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Result Standardization of NaOH with H2C2O4 Titration 1 2 3 Average Volume H2C2O4 10 mL 10 mL 10 mL 10 mL Volume NaOH 12.8 mL 12.7 mL 12.7 mL 12.

73 mL

Titration of CH3COOH with NaOH Titration 1 2 3 Average Calculation: Standardization of NaOH with H2C2O4 Vaverage (NaOH)= 12.73 mL mekiv NaOH = mekiv H2C2O4 NNaOH x VNaOH = N H 2C2O4 x VH 2C2O4 NNaOH x 12,73 mL = 10 mL x 0.1 N NNaOH = Volume CH3COOH 10 mL 10 mL 10 mL 10 mL Volume NaOH 7.8 mL 7.6 mL 7.7 mL 7.7 mL

0,1 N x 10 mL 12 ,73 mL

NNaOH = 0,08 N Titration of CH3COOH with NaOH Determination the normality of CH3COOH: Vaverage (NaOH)= 7.7 mL mekiv NaOH = mekiv CH3COOH NNaOH x VNaOH = VCH 3COOH N CH 3COOH 0.08 N x 7,7 mL = 10 mL x N CH 3COOH

0,08 N x 7.7 mL 10 mL

NNaOH = 0,06 N Discussion a. Making the NaOH solution as a standard solution In this practicum, we prepare the 500 mL NaOH 0.1 N solution for all groups. This solution was prepared by dissolving 2 gram of NaOH solid become 500 mL of solution. Concentration NaOH = 0.1 N = 0.1M (has 1 OH- ion), volume = 500 mL=0.5 L Mass NaOH= mol x molar mass = volume x Molar x molar mass = 0.5 L x 0.1 mol/L x 40 gr/mol =2 gram b. Standardization of NaOH with H2C2O4 Before using, firstly NaOH should be standardized due to NaOH is not a primary solution standard. This caused of NaOH is easier to be contaminated, hygroscopic so that absorb water from air, and also easy to react with CO2 in air. These factors causes the weighing of NaOH does not give definite value which causes the concentration of NaOH does not give a definite value. In this practicum we standardize the NaOH with oxalic acid (H2C2O4) due to H2C2O4 is a primary solution standard which give a definite value in weighing. Standardization of NaOH was done by titrating it by H2C2O4. In this titration, we used pp as an indicator due to the equivalent point of titration of NaOH (strong acid) with H2C2O4 (weak acid) is above 7 in the range of pH of pp is 8,2-10,0. In which, in acid condition pp indicator is colorles and in base condition it gives red color. In this thitration, NaOH solution as a titran and H2C2O4 as a titrate so that the titration was stopped when red color appeared. We used NaOH as a titrant in order to easy in observing the color change. It meant that if we used H2C2O4 as a titrant so that the color should change from red color to become colorless. Basically, the change of color from red color to become colorless is difficult to be observed and because of that the titration sometimes passed the equivalent point. So, for this reason, we the titrant by NaOH and H2C2O4 as a titrate so that the color change from colorless to become red color can be observed easily. And finally, from this titration we obtained the Normality of NaOH is 0.06 N.

c. Converting the percentage of acetic acid into Normality. In order to know the Normality of acetic acid, firstly we determined the Molar of its pure acetic acid. In this case, percent of acetic acid in market vinegar was 25% (b/v) with density, = 1,05 gram/L. M=

( gram / L) x kadar zat x 10

Massa Molar( gram / mol) 1,05gram / L x 25 x 10 60 gram / mol

= 4,375 mol/L = 4,375 M N = M x n = 4,375 M x 1 = 4,375 N In this practicum, the Normality of NaOH used are 0.1 N, so that this acetic acid should be diluting in order to have same Normality. In this case we needed 250 mL of acetic acid for all group by diluting a pure acetic acid.
V1 N 1 V2 N 2 V1 4.375 N 250 mL 0.1 N


250 mL 0.1 N 4.375 N

V1= 5.7 mL And this 5.7 mL of pure acetic acid was dissolved in aquadest to achieve 250 mL CH3COOH solution 0.1 N. after diluting this acetic acid, we divided it into three erlenmeyers which has same volume 10 mL for each erlenmeyer. And then each of that was dropped by five (5) drops of indicator pp and then continued by titration process. And finally, we obtained the average mass of NaOH that were used in titration was 7.7 mL, so that the normality of CH3COOH as follows: NNaOH x VNaOH = VCH 3COOH N CH 3COOH 0.08 N x 7,7 mL = 10 mL x N CH 3COOH

0,08 N x 7.7 mL 10 mL

NNaOH = 0,06 N

In this practicum, the diluting factor is 43.75 (from 5.7mL to 250mL), so the concentration of acetic acid in market vineger was 43.75 x 0.06 N=2.625 N. The concentration of acetic acid = 2.625 N= 2.625 M

% 10
molar mass 1.05 g / L % 10 60 g / mol

2.625 mol / L %

2.625 mol / L 60 g / mol 10 .05 g / L

% of acetic acid 15.67 %

So, percentage of acetic acid in market vineger was 15.67 %. Conclusion: 1. The simple practicum procedur in determining the percent of actic acid in market vineger can be done by acidi-alkalimetric titration technique. In which, NaOH solution as a titrant was standradized by oxalix acid, H2C2O4 due to NaOH is not a prymary standard solution. After standarizing of NaOH, then continued to titrate the market vineger. And then from this titration we can obtain the concentration of acetic acid in market vineger and furthermore we can obtain the percentage of acetic acid in market vineger. 2. By using the titration in this praktikum, the percent of acetic acid (H2C2O4) in market vineger known is 15.67%.

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