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1. NAME : 2. AGE :
a. Below-20

b. 20-30

c . 30-40

d. Above-40

a. Male b. Female

a. Married b. Unmarried

a. Student b. Employee e. Others c. Unemployed d. Home maker

a. Below 1,00,000 d. Above -3,00,000 b. 1,00,000 - 2,00,000 c. 2,00,000 3,00,000

[ If case of student or house-wife, tick your parents or husband income]

7. Are you aware of LOREAL products?

a. Yes b. No

8. How did you come to know about LOREAL products?

a. Relatives d. Beauty parlours b. Friends e. Any other specify c. Advertisement

9. Do you purchase any LOREAL products?

a. Yes b. No

10. Which LOREAL product do you use?

a. Shampoo b. Hair colouring c. Conditioner d. Skin care

11. How long you are using LOREAL products?

a. Below 6months d. Above 4 years b. 6 months 2 years c. 2 - 4 years

12. Do you find the product effective?

a. Yes b. No

13. According to you the price of the product is

a. Expensive b. Reasonable c. Economical

14. How much do you spend on purchase on LOREAL products per month?
a. Below 200 b. Rs. 200 300 c. Rs. 300 400 d. Above 400

15. Apart from you how many member in your family are using the LOREAL product?
a. Only myself b. Sisters& Brothers c. All my family members

16. Which brand of beauty products you were using before shifting to LOREAL?
a. Himalayas b. Hindustan unilever product d. If others specify c. Foreign cosmetics

17. State the reason for shifting to LOREAL products?

a. Quality b. Brand c. Result d. Recommendation by beauticians

18. Do you like to continue with LOREAL?

a. Yes b. No

19. Do you have any side effects in using LOREAL product?

a. Yes b. No

20. Do you want any changes in the features of the products?

a. Yes b. No

21. Do you recommend any improvement in the products?

a. Sachets b. Additional products c. Price modification d. Other specify

22. What is unique in LOREAL when compared to other brands?

a. Quality b. Result c. No side effects d. Other specify

23. Do you recommended LOREAL products to others?

a. Yes b. No

24. How do you rate LOREAL product?

a. Very good b. Excellent c. Good d. Either good or bad e. Other specify

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