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Submitted byNaresh pandey Gopal Prasad dixit Ajay kumar bharti Rahul rao B.TECH (E.C.

E) VII sem

Naresh pandey

Gopal dixit

Ajay kumar

Rahul rao

INTRODUCTION This handy, pocket-size mobile transmission detector can sense the presence of an activated mobile phone from a distance of one and- a-half metres. So it can be used to prevent use of mobile phones in examination halls, confidential rooms, etc. It is also useful for detecting the use of mobile phone for spying and unauthorized video transmission. The circuit can detect both the incoming and outgoing calls, SMS and video transmission even if the mobile phone is kept in the silent mode. The moment the bug detects RF transmission signal from an activated mobile phone, it starts sounding a beep alarm and the LED blinks. The alarm continues until the signal transmission ceases. An ordinary RF detector using tuned LC circuits is not suitable for detecting signals in the GHz frequency band used in mobile phones. The transmission frequency of mobile phones ranges from 0.9 to 3 GHz with a wavelength of 3.3 to 10 cm. So a circuit detecting gigahertz signals is required for a mobile bug. Here the circuit uses a 0.22 F disk capacitor (C3) to capture the RF

signals from the mobile phone. The lead length of the capacitor is fixed as 18 mm with a spacing of 8 mm between the leads to get the desired frequency. The disk capacitor along with the leads acts as a small gigahertz loop antenna to collect the RF signals from the mobile phone. Op-amp IC CA3130 (IC1) is used in the circuit as a current-to-voltage converter with capacitor C3 connected between its inverting and non-inverting inputs. It is a CMOS version using gate-protected p-channel MOSFET transistors

in the input to provide very high input impedance, very low input current and very high speed of performance. The output CMOS transistor is capable of swinging the output voltage to within 10 mV of either supply voltage terminal. Capacitor C3 in conjunction with the lead inductance acts as a transmission line that intercepts the signals from the mobile phone. This capacitor creates a field, stores energy and transfers the stored energy in the form of minute current to the inputs of IC1. This will upset the balanced input of IC1 and convert the current into the corresponding output voltage. Capacitor C4 along with high-value resistor R1 keeps the non-inverting input stable for easy swing of the output to high state. Resistor R2 provides the discharge path for capacitor C4. Feedback resistor R3 makes the inverting input high when the output becomes high. Capacitor C5 (47pF) is connected across strobe (pin 8) and null inputs (pin 1) of IC1 for phase compensation and gain control to optimise the frequency response. When the mobile phone signal is detected by C3, the output of IC1 becomes high and low alternately according to the frequency of the signal as indicated by LED1. This triggers monostable timer IC2 through capacitor C7. Capacitor C6 maintains the base bias of transistor T1 for fast switching action. The low-value timing components R6 and C9 produce very short time delay to avoid audio nuisance. Assemble the circuit on a general purpose PCB as compact as possible and enclose in a small box like junk mobile case. As mentioned earlier, capacitor C3 should have a lead length of 18 mm with lead spacing of 8 mm.

Carefully solder the capacitor in standing position with equal spacing of the leads. The response can be optimized by trimming the lead length of C3 for the desired frequency. You may use a short telescopic type antenna. Use the miniature 12V battery of a remote control and a small buzzer to make the gadget pocket-size. The unit will give the warning indication if someone uses mobile phone within a radius of 1.5 metres.

~: Working with IC555 :~

IC555 is the most versatile chip and it is (can be) used in all most every kind of application because of its multifunctionality. As we know its on chip multivibrator means with IC555 one can design astable, monostable, bistable multivibrators. Its main applications are to generate timings, clock waveform, generate synchronizing signals, square wave oscillator and many more. So here we are going to discuss some of the applications of IC555. But before that I will start with the basic theory. Here I shall not discuss the internal block diagram and theory of IC555 that how does it work in astable or monostable operation as everybody is already familiar with that. But here there is a practical approach given to explain how to design different applications of the chip.

Astable Multivibrator:For astable operation of IC555 we have two design equations f = 1.44 / (R1+2*R2)*C and

% duty cycle = (R1+R2) / (R1+2*R2) Here frequency and duty cycle are the design parameters and we have to find out three unknowns R1, R2 & C. For given values of design parameters, we have to find out these three unknown.

So lets understand it with one example. let us design 40KHz multivibrator for 60% duty cycle. from given values 40000 = 1.44/(R1+2*R2)*C 0.6 = (R1+R2) / (R1+2*R2) ______(1) ______(2) and

Here we have to assume the value of C, as from two equation we can not find three unknown. Let us assume C=0.01 microF. Substituting this value into first equation (R1+2*R2) = 3600 _________ (3)

substituting this (R1+2*R2) value in second equation (R1+R2) = 2160 __________(4)

From the equations (3) and (4) we can find out R1 = 720 ohm and R2 = 1.44K. The nearest practical values will be 715 ohm and 1.43K. Substituting these values back into the design equations, we shall get freq = 40 KHz (nearly equal to) and duty cycle = 60%. If we use potentiometer of 4.7K instead of fixed value of R2 then we can set the exact 40 KHz freq. by tuning value of R2.

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Now it is not possible to design an astable multivibrator with exact 50% duty cycle using these equations and above circuit. If you want to design an astable multivibrator for exact 50% duty cycle then we have to do slight modification in above circuit by connecting one diode across resistor R2. The values of both resistors will be R1=R2=R and there will be only one design equation f = 1 / 0.69*R*C. Here by assuming value of capacitor one can easily find the value of resistor. Duty cycle will be always 50%. For above values of frequency (40 KHz) and capacitor (10 nF) the value of R will be 3.6K. The circuit is as shown below.

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Monostable multivibrator:For monostable operation there is only one design equation Time period T = 1.1RC This is the time period for which the o/p remains high. If required time period is 1 ms. then 0.001 = 1.1RC Here assume any suitable value of capacitor say 1 microF. So R = 0.001 / 1.1*0.000001 = 990 ohm. If we take nearest value of 1K then time period will be 1.1ms. Here also instead of using any fix value of resistance if we use potentiometer of 10K then we can get variable time pulse (1 - 11 ms) in the output. The circuit is as shown.

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Bistable Multivibrator: this is the easiest application of IC555 because there is no any design equation. just we have to apply high / low logic on pins 6 / 2 to get low / high output. here is the circuit.
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As shown in circuit pin no 6 is connected with ground through R1 and pin no 2 is connected with Vcc through R2. Two push button switches S1 - S2 are connected as shown to apply high - low inputs to these pins. the operation is very simple. When S1 is pressed momentarily the output goes high and when S2 is pressed the output goes low. Instead of switches if we apply series of positive and negative pulses on respective pins as indicated in figure we may get rectangle wave output. So these three are the configurations of IC 555. Now let us look at some of the very interesting applications which uses these configurations.

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