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Scal tliierr Akhir Seme*:ter ffiehasa Inggr$+


G*aem{ Tefiuqn

*S$&fg**$ fi *Seeii:


F,g*t&mE*re, Nlmirrsr"eifaa Gm*je

"*'r:sagg43x $




i,l J.,ss-l*qs ni 8S&$


" n :, *

y;::rrg_r t*llxh dis*nji+:ls$rn. mengerj*kari 'N?r] *.i*lrit. $ifat ujian tertr,rturp ikecwrli l',;::car.*si. l'irti#S*{-e,i': n'ffif*S,s'F"! -!"r,,i!."lTi i;istq'tsk+6 ;:,ii'i* lxlssingi-nr,ne&ngp kegien, eimn jawab *effi ueli du*,gsai pe*urntiui';"

K',*rj*:kenl jer*mkr pnr*al l*rrih*ir j;*w;,ri.ran



rJs fs,?;Sf

i',j'rrgv.;.errlil.tfrlli*.'*$i-:'i::3[i1l!,:tiiJitjr.!,'.l{rfj]i:r:j',.i].,ii"|.:i'tl;tlf#+i!*:.lri.f;g";.*,,r{.}L4:"f\$i+f# it; *"t gc,*d #ngE$s$l r*eili.alr*erl f . i$;'h.rt does llre *:bcue plilrrctr*ph i:eli mh*i,rt,? :i. V\ihat it;*s llrnit*ci rishiri,*g r:1r tiil nerw? 3. livhy rlo ecnvcsrii*lral fir.**'rsriee ru,:mai* cl*se t* fi"r* sh*rs?

F*ssegr* 3 $f*ad f&fs f*xfl

" ftl In 18$$, Gregor Mende! lr"es led tc mahe an impoftant generalization regarding the rnanner in which pnlental characters are distrihuted ainung thl progeny. Varieties of peas shaw a considerabl* number of definite charaster dffierences*.g. copne varieties are tall, sther dwarf, soma have rcund *eeds, other wrinkled, some grssn seds, other yellow, and so on. lVtoreover, the plant *re self fertilizing, and varieties, as a rule, breed true to their own particular characteN. Mendel'e rnethod was to cross two types showing some definite character differences; if the two varieties showed msre than one sucfi difference he csnsideffid irech difference with*ilt rstbrence to tlrs sthers. He reared the hybrid plants and allowed them to become.self-fedilized-; i.r! thp [e-r $r s$cnnd hyhLlslgensrefion hg qlassified the indiuidual plants with reference to'the original parental i*raraltars, ana-GufriEa*ne members of each group. ln one experiment, for exampfe, Mendel crossed an ordinary tall varlety with one of the wall*knswn dwarf ode, tloth verbties being knor,vn to breed true to their respec-tive types. The flrst-cross plants were tall like the tall parent*indeed, they
csmewhat exceeded the lattsr in height. These hybrid talls did not, however, breed true. On the r-"ontrary, when allowed ta trecome self-fertilized, they prcducerJ talland dwarf progeny in


li;r;i il";:*g;ilii,) $r ililr,i::; +i'tlir* ir*i'lt'l*ri"ai {:l'rr;r *i'li;:} il,;" pr,rir:rt:t;:llij *h*wred no cigirt *f ii:j'l"h;;'i*r:l tt#t tiir+ fi|ri r-,:*::rir: r*c,*r:tl:1,;ii ih* tir::r i',,rii tir;et't*lh:**S'V'/&S fJOmlnanf, AneJ ggrr6r I E,frilt,?i::tq;i: -,,.i::$, t,:t1u,i:il:,it,ti i:ri'flrl*:neiel rry;:L;iiii':g t.llfivr*fs,el; g*ir:*tinfeg a hyhfld eiu,,;nffln*ggr J?i*fis-qtii*i,*tjtiii.lj?i.;ti:, i1{}r,r/S1,,:rrll , i:l *y l;+ l'iirrt;:l**r l:i*t'"tr'**;n tli*g*: rrf il* pai'':lnts;". F-or.instance, if a nh*wg ar c*nrilti** .q*il'1,;:u,vir*t ir;i.r*iii'r*ditxte the pink ied-ih:r,,;er*d varie.fu,,.l ttr* lpi"*i:r*.'s.J*Ji:tp* i* ele$ci:ii r*idh * whlte, the hyfrLid hears *nrj n ssfii:ifid gen*i'a;ti,t* is l'*raretl, iire ratio eibtained le ?5 i'i*ry*rs. lf {he hiririiqj ira *s!f*ei so abtsind pr*l'+;e*"rt ned, S#"p::rc*nt Nlink, *i'le{ 35 p;,:rcsfit ur.rllit*::' T** reEl* anql tht* wlrii*s *t itr* g'er:uitritr g*ir*niti*l't '6ir;'* th'i'l thlee tyn*s; i* ttte s*me ratio ag i:'r,+,,1d irr:;t, i.,;l'ri!*'tirr; ::rlir!ti; gc*n*r'ml u,ii th,.,l,- piir"*niti^ ^i-hmr,i, syir*[l.r*t $r rt*t th*rc ir, ;,,i ,.jci;iii"l;*iii:* ii'l r.r pari:i*r^tl*r c*tse,. th# pt*d*et:, ';iith reg*rd t* re-sult is gle e,sr**. wir*n li3.i:iirJ* nre .pe!f-fariihe*:e! ';r irii*rbr*;* tfley a::y pmrtir:ulnr atu*ln;etsr, t$i*a-1y'f* tx.,f.ryqgi'1'y; th*.r:riginal p*rental ryp*s are eecir -ii:*lr,:ri-tti*n, xuhilt'* tli* r*rn*linit'lg half r:lt* rsFrrelt3uced in one,*i*t;i-1: irf *'r,; ri.*c*nrl"riyi:ii<l ?rylrrieJs"r like the first *{",}*r,;"




s*ntone*i "1. Whai d*ee the cshilv* t*r{

rrninly tell ab*t"lt? i1 , 2} reprGelu*e, antJ P;lt"'"'lt rlifferencec srdt there ?. CIf patentu *ncl pr*g*ny? [1] bttu'reen the r:hnr;icteri*tir:s g. Wlrat was g-re eJifferen*,s in thn nracth$d l:lf i:rr:ciur:ti*n of the {ir*t g*nemtion and that pee pl8nts? [1] r-rf the **uun*.l gen*rati*ri in $*enderl's e':ildi:ri!-**nt with du'cerf at:d tall 4. Wh*t i* m*mlrt }:y r{r:rnirllanr;*? []ll {i. Wlret diij th* ia:l{:.sriln*i!t{: i?r ttir',r rit**sllrit *N iultit+ arrel r*ld fvrsi,'ei:lffs J,*/*pe show? [?i
!-ic-rvr do rNo*t varleties of pea planls

il" rs;*i:c ii
;iq .;.i ii;il

:!l riIri'at :' ti

',,Alr:;ijcl irgii:;irituri; iut.iLiy;.rlr;st;rit,;;; :.iilr"iltgu;:ir;'ii:rc.'Iirn ivgrld prlptu[+:tion it hag ic fr:*ci is ;ncr*i:ling ;':l i*rt *l*mring rst*, ;,tritj ill$li': tl"iiin iralf itli preaent numbrelu ar* *rxlr,ilii,urishcC in tiirr *r--*ntri*s *f fii,;3h pf*:ctrut*iir;i13' *rleJ rel*tively law populotion density, iirr:re e*r* rrrnlimrr#iir;illg *;r;tplu**s. lil t*"1".:s;r* i.vilh lt:ci"n g:rt:cle*tiuity i*nrj high pepulation clensiti**, tilere is a?*ut* i;i'irlr.l*Sc, fir'iii ti;v *r:d l*u'g* tlres* col"ttttries do *CIt have the funsis i* huv whst iw in cx*ess *tr:*s:wh*r*. Th*ir ssp glet ij)*rt *f *rh*t tlrey nead *nly *x gener*ui; gifl* ci aurpluee*. Cle*rly, 'ih** first tmek ie t$ i*r is rci6s tix* sianderd cf farmlng in these hungry eountrles, by applying the teehniqu*e vtrhich have alreedy been proven eleewhere. But, while thi* nnight meet the needs of the world pCIpulation t*day, in the yearc it will take to achieve euch an end the numfier sf nrouths to be fed will have jumped still further ahead. tJntil the Growth in population csn be ehecked, agrieulture will always be chesing a receding

oh,je*tiv*. C. ARswer the follswing qas*stEons hns*

*n ths above text! illlake it in a good complet*

nglleh sentencel



Since there are great agricultural surpiuees in some parts of the worlds, why do the hungry cctuntries nst obtain the fCIq:d they need? Raising tlre standarcls of farmlng in the hungry countries hy applying the techniques uf tlre advanceel eotinlries will n*t s*lve the prcblem* r:f world hunger. Why is this?

t)" {icrrcblne the fstlerwimg *ente*eus t*:r fs}rffi &ffi-lffifrTlVH GLAU$E {Relative Gl*uae}. t.$eo mgepr*pnict* *einJunetiwn-u, *ush ss wft*, wfifeft, wfts*trt, w&os&, or ryfiele {in *sfiie&,} hut gb_gKLSg *4''f, ri ts ccordinate the eenteness.

1. 2.


Tom i* the r;cit of n'ran. l-{e will cin mn$hing to help pecple in troutjle. The man is r;tsndinQ cver there. I r*raa tellit'tg you aboutt him. F*e was taken to the polin* ststion. He prc*eeded to makc e fullconfession there.
'.,.\{ i







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