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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Toons Gone Crazy

Sarah Cho Asst. A&E Editor Surprise surprise! There is more than meets the eye to some cartoons. One writer plunged into the myths and rumors behind some of the most popular toons and revealed interesting theories and scandals.




The most famed conspiracy about the Pokmon franchise is the theory that the entire cartoon series is Ashs coma induced delusions. While unconrmed, this premise has gained a huge following. Advocates argue that Ash went into a coma after being struck by lightning early in the series. Following this event, the pacing and style of the show changed signicantly with Team Rocket becoming less menacing and the world becoming more idealistic. The characters are allegedly Ashs projections of himself as he struggles with his own personal demons. This theory explains why all Pokmon centers have the exact same nurse and why Ash never becomes a real Pokmon master.

The Rugrats
Animators sometimes get out of hand and conduct inappropriate, obscene actions. In the 1977 Disney lm, The Rescuers, a racy image of a topless woman can be seen flying past in the background during a scene in which the two mousy protagonists race down a street. The image is small and only ashes by for a split second, but this offensive picture led to the recall of 3.4 million copies of the lm.

Many of us remember watching The Rugrats on TV when we were kids. Recently, however, rumors have been circulating about the true story behind the TV show. Theorists have speculated that the children on the show are all simply a gment of Angelicas rampant imagination. According to internet blogs and forums, Chucky died long ago with his mother, and Tommy was a still born. Bloggers have also reasoned that the DeVilles, the parents of Phil and Lil, had an abortion and because Angelica could not decide what gender the infant would have been, she simply created the same character with two different genders.

Internet bloggers have also created theories about The Rugrats spin off show, All Grown Up. According to these writers, Angelica is a bipolar schizophrenic who became addicted to narcotics. This drug use caused her to revert to her childhood mentality, a state which brought back her imaginary characters. She clung to her hallucinations as a form of comfort and ultimately died of a heroin overdose.


in DB
Every month, we will bring you some of the most ridiculous, hilarious, at-out idiotic, and sometimes insightful things we hear around campus. So bewarewell be listening. Girl 1: I love your shoes! Girl 2: They were yours. I never gave them back. Student: Wait, Sigmund Freud? You mean like the lion tamer? Girl 1: Wait, whats a fetish? Girl 2: Isnt that the pickle you put on hotdogs? Teacher: Im like wine, I get better with age.

Beauty & Brains

Colene Eng Asst. Editorial Editor I recently had the opportunity to sit down and interview two pageant hopefuls: Diamond Bar High School junior Nadia Mejia running for Miss Chino Hills and DBHS alumna Jenny Ting for Miss California. From the start of my interview with Ting, I knew that she would be extremely friendly and likeable, two traits that will greatly help during the pageant. While chatting easily when walking to our interview location; her bubbly personality caught my attention and I knew that Ting would be a great contender for Miss California. Although she has had practice in the pageant industry, such as running for Miss Diamond Bar, Ting has remained humble and has even admitted that she still has a lot to learn. Right now, Im trying to gure out how the pageant works at this level. I hope to learn new things from this industry and meet incredible and intelligent women, stated Ting. Halfway through the interview, my initial thoughts of Ting being easy-going was confirmed. For example, the regular application includes interviews and callbacks. However, Ting was nominated for the honor, which meant that she did not have to go through the laborious process. I feel incredibly lucky for such a new experience. Thousands of people apply and only a couple hundred get in, explained Ting. Although this is an extraordinary once-in-a-lifetime event, Ting remained calm, showing that she inhibits a balance of emotions. This is imperative for such an event because it would be undesirable to break down during the show. Im not very nervous. Ive been a professional dancer so I see this as another performance. Im anxious and excited to see what will happen the day of the pageant, elaborated Ting. Like Ting, Mejia is outgoing, as exemplied by her friendly demeanor from the start of the interview. The pageant is her way of following in her mothers footstepsMrs. Mejia was crowned Miss West Virginia. Mejias aim is having a good experience and making new lifelong friends. With her great personality, I am sure that Mejia will gain many friends throughout this journey. Mejias charismatic personality was also shown when she was asked about her goals for the show. Instead of winning just for the sake of winning, Mejias goal goes much deeper. My goal is to be a good inuence on teenagers. I want to show them that they dont need to do crazy things in order to have fun. They can be classy and elegant and still have the time of their lives, commented Mejia. Her standards are high and show that not all pageants are based solely on beauty, but also on good-intentions, which Mejia denitely has. All in all, Im really excited because all of my friends and family are coming to support me. I feel condent in my abilities and look forward to the pageant, summed up Mejia. Ting and Mejia are clearly great girls. Before my interviews, I was unsure of how they would act: snobby? Haughty? Even cocky? By the end, I knew that I was remarkably wrong. With their intelligence, striking beauty, and unwavering friendliness, both girls will go far in their respective pageants and in their lives as well.

Quiz time!
Feeling hungry but dont know what to eat? Then youre at the right place! This simple ow chart will help you decide which snack shop would best t your tastes. After youve found out, simply look below for more tasty info! Are you thirsty? YES NO Do you like tea? YES NO Is today a Monday or Tuesday? YES NO Do you have a sweet tooth? YES NO

Half & Half Tea Station

Nicole Ongpoy Editorial Cartoonist Today, there are people who take it upon themselves to go out and lie down in bizarre and foolish places. They lie in escalators, on cop cars, in airplane compartment storages, and even on top of camels. This strange activity is a renowned hobby called planking, where people lie face down and do absolutely nothing. Rumor has it that the term planking originated from slave ships where slaves were chained together and forced to lie down on shelves of wooden planks in small compact spaces. Although possible, planking most likely came from the The Lying Down Game in the 2000s when the game started out as a fad in England, and eventually became an over hyped Internet sensation. These plankers are getting positive feedback from others on the Internet for doing absolutely nothing on top of uncomfortable and unsafe areas. Not only do they put themselves at risk, but they also disturb the public peace by planking over the rails of escalators and in the middle of doorways, causing traffic and making people angry. A man in Australia actually died after losing his balance trying to plank off his balcony. Police authorities and even Julia Gillard, the Australian Prime Minister, called the matter of planking to attention and warned others about the recklessness of this activity. It may be all fun and games, but unless you wish to hurt yourself, I suggest that you stick to planking on your soft bed at night.

Walk the Plank!

Fresh Food Fads

Angie Zhang Asst. Feature Editor Recently, many Diamond Bar High School students have been ocking to a number of Asian cafes and raving about the boba and desserts. The Bulls Eye sent one of its staff members to three of these sites to see just what was so great about these places.

What interests me about this cafe is the line of people waiting outside that never seems to dwindle. Even on weekdays, there is some kind of queue there. 85C Bakery is one of the most popular cafes in Taiwan, which explains the line of predominantly Asian people. What rst drew me to this place was the fresh bread. Unlike your usual Asian bakery, 85C always has new batches of bread, due to the masses of people that quickly make the confections disappear into their stomachs. Many of the breads sold here are on the sweet side, but the bakery also makes salty ones. An example of a salty bread would be the French Cheese bread, which has garlic powdery on top and is lled with cheese. When you pay for the bread, you also get the option of buying a drink. For the most part, this bakery serves coffee-like drinks, as its name comes from the supposed perfect temperature for drinking coffee. The pricing here is also very good; I bought 10 different types of bread and the total was only 15 dollars! However, the wait time is the longest I have ever had to endurea whopping 25 minutes! Hopefully, this time will be shorter on weekdays.

Half & Half

What Did You Do?

Curious as to what DBHS students did over the summer? Well, we went and found out for you. Here are the results!


If you like the taste of tea, Half and Half is the perfect place for you! Many of the restaurants tea based drinks taste like actual tea, so if you do not like that bitter avor, I suggest that you add some caramel to it. When I rst stepped into the restaurant, I was a bit confused since there was no menu of any kind on display. The only thing the cafe had was a chalkboard with a lot of Chinese characters on it. Some advice I would give to the rst-timer would be to step up to the counter and grab one of the menus that are hidden in one of the boxes. Like many other tea stations, Half and Half takes a pretty long time to make your drinks. That waiting time, in addition to the line of people waiting to order, totals to about 15 minutes. Nowadays, four dollars seems to be the standard for specialty boba so the cafes prices are pretty reasonable, especially since its cups are some of the largest you will ever see.

Do you like your boba on the sweet and creamy side? If you do, you will love Meow Meow Cafe! The Boba Milk with Pudding contains a lot of milk, sugar, and a chocolate-like sauce, to the point where it almost tastes like a milkshake. For me, the pudding is the best part of the drink! It has a wonderful texture, tastes just right, and is easy to eat - no struggling with the straw or spoon. The restaurant displays a menu on the wall that has the three most popular drinks (the boba milk with pudding is #1), and a few other specialty beverages. If you want a full menu, you will need to step to the side of the counter and get one of the pamphlets. Drinks take about 10 minutes to come out, so do not order if you are short on time. Also, Meow Meow Cafe is not open on Mondays or Tuesdays, so plan ahead!

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