccmini:IrcIive cc:e fi|ec in 14 Ly JcviIc 8u:IcmcnIe-/|ejcncrc chcrging re:pcncenI: /IIy.
Wcrfrecc Icmc: /|ejcncrc cnc /IIy. Mcricri: /. Vi||crin wiIh Ligcmy cnc ccncuLincge.
Ccmp|cincnI c||egec IhcI re:pcncenI, /IIy. Wcrfrecc Icmc: /|ejcncrc, i: her hu:Lcnc: IhcI Ihey were
mcrriec cn Mcrch 3, 171 cI /|icic, l:cLe|c, c: evicencec Ly Iheir Mcrricge CcnIrccI:
IhcI :he Lcre him Ihree
{3) :cn:, ncme|y, Dinc, Eric, cnc Ccr|c, Lcrn in 171, 173, cnc 178, re:pecIive|y, c: evicencec Ly Iheir
re:pecIive CerIificcIe: cf Live 8irIh:
IhcI re:pcncenI cLcnccnec her cnc Iheir chi|cren in 10 Ic |ive wiIh hi:
mi:Ire::, re:pcncenI /IIy. Mc. Cri:Iinc /rrieIc Vi||crin,
cI 27-C Mc:LcIe SI., Cuezcn CiIy: IhcI re:pcncenI:
hcve :ince Ihen Leen puL|ic|y repre:enIing Ihem:e|ve: c: hu:Lcnc cnc wife: IhcI re:pcncenI /IIy. Vi||crin
gcve LirIh Ic Fcc|c Vi||crin /|ejcncrc cn Jcnucry 17, 12 c: c re:u|I cf her immcrc| cnc :ccncc|cu: re|cIicn:hip
wiIh ccmp|cincnI: hu:Lcnc whcm :he ncmec c: Ihe fcIher cf her :cn in Ihe |cIIer: CerIificcIe cf Live
cnc, IhcI in :cic CerIificcIe cf Live 8irIh, re:pcncenI /IIy. Vi||crin icenIifiec her:e|f c: Mc. Cri:Iinc V.
/|ejcncrc" hcving Leen mcrriec Ic /IIy. /|ejcncrc cn Mcy 1, 10 cI l:cLe|c Frcvince. Ccmp|cincnI c||egec
IhcI :he fi|ec Ihi: ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI when :he |ecrnec IhcI her hu:Lcnc hc: Leen ncmincIec c: c
regicnc| Iric| ccurI jucge. She in:i:I: IhcI he i: ncI fiI Ic Le c jucge ccn:icering IhcI he, cnc cc-re:pcncenI
/IIy. Vi||crin, cc ncI even pc::e:: Ihe Lc:ic inIegriIy Ic remcin c: memLer: cf Ihe Fhi|ippine 8cr.
We reuirec re:pcncenI Ic ccmmenI cn Ihe ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI in cur Fe:c|uIicn ccIec Ju|y 4,
14. When ccpie: cf cur re:c|uIicn cnc cf Ihe ccmp|cinI cnc iI: cnnexe: cccre::ec Ic re:pcncenI /IIy.
/|ejcncrc cI 27-C Mc:LcIe SI., Cuezcn CiIy were reIurnec un:ervec wiIh ncIcIicn ncvec. we reuirec
ccmp|cincnI Ic :uLmiI Ihe ccrrecI cnc pre:enI cccre:: cf her hu:Lcnc.
Nc :imi|cr reIurn cf :ervice wiIh
re:pecI Ic re:pcncenI /IIy. Vi||crin cppecr: cn Ihe reccrc.
ln cn Fx-Fc|te /cn||e:tct|cn cnc /ct|cn ccIec DecemLer 5, 14, ccmp|cincnI in:i:Iec IhcI her hu:Lcnc:
ccrrecI cccre:: remcin: Ic Le 27-C Mc:LcIe SI., Cuezcn CiIy: IhcI iI wc: him whc Ic|c Ihe pc:Imcn IhcI he
hcc c|reccy mcvec: cnc, IhcI cny :uL:euenI :ervice Ly mci| wi|| re:u|I in Ihe :cme fci|ure c: re:pcncenI wi||
eiIher refu:e :ervice cr mi:repre:enI c chcnge cf cccre:: cgcin. Ccmp|cincnI Iherefcre c:kec IhcI ccpie: cf
Ihe ccmp|cinI cnc CcurI re:c|uIicn reuiring ccmmenI Le :ervec per:cnc||y upcn her hu:Lcnc Ly Ihe CcurI:
prcce:: :erver:. We ncIec cnc grcnIec Ihe prcyer.
Hcwever, when Ihe CcurI: prcce:: :erver cIIempIec Ic
effecI per:cnc| :ervice cn FeLrucry 1, 15, re:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc wc: c||egec|y cuI cf Ihe hcu:e cnc hi:
hcu:e he|per refu:ec Ic cccepI :ervice. Ccn:euenI|y we ccn:icerec Ihe ccpie: c: hcving Leen :ervec upcn
re:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc in cur Fe:c|uIicn cf Ju|y 31, 1,
cnc reuirec him Ic :hcw ccu:e why he :hcu|c
ncI Le ci:cip|incry cec|I wiIh cr he|c in ccnIempI fcr hi: ccnIinuec fci|ure Ic fi|e ccmmenI, cnc Ic fi|e :uch
ccmmenI, ccn:icering Ihe ccn:icercL|e |engIh cf Iime IhcI hc: |cp:ec :ince he hc: Leen fir:I reuirec Ic cc
:c. Fe:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc fci|ec Ic ccmp|y. Hence, we finec him F1,000.00 cnc cirecIec IhcI he fi|e Ihe
reuirec exp|cncIicn cnc ccmmenI cn Ihe ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI.

When ccpie: cf LcIh re:c|uIicn: were cgcin reIurnec un:ervec wiIh pc:Ic| ncIcIicn: ncvec. we reuirec
ccmp|cincnI cnew Ic :uLmiI Ihe ccrrecI cnc pre:enI cccre:: cf re:pcncenI:, wiIhin Ien {10) ccy: frcm ncIice,
uncer pcin cf ci:mi::c| cf her ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI.
ln c hcncwriIIen |eIIer ccIec SepIemLer 10, 18,
ccmp|cincnI ci:c|c:ec re:pcncenI: pre:enI cccre:: c: 12403 Dun|cp Drive, Hcu:Icn, Iexc:."

We referrec Ihi: cc:e Ic Ihe lnIegrcIec 8cr cf Ihe Fhi|ippine: {l8F) fcr inve:IigcIicn, repcrI cnc
reccmmenccIicn, wiIhin nineIy {0) ccy: frcm ncIice, in cur Fe:c|uIicn cf Mcrch 17, 2003.
ln c FepcrI ccIec /ugu:I 2, 2003, l8F Ccmmi::icner Mi|cgrc: V. Scn Jucn reccmmencec IhcI LcIh
re:pcncenI: Le ci:Lcrrec cn Ihe fc||cwing rcIicnc|izcIicn:
ln iI: Fe:c|uIicn ccIec 31 Ju|y 1, Ihe Supreme CcurI {Seccnc Divi:icn) ru|ec IhcI re:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc
wc: ceemec :ervec c ccpy cf Ihe in:IcnI ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI cnc cf Ihe CcurI: Fe:c|uIicn ccIec 4 Ju|y
14, Ly :uL:IiIuIec :ervice pur:ucnI Ic Fu|e 1, SecIicn cf Ihe Fu|e: cf CcurI.
ln Ihe ecr|ier Fe:c|uIicn cf Ihe Supreme CcurI ccIec 4 Ju|y 14, re:pcncenI: /IIy. /|ejcncrc cnc /IIy. Vi||crin
were cirecIec Ic fi|e Iheir CcmmenI cn Ihe in:IcnI Ccmp|cinI wiIhin Ien {10) ccy: frcm ncIice cf :cic
Fe:c|uIicn. Ic ccIe, nc CcmmenI hc: Leen fi|ec Ly eiIher re:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc cr /IIy. Vi||crin. x x x
Ccmp|cincnI :uLmiIIec c phcIcccpy cf Ihe Mcrricge CcnIrccI {/nnex / cf Ihe |eIIer-ccmp|cinI) LeIween
her:e|f cnc re:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc execuIec cn 3 Mcrch 171. Ccmp|cincnI c|:c :uLmiIIec phcIcccpie:
cf Ihe 8irIh CerIificcIe: {/nnexe: 8 Ic D cf Ihe |eIIer-ccmp|cinI) cf Ihe chi|cren Lcrn cuI cf her mcrricge Ic
re:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc. Ihe:e cccumenIcry evicence :uLmiIIec Ly ccmp|cincnI c|ecr|y :hcw IhcI Ihere
wc: cnc i: c vc|ic cnc :uL:i:Iing mcrricge LeIween her:e|f cnc re:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc cI Ihe Iime :he fi|ec
Ihe in:IcnI ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI cgcin:I :cic re:pcncenI, her hu:Lcnc.
ln :uppcrI cf her chcrge cf Ligcmy cnc ccncuLincge cgcin:I re:pcncenI: /|ejcncrc cnc Vi||crin, ccmp|cincnI
:uLmiIIec c phcIcccpy cf Ihe 8irIh CerIificcIe {/nnex E cf Ihe |eIIer-ccmp|cinI) cf cne Fcc|c Vi||crin
/|ejcncrc. Ihe :cic 8irIh CerIificcIe: :IcIe: IhcI Ihe mcIher cf :cic Fcc|c Vi||crin /|ejcncrc i: Mc. Cri:Iinc /rrieIc
Vi||crin", whi|e hi: fcIher i: cne Wcrfrecc Icmc: /|ejcncrc". Scic 8irIh CerIificcIe c|:c :IcIe: IhcI Ihe pcrenI: cf
Fcc|c Vi||crin /|ejcncrc were mcrriec cn Mcy 1, 10 in l:cLe|c Frcvince.
Given Ihe 8irIh CerIificcIe cf Fcc|c Vi||crin /|ejcncrc {/nnex E cf Ihe |eIIer-ccmp|cinI), cnc ccn:icering Ihe
fci|ure cf re:pcncenI: /IIy. /|ejcncrc cnc /IIy. Vi||crin Ic ceny Ihe chcrge: cf ccmp|cincnI, iI i: :uLmiIIec IhcI
Ihere i: :ufficienI evicence cn reccrc which e:IcL|i:he: Ihe immcrc|/i||iciI re|cIicn:hip LeIween re:pcncenI:
/IIy. /|ejcncrc cnc /IIy. Vi||crin. Hcwever, Ihere i: nc evicence cn reccrc which wcu|c e:IcL|i:h Leycnc
ccuLI IhcI re:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc inceec ccnIrccIec c :eccnc mcrricge wiIh /IIy. Vi||crin whi|e hi:
mcrricge Ic herein ccmp|cincnI wc: :uL:i:Iing. Ihu:, iI i: reccmmencec IhcI c: prcyec fcr Ly ccmp|cincnI,
re:pcncenI: /IIy. /|ejcncrc cnc /IIy. Vi||crin Le ci:Lcrrec fcr wi||fu| vic|cIicn cf Fu|e 1.01 cf Ihe Ccce cf
Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy.
Ihe l8F Ccmmi::icn cn 8cr Di:cip|ine cccpIec cnc cpprcvec Ihe cLcve repcrI cnc reccmmenccIicn in iI:
Fe:c|uIicn Nc. XVl-2003-1 ccIec SepIemLer 27, 2003.
We cgree wiIh Ihe l8F reccmmenccIicn wiIh re:pecI Ic re:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc.
lnceec Fu|e 1.01, Ccncn 1 cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy prcvice: -
/ |cwyer :hc|| ncI engcge in un|cwfu|, ci:hcne:I, immcrc| cr ceceiIfu| ccncucI.
Ihu: we hcve in c numLer cf cc:e:
ci:cip|inec memLer: cf Ihe 8cr whcm we fcunc gui|Iy cf mi:ccncucI
which cemcn:IrcIec c |cck cf IhcI gccc mcrc| chcrccIer reuirec cf Ihem ncI cn|y c: c ccnciIicn prececenI
fcr Iheir ccmi::icn Ic Ihe 8cr LuI, |ikewi:e, fcr Iheir ccnIinuec memLer:hip Iherein. Nc ci:IincIicn hc: Leen
mcce c: Ic wheIher Ihe mi:ccncucI wc: ccmmiIIec in Ihe |cwyer: prcfe::icnc| ccpcciIy cr in hi: privcIe
|ife. Ihi: i: Leccu:e c |cwyer mcy ncI civice hi: per:cnc|iIy :c c: Ic Le cn cIIcrney cI cne Iime cnc c mere
ciIizen cI cncIher.
He i: expecIec Ic Le ccmpeIenI, hcncrcL|e cnc re|icL|e cI c|| Iime: :ince he whc
ccnncI cpp|y cnc cLice Ly Ihe |cw: in hi: privcIe cffcir:, ccn hcrc|y Le expecIec Ic cc :c in hi: prcfe::icnc|
cec|ing: ncr |ecc cIher: in ccing :c. Frcfe::icnc| hcne:Iy cnc hcncr cre ncI Ic Le expecIec c: Ihe
ccccmpcnimenI cf ci:hcne:Iy cnc ci:hcncr in cIher re|cIicn:.
Ihe ccmini:IrcIicn cf ju:Iice, in which Ihe
|cwyer p|cy: cn impcrIcnI rc|e Leing cn cfficer cf Ihe ccurI, cemcnc: c high cegree cf inIe||ecIuc| cnc mcrc|
ccmpeIency cn hi: pcrI :c IhcI Ihe ccurI: cnc c|ienI: mcy righI|y repc:e ccnficence in him.

ln Ihe in:IcnI cc:e, :ufficienI evicence wc: pre:enIec Ic :hcw IhcI re:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc, whi|e Leing
|cwfu||y mcrriec Ic ccmp|cincnI, ccrriec cn cn i||iciI re|cIicn:hip wiIh cncIher wcmcn, cc-re:pcncenI /IIy.
Vi||crin. /|Ihcugh Ihe evicence pre:enIec wc: ncI :ufficienI Ic prcve IhcI he ccnIrccIec c :uL:euenI
Ligcmcu: mcrricge wiIh her, Ihe fccI remcin: IhcI re:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc exhiLiIec Ly hi: ccncucI c
cep|crcL|e |cck cf IhcI cegree cf mcrc|iIy reuirec cf him c: c memLer cf Ihe 8cr. We hcve c|reccy he|c IhcI
ci:LcrmenI prcceecing: i: wcrrcnIec cgcin:I c |cwyer whc cLcnccn: hi: |cwfu| wife cnc mcinIcin: cn i||iciI
re|cIicn:hip wiIh cncIher wcmcn
whc hcc Lcrne him c chi|c.
We ccn cc nc |e:: in Ihe in:IcnI cc:e where
re:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc mcce him:e|f uncvci|cL|e Ic Ihi: CcurI cnc even f|ec Ic cncIher ccunIry Ic e:ccpe
Ihe ccn:euence: cf hi: mi:ccncucI.
Ihe :cme penc|Iy hcwever ccnncI Le impc:ec cn re:pcncenI /IIy. Vi||crin. l i: ncIec IhcI cur Fe:c|uIicn
ccIec Ju|y 4, 14 reuiring ccmmenI cn Ihe ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI wc: never ceemec :ervec" upcn her,
in Ihe :cme wcy IhcI iI wc: upcn /IIy. /|ejcncrc. ln fccI, iI cce: ncI cppecr IhcI ccpie: cf Ihe ccmini:IrcIive
ccmp|cinI, iI: cnnexe:, cnc cf cur re:c|uIicn reuiring ccmmenI were even :enI Ic her. /|Ihcugh :enI cI Ihe
cccre:: :he c||egec|y :hcrec wiIh cc-re:pcncenI /IIy. /|ejcncrc, Ihe enve|cpe Lecring Ihe ccpie: wc:
cccre::ec Ic Ihe |cIIer cn|y.
IhcI wc: why when LcIh :ervice Ly regi:Ierec mci| cnc per:cnc| :ervice fci|ec,
Ihe ccpie: were ceemec :ervec :c|e|y upcn /IIy. /|ejcncrc.

Ihe l8F fcr iI: pcrI cIIempIec Ic :erve ccpy cf Ihe ccmp|cinI upcn /IIy. Vi||crin wiIh cirecIive fcr her Ic fi|e
cn:wer. lI i: ncIec hcwever IhcI Ihe :cme wc: :enI Ic re:pcncenI: c|c cccre:: cI 27-C Mc:LcIe SI., Cuezcn
CiIy, ncI 12403 Dun|cp Drive, Hcu:Icn, Iexc:," which wc: re:pcncenI: new cccre:: cn reccrc :upp|iec Ly Ihe
ccmp|cincnI. Ihe reIurn cf :ervice Iherefcre :hcwec Ihe pc:Ic| ncIcIicn ncvec. Ccn:icering Ihe :ericu:
ccn:euence: cf ci:LcrmenI prcceecing:, fu|| cppcrIuniIy upcn rec:cncL|e ncIice mu:I hcve Leen given
re:pcncenI Ic cn:wer Ihe chcrge cnc pre:enI evicence in her Lehc|f. lI i: cn|y in c|ecr cc:e: cf wciver IhcI cn
ccmini:IrcIive cc:e Le re:c|vec :cn: re:pcncenI: cn:wer.
WHEkEFOkE, fcr Grc:: lmmcrc|iIy, re:pcncenI /IIy. Wcrfrecc Icmc: /|ejcncrc i: DlS8/FFED frcm Ihe
prccIice cf |cw, Ic Icke effecI immecicIe|y upcn hi: receipI cf Ihi: Deci:icn. LeI ccpy cf Ihi: Deci:icn Le
cIIcchec Ic /IIy. /|ejcncrc: per:cnc| reccrc in Ihe Cffice cf Ihe 8cr CcnficcnI cnc c ccpy Iherecf Le
furni:hec Ihe lnIegrcIec 8cr cf Ihe Fhi|ippine:.
Ihe ccmp|cinI cgcin:I re:pcncenI /IIy. Mcricri: /. Vi||crin i: FEFEFFED 8/CK Ic Ihe lnIegrcIec 8cr cf Ihe
Fhi|ippine: fcr furIher cpprcpricIe prcceecing:.
Mcy c reIirec jucge chcrgec wiIh ncIcrizing cccumenI: wiIhcuI Ihe reui:iIe ncIcry ccmmi::icn nc|e tncn
twenty yec|: cgc Le ci:cip|inec Iherefcr Ihi: i: Ihe ncve| i::ue pre:enIec fcr re:c|uIicn Lefcre Ihi: CcurI.
Ihe in:IcnI cc:e crc:e when in c verifiec LeIIer-Ccmp|cinI ccIec Mcrch 21, 2001 Heinz F. Heck prcyec fcr
Ihe ci:LcrmenI cf Jucge /nIhcny E. ScnIc:, Fegicnc| Iric| CcurI, 8rcnch 1, Ccgcycn ce Crc CiIy.
Ihe ccmp|cincnI c||egec IhcI pricr Ic Ihe re:pcncenI: cppcinImenI c: FIC jucge cn /pri| 11, 18, he
vic|cIec Ihe ncIcric| |cw, Ihu::
Jucge ScnIc:, Lc:ec cn /NNEX /," wc: ncI cu|y ccmmi::icnec c: ncIcry puL|ic unIi|
Jcnucry , 184 LuI :Ii|| :uL:criLec cnc fcrwcrcec {cn c ncn-regu|cr Lc:i:) ncIcrizec cccumenI: Ic
Ihe C|erk cf CcurI Vl :IcrIing Jcnucry 180 unccmmi::icnec unIi| Ihe Ih cf Jcnucry 184.
c) Jucge ScnIc: wc: ccmmi::icnec furIher Jcnucry 1Ih 18 Ic DecemLer 31
187 cnc Jcnucry

188 Ic DecemLer 31
18 LuI Ihe reccrc: fci| Ic :hcw cny enIry cI Ihe C|erk cf CcurI cfIer
DecemLer 31
185 unIi| DecemLer 31
L) Jucge ScnIc: fci|ec Ic fcrwcrc hi: NcIcric| Fegi:Ier cfIer Ihe expircIicn cf hi: ccmmi::icn in
DecemLer 18.

WHEFEFCFE in |ighI cf Ihe fcregcing ccmp|cincnI prcy|:] Ic crcer re:pcncenI:
1. Ic ci:Lcr Jucge /nIhcny E. ScnIc: cnc Ic prchiLiI him frcm c|| fuIure puL|ic :ervice.
2. Ic fcrfeiI |Ihe] reIiremenI LenefiI: cf Jucge ScnIc:.
3. Ic prchiLiI Jucge ScnIc: frcm fuIure prccIice cf Lcw.
4. Ic fi|e c criminc| :uiI cgcin:I Jucge ScnIc:.
5. Ic ccncucI c :peecy inve:IigcIicn cnc ncI Ic grcnI/cccepI cny ce|cying IccIic: frcm Jucge ScnIc:
cr cny cgency cnc cr puL|ic :ervcnI: invc|vec in Ihi: ccmini:IrcIive cc:e.
. Ic pcy c|| cc:I: cnc re|cIec cc:I: invc|vec in Ihi: ccmini:IrcIive cc:e.
cnc prcy: fcr cIher re|ief in ccccrccnce wiIh euiIy cnc fcirne:: Lc:ec cn Ihe premi:e:.

Ihe ccmp|cincnI :uLmiIIec c cerIificcIicn frcm C|erk cf CcurI, /IIy. 8ever|y ScLic-8ejc, Fegicnc| Iric|
CcurI, Mi:cmi: CrienIc|, which ccnIcinec Ihe fc||cwing:
IHlS CEFIlFlES IhcI upcn verificcIicn frcm Ihe reccrc: fcunc cnc cvci|cL|e in Ihi: cffice, Ihe fc||cwing ccIc
1. Ihe ncme /IIy. /nIhcny E. ScnIc: i: |i:Iec c: c cu|y ccmmi::icnec ncIcry puL|ic in Ihe fc||cwing
c. Jcnucry , 184 Ic DecemLer 31, 185
L. Jcnucry 1, 18 Ic DecemLer 31, 187
c. Jcnucry , 188 Ic DecemLer 31, 18
2. 8c:ec cn Ihe reccrc: cf Ircn:miIIc|: cf ncIcric| repcrI:, /IIy. /nIhcny E. ScnIc: :uLmiIIec hi: ncIcric|
repcrI: in Ihe ff. yecr::
c. Jcnucry 180 repcrI - wc: :uLmiIIec cn FeL. , 180
L. FeLrucry Ic /pri| 180 repcrI - wc: :uLmiIIec cn June , 180
c. Mcy Ic June 180 repcrI - wc: :uLmiIIec cn Ju|y 2, 180
c. Ju|y Ic CcIcLer 180 repcrI - :uLmiIIec LuI nc ccIe cf :uLmi::icn
e. NcvemLer Ic DecemLer 180-nc enIry
f. Jcnucry Ic FeLrucry 181 - nc enIry
g. Mcrch Ic DecemLer 181 - :uLmiIIec LuI nc ccIe cf :uLmi::icn
h. Jcnucry Ic DecemLer 182 - :uLmiIIec LuI nc ccIe cf :uLmi::icn
i. Jcnucry Ic June 183 - :uLmiIIec cn Jcnucry 5, 184
j. Ju|y Ic DecemLer 183 - nc enIry
k. Jcnucry Ic DecemLer 184 - :uLmiIIec cn Jcnucry 20, 18
|. Jcnucry Ic DecemLer 185 - :uLmiIIec cn Jcnucry 20, 18
4. Feccrc: fci| Ic :hcw cny enIry cf Ircn:miIIc| cf ncIcric| cccumenI: uncer Ihe ncme /IIy. /nIhcny
ScnIc: cfIer DecemLer 185.
5. lI i: furIher cerIifiec IhcI Ihe |c:I ncIcric| ccmmi::icn i::uec Ic /IIy. /nIhcny ScnIc: wc: cn Jcnucry
, 188 unIi| DecemLer 31, 18.

ln hi: /n:wer ccIec June 13, 2001, Ihe re:pcncenI jucge ccIegcricc||y ceniec Ihe chcrge: cgcin:I him. He
c|:c :uLmiIIec c cerIificcIicn
frcm C|erk cf CcurI, /IIy. ScLic-8ejc, Ic prcve IhcI Ihere wc: nc prcper
reccrcing cf Ihe ccmmi::icnec |cwyer: in Ihe CiIy cf Ccgcycn ce Crc c: we|| c: Ihe :uLmiIIec ncIcrizec
cccumenI:/ncIcric| regi:Ier. Ihe re:pcncenI furIher cverrec c: fc||cw::
IhcI Ihe ccmp|cincnI hc: never Leen privy Ic Ihe cccumenI: ncIcrizec cnc :uLmiIIec Ly Ihe re:pcncenI
Lefcre Ihe Cffice cf Ihe C|erk cf CcurI cf Ihe Fegicnc| Iric| CcurI cf Mi:cmi: CrienIc|, ncr hi: righI: prejucicec
cn ccccunI cf Ihe :cic ncIcrizec cccumenI: cnc Iherefcre ncI Ihe prcper pcrIy Ic rci:e Ihe :cic i::ue::
IhcI Ihe ccmp|cincnI wc: cne cf Ihe cefenccnI: in Civi| Cc:e Nc. 4-334 enIiI|ec Vinc: Kurcn:Ic|Ien Ge:mLh
eI c|. ver:u: LugciI /uc Mcrine lncu:Irie:, lnc., cnc Heinz Heck, fcr Specific Ferfcrmcnce & Sum cf Mcney, fi|ec
Lefcre Ihe Fegicnc| Iric| CcurI, 8rcnch 1, Ccgcycn ce Crc CiIy, wherein re:pcncenI i: Ihe Fre:icing Jucge.
Ihe uncer:ignec re:c|vec Ihe cc:e in fcvcr cf Ihe p|cinIiff:.

Fur:ucnI Ic Ihe repcrI cf Ihe Cffice cf Ihe CcurI /cmini:IrcIcr reccmmencing Ihe neec Ic re:crI Ic c fu||-
L|cwn inve:IigcIicn Ic ceIermine Ihe vercciIy cf Ihe pcrIie: c::erIicn:, Ihe CcurI, in c Fe:c|uIicn ccIec
SepIemLer 10, 2001, re:c|vec Ic: {c) IrecI Ihe mcIIer c: c regu|cr ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI: cnc {L) refer Ihe
cc:e Ic /::ccicIe Ju:Iice Ecgcrcc F. Cruz cf Ihe CcurI cf /ppec|: {C/) fcr inve:IigcIicn, repcrI cnc

ln hi: LeIIer: ccIec DecemLer 10, 2001 cnc FeLrucry 1, 2002, Ihe ccmp|cincnI reue:Iec IhcI Ihe hecring
Le he|c cI Ccgcycn ce Crc CiIy. Ju:Iice Cruz iniIic||y ceniec Ihe reue:I LuI upcn Ihe ccmp|cincnI:
in:i:Ience, Ihe mcIIer wc: fcrwcrcec Ic Ihe CcurI, which fcvcrcL|y ccIec Iherecn in c Fe:c|uIicn ccIec Ju|y 8,
Ihe ccmp|cincnI pre:enIec hi: evicence in Ccgcycn ce Crc CiIy Lefcre reIirec CcurI cf /ppec|:
Ju:Iice Fcmu|c S. CuimLc.

ln c Sec|ec FepcrI ccIec /ugu:I 14, 2003, lnve:IigcIing Ju:Iice Ecgcrcc F. Cruz mcce Ihe fc||cwing
lI i: reccmmencec IhcI |i] re:pcncenI {whc reIirec cn Mcy 22, 2002) Le fcunc gui|Iy cf vic|cIicn cf Ihe NcIcric|
Lcw Ly {c) ncIcrizing cccumenI: wiIhcuI ccmmi::icn: {L) Icrcine:: in :uLmi::icn cf ncIcric| repcrI:: cnc {c)
ncn-fcrwcrcing cf hi: ncIcric| regi:Ier Ic Ihe C|erk cf CcurI upcn expircIicn cf hi: ccmmi::icn: cnc |ii] IhcI fcr
Ihe:e infrccIicn:, he Le :u:pencec frcm Ihe prccIice cf |cw cnc Lcrrec frcm Leing ccmmi::icnec c: ncIcry
puL|ic, LcIh fcr cne yecr, cnc hi: pre:enI ccmmi::icn, if cny, Le revckec.

/cccrcing Ic Ihe lnve:IigcIing Ju:Iice, Ihe re:pcncenI cic ncI cccuce evicence in hi: cefen:e, whi|e Ihe
ccmp|cincnI pre:enIec cccumenIcry evicence Ic :uppcrI Ihe chcrge::
lI i: ncIewcrIhy IhcI in hi: cn:wer, re:pcncenI cic ncI c|cim IhcI he wc: ccmmi::icnec c: ncIcry puL|ic fcr Ihe
yecr: 180 Ic 183 ncr ceny Ihe cccurccy cf Ihe fir:I cerIificcIicn. He mere|y c||egec IhcI Ihere wc: nc prcper
reccrcing cf Ihe ccmmi::icnec |cwyer: in Ihe CiIy cf Ccgcycn ce Crc ncr cf Ihe :uLmiIIec NcIcrizec
DccumenI:/NcIcric| Fegi:Ier." /nc, c: c|reccy cL:ervec, he pre:enIec nc evicence, pcrIicu|cr|y cn hi:
cppcinImenI c: ncIcry puL|ic fcr 180 Ic 183 {c::uming he wc: :c ccmmi::icnec) cnc :uLmi::icn cf ncIcric|
repcrI: cnc ncIcric| regi:Ier.
Cn Ihe cIher hcnc, Ihe :eccnc cerIificcIicn :hcw: IhcI Ihere were cn|y Iwc Feccrc 8cck: cvci|cL|e in Ihe
ncIcric| :ecIicn" cf Ihe FIC cf Mi:cmi: CrienIc| {Ccgcycn ce Crc CiIy): cnc IhcI Ihe {f)ir:I Lcck IiI|ec FeIiIicn:
fcr NcIcric| Ccmmi::icn ccnIcin: iIem: cn Ihe Ncme, DcIe Ccmmi::icn wc: i::uec cnc ExpircIicn cf
Ccmmi::icn cf Ihe ncIcry puL|ic. Fir:I enIry cppecring wc: mcce cn DecemLer 182."
lf re:pcncenI wc: ccmmi::icnec in 180 Ic 183, Ihen Ihe fir:I Lcck" wcu|c ci:c|c:e :c {cI |ec:I, fcr Ihe yecr:
182 cnc 183). Hcwever, he cic ncI pre:enI :cic Lcck. NeiIher cic he pre:enI c cerIificcIicn frcm Ihe C|erk cf
CcurI, FIC cf Mi:cmi: CrienIc|, cr cccumenI: frcm hi: fi|e: :hcwing IhcI he wc: ccmmi::icnec in 180 Ic 183.
Simi|cr|y, he cic ncI :uLmiI c cerIificcIe cf cppcinImenI fcr c|| Ihc:e yecr:. &ncer SecIicn 238 cf Ihe NcIcric|
Lcw, :uch cerIificcIe mu:I Le prepcrec cnc fcrwcrcec Ly Ihe C|erk cf CcurI, FIC, Ic Ihe Cffice cf Ihe Sc|iciIcr
Generc|, IcgeIher wiIh Ihe ccIh cf cffice cf Ihe ncIcry puL|ic.

Ihu:, Ihe lnve:IigcIing Ju:Iice ccnc|ucec, Lc:ec cn Ihe evicence pre:enIec Ly Ihe ccmp|cincnI, IhcI Ihe
re:pcncenI ncIcrizec cccumenI: in 180 cnc 183 wiIhcuI Leing ccmmi::icnec c: c ncIcry puL|ic Iherefcr,
ccn:icering IhcI hi: ecr|ie:I ccmmi::icn cf reccrc wc: cn Jcnucry , 184.

Ihe Frccecurc| l::ue:
8efcre Ihe CcurI pc::e: upcn Ihe meriI: cf Ihe in:IcnI ccmp|cinI, c Lrief Lcckgrcuncer.
n fhe App||cob|||fy of
keso|uf|on AM No 02-
Cn SepIemLer 17, 2002, we i::uec Fe:c|uIicn /.M. Nc. 02--02-SC,
Ic wiI:
Scme ccmini:IrcIive cc:e: cgcin:I Ju:Iice: cf Ihe CcurI cf /ppec|: cnc Ihe ScncigcnLcycn: jucge: cf regu|cr
cnc :pecic| ccurI:: cnc Ihe ccurI cfficic|: whc cre |cwyer: cre Lc:ec cn grcunc: which cre |ikewi:e grcunc: fcr
Ihe ci:cip|incry ccIicn cf memLer: cf Ihe 8cr fcr vic|cIicn cf Ihe Lcwyer: CcIh, Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc|
Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy, cnc Ihe Ccncn: cf Frcfe::icnc| EIhic:, cr fcr :uch cIher fcrm: cf Lrecche: cf ccncucI IhcI hcve
Leen IrcciIicnc||y reccgnizec c: grcunc: fcr Ihe ci:cip|ine cf |cwyer:.
ln cny cf Ihe fcregcing in:Icnce:, Ihe ccmini:IrcIive cc:e :hc|| c|:c Le ccn:icerec c ci:cip|incry ccIicn cgcin:I
Ihe re:pcncenI ju:Iice, jucge cr ccurI cfficic| ccncernec c: c memLer cf Ihe 8cr. Ihe re:pcncenI mcy
fcrIhwiIh Le reuirec Ic ccmmenI cn Ihe ccmp|cinI cnc :hcw ccu:e why he :hcu|c ncI c|:c Le :u:pencec,
ci:Lcrrec cr cIherwi:e ci:cip|incry :cncIicnec c: c memLer cf Ihe 8cr. JucgmenI in LcIh re:pecI: mcy Le
inccrpcrcIec in cne ceci:icn cr re:c|uIicn.
8efcre Ihe CcurI cpprcvec Ihi: re:c|uIicn, ccmini:IrcIive cnc ci:LcrmenI cc:e: cgcin:I memLer: cf Ihe
Lcr whc were |ikewi:e memLer: cf Ihe ccurI were IrecIec :epcrcIe|y. Ihu:, pur:ucnI Ic Ihe new ru|e,
ccmini:IrcIive cc:e: cgcin:I erring ju:Iice: cf Ihe C/ cnc Ihe ScncigcnLcycn, jucge:, cnc |cwyer: in Ihe
gcvernmenI :ervice mcy Le cuIcmcIicc||y IrecIec c: ci:LcrmenI cc:e:. Ihe Fe:c|uIicn, which Icck effecI cn
CcIcLer 1, 2002, c|:c prcvice: IhcI iI :hc|| :upp|emenI Fu|e 140 cf Ihe Fu|e: cf CcurI, cnc :hc|| cpp|y Ic
ccmini:IrcIive cc:e: c|reccy fi|ec where Ihe re:pcncenI:ncve nct yet ceen |equ||ec tc ccnnent cn Ihe
C|ecr|y, Ihe in:IcnI cc:e i: ncI ccverec Ly Ihe fcregcing re:c|uIicn, :ince Ihe re:pcncenI fi|ec hi:
/n:wer/CcmmenI cn June 13, 2001.
%he Frocedure %o 8e Fo||owed
ln D|sbormenf Coses lnvo|v|ng
A kef|red udge For Acfs
Comm|ffed Wh||e He Wos 5f|||
A Frocf|c|ng Lowyer
Ihe unci:puIec fccI: cre c: fc||cw:: {1) Ihe re:pcncenI i: c reIirec jucge: {2) Ihe ccmp|cincnI prcy: fcr hi:
ci:LcrmenI: cnc {3) Ihe ccI: ccn:IiIuIing Ihe grcunc fcr ci:LcrmenI were ccmmiIIec when Ihe re:pcncenI wc:
:Ii|| c prccIicing |cwye|, Lefcre hi: cppcinImenI Ic Ihe jucicicry. Ihu:, Ihe re:pcncenI i: Leing chcrgec ncI fcr
ccI: ccmmiIIec c: c jucge: he i: chcrgec, c: c memLer cf Ihe Lcr, wiIh ncIcrizing cccumenI: wiIhcuI Ihe
reui:iIe ncIcric| ccmmi::icn Iherefcr.
SecIicn 1, Fu|e 13-8 cf Ihe Fu|e: cf CcurI cn Di:LcrmenI cnc Di:cip|ine cf /IIcrney: prcvice::
SecIicn 1. Frcceecing: fcr Ihe ci:LcrmenI, :u:pen:icn, cr ci:cip|ine cf cIIcrney: mcy Le Icken Ly Ihe Supreme
CcurI mcIu prcpric, cr Ly Ihe lnIegrcIec 8cr cf Ihe Fhi|ippine: {l8F) upcn verifiec ccmp|cinI cf cny per:cn. Ihe
ccmp|cinI :hc|| :IcIe c|ecr|y, cnc ccnci:e|y Ihe fccI: ccmp|cinec cf cnc :hc|| Le :uppcrIec Ly cfficcviI: cf
per:cn: hcving per:cnc| kncw|ecge cf Ihe fccI: Iherein c||egec cnc/cr Ly :uch cccumenI: c: mcy
:uL:IcnIicIe :cic fccI:.
Ihe l8F 8ccrc cf Gcverncr: mcy, mcIu prcpric cr upcn referrc| Ly Ihe Supreme CcurI cr Ly c ChcpIer 8ccrc cf
Cfficer:, cr cI Ihe in:Icnce cf cny per:cn, iniIicIe cnc prc:ecuIe prcper chcrge: cgcin:I erring cIIcrney:
inc|ucing Ihc:e in Ihe gcvernmenI :ervice: Frcvicec, hcwever, IhcI c|| chcrge: cgcin:I Ju:Iice: cf Ihe CcurI cf
Icx /ppec|: cnc |cwer ccurI:, even if |cwyer: cre jcinI|y chcrgec wiIh Ihem, :hc|| Le fi|ec wiIh Ihe Supreme
CcurI: Frcvicec, furIher, IhcI chcrge: fi|ec cgcin:I Ju:Iice: cnc Jucge: Lefcre Ihe l8F, inc|ucing Ihc:e fi|ec pricr
Ic Iheir cppcinImenI Ic Ihe Jucicicry, :hc|| Le immecicIe|y fcrwcrcec Ic Ihe Supreme CcurI fcr ci:pc:iIicn cnc

Ihe inve:IigcIicn mcy IherecfIer ccmmence eiIher Lefcre Ihe lnIegrcIec 8cr cf Ihe Fhi|ippine: {l8F), in
ccccrccnce wiIh SecIicn: 2 Ic SecIicn: 12 cf Fu|e 13-8, cr Lefcre Ihe Supreme CcurI in ccccrccnce wiIh
SecIicn: 13 cnc 14, Ihu::
SecIicn 13. $up|ene Ccu|t |nve:t|gctc|:. - ln prcceecing: iniIicIec nctu p|cp||c Ly Ihe Supreme CcurI cr in
cIher prcceecing: when Ihe inIere:I cf ju:Iice :c reuire:, Ihe Supreme CcurI mcy refer Ihe cc:e fcr
inve:IigcIicn Ic Ihe Sc|iciIcr Generc| cr Ic cny cfficer cf Ihe Supreme CcurI cr jucge cf c |cwer ccurI, in which
cc:e Ihe inve:IigcIicn :hc|| prcceec in Ihe :cme mcnner prcvicec in SecIicn: Ic 11 herecf, :cve IhcI Ihe
review cf Ihe repcrI :hc|| Le ccncucIec cirecI|y Ly Ihe Supreme CcurI.
SecIicn 14. Fepc|t c| tne $c||c|tc| Gene|c| c| ctne| Ccu|t ce:|gnctec |nve:t|gctc|. 8c:ec upcn Ihe evicence
cccucec cI Ihe inve:IigcIicn, Ihe Sc|iciIcr Generc| cr cIher lnve:IigcIcr ce:igncIec Ly Ihe Supreme CcurI :hc||
:uLmiI Ic Ihe Supreme CcurI c repcrI ccnIcining hi: fincing: cf fccI cnc reccmmenccIicn: IcgeIher wiIh Ihe
reccrc cnc c|| Ihe evicence pre:enIec in Ihe inve:IigcIicn fcr Ihe finc| ccIicn cf Ihe Supreme CcurI.
lI i: c|ecr frcm Ihe Fu|e: Ihen IhcI c ccmp|cinI fcr ci:LcrmenI i: ccgnizcL|e Ly Ihe CcurI iI:e|f, cnc iI:
inccr:emenI Ic Ihe l8F i: ncI mcnccIcry. Ihe CcurI mcy refer Ihe ccmp|cinI fcr inve:IigcIicn, repcrI cnc
reccmmenccIicn Ic Ihe Sc|iciIcr Generc|, cny cfficer cf Ihe ccurI cr c jucge cf c |cwer ccurI, cn which Ihe
CcurI wi|| IherecfIer Lc:e iI: finc| ccIicn.

/|Ihcugh Ihe re:pcncenI hc: c|reccy reIirec frcm Ihe jucicicry, he i: :Ii|| ccn:icerec c: c memLer cf Ihe
Lcr cnc c: :uch, i: ncI immune Ic Ihe ci:cip|ining crm cf Ihe Supreme CcurI, pur:ucnI Ic /rIic|e Vlll, SecIicn

cf Ihe 187 Ccn:IiIuIicn. FurIhermcre, cI Ihe Iime cf Ihe fi|ing cf Ihe ccmp|cinI, Ihe re:pcncenI wc: :Ii|| Ihe
pre:icing jucge cf Ihe Fegicnc| Iric| CcurI, 8rcnch 1, Ccgcycn ce Crc CiIy. /: :uch, Ihe ccmp|cinI wc:
ccgnizcL|e Ly Ihe CcurI iI:e|f, c: Ihe Fu|e mcnccIe: IhcI in cc:e Ihe re:pcncenI i: c ju:Iice cf Ihe CcurI cf Icx
/ppec|: cr Ihe |cwer ccurI, Ihe ccmp|cinI :hc|| Le fi|ec wiIh Ihe Supreme CcurI.

Ihe SuL:IcnIive l::ue:
%he kef|remenf r kes|gnof|on
f A udge W||| Nof Frec|ude
%he F|||ng %hereoffer f An
Adm|n|sfrof|ve Chorge Ago|nsf
H|m For Wh|ch He 5ho|| 5f|||
8e He|d Answerob|e lf Found
L|ob|e %herefor
Ihe fccI IhcI c jucge hc: reIirec cr hc: cIherwi:e Leen :epcrcIec frcm Ihe :ervice cce: ncI nece::cri|y
cive:I Ihe CcurI cf iI: juri:cicIicn Ic ceIermine Ihe vercciIy cf Ihe c||egcIicn: cf Ihe ccmp|cinI, pur:ucnI Ic iI:
ci:cip|incry cuIhcriIy cver memLer: cf Ihe Lench. /: we he|c in Gc||c: v. Cc|ce|c:

Ihe juri:cicIicn IhcI wc: cur: cI Ihe Iime cf Ihe fi|ing cf Ihe ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI wc: ncI |c:I Ly Ihe mere
fccI IhcI Ihe re:pcncenI, hcc cec:ec in cffice curing Ihe pencency cf hi: cc:e. Ihe CcurI reIcin: juri:cicIicn
eiIher Ic prcncunce Ihe re:pcncenI puL|ic cfficic| innccenI cf Ihe chcrge: cr cec|cre him gui|Iy Iherecf. /
ccnIrcry ru|e wcu|c Le frcughI wiIh inju:Iice cnc pregncnI wiIh creccfu| cnc ccngercu: imp|iccIicn:... lf
innccenI, re:pcncenI puL|ic cfficic| meriI: vinciccIicn cf hi: ncme cnc inIegriIy c: he |ecve: Ihe gcvernmenI
which he hc: :ervec we|| cnc fciIhfu||y: if gui|Iy, he ce:erve: Ic receive Ihe ccrre:pcncing cen:ure cnc c
penc|Iy prcper cnc impc:cL|e uncer Ihe :iIucIicn.

Hcwever, reccgnizing Ihe prc|ifercIicn cf unfcuncec cr mc|icicu: ccmini:IrcIive cr criminc| cc:e: cgcin:I
memLer: cf Ihe jucicicry fcr purpc:e: cf hcrc::menI," we i::uec /.M. Nc. 03-10-01-SC
which Icck effecI cn
NcvemLer 3, 2003. lI recc: in pcrI:
1. lf upcn cn infcrmc| pre|imincry inuiry Ly Ihe Cffice cf Ihe CcurI /cmini:IrcIcr, cn ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI
cgcin:I cny Ju:Iice cf Ihe CcurI cf /ppec|: cr ScncigcnLcycn cr cny Jucge cf Ihe |cwer ccurI: fi|ec in
ccnnecIicn wiIh c cc:e in ccurI i: :hcwn Ic Le c|ecr|y unfcuncec cnc Lc:e|e:: cnc inIencec Ic hcrc:: Ihe
re:pcncenI, :uch c fincing :hcu|c Le inc|ucec in Ihe repcrI cnc reccmmenccIicn cf Ihe Cffice cf Ihe CcurI
/cmini:IrcIcr. lf Ihe reccmmenccIicn i: cpprcvec cr cffirmec Ly Ihe CcurI, Ihe ccmp|cincnI mcy Le reuirec
Ic :hcw ccu:e why he :hcu|c ncI Le he|c in ccnIempI cf ccurI. lf Ihe ccmp|cincnI i: c |cwyer, he mcy furIher
Le reuirec Ic :hcw ccu:e why he cr :he :hcu|c ncI Le ccmini:IrcIive|y :cncIicnec c: c memLer cf Ihe 8cr
cnc c: cn cfficer cf Ihe ccurI.
2. lf Ihe ccmp|cinI i: {c) fi|ec wiIhin :ix mcnIh: Lefcre Ihe ccmpu|:cry reIiremenI cf c Ju:Iice cr Jucge: {L) fcr cn
c||egec ccu:e cf ccIicn IhcI cccurrec cI |ec:I c yecr Lefcre :uch fi|ing cnc {c) :hcwn primc fccie IhcI iI i:
inIencec Ic hcrc:: Ihe re:pcncenI, iI mu:I fcrIhwiIh Le reccmmencec fcr ci:mi::c|. lf :uch i: ncI Ihe cc:e, Ihe
Cffice cf Ihe CcurI /cmini:IrcIcr mu:I reuire Ihe re:pcncenI Ic fi|e c ccmmenI wiIhin Ien {10) ccy: frcm
receipI cf Ihe ccmp|cinI, cnc :uLmiI Ic Ihe CcurI c repcrI cnc reccmmenccIicn ncI |cIer Ihcn 30 ccy: frcm
receipI cf Ihe ccmmenI. Ihe CcurI :hc|| ccI cn Ihe reccmmenccIicn Lefcre Ihe ccIe cf ccmpu|:cry reIiremenI
cf Ihe re:pcncenI, cr if iI i: ncI pc::iL|e Ic cc :c, wiIhin :ix {) mcnIh: frcm :uch ccIe wiIhcuI prejucice Ic Ihe
re|ec:e cf Ihe reIiremenI LenefiI: |e:: :uch cmcunI c: Ihe CcurI mcy crcer Ic Le wiIhhe|c, Icking inIc ccccunI
Ihe grcviIy cf Ihe ccu:e cf ccIicn c||egec in Ihe ccmp|cinI.
Ihu:, in crcer fcr cn ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI cgcin:I c reIiring cr reIirec jucge cr ju:Iice Ic Le ci:mi::ec
cuIrighI, Ihe fc||cwing reui:iIe: mu:I ccncur: {1) Ihe ccmp|cinI mu:I hcve Leen fi|ec wiIhin :ix mcnIh: frcm Ihe
ccmpu|:cry reIiremenI cf Ihe jucge cr ju:Iice: {2) Ihe ccu:e cf ccIicn mu:I hcve cccurrec cI |ec:I c yec|
ce|c|e :ucn ||||ng: cnc, {3) iI i: :hcwn IhcI Ihe ccmp|cinI wc:|ntencec tc nc|c:: Ihe re:pcncenI.
ln Ihi: cc:e, Ihe /cmini:IrcIive Ccmp|cinI ccIec Mcrch 21, 2001 wc: receivec Ly Ihe Cffice cf Ihe CcurI
/cmini:IrcIcr cn Mcrch 2, 2001.
Ihe re:pcncenI reIirec ccmpu|:cri|y frcm Ihe :ervice mcre Ihcn c yecr |cIer,
cr cn Mcy 22, 2002. Likewi:e, Ihe grcunc fcr ci:LcrmenI cr ci:cip|incry ccIicn c||egec Ic hcve Leen ccmmiIIec
Ly Ihe re:pcncenI cic ncI cccur c yecr Lefcre Ihe re:pcncenI: :epcrcIicn frcm Ihe :ervice. FurIhermcre, cnc
mc:I impcrIcnI|y, Ihe in:IcnI ccmp|cinI wc: ncI p||nc |cc|e :hcwn Ic Le wiIhcuI meriI cnc inIencec mere|y Ic
hcrc:: Ihe re:pcncenI. C|ecr|y, Iherefcre, Ihe in:IcnI cc:e cce: ncI fc|| wiIhin Ihe cmLiI cf Ihe fcregcing
A udge Moy 8e D|sc|p||ned
For Acfs Comm|ffed 8efore H|s
Appo|nfmenf %o %he ud|c|ory
lI i: :eII|ec IhcI c jucge mcy Le ci:cip|inec fcr ccI: ccmmiIIec pricr Ic hi: cppcinImenI Ic Ihe
ln fccI, even Ihe new Fu|e iI:e|f reccgnize: Ihi:, c: iI prcvice: fcr Ihe immecicIe fcrwcrcing Ic Ihe
Supreme CcurI fcr ci:pc:iIicn cnc ccjuciccIicn cf chcrge: cgcin:I u:t|ce: cnc ucge: ce|c|e tne |8F. |nc|uc|ng
tnc:e |||ec p||c| tc tne|| cppc|ntnent tc tne uc|c|c|y.
lI neec ncI Le :hcwn IhcI Ihe re:pcncenI ccnIinuec
Ihe ccing cf Ihe ccI cr ccI: ccmp|cinec cf: iI i: :ufficienI IhcI Ihe evicence cn reccrc :uppcrI: Ihe chcrge cn
Ihe re:pcncenI, ccn:icering Ihe grcviIy cf Ihe cffen:e.
lnceec, Ihere i: juri:prucence Ic Ihe effecI IhcI Ihe ccI ccmp|cinec cf mu:I Le ccnIinuing in crcer fcr Ihe
re:pcncenI jucge Ic Le ci:cip|inec Iherefcr. ln $ev|||c v. $c|uc|e.
Ihe re:pcncenI jucge wc: chcrgec wiIh
vic|cIing Ccncn 1 cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy, fcr ccI: ccmmiIIec whi|e he wc: :Ii|| c prccIicing
|cwyer. Ihe re:pcncenI Iherein refu:ec Ic Iurn cver Ihe func: cf hi: c|ienI ce:piIe cemcnc:, cnc per:i:Iec in hi:
refu:c| even cfIer he wc: cppcinIec c: c jucge. Hcwever, Ihe CcurI c|:c :IcIec in Ihi: cc:e IhcI Ihe
re:pcncenI: :uL:euenI cppcinImenI c: c jucge wi|| ncI excu|pcIe him frcm Icking re:pcn:iLi|iIy fcr Ihe
ccn:euence: cf hi: ccI: c: cn cfficer cf Ihe ccurI.

ln Ihe cc:e cf A||cn:c v. ucn:cn.
we he|c IhcI prccf cf pricr immcrc| ccncucI ccnncI Le u:ec c: Lc:i:
fcr ccmini:IrcIive ci:cip|ine cgcin:I c jucge if he i: ncI chcrgec wiIh immcrc|iIy pricr Ic hi: cppcinImenI. We
rcIiccincIec, Ihu::
...|l]I wcu|c Le unrec:cncL|e cnc unfcir Ic pre:ume IhcI :ince he hcc wcncerec frcm Ihe pcIh cf mcrc|
righIecu:ne::, he ccu|c never reIrcce hi: :Iep: cnc wc|k prcuc cnc Ic|| cgcin in IhcI pcIh. Nc mcn i: Leycnc
infcrmcIicn cnc recempIicn. / |cwyer whc c:pire: fcr Ihe exc|Iec pc:iIicn cf c mcgi:IrcIe kncw:, cr cughI Ic
kncw, IhcI he mu:I pcy c high price fcr IhcI hcncr - hi: privcIe cnc cfficic| ccncucI mu:I cI c|| Iime: Le free
frcm Ihe cppecrcnce cf imprcprieIy. ...

Ihe CcurI ru|ec in IhcI cc:e IhcI Ihe ccmp|cincnI fci|ec Ic prcve Ihe chcrge: Ly :uL:IcnIic|
Ihe ccmp|cincnI Iherein pre:enIec evicence perIcining Ic Ihe re:pcncenI: previcu: inci:creIicn
whi|e :Ii|| c prccIicing |cwyer: nc evicence wc:, hcwever, cccucec Ic prcve IhcI Ihe |cIIer ccnIinuec Ic
engcge in i||iciI ccI: cfIer Leing cppcinIec Ic Ihe Lench. Ihu:, Ihe re:pcncenI wc: excnercIec in Ihi:
cc:e ceccu:e tne ccnp|c|ncnt |c||ec tc p|e:ent ev|cence tnct tne |nc|:c|et|cn ccnt|nuec even c|te| tne
|e:pcncent wc: cppc|ntec tc tne uc|c|c|y.
Ihe prccIice cf |cw i: :c u|IimcIe|y cffecIec wiIh puc||c |nte|e:t IhcI iI i: LcIh Ihe righI cnc cuIy cf Ihe SIcIe
Ic ccnIrc| cnc regu|cIe iI in crcer Ic prcmcIe Ihe puL|ic we|fcre. Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn ve:I: Ihi: pcwer cf ccnIrc|
cnc regu|cIicn in Ihi: CcurI.
Ihe Supreme CcurI, c: gucrcicn cf Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn, hc: u|IimcIe ci:cip|incry
pcwer cver cIIcrney:, which cuIhcriIy i: ncI cn|y c righI LuI c Lcuncen cuIy c: we||. Ihi: i: why re:pecI cnc
fice|iIy Ic Ihe CcurI i: cemcncec cf iI: memLer:.

Nofor|z|ng Documenfs W|fhouf
%he kequ|s|fe Comm|ss|on
%herefore Consf|fufes
Mo|procf|ce, lf Nof %he Cr|me
f Fo|s|f|cof|on f Fub||c
lI mu:I Le rememLerec IhcI ncIcrizcIicn i: ncI cn empIy, mecning|e::, rcuIincry ccI. Cn Ihe ccnIrcry, iI i:
inve:Iec wiIh :uL:IcnIive puL|ic inIere:I, :uch IhcI cn|y Ihc:e whc cre uc|ifiec cr cuIhcrizec mcy ccI c:
ncIcrie: puL|ic.
NcIcrizcIicn Ly c ncIcry puL|ic ccnverI: c privcIe cccumenI inIc c puL|ic cne, mcking iI
ccmi::iL|e in evicence wiIhcuI Ihe nece::iIy cf pre|imincry prccf cf iI: cuIhenIiciIy cnc cue execuIicn.

Ihe reuiremenI: fcr Ihe i::ucnce cf c ccmmi::icn c: ncIcry puL|ic mu:I ncI Le IrecIec c: c mere cc:uc|
Ihe CcurI hc: chcrccIerizec c |cwyer: ccI cf ncIcrizing cccumenI: wiIhcuI Ihe reui:iIe
ccmmi::icn Iherefcre c: reprehen:iL|e, ccn:IiIuIing c: iI cce: ncI cn|y mc|prccIice, LuI c|:c Ihe crime cf
fc|:ificcIicn cf puL|ic cccumenI:."
Fcr :uch reprehen:iL|e ccncucI, Ihe CcurI hc: :cncIicnec erring |cwyer:
Ly :u:pen:icn frcm Ihe prccIice cf |cw, revcccIicn cf Ihe ncIcric| ccmmi::icn cnc ci:uc|ificcIicn frcm ccIing
c: :uch, cnc even ci:LcrmenI.

ln Ihe cc:e cf Nungc v. V||cy,
Ihe CcurI hcc Ihe cccc:icn Ic :IcIe -
Where Ihe ncIcrizcIicn cf c cccumenI i: ccne Ly c memLer cf Ihe Fhi|ippine 8cr cI c Iime when he hc: nc
cuIhcrizcIicn cr ccmmi::icn Ic cc :c, Ihe cffencer mcy Le :uLjecIec Ic ci:cip|incry ccIicn. Fcr cne, perfcrming
c ncIcric| |ccI] wiIhcuI :uch ccmmi::icn i: c vic|cIicn cf Ihe |cwyer: ccIh Ic cLey Ihe |cw:, mcre :pecificc||y,
Ihe NcIcric| Lcw. nen. tcc. cy nck|ng |t cppec| tnct ne |: cu|y ccnn|::|cnec wnen ne |: nct. ne |:. |c| c|| |egc|
|ntent: cnc pu|pc:e:. |ncu|g|ng |n ce||ce|cte |c|:enccc. wn|cn tne |cwye|': cctn :|n||c||y p|c:c||ce:. Ihe:e
vic|cIicn: fc|| :ucre|y wiIhin Ihe prchiLiIicn cf Fu|e 1.01 cf Ccncn 1 cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy,
which prcvice:: / |cwyer :hc|| ncI engcge in un|cwfu|, ci:hcne:I, immcrc| cr ceceiIfu| ccncucI."

Ihe impcrIcnce cf Ihe funcIicn cf c ncIcry puL|ic ccnncI, Iherefcre, Le cver-emphc:izec. Nc |e:: Ihcn Ihe
puL|ic fciIh in Ihe inIegriIy cf puL|ic cccumenI: i: cI :Icke in every c:pecI cf IhcI funcIicn.

%he Chorge Ago|nsf %he
kespondenf ls 5upporfed 8y
%he Fv|dence n kecord
Ihe re:pcncenI cic ncI cLjecI Ic Ihe ccmp|cincnI: fcrmc| cffer cf evicence, prcmpIing Ihe lnve:IigcIing
Ju:Iice Ic cecice Ihe cc:e cn Ihe Lc:i: cf Ihe p|eccing: fi|ec.
NeiIher cic he c|cim IhcI he wc:
ccmmi::icnec c: ncIcry puL|ic fcr Ihe yecr: 180 Ic 183, ncr ceny Ihe cccurccy cf Ihe fir:I cerIificcIicn. Ihe
re:pcncenI mere|y c||egec in hi: cn:wer IhcI Ihere wc: nc prcper reccrcing cf Ihe ccmmi::icnec |cwyer: in
Ihe CiIy cf Ccgcycn ce Crc ncr cf Ihe :uLmiIIec NcIcrizec DccumenI:/NcIcric| Fegi:Ier." FurIhermcre, c:
fcunc Ly Ihe lnve:IigcIing Ju:Iice, Ihe re:pcncenI pre:enIec nc evicence cf hi: ccmmi::icn c: ncIcry puL|ic
fcr Ihe yecr: 180 Ic 183, c: we|| c: prccf cf :uLmi::icn cf ncIcric| repcrI: cnc Ihe ncIcric| regi:Ier.

Ihe re:pcncenI in Ihi: cc:e wc: given cn cppcrIuniIy Ic cn:wer Ihe chcrge: cnc Ic ccnIrcverI Ihe
evicence cgcin:I him in c fcrmc| inve:IigcIicn. When Ihe inIegriIy cf c memLer cf Ihe Lcr i: chc||engec, iI i:
ncI encugh IhcI he ceny Ihe chcrge:: he mu:I meeI Ihe i::ue cnc cverccme Ihe evicence cgcin:I him.

Ihe re:pcncenI: c||egcIicn IhcI Ihe ccmp|cincnI wc: ncI c pcrIy in cny cf Ihe cccumenI: :c ncIcrizec,
cnc c: :uch wc: ncI prejucicec IhereLy, i: uncvci|ing. /n cIIcrney mcy Le ci:Lcrrec cr :u:pencec fcr cny
vic|cIicn cf hi: ccIh cr cf hi: cuIie: c: cn cIIcrney cnc ccun:e|cr which inc|uce Ihe :IcIuIcry grcunc: uncer
SecIicn 27, Fu|e 138
cf Ihe Fevi:ec Fu|e: cf CcurI. /ny inIere:Iec per:cn cr Ihe ccurI nctu p|cp||c mcy
iniIicIe ci:cip|incry prcceecing:. Ihere ccn Le nc ccuLI c: Ic Ihe righI cf c ciIizen Ic Lring Ic Ihe cIIenIicn cf
Ihe prcper cuIhcriIy ccI: cnc ccing: cf puL|ic cfficer: which ciIizen: fee| cre inccmpcIiL|e wiIh Ihe cuIie: cf
Ihe cffice cnc frcm which ccncucI Ihe ciIizen cr Ihe puL|ic mighI cr cce: :uffer unce:ircL|e ccn:euence:.

An Adm|n|sfrof|ve Comp|o|nf
Ago|nsf A Member f %he 8or
Does Nof Frescr|be
Ihe uc|ificcIicn cf gccc mcrc| chcrccIer i: c reuiremenI which i: ncI ci:pen:ec wiIh upcn ccmi::icn Ic
memLer:hip cf Ihe Lcr. Ihi: uc|ificcIicn i: ncI cn|y c ccnciIicn prececenI Ic ccmi::icn Ic Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn,
LuI iI: ccnIinuec pc::e::icn i: e::enIic| Ic mcinIcin cne: gccc :Icncing in Ihe prcfe::icn. lI i: c ccnIinuing
reuiremenI Ic Ihe prccIice cf |cw cnc Iherefcre cce: ncI prec|uce c :uL:euenI jucicic| inuiry, upcn prcper
ccmp|cinI, inIc cny ue:Iicn ccncerning cne: menIc| cr mcrc| fiIne:: Lefcre he Leccme c |cwyer. Ihi: i:
Leccu:e hi: ccmi::icn Ic prccIice mere|y crecIe: c reLuIIcL|e pre:umpIicn IhcI he hc: c|| Ihe uc|ificcIicn: Ic
Leccme c |cwyer.
Ihe ru|e i: :eII|ec IhcI c |cwyer mcy Le :u:pencec cr ci:Lcrrec fcr cny mi:ccncucI, even
if iI perIcin: Ic hi: privcIe ccIiviIie:, c: |cng c: iI :hcw: him Ic Le wcnIing in mcrc| chcrccIer, hcne:Iy, prcLiIy cr
gccc cemecncr. Fc::e::icn cf gccc mcrc| chcrccIer i: ncI cn|y c prereui:iIe Ic ccmi::icn Ic Ihe Lcr LuI c|:c
c ccnIinuing reuiremenI Ic Ihe prccIice cf |cw.

FurIhermcre, ccmini:IrcIive cc:e: cgcin:I |cwyer: Le|cng Ic c c|c:: cf Iheir cwn, ci:IincI frcm cnc mcy
prcceec incepencenI|y cf civi| cnc criminc| cc:e:.
/: we he|c in Ihe |eccing cc:e cf |n |e A|nccen:

|D]i:cip|incry prcceecing: cgcin:I |cwyer: cre :u| gene||:. NeiIher pure|y civi| ncr pure|y criminc|, Ihey cc ncI
invc|ve c Iric| cf cn ccIicn cr c :uiI, LuI cre rcIher inve:IigcIicn: Ly Ihe CcurI inIc Ihe ccncucI cf cne cf iI:
cfficer:. NcI Leing inIencec Ic inf|icI puni:hmenI, |Ihey cre] in nc :en:e c criminc| prc:ecuIicn. /cccrcing|y,
Ihere i: neiIher c p|cinIiff ncr c prc:ecuIcr Iherein. |Ihey] mcy Le iniIicIec Ly Ihe CcurI nctu p|cp||c. FuL|ic
inIere:I i: |Iheir] primcry cLjecIive, cnc Ihe rec| ue:Iicn fcr ceIermincIicn i: wheIher cr ncI Ihe cIIcrney i: :Ii|| c
fiI per:cn Ic Le c||cwec Ihe privi|ege: c: :uch. Hence, in Ihe exerci:e cf iI: ci:cip|incry pcwer:, Ihe CcurI mere|y
cc||: upcn c memLer cf Ihe 8cr Ic ccccunI fcr hi: ccIucIicn: c: cn cfficer cf Ihe CcurI wiIh Ihe enc in view cf
pre:erving Ihe puriIy cf Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn cnc Ihe prcper cnc hcne:I ccmini:IrcIicn cf ju:Iice Ly purging Ihe
prcfe::icn cf memLer: whc Ly Iheir mi:ccncucI hcve prcve|n] Ihem:e|ve: nc |cnger wcrIhy Ic Le enIru:Iec
wiIh Ihe cuIie: cnc re:pcn:iLi|iIie: perIcining Ic Ihe cffice cf cn cIIcrney. ....

ln c cc:e invc|ving c mere ccurI emp|cyee
Ihe CcurI ci:regcrcec Ihe CcurI /cmini:IrcIcr:
reccmmenccIicn IhcI Ihe chcrge fcr immcrc|iIy cgcin:I Ihe re:pcncenI Le ci:mi::ec cn Ihe grcunc IhcI Ihe
ccmp|cincnI: fci|ec Ic cccuce evicence IhcI Ihe re:pcncenI: immcrc| ccncucI wc: :Ii|| cngcing. /:ice frcm
Leing fcunc gui|Iy cf i||iciI ccncucI, Ihe re:pcncenI wc: c|:c fcunc gui|Iy cf ci:hcne:Iy fcr fc|:ifying her
chi|cren: cerIificcIe: cf |ive LirIh Ic :hcw IhcI her pcrcmcur wc: Ihe fcIher. Ihe ccmp|cinI in Ihi: cc:e wc:
fi|ec cn /ugu:I 5, 1, c|mc:I IwenIy yecr: cfIer Ihe i||iciI cffcir encec.
Ihe CcurI he|c IhcI ccmini:IrcIive
cffen:e: cc ncI pre:criLe.

Fur:ucnI Ic Ihe fcregcing, Ihere ccn Le nc cIher ccnc|u:icn Ihcn IhcI cn ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI cgcin:I
cn erring |cwyer whc wc: IherecfIer cppcinIec c: c jucge, c|LeiI fi|ec cn|y cfIer IwenIy-fcur yecr: cfIer Ihe
cffencing ccI wc: ccmmiIIec, i: ncI Lcrrec Ly pre:cripIicn. lf Ihe ru|e were cIherwi:e, memLer: cf Ihe Lcr
wcu|c Le emLc|cenec Ic ci:regcrc Ihe very ccIh Ihey Icck c: |cwyer:, pre:cincing frcm Ihe fccI IhcI c: |cng
c: nc privcIe ccmp|cincnI wcu|c immecicIe|y ccme fcrwcrc, Ihey :Icnc c chcnce cf Leing ccmp|eIe|y
excnercIec frcm whcIever ccmini:IrcIive |icLi|iIy Ihey cughI Ic cn:wer fcr. lI i: Ihe cuIy cf Ihi: CcurI Ic prcIecI
Ihe inIegriIy cf Ihe prccIice cf |cw c: we|| c: Ihe ccmini:IrcIicn cf ju:Iice. Nc mcIIer hcw much Iime hc:
e|cp:ec frcm Ihe Iime cf Ihe ccmmi::icn cf Ihe ccI ccmp|cinec cf cnc Ihe Iime cf Ihe in:IiIuIicn cf Ihe
ccmp|cinI, erring memLer: cf Ihe Lench cnc Lcr ccnncI e:ccpe Ihe ci:cip|ining crm cf Ihe CcurI. Ihi:
ccIegcricc| prcncuncemenI i: cimec cI un:crupu|cu: memLer: cf Ihe Lench cnc Lcr, Ic ceIer Ihem frcm
ccmmiIIing ccI: which vic|cIe Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy, Ihe Ccce cf Jucicic| CcncucI, cr Ihe
Lcwyer: CcIh. Ihi: :hcu|c pcrIicu|cr|y cpp|y in Ihi: cc:e, ccn:icering Ihe :ericu:ne:: cf Ihe mcIIer invc|vec - Ihe
re:pcncenI: ci:hcne:Iy cnc Ihe :cncIiIy cf ncIcric| cccumenI:.
Ihu:, even Ihe |cp:e cf ccn:icercL|e Iime, frcm Ihe ccmmi::icn cf Ihe cffencing ccI Ic Ihe in:IiIuIicn cf Ihe
ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI, wi|| ncI erc:e Ihe ccmini:IrcIive cu|pcLi|iIy cf c |cwyer whc ncIcrize: cccumenI:
wiIhcuI Ihe reui:iIe cuIhcriIy Iherefcr.
Af Mosf, %he De|oy ln %he
lnsf|fuf|on f %he
Adm|n|sfrof|ve Cose Wou|d
Mere|y M|f|gofe %he
kespondenf's L|ob|||fy
Iime cnc cgcin, we hcve :Ire::ec Ihe :eII|ec princip|e IhcI Ihe prccIice cf |cw i: ncI c righI LuI c privi|ege
Le:Icwec Ly Ihe SIcIe cn Ihc:e whc :hcw IhcI Ihey pc::e:: Ihe uc|ificcIicn: reuirec Ly |cw fcr Ihe
ccnfermenI cf :uch privi|ege. /ence|:n|p |n tne cc| |: c p||v||ege cu|cenec w|tn ccnc|t|cn:. A n|gn :en:e c|
nc|c||ty. ncne:ty. cnc |c|| cec||ng |: expectec cnc |equ||ec c| c nence| c| tne cc|.
8y hi: ccIucIicn:, Ihe
re:pcncenI fci|ec Ic |ive up Ic :uch :Icnccrc::
he uncerminec Ihe ccnficence cf Ihe puL|ic cn ncIcric|
cccumenI: cnc IhereLy Lrecchec Ccncn l cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy, which reuire: |cwyer: Ic
uphc|c Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn, cLey Ihe |cw: cf Ihe |cnc cnc prcmcIe re:pecI fcr Ihe |cw cnc |egc| prcce::e:. Ihe
re:pcncenI c|:c vic|cIec Fu|e 1.01 Iherecf which prc:criLe: |cwyer: frcm engcging in un|cwfu|, ci:hcne:I,
immcrc| cr ceceiIfu| ccncucI.
ln repre:enIing IhcI he wc: pc::e::ec cf Ihe reui:iIe ncIcric| ccmmi::icn
when he wc:, in fccI, ncI :c cuIhcrizec, Ihe re:pcncenI c|:c vic|cIec Fu|e 10.01 cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc|
Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy cnc hi: ccIh c: c |cwyer IhcI he :hc|| cc nc fc|:ehccc.
Ihe :upreme penc|Iy cf ci:LcrmenI i: meIec cuI cn|y in c|ecr cc:e: cf mi:ccncucI IhcI :ericu:|y cffecI Ihe
:Icncing cnc chcrccIer cf Ihe |cwyer c: cn cfficer cf Ihe ccurI. Whi|e we wi|| ncI he:iIcIe Ic remcve cn erring
cIIcrney frcm Ihe e:Ieemec LrcIherhccc cf |cwyer: where Ihe evicence cc||: fcr iI, we wi|| |ikewi:e ncI ci:Lcr
him where c |e::er penc|Iy wi|| :uffice Ic ccccmp|i:h Ihe ce:irec enc.
FurIhermcre, c Iempering cf ju:Iice i:
mcnccIec in Ihi: cc:e, ccn:icering IhcI Ihe ccmp|cinI cgcin:I Ihe re:pcncenI wc: fi|ec IwenIy-fcur yecr: cfIer
Ihe ccmmi::icn cf Ihe ccI ccmp|cinec cf:
IhcI Ihere wc: nc privcIe cffencec pcrIy whc ccme fcrwcrc cnc
c|cimec Ic hcve Leen ccver:e|y cffecIec Ly Ihe cccumenI: :c ncIcrizec Ly Ihe re:pcncenI: cnc, Ihe fccI
IhcI Ihe re:pcncenI i: c reIirec jucge whc ce:erve: Ic enjcy Ihe fu|| mec:ure cf hi: we||-ecrnec reIiremenI
Ihe CcurI finc: IhcI c fine cf F5,000.00 i: ju:Iifiec in Ihi: cc:e.
WHEkEFOkE, re:pcncenI Jucge /nIhcny E. ScnIc: i: fcunc G&lLIY cf ncIcrizing cccumenI: wiIhcuI Ihe
reui:iIe ncIcric| ccmmi::icn Iherefcr. He i: hereLy CFDEFED Ic pcy c fine in Ihe cmcunI cf Five Ihcu:cnc
Fe:c: {F5,000.00).

represented by the|r MotherJGuord|on, FLOkENCE IEVES MACAkkb8O, comp|o|nonf, vs AIIY. EDMbNDO
L. MACAkkb8O, respondenf
F|crence Ieve: McccrruLc {ccmp|cincnI), Ly her:e|f cnc cn Lehc|f cf her Iwc chi|cren, fi|ec cn June ,
2000 c verifiec ccmp|cinI
fcr ci:LcrmenI cgcin:I /IIy. Ecmuncc L. McccruLLc {re:pcncenI) wiIh Ihe
lnIegrcIec 8cr cf Ihe Fhi|ippine: {l8F), ccckeIec c: C8D Cc:e Nc. 00-734-/, c||eging IhcI re:pcncenI ceceivec
her inIc mcrrying him ce:piIe hi: pricr :uL:i:Iing mcrricge wiIh c cerIcin He|en E:pcrzc.
DeIci|ing Ihe circum:Icnce: :urrcuncing re:pcncenI: ccmp|cinec ccI, ccmp|cincnI cverrec IhcI he
:IcrIec ccurIing her in /pri| 11, he repre:enIing him:e|f c: c Lcche|cr: IhcI Ihey evenIuc||y ccnIrccIec
mcrricge which wc: ce|eLrcIec cn Iwc cccc:icn: ccmini:Ierec Ly Fev. Fcge|ic J. 8c|ivcr, Ihe fir:I cn
DecemLer 18, 11
in Ihe |cIIer: Mcni|c cffice, cnc Ihe :eccnc cn DecemLer 28, 11
cI Ihe /:icn ln:IiIuIe
cf Icuri:m HcIe| in Cuezcn CiIy: cnc IhcI c|Ihcugh re:pcncenI ccmiIIec IhcI he wc: mcrriec Ic He|en E:pcrzc
cn June 1, 182, he :ucceecec in ccnvincing ccmp|cincnI, her fcmi|y cnc frienc: IhcI hi: previcu: mcrricge
wc: vcic.
Ccmp|cincnI furIher cverrec IhcI re:pcncenI enIerec inIc c Ihirc mcrricge wiIh cne Jc:ephine I.
Ccn:IcnIinc: cnc IhcI he cLcnccnec ccmp|cincnI cnc Iheir chi|cren wiIhcuI prcvicing Ihem cny regu|cr
:uppcrI up Ic Ihe pre:enI Iime, |ecving Ihem in preccricu: |iving ccnciIicn:.
Ccmp|cincnI :uLmiIIec cccumenIcry evicence ccn:i:Iing cf Ihe mcrricge ccnIrccI LeIween re:pcncenI
cnc He|en E:pcrzc
cnc IhcI LeIween her cnc re:pcncenI,
cnc phcIcgrcph:
cf Iheir {ccmp|cincnI cnc
re:pcncenI) nupIic|: cnc cf ccpIurec mcmenI: in Iheir |ife c: c ccup|e cnc c fcmi|y.
Ccpy cf Ihe ccmp|cinI ccu|c ncI Le immecicIe|y :ervec upcn re:pcncenI cwing Ic Ihe cifficu|Iy cf
|cccIing him.

Ccmp|cincnI |cIer fi|ec c Mcnife:IcIicn
Lefcre Ihe l8F, furni:hing Iherein re:pcncenI: cccre:: where he
:uppc:ec|y re:icec wiIh hi: Ihirc wife Jc I. Ccn:IcnIinc-McccruLLc. Ihe l8F Ccmmi::icn cn 8cr Di:cip|ine
Ihereupcn Ihrice
reuirec re:pcncenI Ic fi|e hi: /n:wer. He fci|ec Ic cc :c, hcwever, cn mcIicn cf
he wc: cec|crec in cefcu|I.
Ccmp|cincnI wc: Ihu: c||cwec Ic pre:enI evicence ex pc|te.
Ihe l8F lnve:IigcIing Ccmmi::icner ccme cuI wiIh c FepcrI cnc FeccmmenccIicn cn Jcnucry 22, 2001.

8y Fe:c|uIicn cf Mcy 2, 2001,
hcwever, Ihe l8F 8ccrc cf Gcverncr: remcncec Ihe cc:e Ic Ihe
lnve:IigcIing Ccmmi::icner Ic en:ure prcper ncIice cr cncIher cppcrIuniIy Ic :erve ncIice Ic Ihe
re:pcncenI." SuL:euenI|y cr cn SepIemLer 5, 2001, re:pcncenI fi|ec c Mcnife:IcIicn/Fx Fc|te McIicn Ic Fe-
Cpen Frcceecing:
which wc: grcnIec.

8y CcmmenI cf CcIcLer 18, 2001,
re:pcncenI ceniec emp|cying cecepIicn in hi: mcrricge Ic
ccmp|cincnI, in:i:Iing in:Iecc IhcI ccmp|cincnI wc: fu||y cwcre cf hi: pricr :uL:i:Iing mcrricge Ic He|en E:pcrzc,
LuI IhcI :he crcggec him cgcin:I hi: wi|| Ic c :hcm weccing" Ic prcIecI her cnc her fcmi|y: repuIcIicn :ince
:he wc: Ihen Ihree-mcnIh: pregncnI.
Fe:pcncenI :uLmiIIec in evicence Ihe finc| cnc execuIcry CcIcLer 30, 2000 Deci:icn cf 8rcnch lV cf Ihe
Fegicnc| Iric| CcurI {FIC) cf Iuguegcrcc CiIy in Civi| Cc:e Nc. 517, Fcnuncc L. /ccc|uccc v. F|c|ence .
cec|cring hi: mcrricge Ic ccmp|cincnI vcic cc |n|t|c. He crew cIIenIicn Ic Ihe Iric| ccurI: fincing: cn
Ihe Lc:i: cf hi: evicence which wc: ncI ccnIrcverIec, IhcI Ihe mcrricge wc: inceec c :hcm cnc mcke
Le|ieve" cne, viIicIec Ly frcuc, ceceiI, fcrce cnc inIimiccIicn, cnc furIher exccerLcIec Ly Ihe exi:Ience cf c
|egc| impecimenI" cnc wcnI cf c vc|ic mcrricge |icen:e.
Fe:pcncenI c|:c :uLmiIIec c cerIificcIicn frcm Ihe NcIicnc| SIcIi:Iic: Cffice IhcI ccmp|cincnI: ncme cce:
ncI cppecr in Ihe NcIicnc| lncex cf Mcrricge: fcr 8rice:
cncIher cerIificcIicn frcm Ihe NcIicnc| SIcIi:Iic:
Cffice-Cffice cf Civi| Fegi:Ircr Generc| IhcI iI hc: nc reccrc cf Ihe DecemLer 28, 11 mcrricge cf ccmp|cincnI
cnc re:pcncenI:
cnc cn cIIe:IcIicn frcm Ihe Cffice cf Ihe Municipc| Civi| Fegi:Ircr cf 8ccccr, CcviIe IhcI
Mcrricge Licen:e Nc. 77217221 which wc: u:ec in ccmp|cincnI cnc re:pcncenI: mcrricge i: ncI cn fi|e in iI:

/cmiIIing hcving :irec ccmp|cincnI: Iwc chi|cren, Juri: /|exi: cnc GcLrie| Enricc, re:pcncenI ceniec ever
cLcnccning Ihem.
ln hi: Supp|emenIc| CcmmenI,
re:pcncenI c|cimec IhcI he |efI ccmp|cincnI cnc Iheir Iwc chi|cren wiIh
her ccn:enI cfIer exp|cining Ic her IhcI Ihe pcin cnc :hcme cf |iving in :in cnc ricicu|e wc: unLecrcL|e.
Ic refuIe Ihe chcrge IhcI he hcc cLcnccnec ccmp|cincnI cnc Iheir Iwc chi|cren, he pre:enIec ccpie: cf
fu||y pcic ecuccIicnc| p|cn:
fcr Ihe high :chcc| cnc cc||ege ecuccIicn cf Ihe chi|cren: c Fhi|ippine NcIicnc|
8cnk check ccIec Jcnucry 18, 1 fcr F22,55.33 repre:enIing hi: pcymenI cf Ihe finc| cmcrIizcIicn cf hi: ccr
which hc: Leen in ccmp|cincnI: pc::e::icn :ince 17:
c ccpy cf c peIiIicn cf ccmp|cincnI in c civi| cc:e
fi|ec cgcin:I re:pcncenI wiIh Ihe Cuezcn CiIy FIC, fcr jucicic| cuIhcrizcIicn Ic :e|| cerIcin prcperIie: cf
re:pcncenI, wherein :he ccmiIIec IhcI re:pcncenI i::uec Ihree pc:IccIec check: in Ihe cmcunI cf F2,000.00
ecch fcr hi: chi|cren: c||cwcnce ccvering Ihe pericc CcIcLer 1 Ic DecemLer 1:
cnc ccpy cf hi:
/ugu:I , 1 |eIIer Ic ccmp|cincnI cemcncing cu:Iccy cf hi: chi|cren, he hcving Leen Lcrrec frcm :eeing
Ihem, c: we|| c: Ihe reIurn cf hi: per:cnc| prcperIie: in ccmp|cincnI: pc::e::icn.

Ic ci:prcve IhcI he i: cf ceprcvec mcrc| chcrccIer, re:pcncenI :uLmiIIec cerIificcIicn: frcm Ihe Cffice cf
Ihe 8cr CcnficcnI,
Cffice cf Ihe CmLuc:mcn,
DepcrImenI cf Ju:Iice,
cnc Ihe Fhi|ippine NcIicnc| Fc|ice
in hi: hcmeIcwn in Enri|e, Ccgcycn
IhcI he hc: nc cc:e: cf cny ncIure pencing wiIh Ihem. /nc he Icc
:uLmiIIec |eIIer: frcm Ihe DepcrImenI cf lnIericr cnc Lccc| GcvernmenI
cnc Ihe MeIrc Mcni|c Deve|cpmenI
cccre::ec Ic him Ic :hcw IhcI he i: c civic-:piriIec per:cn.
Finc||y, re:pcncenI, in hi: Supp|emenIc| CcmmenI, rci:ec Ihe ccciIicnc| cefen:e: IhcI Ihe jucicic| cecree
cf cnnu|menI cf hi: mcrricge Ic ccmp|cincnI i: |e: uc|cctc upcn Ihe pre:enI ccmini:IrcIive cc:e: IhcI
ccmp|cincnI i: in e:Icppe| fcr ccmiIIing her :IcIu: c: mere |ive-in pcrIner Ic re:pcncenI in her |eIIer Ic
Jc:ephine I. Ccn:IcnIinc:
cnc IhcI :he re:crIec Ic fcrum-:hcpping in Lringing LcIh Ihi: ccmini:IrcIive ccIicn
cnc Ihe civi| cc:e wiIh Ihe Cuezcn CiIy FIC.
SIre::ing IhcI he hcc c|wcy: Leen Ihe vicIim in hi: mcriIc| re|cIicn:, re:pcncenI invckec Ihe finc| cnc
execuIcry /ugu:I 21, 18 Deci:icn cf 8rcnch 158 cf Ihe Fc:ig CiIy FIC in JDFC Cc:e Nc. 4320, Fcnuncc L.
/ccc|uccc v. He|en C. F:pc|zc."
cec|cring hi: fir:I mcrricge vcic cn Ihe grcunc cf hi: wife: p:ychc|cgicc|
/fIer hecring curing which LcIh ccmp|cincnI cnc re:pcncenI Icck Ihe wiIne:: :Icnc, Ihe lnve:IigcIing
Ccmmi::icner rencerec c FepcrI cnc FeccmmenccIicn
Ihe ci:pc:iIive pcrIicn cf which recc::
WHEFEFCFE, premi:e: ccn:icerec, iI i: reccmmencec IhcI re:pcncenI /IIy. Ecmuncc L. McccrruLc
Le S&SFENDED FCF IHFEE MCNIHS fcr grc:: mi:ccncucI ref|ecIing unfcvcrcL|y cn Ihe mcrc| ncrm: cf Ihe
prcfe::icn. Mcrecver, iI mu:I |ikewi:e Le impre::ec cn re:pcncenI IhcI he :hcu|c ccmp|y wiIh Ihe mcrc| cnc
|egc| cL|igcIicn: incumLenI upcn him c: c fcIher cf Ihe chi|cren c: c re:u|I cf hi: re|cIicn:hip wiIh
ccmp|cincnI. {&ncer:ccring :upp|iec)
Ihe l8F 8ccrc cf Gcverncr: :uL:euenI|y pc::ec Fe:c|uIicn Nc. XV-2003-351
which cccpIec cnc
cpprcvec Ihe FepcrI cnc FeccmmenccIicn cf Ihe lnve:IigcIing Ccmmi::icner.
Ihe finc| ci:pc:iIicn cf Ihe pre:enI ccmini:IrcIive cc:e i: ncw Lefcre Ihi: CcurI.
lI cppecr: IhcI re:pcncenI Legcn hi: |egc| ccreer in 18 c: Legc| Cfficer cf Ihe DepcrImenI cf EcuccIicn,
Cu|Iure cnc SpcrI: cfIer which he Leccme Supervi:ing Civi| Service /IIcrney cf Ihe Civi| Service
He |cIer Leccme cn CmLuc:mcn GrcfI lnve:IigcIicn Cfficer, Ihen c SIcIe Frc:ecuIcr cf Ihe
DepcrImenI cf Ju:Iice, Lefcre finc||y Lcwing cuI cf puL|ic :ervice cfIer cLcuI 14 yecr: cr in Ju|y 2000 Ic
engcge in privcIe prccIice.

Ihe ru|e IhcI c |cwyer mcy Le ci:cip|inec cr :u:pencec fcr cny mi:ccncucI, wheIher in hi: prcfe::icnc| cr
privcIe ccpcciIy, which :hcw: him Ic Le wcnIing in mcrc| chcrccIer, in hcne:Iy, in prcLiIy cnc gccc
cemecncr, Ihu: rencering him unwcrIhy Ic ccnIinue c: cn cfficer cf Ihe ccurI
Lecr: reiIercIing.
&pcn Ihe evicence cn reccrc, re:pcncenI i: inceec gui|Iy cf grc:: mi:ccncucI in hi: privcIe cffcir: which
wcrrcnI ci:cip|incry ccIicn Ly Ihi: CcurI c: Ihe gucrcicn cf Ihe puriIy cnc inIegriIy cf Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn.
Ihe inccnIrcverIiL|e fccI: :hcw IhcI whi|e re:pcncenI hcc c :uL:i:Iing mcrricge wiIh He|en E:pcrzc wiIh
whcm he hcc Iwc chi|cren,
he enIerec inIc c :eccnc mcrricge wiIh ccmp|cincnI.
Whi|e Ihe mcrricge LeIween ccmp|cincnI cnc re:pcncenI hc: Leen cnnu||ec Ly finc| jucgmenI, Ihi: cce:
ncI c|ecn:e hi: ccncucI cf every Iinge cf imprcprieIy. He cnc ccmp|cincnI :IcrIec |iving c: hu:Lcnc cnc wife
in DecemLer 11 when hi: fir:I mcrricge wc: :Ii|| :uL:i:Iing, c: iI wc: cn|y cn /ugu:I 21, 18 IhcI :uch fir:I
mcrricge wc: cnnu||ec, rencering him |icL|e fcr ccncuLincge.
Such ccncucI i: inccn:i:IenI wiIh Ihe gccc
mcrc| chcrccIer IhcI i: reuirec fcr Ihe ccnIinuec righI Ic prccIice |cw c: c memLer cf Ihe Fhi|ippine Lcr.
impcrI: mcrc| IurpiIuce cnc i: c puL|ic c::cu|I upcn Ihe Lc:ic :ccic| in:IiIuIicn cf mcrricge.

Even c::uming c|guencc IhcI re:pcncenI wc: ccercec Ly ccmp|cincnI Ic mcrry her, Ihe cure::, Ly hi:
cwn ccmi::icn c: Ihe fc||cwing Ircn:cripI cf hi: Ie:Iimcny ref|ecI:, cec:ec cfIer Iheir weccing ccy, re:pcncenI
hcving free|y cchcLiIec wiIh her cnc even LegcI c :eccnc chi|c Ly her.
x x x
/IIY. F/G&l/ |Ccmp|cincnI: Ccun:e|]
C: /re ycu c|ciming IhcI Ihe ccmp|cincnI ccercec ycu cgcin Ic mcrry her
/: Ye:, l wc:.
C: Dic :he u:e c gun Ic ccerce ycu
/: / |cI cf pecp|e cppecring crcunc cnc c |cI cf Lcc mcuIh frcm her, IhrecI: Ic :ue me cnc Ic
even ki|| me Ly pecp|e crcunc.
C: Sc in:cfcr c: ycu cre ccncernec Ihe ccmp|cincnI ccmmiIIec c crime cf ccercicn cgcin:I
/: Ye:.
C: /nc i: iI ccrrecI fcr me Ic :cy IhcI ycu cic ncI fi|e cny cc:e Lefcre Ihe Frc:ecuIcr: Cffice.
/: l repcrIec IhcI mcIIer Ic Ihe pc|ice.
C: ln whcI wcy cic M|:]. F|crence Ieve: ccerce ycu
/: She p|ccec me in c p|cce where :he ccu|c gucrc me cnc :he IrecIec {:ic) Ic :ue me, ce:Ircy my
ccreer. /nc cI Ihe Iime cf Ihe mcrricge :he :enI pecp|e Ic feIch me frcm my p|cce Ic Le
Ihere. /nc Ihere cre c |cI cf pecp|e wiIh :Ircnge fcce:.
/IIY. F/G&l/ -
C: How mony doys or hours d|d th|s coerc|on |ost?
/: Ihot's cont|nu|ng.
C: From whot doy to whot doy?
/: It's storted when she so|d she wos pregnont unt|| the dote o| the o||eged morr|oge.
C: Ccn ycu Ie|| Ihe HcncrcL|e Ccmmi::icn whc gcI her pregncnI cI IhcI Iime
/: /|Ihcugh Ihere wc: c ccrnc| kncw|ecge cnce.
C: Cf ccur:e ycu kncw IhcI Ihe ccmp|cincnI ce|iverec Ihe chi|c cfIer ycur mcrricge, i: iI ncI
/: Ye:, :ix mcnIh: cfIer Leccu:e :he wc: c|reccy pregncnI Ihree mcnIh: curing IhcI Iime c|reccy.
C: Ccn ycu Ie|| Ihe HcncrcL|e Ccmmi::icn whcI i: Ihe ncme cf Ihe chi|c wc: {:ic)
/: Juri:. l reccgnizec Ihe chi|cren. Ihere: nc prcL|em cLcuI IhcI. l gcve Ihem ecuccIicnc| p|cn, l
gcve Ihem :uppcrI.
C: /fIer Ihe fir:I chi|c ycu ccnIinuec |iving wiIh Ihe ccmp|cincnI, i: iI ncI
/: Interm|ttent|y I get out ond then she wou|d co|| pogko'f moy sok|f yong bofo so I hove to go bock.
C: Cf ccur:e iI wc: ycur re:pcn:iLi|iIy c: fcIher Ic Ihe chi|c Ic :ee Ihe ccnciIicn cf Ihe chi|c
/: Ye:, IhcI: why whenever :he ccme: cnc Ie||: me IhcI Ihe chi|c i: :ick l gc Ihere.
C: A|ter your wedd|ng w|th the comp|o|nont con you te|| the Honorob|e Comm|ss|on where you
C: When you soy where you res|ded, both o| them?
/IIY. F/G&l/: Ye:, Ycur Hcncr.
/: In the res|dence o| F|orence.
/IIY. F/G&l/ -
C: How |ong d|d you ||ve w|th the comp|o|nont o|ter your wedd|ng?
/: Interm|ttent|y ogo|n |ew months then I get out then when the ch||d |s s|ck I hove to v|s|t.
C: When you soy |nterm|ttent|y you don't stoy there?
/: Not permonent|y.
/IIY. F/G&l/ -
C: Hcw cfIen cic ycu ccme hcme Ic Ihe re:icence cf Ihe ccmp|cincnI
/: Whenever :he cc|| IhcI Ihe chi|c i: :ick.
C: Sc ycu |ive {:ic) wiIh her up Ic whcI yecr
/: lnIermiIIenI|y 15.
C: Ycu menIicnec IhcI ycu hcve Iwc chi|cren wiIh Ihe ccmp|cincnI
/: Ye:.
C: Ccn ycu rememLer when ycur :eccnc chi|c wiIh Ihe ccmp|cincnI wc: Lcrn
/: l ccnncI rememLer.
C: Dc ycu kncw hcw c|c Ihe :eccnc chi|c wiIh Ihe ccmp|cincnI i:
/: l gue:: :ix cr :even.
C: WhcI i: hi: ncme
/: Micc.
C: Whc prcvicec Ihe :uppcrI fcr Ihe:e chi|cren frcm Ihe Iime Ihey were Lcrn up Ic Ihe pre:enI
/: When l wc: Ihere l gcve fcr Iheir :uL:i:Ience.
C: Wi|| ycu p|ec:e Ie|| Ihe Ccmmi::icn hcw much wc: IhcI
/: l Luy grccerie: fcr Ihem cnc l gcve c|:c fcr Iheir |ei:ure cnc fcr Iheir ecuccIicn.
C: When ycu gcve Ihi: :uppcrI curing Ihe inIermiIIenI|y IhcI ycu hcc wiIh Ihem
/: lnIermiIIenI|y c|:c.
/: Fcugh|y, Ccmpcnerc, ccn ycu Ie|| Ihe HcncrcL|e Ccmmi::icn frcm IhcI Iime Ihey were Lcrn Ic
Ihi: Iime hcw much ycu were giving Ihem
/: l ccnncI ccmpuIe.
C: WhcI cLcuI cn c mcnIh|y Lc:i:, cc ycu recc||
/: l ccnncI ccmpuIe c|Ihcugh when l |efI wiIh her ccn:enI in 17 l |efI vc|ucL|e: in Ihe cmcunI cf
C: When ycu :cy wiIh her ccn:enI, cic ycu Ie|| her IhcI ycu cre |ecving
/: Ye:, Ycur Hcncr, :he cgreec Leccu:e l :cic l ccn nc |cnger Lecr |iving wiIh :in.
x x x
{Emphc:i: cnc uncer:ccring :upp|iec)
Ihe :cying IhcI phcIcgrcph: cc ncI |ie ccu|c ncI Le cny Iruer in Ihc:e :uLmiIIec in evicence Ly
ccmp|cincnI which :hcw c Iypicc| hcppy fcmi|y wiIh re:pcncenI e::cying cuI hi: rc|e c: c hu:Lcnc Ic
ccmp|cincnI cnc c fcIher Ic Iheir Iwc kic:. Fe:pcncenI ccnncI Ihu: Icke refuge in Ihe ecr|ier menIicnec
fincing in Ihe ceci:icn cf Iuguegcrcc CiIy Iric| ccurI in Ihe cnnu|menI cc:e he fi|ec cgcin:I ccmp|cincnI. Ihe
ceci:icn, rendered |n de|ou|t o| comp|o|nont, ccnncI :erve c: |e: uc|cctc cn Ihe finc| re:c|uIicn cf Ihe pre:enI
cc:e. /: Ihi: CcurI he|c in |n |e A|nccen,
c ci:LcrmenI cc:e i: :u| gene||: fcr iI i: neiIher pure|y civi| ncr pure|y
criminc| LuI i: rcIher cn inve:IigcIicn Ly Ihe CcurI inIc Ihe ccncucI cf iI: cfficer:. Ihu:, if Ihe ccuiIIc| cf c
|cwyer in c criminc| ccIicn i: ncI ceIermincIive cf cn ccmini:IrcIive cc:e cgcin:I him,
cr if cn cfficcviI cf
wiIhcrcwc| cf c ci:LcrmenI cc:e cce: ncI cffecI iI: ccur:e,
Ihen Ihe jucgmenI cf cnnu|menI cf re:pcncenI:
mcrricge cce: ncI c|:c excnercIe him frcm c wrcngccing ccIuc||y ccmmiIIec. Sc |cng c: Ihe ucnIum cf
prccf - c|ecr prepcncercnce cf evicence - in ci:cip|incry prcceecing: cgcin:I memLer: cf Ihe Lcr i: meI, Ihen
|icLi|iIy cIIcche:.

Ihe ci:IurLing fccI IhcI re:pcncenI wc: cL|e Ic :ecure Ihe cnnu|menI cf hi: fir:I Iwc mcrricge: cnc i: in Ihe
prcce:: cf prccuring Ihe cnnu|menI cf hi: Ihirc Lecr: ncIing. CcnIrcry Ic Ihe fincing cf Ihe lnve:IigcIing
Ccmmi::icner, re:pcncenI, Ly hi: cwn ccmi::icn, ccnIrccIec c Ihirc mcrricge:
x x x
/IIY. F/G&l/ -
C: /fIer geIIing mcrriec Ic Ihe ccmp|cincnI i: iI c fccI IhcI ycu enIerec inIc c Ihirc mcrricge Ic cne
Jc:ephine Ccn:IcnIinc
/: l Ihink IhcI i: . . .
C: l wi|| refcrm, Ycur Hcncr. Dc ycu kncw c per:cn Ly Ihe ncme cf Jc:ephine Ccn:IcnIinc
/: Ye:
C: WhcI re|cIicn if cny cc ycu hcve wiIh her
/: l cm :epcrcIec Ic her :ince 2000.
C: Were ycu mcrriec Ic Jc:ephine Ccn:IcnIinc
/: Yes, but |t's |n the process o| onnu|ment.
x x x
{Emphc:i: cnc uncer:ccring :upp|iec)
ln LcIh hi: mcrricge: Ic hi: fir:I wife cnc Ic ccmp|cincnI, re:pcncenI c|cimec IhcI he wc: mcce Ic enIer
inIc Ihe mcriIc| unicn cgcin:I hi: wi||. IhcI c|cim i: cn cffrcnI Ic Ihe inIe||igence cf Ihe memLer: cf Ihi: CcurI Ic
ci:Iingui:h fccI frcm ficIicn, rec|iIy frcm fcnIc:y. lI i: ncI ec:y Ic Le|ieve IhcI c |cwyer |ike re:pcncenI ccu|c
ec:i|y Le ccwerec Ic enIer inIc cny mcrricge. Cne incicenI cf c :hcIgun mcrricge" i: Le|ievcL|e, LuI Iwc
:uch in :ucce::icn wcu|c Icx cne: crecu|iIy. /nc Ihen, Ihere i: c Ihirc mcrricge Ic Jc:ephine I. Ccn:IcnIinc
which i: cgcin Ihe :uLjecI cf cncIher cnnu|menI cc:e. lI wcu|c ncI ccme c: c :urpri:e if in IhcI pencing cc:e,
he wcu|c cgcin puI L|cme cn hi: Ihirc wife in crcer Ic :enc Ihe mcrricge Ic cL|ivicn.
Fe:pcncenI here hc: exhiLiIec Ihe vice cf enIering inIc mu|Iip|e mcrricge: cnc Ihen |ecving Ihem Lehinc
Ly Ihe mere expecienI cf re:crIing Ic |egc| remecie: Ic :ever Ihem. Ihe impccI cf re:pcncenI: ccncucI i:
incc|cu|cL|e upcn hi: ex-wive: c: we|| c: Ihe chi|cren he hcc Ly Ihem, Iheir |ive: hcving Leen ci:|cccIec
Leycnc recc||.
Fe:pcncenI: c::erIicn IhcI he hc: ncI fci|ec Ic :uppcrI hi: chi|cren Ly ccmp|cincnI i: ncI IcIc||y
:uppcrIec Ly Ihe evicence cn reccrc. He mcy hcve :ecurec ecuccIicnc| p|cn: fcr Ihem cnc cc|ec cuI :cme
:um: cf mcney in Ihe pc:I, LuI iI cppecr: IhcI he hc: fci|ec Ic prcvice Ihem regu|cr, mcnIh|y :uppcrI. ln fccI,
he ccmiIIec IhcI even Lefcre he |efI ccmp|cincnI: re:icence in 15, he wc: cn|y giving inIermiIIenI :uppcrI
Ic hi: chi|cren wiIh her.

Such pcIIern cf mi:ccncucI Ly re:pcncenI uncermine: Ihe in:IiIuIicn: cf mcrricge cnc fcmi|y, in:IiIuIicn:
IhcI Ihi: :ccieIy |cck: Ic fcr Ihe recring cf cur chi|cren, fcr Ihe ceve|cpmenI cf vc|ue: e::enIic| Ic Ihe :urvivc|
cnc we||-Leing cf cur ccmmuniIie:, cnc fcr Ihe :IrengIhening cf cur ncIicn c: c whc|e. Ihi: mu:I Le checkec if
ncI :Icppec.
/: cfficer: cf Ihe ccurI, |cwyer: mu:I ncI cn|y in fccI Le cf gccc mcrc| chcrccIer LuI mu:I c|:c Le
perceivec Ic Le cf gccc mcrc| chcrccIer cnc mu:I |ecc c |ife in ccccrccnce wiIh Ihe highe:I mcrc| :Icnccrc:
cf Ihe ccmmuniIy.
Ihe mcrc| ce|inuency IhcI cffecI: Ihe fiIne:: cf c memLer cf Ihe Lcr Ic ccnIinue c:
:uch, inc|ucing IhcI which mcke: c mcckery cf Ihe invic|cL|e :ccic| in:IiIuIicn cf mcrricge,
cuIrcge: Ihe
generc||y cccepIec mcrc| :Icnccrc: cf Ihe ccmmuniIy.
ln :um, re:pcncenI hc: Lrecchec Ihe fc||cwing precepI: cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy:
Fu|e 1.01 - / |cwyer :hc|| ncI engcge in un|cwfu|, ci:hcne:I, immcrc| cr ceceiIfu| ccncucI.
C/NCN 7 - / |cwyer :hc|| cI c|| Iime: uphc|c Ihe inIegriIy cnc cigniIy cf Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn, cnc :uppcrI Ihe
ccIiviIie: cf Ihe lnIegrcIec 8cr.
Fu|e 7.03 - / |cwyer :hc|| ncI engcge in ccncucI IhcI ccver:e|y ref|ecI: cn hi: fiIne:: Ic prccIice |cw, ncr :hc||
he, wheIher in puL|ic cr privcIe |ife, Lehcve in c :ccncc|cu: mcnner Ic Ihe ci:creciI cf Ihe |egc| prcfe::icn.
Ihere ccn Ihen Le nc cIher fcIe IhcI cwciI: re:pcncenI, c: c ccn:euence cf hi: grc::|y immcrc| ccncucI,
Ihcn Ic Le ci:Lcrrec cr :u:pencec frcm Ihe prccIice cf |cw.
Ihe penc|Iy cf 3 mcnIh: :u:pen:icn
reccmmencec Ly Ihe l8F i:, ncI ccmmen:urcIe Ic Ihe grcviIy cf hi: ccncucI.
WHEkEFOkE, re:pcncenI Ecmuncc L. McccruLLc i: fcunc gui|Iy cf grc:: immcrc|iIy cnc i: hereLy
DlS8/FFED frcm Ihe prccIice cf |cw. He i: |ikewi:e CFDEFED Ic :hcw :cIi:fccIcry evicence Ic Ihe l8F
Ccmmi::icn cn 8cr Di:cip|ine cnc Ic Ihi: CcurI IhcI he i: :uppcrIing cr hc: mcce prcvi:icn: fcr Ihe regu|cr
:uppcrI cf hi: Iwc chi|cren Ly ccmp|cincnI.

LeI re:pcncenI: ncme Le :Iricken cff Ihe Fc|| cf /IIcrney:.

EDISON G. CHENG, comp|o|nonf, vs AIIY. ALEXANDEk M. AGkAVANIE, respondenf.
Ihi: i: cn ccmini:IrcIive cc:e fcr ci:LcrmenI fi|ec wiIh Ihe lnIegrcIec 8cr cf Fhi|ippine: {l8F) Ccmmi::icn cn
8cr Di:cip|ine.
Ihe fc||cwing fccI: hcve Leen e:IcL|i:hec Ly Ihe evicence.
Fe:pcncenI /IIy. /|excncer M. /grcvcnIe :ervec c: ccun:e| fcr Ihe Fcgem:cn Cc., lnc. {hereincfIer,
Fcgem:cn) in c cc:e fi|ec cgcin:I iI Lefcre Ihe NcIicnc| LcLcr Fe|cIicn: Ccmmi::icn: {NLFC) Fegicnc|
/rLiIrcIicn 8rcnch Nc. Xl in Dcvcc CiIy Ly iI: fcrmer emp|cyee, c cerIcin 8ecver McrIin 8. 8crri|. Cn June 18,
18, LcLcr /rLiIer NewIcn F. Scnchc rencerec c ceci:icn in fcvcr cf Ihe ccmp|cincnI, cnc crcerec
Fcgem:cn Ic pcy 8crri| :epcrcIicn pcy cnc Lcckwcge:.
/ ccpy cf :cic ceci:icn wc: receivec Ly
re:pcncenI: |cw cffice cn SepIemLer 8, 18. Hcwever, re:pcncenI fi|ec c Memcrcncum cf /ppec| wiIh Ihe
NLFC cn|y cn SepIemLer 22, 18. Ccn:euenI|y, Ihe NLFC ci:mi::ec Fcgem:cn: cppec| in c Fe:c|uIicn
ccIec Mcy 27, 1, cnc mcce Ihe fc||cwing inci:ive cL:ervcIicn:
ln Ihe cc:e cI Lcr, re:pcncenI: Ihrcugh ccun:e| were cu|y :ervec wiIh c ccpy cf Ihe ceci:icn {Vc|. 1, pp. 7-70)
cf LcLcr /rLiIer NewIcn F. Scnchc, ccIec 18 June 18, cec|cring ccmp|cincnI i||egc||y ci:mi::ec frcm
emp|cymenI cnc cwcrcing him wiIh :epcrcIicn pcy cnc Lcckwcge: in Ihe IcIc| :um cf F130,000.00 cn
SepIemLer 8, 18, Iue:ccy, :cic ccIe Leing inciccIec in Ihe mci|ec ceci:icn: regi:Iry reIurn receipI which i:
cIIcchec Ic Ihe reccrc: {Vc|. 1, p. 75). Ccn:euenI|y, re:pcncenI: hcc Ien {10) cc|enccr ccy: LuI ncI |cIer
Ihcn SepIemLer 18, 18, Friccy Ic perfecI Iheir cppec| Iherefrcm. Hcwever, Ihe reccrc: :imi|cr|y Lecr IhcI Ihi:
pre:enI cppec| wc: fi|ec Le|cIec|y Ly wcy cf mci| cn 22 SepIemLer 18. lI i: nece::cry Ic :IcIe Ihe:e fccI:
ccncic|y given Ihe incccurcIe cerIificcIicn Ly re:pcncenI: ccun:e| IhcI he receivec Ihe ceci:icn Leing
c::ci|ec cn SepIemLer 10, 18. {Vc|. 2, p. 7)
Ihe ccmp|cincnI: IermincIec Ihe :ervice: cf /IIy. /grcvcnIe. Ihrcugh Iheir new |cwyer:, ccmp|cincnI:
wrcIe /IIy. /grcvcnIe, cemcncing IhcI Ihey Le ccmpen:cIec fcr Ihe pecunicry ccmcge: Ihey hcc :ufferec
c: c re:u|I cf hi: neg|igence.

When iI cppecrec IhcI /IIy. /grcvcnIe hcc nc inIenIicn cf re:pcncing Ic Iheir |eIIer, Eci:cn G. Cheng,
Generc| Mcncger cf Fcgem:cn, fi|ec cn cfficcviI-ccmp|cinI wiIh Ihe l8F Ccmmi::icn cn 8cr Di:cip|ine.
cc:e wc: Ihen c::ignec Ic Ccmmi::icner Cce:cr F. Du|cy fcr inve:IigcIicn.
/||cn F. /Le|gc:, Fcgem:cn: Fegicnc| Sc|e: Mcncger fcr CeLu, Ie:Iifiec IhcI he cn|y |ecrnec cf Ihe
ceci:icn cf Ihe LcLcr /rLiIer when c :ecreIcry cf /IIy. /grcvcnIe infcrmec him IhcI c Lcnc wc: reuirec in
fi|ing cn cppec| Ic Ihe NLFC. /Le|gc: wc: Ihen cLcuI Ic Icke cn emergency |ecve cf cL:ence, :c he
ce|egcIec Ihe Ic:k cf :ecuring Ihe Lcnc Ic hi: :i:Ier Shei|c /. 8c|cncrc, cncIher Fcgem:cn emp|cyee.

8c|cncrc Ie:Iifiec IhcI cn SepIemLer 18, 18, :he cc||ec up Cheng in Mcni|c Ly phcne, whc Ihen
cuIhcrizec her Ic prccure Ihe Lcnc. 8c|cncrc Ihen cc||ec Ihe cffice cf /IIy. /grcvcnIe Ic c:k if :he ccn :uLmiI
Ihe Lcnc cn Mcnccy, SepIemLer 21, 18. She wc: Ic|c Ic :Icy cn Ihe |ine whi|e Ihe :ecreIcry ccn:u|Iec wiIh
cne cf Ihe cIher |cwyer: in Ihe cffice. When Ihe :ecreIcry ccme Lcck, :he infcrmec 8c|cncrc IhcI :he ccu|c
:uLmiI Ihe Lcnc cn Mcnccy, SepIemLer 21, 18 c: |cng c: iI recchec Ihe |cw cffice Lefcre 5:00 p.m.

Cn SepIemLer 21, 18, 8c|cncrc crrivec cI Ihe cffice cf /IIy. /grcvcnIe wiIh Ihe Lcnc cI 4:00 p.m. She
|ecrnec IhcI /IIy. /grcvcnIe hcc ju:I reIurnec frcm cuI cf Icwn cnc hcc ju:I cpenec Ihe enve|cpe ccnIcining
Ihe ccver:e ceci:icn.

NcI :urpri:ing|y, /grcvcnIe Ie||: c cifferenI :Icry. He neiIher ccmiIIec ncr ceniec receiving Ihe ceci:icn cf
Ihe LcLcr /rLiIer cn SepIemLer 8, 18. ln:Iecc, he c||ege: IhcI he wc: cuI cf Icwn cn :cic ccIe cnc cn|y
reIurnec Ic hi: cffice cn SepIemLer 10, 18. &pcn crriving cI Ihe cffice, hi: :ecreIcry hcncec Ic him c|| Ihe
ccrre:pcncence cccre::ec Ic him, inc|ucing Ihe enve|cpe ccnIcining Ihe LcLcr /rLiIer: ceci:icn. He c||ege:
IhcI Ihere were :everc| mcrking: cn Ihi: pcrIicu|cr enve|cpe, cne cf which wc: Ihe ccIe SepIemLer 10, 18,"
cnc he c||egec|y c::umec IhcI Ihi: wc: Ihe ccIe cf receipI Ly hi: cffice.
He Ihen infcrmec /Le|gc: cf Ihe
re:u|I cf Ihe cc:e cnc Ihe pericc wiIhin which Ic fi|e c Memcrcncum cf /ppec|.
Ihe in:IrucIicn fcr Fcgem:cn
Ic prcceec wiIh Ihe cppec| ccme c fu|| :ix {) ccy: |cIer. He cfferec Ihe :ervice: cf hi: |cw cffice fcr prccuring
Ihe cppec| Lcnc, LuI he wc: infcrmec IhcI Fcgem:cn wcu|c Icke ccre cf iI. He c||ege: IhcI Fcgem:cn
furni:hec Ihem wiIh Ihe Lcnc cn|y in Ihe mcrning cf SepIemLer 22, 18, c|Ihcugh Ihe Lcnc cccumenI: were
ncIcrizec cn SepIemLer 21, 18.

Cn Ju|y 23, 2003, Ccmmi::icner Du|cy :uLmiIIec hi: FepcrI reccmmencing IhcI re:pcncenI Le :u:pencec
frcm Ihe prccIice cf |cw fcr Iwc {2) mcnIh: wiIh cn ccmcniIicn IhcI c :imi|cr cffen:e wcu|c Le cec|I wiIh mcre

Cn /ugu:I 30, 2003, Ihe 8ccrc cf Gcverncr: cf Ihe l8F pc::ec Fe:c|uIicn Nc. XVl-2003-7, cpprcving Ihe
FepcrI cnc FeccmmenccIicn cf Ihe lnve:IigcIing Ccmmi::icner.
Ihe inve:IigcIing ccmmi::icner fcunc IhcI 8c|cncrc: Ie:Iimcny IhcI :he furni:hec /grcvcnIe: |cw cffice
wiIh Ihe cppec| Lcnc cn SepIemLer 21, 18 cnc nct cn SepIemLer 22, 18, wc: ncI :ufficienI|y reLuIIec Ly
/grcvcnIe, whc cic ncI even crc::-excmine her. Mcre impcrIcnI|y, Ihe fccI IhcI Ihe Memcrcncum cf /ppec|
wc: fi|ec fcur {4) ccy: Leycnc Ihe reg|emenIcry pericc fcr fi|ing Ihe :cme, which re:u|Iec in iI: ci:mi::c| Ly Ihe
NLFC, :hcw: IhcI /grcvcnIe wc: gui|Iy cf neg|igence.

WiIh regcrc Ic Ihe ccIe cf receipI cf Ihe LcLcr /rLiIer: ceci:icn, Ihe regi:Iry reIurn ccrc inciccIec IhcI
re:pcncenI receivec Ihe :cme cn SepIemLer 8, 18.
Ihu:, Ccmmi::icner Du|cy ccnc|ucec IhcI /grcvcnIe
mi:|ec Ihe NLFC when he cerIifiec in hi: Memcrcncum cf /ppec| IhcI he receivec Ihe ccver:e ceci:icn cf Ihe
LcLcr /rLiIer cn SepIemLer 10, 18.

8efcre |cwyer: cre ccmiIIec Ic Ihe Lcr, Ihey mu:I fir:I :c|emn|y :wecr Ic cc nc fc|:ehccc ncr ccn:enI Ic
Ihe ccing cf cny in ccurI.
Ihi: ccIh, Ic which c|| |cwyer: :uL:criLe in :c|emn cgreemenI Ic ceciccIe
Ihem:e|ve: Ic Ihe pur:uiI cf ju:Iice, i: ncI c mere ceremcny cr fcrmc|iIy fcr prccIicing |cw Ic Le fcrgcIIen
cfIerwcrc:, ncr i: iI mere wcrc:, crifI cnc hc||cw, LuI c :ccrec Iru:I IhcI every |cwyer mu:I uphc|c cnc keep
invic|cL|e cI c|| Iime:.
Ihi: cuIy i: expre::ec in generc| Ierm: in Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy, Ihu::
C/NCN 10--- / |cwyer cwe: ccnccr, fcirne:: cnc gccc fciIh Ic Ihe ccurI.
lI i: cccifiec furIher in Ihe fc||cwing ru|e cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy:
Fu|e 10.01 ---/ |cwyer :hc|| ncI cc cny fc|:ehccc, ncr ccn:enI Ic Ihe ccing cf cny in ccurI: ncr :hc|| he mi:|ecc
cr c||cw Ihe ccurI Ic Le mi:|ec Ly cny crIifice.
ln Ihe cc:e cI Lcr, /grcvcnIe |iec when he :cic he receivec Ihe LcLcr /rLiIer: ceci:icn cn SepIemLer 10,
18 in crcer Ic mcke iI cppecr IhcI hi: Memcrcncum cf /ppec| wc: fi|ec cn Iime.
lI ccnncI Le :Ire::ec encugh hcw impcrIcnI iI i: fcr c |cwyer c: cn cfficer cf Ihe ccurI Ic cL:erve hcne:Iy
cI c|| Iime:, e:pecic||y Lefcre Ihe ccurI:.
/ |cwyer mu:I Le c ci:cip|e cf IruIh,
cnc /grcvcnIe hc: c|ecr|y
fci|ec Ic |ive up Ic Ihi: cuIy.
Mcrecver, Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy :IcIe: IhcI:
C/NCN 18 --- / |cwyer :hc|| :erve hi: c|ienI wiIh ccmpeIence cnc ci|igence.
x x x x x x x x x
Fu|e 18.03 --- / |cwyer :hc|| ncI neg|ecI c |egc| mcIIer enIru:Iec Ic him cnc hi: neg|igence in ccnnecIicn
IherewiIh :hc|| rencer him |icL|e.
/ |cwyer cwe: enIire cevcIicn in prcIecIing Ihe inIere:I cf hi: c|ienI, wcrmIh cnc zec| in Ihe cefen:e cf hi:
righI:. He mu:I u:e c|| hi: |ecrning cnc cLi|iIy Ic Ihe enc IhcI ncIhing ccn Le Icken cr wiIhhe|c frcm hi: c|ienI
excepI in ccccrccnce wiIh Ihe |cw. He mu:I pre:enI every remecy cr cefen:e wiIhin Ihe cuIhcriIy cf Ihe |cw in
:uppcrI cf hi: c|ienI: ccu:e, regcrc|e:: cf hi: cwn per:cnc| view:. ln Ihe fu|| ci:chcrge cf hi: cuIie: Ic hi: c|ienI,
Ihe |cwyer :hcu|c ncI Le cfrcic cf Ihe pc::iLi|iIy IhcI he mcy ci:p|ec:e Ihe jucge cr Ihe generc| puL|ic.

ln Ihi: cc:e, re:pcncenI: fi|ing cf Ihe Memcrcncum cf /ppec| fcur {4) ccy: cfIer Ihe cecc|ine prcve: IhcI
hi: effcrI: fe|| :hcrI cf Ihe ci|igence reuirec cf c |cwyer. Hi: fci|ure Ic perfecI cn cppec| wiIhin Ihe pre:criLec
pericc ccn:IiIuIe: neg|igence cnc mc|prccIice prc:criLec Ly Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc| Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy, which
prcvice IhcI c |cwyer :hc|| ncI neg|ecI c |egc| mcIIer enIru:Iec Ic him cnc hi: neg|igence in ccnnecIicn
IherewiIh :hc|| rencer him |icL|e.

/grcvcnIe: in:i:Ience IhcI iI wc: ncI hi: p|cce Ic fi|e cn cppec| wiIhcuI expre:: in:IrucIicn: frcm hi: c|ienI
Ic cc :c i: ncI per:uc:ive. He ccu|c ec:i|y wiIhcrcw Ihe cppec| if hi: c|ienI :hcu|c |cIer cecice ncI Ic pur:ue
Ihe :cme.

FurIhermcre, Ihe Le|cIec fi|ing cf Ihe Memcrcncum cf /ppec| ccnncI in cny wcy miIigcIe re:pcncenI:
|icLi|iIy: cn Ihe ccnIrcry, iI :hcw: igncrcnce cn hi: pcrI. /: c |cwyer, he cughI Ic kncw IhcI hi: Memcrcncum cf
/ppec|, hcving Leen fi|ec Leycnc Ihe reg|emenIcry pericc, wcu|c :ure|y Le :Iruck ccwn fcr |cIe fi|ing.

ln :um, re:pcncenI uIIer|y fci|ec Ic perfcrm hi: cuIie: cnc re:pcn:iLi|iIie: fciIhfu||y cnc we|| c: Ic prcIecI Ihe
righI: cnc inIere:I: cf hi: c|ienI.

/ wcrc regcrcing Ihe impc:cL|e penc|Iy. ln Ihe cc:e cf Fe|ec v. A|ncc|c,
Ihe re:pcncenI Iherein wc:
:imi|cr|y puni:hec fcr neg|igence in Ihe ci:chcrge cf hi: cuIy c: we|| c: mi:repre:enIcIicn ccmmiIIec Lefcre Ihe
ccurI. ln :cic cc:e, Ihe re:pcncenI |cwyer fci|ec Ic fi|e c cemurrer Ic Ihe evicence cfIer c:king fcr |ecve Ic fi|e
Ihe :cme. He ccmpcuncec Ihi: Ircn:gre::icn Ly :pinning ccncccIing :Icrie: cLcuI Ihe |c:: cf Ihe fi|e cf hi:
crcfI, which :cmehcw |ec him Ic Le|ieve IhcI Ihe p|eccing hcc c|reccy Leen fi|ec. Fincing him gui|Iy cf :ericu:
neg|ecI cf hi: cuIie: c: c |cwyer cnc cf cpen ci:re:pecI fcr Ihe ccurI cnc Ihe cuIhcriIy iI repre:enI:, c:
emLcciec in Ccncn 18, Fu|e: 18.03 cnc 18.04 cnc Ccncn 10, Fu|e 10.01 cf Ihe Ccce cf Frcfe::icnc|
Fe:pcn:iLi|iIy, Ihe CcurI :u:pencec Ihe re:pcncenI Iherein frcm Ihe prccIice cf |cw fcr cne {1) yecr cnc
impc:ec c fine in Ihe cmcunI cf Ien Ihcu:cnc {F10,000.00) Fe:c:, wiIh wcrning IhcI cny :imi|cr ccI: cf
ci:hcne:Iy wcu|c Le cec|I wiIh mcre :evere|y.
EvicenI|y, Ihi: cc:e :eem: Ic Le cn c|| fcur: wiIh Ihe cc:e cI
Lcr, :c we cre Ihu: ccn:Ircinec Ic increc:e Ihe penc|Iy reccmmencec Ly Ihe l8F.
WHEkEFOkE, in view cf Ihe fcregcing, re:pcncenI /IIy. /|excncer M. /grcvcnIe i: S&SFENDED frcm Ihe
prccIice cf |cw fcr c pericc cf cne {1) yecr cnc i: FlNED in Ihe cmcunI cf Ien Ihcu:cnc Fe:c: {F10,000.00). He
i: SIEFNLY W/FNED IhcI c repeIiIicn cf Ihe :cme cr :imi|cr cffen:e wi|| Le cec|I wiIh mcre :evere|y.
Nc cc:I:.
350 86RA 32 [2001j


Ally. Ladaga, ar RTC 8rarcr C|er| ol Courl, acled as 574-434 course| lor a re|al|ve |r a cr|r|ra| case, W|lroul lre prev|ous aulror|ly lror lre Cr|el
Jusl|ce ol lre 3uprere Courl as requ|red oy lre Adr|r|slral|ve Code. Ar adr|r|slral|ve corp|a|rl Was l||ed aga|rsl Ally. Ladaga lor pracl|c|rg |aW
W|lroul perr|ss|or lror lre 0eparlrerl lead (CJ) as requ|red oy |aW. Ally. Ladaga jusl|l|ed r|s appeararce as re rere|y gave a lree |ega|
ass|slarce lo a re|al|ve ard lral re Was or ar approved |eave ol aoserce dur|rg r|s appeararces as sucr course|. Voreover, lre pres|d|rg judge ol
lre courl lo Wr|cr re |s ass|gred |reW r|s appeararces as sucr course|.


wrelrer Ally. Ladaga's appeararces as a 574-434course| lor a re|al|ve corsl|lules pracl|ce ol |aW as pror|o|led oy lre Adr|r|slral|ve Code.


No. Pracl|ce ol |aW lo la|| W|lr|r lre pror|o|l|or ol lre slalule srou|d oe cuslorar||y or rao|lua||y ro|d|rg ore's se|l lo lre puo||c as a |aWyer ard
derard|rg payrerl lor sucr serv|ces. ll does rol perla|r lo |so|aled courl appeararces as |r lr|s case. Neverlre|ess, lor r|s la||ure lo oola|r a pr|or
perr|ss|or lror lre read ol lre 0eparlrerl (CJ) as requ|red oy |aW, resporderl Was repr|rarded.


A.6. N0. 1372. JUNE 27, 2002

Tr|s |s ar adr|r|slral|ve corp|a|rl l||ed oy corp|a|rarl spouses Cayelaro ard L|r|o Raoara| aga|rsl Ally. Fausl|ro F.
Tugade. ll |s a||eged lral resporderl, as course| lor corp|a|rarl Cayelaro Raoara|, d|d rol l||e lre appe||arl's or|el |r lre Courl ol
Appea|s desp|le rav|rg oeer grarled oy lre appe||ale courl ar exlers|or ol l|re lo l||e lre sare, as a resu|l ol Wr|cr lre appea| l||ed
oy Cayelaro Was d|sr|ssed ard lre dec|s|or ol lre lrer C|rcu|l Cr|r|ra| Courl ol Tuguegarao, Cagayar oecare l|ra| ard execulory.
Resporderl c|a|rs roWever lral re Was rol lre course| ol corp|a|rarl Cayelaro Raoara| pr|or lo lre l|||rg ol a rol|or lor
recors|deral|or oelore lre Courl ol Appea|s ard re cou|d rol oe re|d respors|o|e lor lre d|sr|ssa| ol corp|a|rarl's appea| lor la||ure ol
course| lo l||e lre appe||arl's or|el.

wrelrer or rol lre |aWyer srou|d oe d|sc|p||red

Yes. Tre aoserce ol a Wr|ller corlracl does rol prec|ude a l|rd|rg lral lrere Was a proless|ora| re|al|orsr|p Wr|cr rer|ls
allorrey's lees lor proless|ora| serv|ces rerdered. A Wr|ller corlracl |s rol ar esserl|a| e|ererl |r lre erp|oyrerl ol ar allorrey; lre
corlracl ray oe express or |rp||ed. To eslao||sr lre re|al|or, |l |s sull|c|erl lral lre adv|ce ard ass|slarce ol ar allorrey |s sougrl ard
rece|ved |r ary raller perl|rerl lo r|s proless|or. lr lr|s case, corp|a|rarl sougrl ard rece|ved |ega| adv|ce lror resporderl Tugade,
Wro adr|lled lral re agreed lo s|gr lre appe||arl's or|el lo oe l||ed ard lral re rece|ved P00.00 lror corp|a|rarl spouses. ll |s
lrerelore c|ear lral a |aWyer-c||erl re|al|orsr|p ex|sled oelWeer lre lWo. le lrus v|o|aled lre Code ol Proless|ora| Respors|o|||ly Wr|cr
RuLE 12.03. A |aWyer sra|| rol, aller oola|r|rg exlers|ors ol l|re lo l||e p|ead|rgs, rerorarda or or|els, |el lre per|od |apse W|lroul
suor|ll|rg lre sare or oller|rg ar exp|aral|or lor r|s la||ure lo do so.
RuLE 18.03. A |aWyer sra|| rol reg|ecl a |ega| raller erlrusled lo r|r, ard r|s reg||gerce |r correcl|or lrereW|lr sra|| rerder r|r

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