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1 Problem 2.

3 Chapter 2 The XYZ Company is planning to introduce a new product line an will build a new factory to produce the parts and assembly the final products for production line. The new product line will include 90 different models. Annual production of each model is expected to be 1200 units. Each product will be assembled of 600 components. All processing of parts and assembly of products will be accomplished in one factory. There are an average of 10 processing steps required to produce each components and each processing step takes 30 sec. Include and a) How many productions operations b) How much floor space c) how many workers will be required in the plant. Solution The total number of units to be produced by the factory is given by; Q = PQ = 90 x 120 108000 The total number of parts produced is; npf = PQnp = 108,000 x 600 = 64800000 parts a) Number of production operations is; nof = PQnp no 64800000 x 10 = 648000000 operations = b) Total Processing time= 648000000x(0.5/60) = 5400000 hrs Total Assembly time = 108000 x 3hrs = 324000 Total hrs for processing and assem 6E+06 hrs Yearly working hours = 2000hrs Estimated number of cell and workstation for processing 5724000/2000 a = 2862 Total floor space 2862 x 200 ft = 572400 ft c) Total workers required = 5724000 / 2000 = 2862 workers

2 Problem 2.4 If the company in problem 2.3 were to operate three shifts (6000 hrs/yr) instead of one shift, determine the answers to; (a), (b) and (c ). The total number of parts produced is; npf = PQnp = 108,000 x 600 = 64800000 parts a) Number of production operations is; nof = PQnp no 64800000 x 10 = 648000000 operations =

b) Processing = 648000000x(0.5/60) = 5400000 hrs Assembly = 108000 x 3hrs = 324000 Total hrs for processing and assem 6E+06 hrs Yearly working hours = 6000hrs

Estimated number of cell and workstation for processing 5724000/6000 a = 954 Total floor space 954 x 200 ft = 190800 ft c) Total workers required = 5724000 / 6000 = 954 workers

3 Chapter 3. Problems 3.3 The average part produced in a certain batch manufacturing plant must be processed sequentially through six machines on average. Twenty (20) new bathes of parts are launched each week. Average operation time = 6 minutes, average setup time = 5 hours, average batch size = 36 parts, and average nanoperation time per batch = 10 hr/machine. There are 18 machines in the plant working in parallel. Each of machines can be setup for any type of job processed in the plant. The plant operates an average of 70 production hours per week. Scrap rate is negligible. Determine (a) manufacturing lead time for an average part, (b) plant capacity, and (c) plant utilization. (d) How would you expect the nonoperation time to be affected by the plant utilization?. Solution a) MLT = no ( Tsu + Q Tc + Tno ) = Manufacturing lead time no = number of operation = 6 Tsu =average setup time = 5 hrs Q =quantity = 36 Tc =average operation cycle time = 6 min = 0.1hr Tno =average nonoperation time = 10hr/machine MLT = 6 [5 + (36 x 0.1) + 10] = 111.6 hrs b) Plant capacity PC = (n Sw Hsh Rp)/no n = no of work centre (machine) working in parallel = 18 Sw = no of shift per period (shift/wk) Hsh = hr/shift SwHsh = 70hr/wk Rp = production rate (unit/hr) Rp = 1/Tp Tp = Tb/Q Tb = = = Tp = =

= Average production time per work unit

Tsu + QTc= batch processing time 5 + 36(0.1) 8.6 hrs Tb / Q 0.24 hr

Rp = 4 unit/hr

PC = 18 x 70 x 4 = 5040 = 840 part/week c) Plan Utilization U= Q Q= Total parts launched per week PC = (20 x 36)/840 U = 720/840 = 0.86 d) As utilization decreases, we would expect the non-operation time to decrease. The decreasing of utilization means the lower work load and of

4 Chapter 3. Problems 3.4 Based on the data in the previous problem and your answers to that problem, determine the average level of work-in process (number of parts-in-process) in the plant. Work-In-Process (WIP) WIP is the quantity of parts or products currently located in the factory that either are being processed or are between processing operations.

A = Availability is assumed 100% = 1 U = utilization = 0.86 PC = plant capacity, unit/week = 840 pc MLT = 111.6 hrs. Sw Hsh = 70 hr/week WIP = AU(PC)(MLT) / SwHsh = (1.0 x 0.86 x 840 x 111.6)/ 70 = 1151.7 pc

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