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. 713
Consecrated Tuesday, 12th Sept ember, 1944
by The Most Reverend D. T. Owen. D.O.
Archbishop of Toronto
Primdte of all Canada
BAG0T sr AT CENTc?!"
t '
111 MOI$! H\"wpd [), T. Owen, u,n,
lItchbislwp of 'fOffJl!1-i'/,
PrilThjJte 0 l if U CarWtfiL
RllV, J, :5, WQRR.BL:L
0, It, DB
-U,l(f.l!j3",' '",
3 9364 00697647 1
REV, H, :s.. OWEN
:a.iiV, $. MIDDLETON
1843 1944
Day hy (lay -/;,VellJ,; -seem of tittle or iIlO ll:npo-rtanoo, aM f4r the m()$t
part 8'4 unrecon:led, Then >II centufY titter, wh,:;o <In <lUOI't Is made to ri?
thi:' story of a family, a district or.a parh;;h. iliule tllttteflai avail,
able, Such /;s the elise with Ine parish of 51. Osnaw1L
The nJ1!t white scttkt lIilI Oshawa Was_ Benjamin Wilson, who
a litlte ellst of the Hilthour, neat what is l,O'W lhe old burial grtilmd oVer'
[ooking' Lake Ont'!!:dq, This wail in 1778:' .or 1794,f, OlhiJr ilettter!)
from the south, hut whether there were' nwmbm of Chutcn among
them and whether du:dng the nnlt thitrl of the 19th century Chureb of
Eng-land $.CrVii\t$ hdd herc<!hf,uts lS 1l'nlcllDwn.
T111" first record of Anglican J!ervtees in the Township of East WhitLy,
uf which area Oshawa formed .a pari, emi'wS from Hte l{wmal of the Rev.
erel)d Adam EUiot, tflilveUing !)!l>;sinary, who made .&ever"l eit'enitii (If the
"Home" district <is IlI.r north as Penetangni",hene, 1831,35:, Imt it js
impossible from Ms ltllxrnal I(> identify place;, in the immedime vieinity
of Osha'Wti at whicb his servi.,C$ we-te oonducteq, The first t.fiul'(:n ii, the
southe1tJ pari or Ontari{) c.unty, built d !-ogs, W.all at Co-tUn:lbUli,
(English Comers) in 1835, Itt 1838 the p<irJ"h of the wnol(l adjacent dis-
tri<tt, the l'.;:.wn.dtip" of Whitby, ClarkI;'- and l)>IIrHngton wa" urgah:iood nueJt
the: T, S. KCf\lieily, The Revetcnd John Pendil<nd entemd the
diocere of Toronto 15th Deeembl"r, 1 an. amI WR.'l. -appointed lnGllmbent of
Columhus and WTlithy. He was -an Trishman by birth. a J!uidier by
Cnee- aud It minister byehoire. the third ;,()n ,'if Ge<)rge Pl'nti<md Ilf GI'ahlty
Row, he wail horn in 1B04 and <ldu:cated .at Kilkenny, Cvrfege
Dahl)!), and at Cambridge, Commi!fflioned 2nd I.ieuL in His l\tIUjestY'lf Hurse
Guards, 21$1 Re,gt, in lS,2.<t ne was later pto1l1niecl Captain .. )lei Sf'l'Vea in
France, Spain Rnd Italy. In entcr+ng the ministry :fit': followed the footsteps
of hIS ,grandfather lhe Reverend lORIl Pentland, who died at Anlhcl'lIt'Can.
County Meath, belano, in ] 730-. ReQre to Canada MI', Pelldamii
ruinill'te1cd io Wa]ili>, Fl'I;mCe and
'the C];:ureh in O"hllwa, then kuo\"1< !:IS Skae'$ Corners, wail opened as
an outst<ltlon from ",*'Mth)<, and it ill said th-(lt fot s.o-me titne wert}
held in what WiI$ known as th", old 'fnwn Hall .. nd Court House al the
corner of CO;ltre and Athol Stmets+. The first S:, GeorttE's Chutch wa,...,
D-urtt at the rnrner of Kil'lit Street ,lmd Park Raad on a site given by Mr, ,. ,B,
W'artetl.. pad I)J' dl(' mated .. l cuming fnm! a di@!'ed Baptis!: Chutch in the
'Vicinity, T11'/) ttttte of the huiMing of [his dturdt i" uuccnnin, hUI It waR
ptobahly 184<1. In the fd1<>wing }'<'<lr OstuJwa had <I population of about
1,000, &nd is (Smith'" Cal:)l:ldlllJl: C.(IZell'C:r! as "-It prace of coMider-
able bllilil-nrn;s"''. Dum 13.t}{) St. Geoq!:e's, Oshawa, was worked ill conjunct/on
with SL lorm's Port Whi!hy. and St. Paul's, Columhu:;s, frol" 1859 to
1864 with St, .Tohn's, Port then from lSf:H,11) ]873 with St, Put's.,
{:oluml:illili, tn that yQr Paul's W4$ Joinoo tG BX0IJklm and Q",lut'wa
tilt {)!:' 1BOO C'atfie ihe Sc Ure: corner
>i}f ua wlili,eb lii:te hal' l_ permanently rrtarked by u
nne $t{HJ by dlt' ' 01 Tcmni1>, St" George".; Day,
1'11;;- CoJ(tMl g, R 6!lIlUXWrum"
Tfllipi91mJhlo; ("" wi>:.k I!;ud: :reCq.:lVitfudjon of the
., new
't'1:w Reve.vttd J.,lu. f'eutI41hl W&5 J'llln1tedoo iIt tM! hy tbe Rill'erend
J 3, 'i'tirreH.1111", fatl,ex tWD t: ..
(Jl11: A ifl:hbj%h17p (Jf N<:>va :a:nil of Ali Canada. the >Otber
for tm),ny Yf'Jlr$, (:h?tIQI1Hq; Qf period !wa
lJUp<tmntl gl11$ 'IlfItfl: made tv p.IfJ$b, in NQve1'P'Per 1361 an area #f
ahtrut -litlre 4f gl:'l:<Otu1 wali ttt rhe Church Suciety -of the: di_
(I{ l'<>1'.,utl;; tty J!)ilu HoII'. Wiilhlln Allan gOO thejr
as "'all: flfl,uoWmll'Jtt 41' 1\ parAufl1iIge, Ute rt'.nt+, Md thnTOl
to appmpriared Al1d applit:d: tu the SUPlK'tf b.coothent
Ume"". 1M!! became the sn", 'Of the <>M 400 Uuer
IIpi;lvJ verrni:wsJre site (If (Itt' tJ'tf'_-lWitt TIiI; otlrer
i:t 1ft 'k'ali th4:t (I{ the 'ZuoelFTY f>Tl r"TK Road 1;;01i,1.. Rli ama of n bout ]:,:1:+
aerea, 'Vested ih dlii SYl10d o[ !be dl{;lccl'4' in 1Ml< by Mr. j. B. 8nU
{'o:iiSCcra1vd, (>iate wulmnwnl by i1lslwp Betl:H!llIL Attndgir the
was it) til:<! mll'li("&1 intenmml in the ntt:a Wilill tnane lU 1M1" J:;e,.
twQtm which date ,1{) krJ\JwR< hurials n;m'<p F"r iMUy
the cemerory cu:retakFT was a ,M'L 'I The V !!SIX" at a fileeI ing
som' yeus h<:f .. re bis o('{ltf\, liitg;:v;(,,j; itil apPNl:latlQIt 01 hiS faith.t wMk hy
gmntl/;g: hlrn il tnt In ttl'; Ellrhd
Tb .. Hever&Jtd Crump; nett fuUDwed Callorl Wo:trt'!L Dr. WD Bent a
w .. s lloo(;QY's Qnu:ehw<lfrdm,. 19o,, aud m,tjj Ms death in 19.;$ a
f:gtltat' ,attenoont 4t thc :servie% <> the dl1frcil, M'r;,.. l<iIDon, wjf(l of tbe
R0IJroK'$ tit ;:Ire premlttime" is a grandib.l.ugh:tcr of Carm:n Bek
rue H<1vlitoo;!-d H. D, OVIe'fl twc;;;rn-e Rvctm: ill 11176 and Ht lSSD Kll
succooded hy the Re:vaemi J, wHddietoo. These were sHU the' day!! of smail
tMtlg$ by p:r*11t $l-and{ll"u*, The frnallci<ll SllXliellient p:resW1:",d to the
E/lS1Cif 100:2 TeQe:lptll (if $1009.:11, Th hliCumben-ea
stipend \Vb!! $OCI() plfr Hltfjnil,," In 188,t the Sunday Sdwo! /ittet141at1(# ltVer
agea D(rj'S and 51 girl!!, which however wrm pr{}bably II- h.ighll'r pr-opotior}
o-i the vbHdNn jJf tbiJ cflJ)gr1!\,gatiorJ 1h1tfl II> found in 1he School today, But
dmre .Vfie real de:vvlupID(H)t going (tI), The 'SUtH.Jay Ekhool huildinj; was
eTl/'ct('d in wbHe a yoox- later the C,\urch waf' mlarged hy the addition
trf 13 feet UIr' i4lst tid uruil a gaHery at the wee' (1m!, At thr. same tiroe
1:\#11' and WI'il'C l:rmtllllcd. The Church wa" re.opened ,and:
ool.mooratoo the Right lteveren.d Arthur Sweatman. Bishop of l'*-rtmto,
'lib Ckh)])f>!. JtBl, ami triih visiting pre-41cbiIDl- were
each night: Qt fQUowing week, Tlttl Petition for the Consecratiml wa$
lIigw:d by ], :'Hddlctotl, B,A,. W, J. A1."k!nllQll, and 1, W. em'fUn, Glm:rnh
W;;l::rdep$.; Olmt lQl,epn Cl)):rk, .M,D,; F. W. Glen; M. Western; Rnd R. D.
Frum. "t8a9 comes- the ftrst printed mmua] fi:nanci,al re-port $jl,d: wMch
Ctintaj,M the nm tfJlX}rd oJ g;j"Jnp trY rni)jjjlol'h", au amo-unt VL $68,46, Dur-
Inft tItp reelOr.ltc 1'[ die Hcv(('l:Hl talhot \ l{)9l).19H9) the Vestry
xlinub"s have tbe find 1TI1:nIlIJU .,r;]!'c Wnrne:t's Guild (lS9-;;)" The W.A.
wit., organized in [901. TI\!R' Suml .. )" 5d::l)rll hU:i1d:ifig: wa" f'ttlargi:>d hy the
dddi:tt()n &r tilt: two room!! ttl the )1')db in 19113. Ml\ j:ulm Cowan gIJl1btt)ullly
bearing the wll'!>t& ex:P<Ul:,t'"" it wa" p!:oimbly tl:liOut tJ'lj$ tilne thut a ve(!too
eM-it was mtrvclwert. for )11 the V(')).tr, rr;)Jlute!< Hf l!Xri le meutkm of "tile
rRffitOek (fi)mm:in, '0 If! 1<i!}1 II propossj W!>e made hy the redia; P'0Qftte to
pureha&t R SlIi? 1,f land t lili) n0Tln (if tl:m 'l)1;1I11Cb !i'}te, the fi.rnt Ntllve,
""flich a dozen y",an> was t? Tt'$\ll! tP the "Irie o{ the whole p:-operly
Alta tlw builditly; uf Cihllt:iL
'f1m Rrvrrvm:i dt: c{um; to fbI' jltlXrsn in 191U and'll
rapid g:r<lwtu wail 'Nttltrecl ttp(n. SIron after nt4i .nr'ival, St,
Mi:&hi61l" SQJ1hj'*i1te, \'Ni$ {tpmtd hi the iNwl:ue; E1t;iish
{ )Ji dw Solttn (ir (fie .;:mH" Worfd War f
hu:il.:ling; nmUers W'f'tt" loett lit tbe ikcixi'PTI
t!: .,ti:ct a ;mjn" had keR rnkvn 111 Polih'iwing tbe Viiif
population rapjdry ru:Hi nCild for 11 rntlTcb
wa;i J1Y6$Sl:t{!> A{ter tilkny anti Wilrrk tti
j\lIu13. on 12, 15i1<J, .h;c In(;1\ General D[ Canada, lbe
De'r"OflShiN, tuuled tlte FU$t- l14<il I",y trw fmll1rtlltlD1H of the p-teseltt vuHcling:.,
(;CrJrrre's l<letnqri!ll ClujTd'l, rho: em'Her waS "'wvtl lrnd truly
laid"" hy Mujor CeMrnl J, lit, I\ld:ldeh ,In Sataniuy, October 1922. In
the Carner- Stt",pe )" a p.W;;U{flfll)t lwwrimd as
Erected itl. the
'''In f1/.e(tHIt'y ol a batki oj Milrliet bUJs. uJli&, hMriffr; the (l"fl.?' caU to? ttRly,
:yet ie!iOllttcty Jir!1N:tfJa prune tici; mId went tJt'iirSM:< lIT "li.ght (I.
glfod Ii-gr.t"' itt the L',tere1ts fJj fmfA rlnt! /lance lor AM/if and Corwtr] a!ld
/br lAc. HOluml' tJn4 Clo!] iYl tot! F,tnpt(. in l'kn"e hundred t}.hd
eightY'-SelH:n aJtllllU mofm,?er;: Of (tul'{l!clrt:r; of &" ("'qr;rg,P',, Church
fn spellf f,{Jfwwea tnelll',ory aJ tlt4$t! vA,o feU ,m rl?lf fidd oj battle and v]ilfr
il(tUf1rlcss 4'Oiftai}1t m#!l?- !hi! 1M! jtru,a S{I(;tiJ!rL---" ,,[ceping IIHill "lui 1Jl(!{!{J of
tft tlriYJIliJCS$ Cl. fim:.i{pi t:'fllli Jitf' 1)1,1' ft,IJ4k fmi 'he SlwdOU_'$ iter:
ttway" '
ReCIOt FL <frPt'nder,
,If: J, Ni:;iJow;dt
P"."pi,', WltJi'fJI 5.
[ifp.'!". iu '!<i114 tlllt- 7111 of Gelvln:r 1!1Z;!'"
'l'hn RYI'I/"ml Dllyid IVt H(I(;e, B.S.;\",
Rural IJ;:l1n oJ y .. -wk.
fl! )
'E>j"""kl<l s.Il<l'.g, ,."tY<l'u""v.I .r _ty, .wi
Utin"a{itm:" f"," iJlliil\ '$:" Buictdiltg FUM ",'4\' -" ""l"" ",1.QOI);(}Ot
"""" """"" " ""
" "" " '"' '""' ,,,,,,, , _"",,","''',_''_,bd,_,, ___ ,u ____., _,_, ' ____ '"'_
"''''', .... P,lYtlt9I "Onlet)" Qyq?I:Y- jpt':.
"1> t 1:921".
irint"" P*l!IIPttllit". 1, ""P\lI/,Wll.
f4 la,

;,d 8."( i"IW/'P" 'Il"H:ry !!WIidfifp! &w;.
ev. I;t rtL"Riif,t'.
f14;;ptfi JhJQ wilMA (lk ,,!p;i1JF
St4'H/l'dA !(ltfJ/I fj! fW4<Y 4tt.t wrtr t
t{p;f "e","".'?
ttil<ff3 )01r;!t j. H9 "I 'f\!(
l1dJ;,;n<'04 Rf!)mOfw".
1lBt-1 ilt {'Iii"""! f,>!rc tttrP,,,HL

"harl';'!lCl, tl!: v)lours UI the

l'fWf'tJ tit Toe t!rw (:ort"
(lrt In,,, Bfte of the AiM::". thai too
lfel COilllg'S, pJeBt'ntcd to the Rcgimrnt-twl' :yellT$ ibt ft'uudiop:
11" .n0 Ontal if} '\{UtUrlieel'e, The ClEn:>n911Y t@l}k V1ace a. the Cmmtr
towt! DE \"lhit1y, UlI J{.l;," tat. If!:fl3, Carmon's first ])"iuln;}ufi nay, RfHi Ihe
plfl5t1t11ati'PTI w,as mail;:- h)' o,u; Osrww"",, l"m:din,g tlru inti:' Mrs. T. ;;.(.
Gibbit An 1tttttunt of her lI(ifln$$ and. oelllHl> (jlj:(;a&r,)t! RTF
l!:Hth.talned in R.:;gimel1lai records, In $I nvilo-w fit the nelHi or the staff huh'
boon tp$tl"M:d a s!mrt [0 ,hl$;. Ttlf) :ne-..;t tw.:r eulmrf$, Ihd .on
IRe dght nE tim Altilr tne King' 1':'(101):1" tm:d 0)) the left, the Rcgimt)l;tai
<::nlO>IIT, were IHl",&1flt"ld tD tbl' lm,]w;j as the 34:r.l. Ontariu
County b;t U.e ia4ie" (If in 189R Wnithy was at that
time the hvedqnarter" of ttl<; ru:;ri:nenL C,;H"Ning nearer- to thf: view ",f
<:i:wgregaiitl, the next t}try .;olonn, are t!li')!i'(; (IX the 1 If/in Ra1tlltton
ClI-tludiun Extffldi1irrna:ry for,;e, * t.a.uafjot; fO)'lth,,;;l nut or the CmInty R):g'i<
fllCht llJId: whjch fought antI st'T'.,fG,t with dlstill,'l!on tn FranI)[' lInd Belgium.
thclle ()O.l-VUTI) were prcseltt",d tH tbe llmh Eft, hy til!:' faillES ,f tbrbrirl;z,>
OUL, ,,'lie tempprary headquarters of the hRlta'iion In tft1J >furly pHlr"Y
Tlwy "",--ere hken iN1Jfl'l:tlll' hy ihe_ unit and on the at"e of' {<it Y"Y4lir:D
dep-u,;it>:d !ot' ""l",kitI01Jh:g il' Wc"tfJ1in'Her Ahbey, 'fhere.
f(H" Ibe- duration .,r tbe \".9t, they re$led tlpDl! \Vol!e'j; t0mh, 11 lin!; .,t mop;
than ordinary ni$t(lTk .. l 'interest witu Cant",l", lJJ lftlqrmet "f l'H9 ther
wm:e remot'l;'Q from the Ahbey, Hndt:f e@'{c():tt Iwd IlC(;(jr.-lPl;l'I1ICtt thtt hal!)!UOtl
baek to Carm:da. After Ldpg througb Q$lUlwtL they Wfr lake!! 10
Call11lngto-n. Ont., whieh w .. " at that ti!lli: (.utrl';idr;r("tl Jf'cgimr-tltaf hl'"l!<l!llHtrfC>l.
and' d"posited in An Saints CQ;Urdl. In 1'920. rcglmtmta-t b',!u:lquattbtl<
wer{) llhaHy establishl!d al O"trawfI, and later. the: pre"cut 1)(
George's Cbllx{'n htIVinJ;:; been completed. all tbe t'1;'h:ml't< thut< lut Jllltj(lXn1rt
tU thc.'1<li pragrllyiw, wen: gallvrred at tlHl' (!snnw{\ Anr,'H!(,(/)}/;, On $(iitllrda!\
Kovember 11th, 1';1'27, 111<:' Ii\',; t'nlnut$ WNi:) hV'I'I1<: Q]l(tef tn Alex(mdim
ParK. 'fhen' they were ceremonlally tr,!t)perl {"r the hV1( Hme b<:fnre !1 full
par<l of the R#g:ill'lcnt IlI1d \"cteran& ,.r fht' County, t(. \HtlflY (If wht)m Illt\
vadow; (:o{<}nn N:t" a fami(l"I' Rnd i"'(-"(:i;mJ'l' ,IW<!{hl'iV. ttte- ttn(!'p"
ing:, tb",y :marcljed! 1':1 the: nuginH!)ll t1it(tllgb the streets of the City to
the Cll1lrl'U and ntlctity depOillrea ill d:rilt!vl whrt' Ihey Jlp,>:< 1'6;;1. 'l'\w
tqione-S' hllf1!('dilltely fct,-,tl1,fl Ille <.'J)fl(.ftf'i1;$ItkHl ll\'e the Ulost tOOCltt addition"
1'brlie: were'" preeented (0 tho Reglf)l(lht lit Purk iu A-ugw,t,
{ " ""
""""""P\"". h , ""," W", II,
P", "''' '""""'"."". ,_ MI,'l\
, ,b "'''d",, '11', II, 'H., .....
"'" ' , ,," ",'" J., /"
._,' "/ __y"." "n" Ib
P". hP h"" ". h fl..
E. J.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11, Cell"""",
""'''''''''''"c,,'''' I,
I t
, " " ""
"'" F"ai, Cl)'W""
""" "E:
W, "A't'f(:t:NitpN
W, "H, l1fo:n:.:tJ,;N:(lJl
" A.]frtmE$

""r, /W, CfJ-W 4,."
1oi>" E:. S;r.itTU

it :1("
j, y;; r.44l'l)lU,X,
, ,

Gb:i<!'I/ Jfmdo'lll4' OT the Ch!;!:rotl ",ar;e: toom(frtafF
:&:alil!: t1) Wimamc
",lin," il;tttI ,[amell" G 1>)1
'[('lID$cpl W;ridow,. fAM! Re&'Urrecri;;mJt _"lent'f H,,led:.
<,.. .f Ill. C""CO, .... r "'."'. 9, HIII<.<
!!lIII'" <"\ilII!!- ((;AM.!) I. Edwl. J.m., :!Iu1l.".!1 died 1_ Jil, 19'2;\
I .... ) '" H."y S.lpmm:<l!niith. ".;..1:
(I!im I. "l'lol.rlil.y >I.Mill"",< ", Dooc",'" 25,
""'n:dow. (St
of n: do<
YUt in the
Nt>rtb"AJ%lf!" fr4e: ):lilY)'> to 1
died 1922, Ult'it: Fe" If."C01,;
, "N':':Ttb Ai'sIp' iChriht and L.itde; \1hilprnp) to" F'ra:tlgls" Kem;x.
""" ,j" M_ C.,.wol<, 11.1)9'.
(Zit C;l}risl6f*,eJ;) IA Ap"l1e J.
sm !a;M,.19n; hun Mlill(ui
',[:... lIWept (Pmi!Jttatioti: >fir elitist :i1t ti
<lM... ,< tU#tllii<1t 21>, m.d <.",ilY kk!."<l GII"O. 1I"'li<
21>, < <'" <
" CN$$ to Fldl"{!t)ttt;
<it "Edw;JY41 >Hn:rtL Can"ifeU, of her sismri!.
Thl!i tJs ihll,llktuJ Of Hel)t'y CarSwell ii!25:
wfto:"all" fn :?it. Church,
"h.e Mtctl$rn in tTleJW1;l (if W::uren" ann his lamjly glven hy
F, \V, and" t;liarle " "
TI;: "mJf. tim: -gift m Jvhn" BOy.fBll. J Ilne 12. 190(t
"rXI.'1f,;r "no".;&; was: by)'I-f'm. :& 8ryant "t{oo&" tfi
Qf her llUo;lmr Augoot ; H)26.
" 1/la: in ?t was the" gift
"hi#- "",dQw,
luscr.imd: 'Hn Oet, J o:ttkVltw.. P4tll:tSm'l: I 'B94'" /wrm
0"1 Mrs. in meum,,," 4Nl1r ia:ther,----orte 1irPiiLRe<:WT
o,.",.,J: .. ."to.
"ne Ct"lIets ;gke"m lfI!!'mory of Ida Wallier and of JnUcu F .. ll>:r.!m:
lim <W.A. IIIlti Gulld ill <I!I4Il.
mkt lhe wa1i <Ii ill< tr
me "or":lile Dean :;mn Chapter.
'&!<iW"l' <Oy - JAc _II.. to <!lie .r < < < ,<, <, < < JI<;llilllJlO
'lI!!i!l"!iI: !!!r lI!rs.<]F<W'<W_ , .. 1m <, < <""' <"" _00
< <
iiy A. the""imexes+ upo$Fwmeids ttl hI' ,(l!/plm'
_ C.ifldirufi """"""_"""_. 1,l-2G
h - $t: M. Wutr:fn and jH100
2tg,," }QS<ial!: :J'eiIt ]q-C"llte work of
,uti yet

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