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Martlet questionnaire

tribesty nguyen
for Director at Large
At whAt point did you become interested in politics? whAt mAde you decide to run? I am not particularly interested in politics itself, but what made me interested in running for this election period was when I attended a board meeting where I noticed a lack of transparency and what seemed like a lack of care and thought for student rights and safety. That sort of made me think that changes needed to be made, and that I could provide that voice for change. would you consider pursuing politics beyond the scope of A university setting? No. I am not interested in politics as a career. My ultimate goal is to do something in healthcare.. which federAl politicAl pArty do your support/ feel most closely reflects your politics? I voted for Randall Garrison, the NDP candidate for Juan de Fuca/Esquimalt in the last federal election. So I guess NDP? Although, I did take that CBC Political Compass thingy on the internet and it said the Green Party reflects my politics best. I dunno. I dont really know much about the Green Party though, other than Elizabeth May is totally badass. hAve you ever been to A boArd meeting? Yes I have. One of the ones I went to was what the current Chairperson says was the most intense meeting she had ever experienced with the UVSS. whAt is your position on uvics smoking policy thAt bAns smoking inside ring roAd? I used to have asthma as a kid, so I know how having smokers around you can be harmful and detrimental to people who are sensitive to it. I dont think anyone should be forced to be around smoking if it irritates them, but I dont think that smokers should have to trek and be relegated to places outside Ring Road to smoke either. I think there can be a compromise - maybe more designated places within Ring Road. whAt is victoriAs first trAnsit priority? Spaceships. No, actually, as a student, the most annoying thing is getting passed up in the morning when youre trying to get to class on time. This needs to be addressed, whether it be more frequent runnings during peak hours, or dedicated bus/HOV lanes, the issue needs to be looked at. At the boArd level, whAt chAnges cAn be mAde to increAse the uvss visibility on cAmpus, such As voter turnout, pArticipAtion, etc? The UVSS could definitely hold more large events, and various different kinds of events to attract different crowds of people. The UVSS could also advertise its businesses and services more, and provide pamphlets and information that recognizes the UVSS distinct status from the University. Also, more free swag. whAt do you plAn on doing After grAduAtion And whAt kind of skills do you hope to Acquire on the uvss boArd? I hope to get into medicine and healthcare. My main purpose for running, and hopefully

I attended a board meeting where I noticed a ack of transparency and what seemed like a lack of care and thought for student rights and safety. Tribesty Nguyen Director at Large Candidate

mArtlet February 20, 2012

being on the board, is to change things for the better, as I have been unsatisfied with how things have been handled in the past. That being said, I suppose being a voice that represents students would carry on to a medical career well in the sense that, as I would advocate and learn about student needs on the UVSS board, I could advocate for patients and learn how to serve their needs best. if you were to creAte Any course At uvic, whAt would it be And why? Harry Potter and How Science Can Make it all Real, cause all that magic is totally legit. whAt is the best coffee on cAmpus? I recently came back from Honduras after leading a volunteer medical brigade, and I had the opportunity to buy roasted beans straight from family coffee plots. Theyre also roasted in sugar cane... so its naturally slightly sweet. Its stashed in the Pride Centre, soooo best coffee on campus is definitely in Pride.

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