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More Thoughts on the New Majority and Different Direction.

Sue looked irritated after seeing the commercial. I know, I know. Im thinking the same things, said Bill. What things are you thinking? That Obama is borrowing, well not Obama but our whole Federal Government which includes many republicans who are behind organizations like the New Majority Agenda, Restore Our Future, and Different Direction, is because of more disturbing reasons than just the fact that they are borrowing for the sake of borrowing. Such as? asked Sue taking the seat next to Bill on the sofa. I actually find that the easiest explanation is to give an example. Really, what example have you thought of? I just keep thinking of late 18th Century France and turn of the century Imperial Russia. She had cuddled against him and had laid her head on his right shoulder. She was listening and he knew it. Go on, she said when he paused to accommodate her cuddle by putting his arm around her. Well, in France the majority of the revenue came from the working classes. Nobles and clergy paid no taxes. They just reaped the benefits of the labors of the working classes. Louis XVI had made the mistake of lending huge amounts of money to a new struggling nation in some vague war for independence. He did it because the new nation was causing problems for an age old enemy of France. However, the government needed money and France had to start borrowing. Most of this borrowing would not be necessary if the nobles and clergy had started to pay their fair share. Why didnt he just make them? He was the King. When most people think of Kings, they think of ones like in Spain, England, Russia, and many other places where the kings really did have a lot of authority over the nobility. France was kind of the opposite. The King had powers and could suggest things. He may even make decisions or ruling to keep the peace between two noble houses, but in essence, he was king because the nobility placed him there. Powerful dukes, counts, and others actually had a lot of

autonomy in their dukedoms or counties. They even held power over the king. The King needed their help if he needed to defend his thrown. In England, the nobility owe its welfare to the King so the king like Henry VIII or queen like Elizabeth could call the shots once they secured their place on the thrown. The French King was on the thrown of France at the leisure of the nobles. How does that remind you of the commercial? Well, instead of nobles hijacking the government, you have Romneys Job Creators calling the shots. How so? Well, take Wal-Mart for example, law of the land states that you are innocent until proven guilty. Yet, at Wal-Mart, if you work for them and are arrested, company policy is that you will be suspended without pay until there is a verdict. If you are convicted, you will be immediately terminated. If you are found innocent and your position has been filled (which is highly likely because it could be months until your triala close friend of mine waited almost an entire year before he had his final trial and verdict,) you will be suspended without pay until you can find another position; they give you thirty days to do so. If nothing is open in that time, you will be terminated. So, in essence, even if you are innocent, you will be punished. Yes, you will miss out on all the possible earnings and your career if your position is filled. Have you ever been arrested by mistake? I mean, when you are arrested, it is because the police did their job and you must be guilty. Bill looked at her incredulously. He saw her smile and realized that she was being sarcastic. First of all, police are people and like people, they will try to do their job as quickly as possible and will look for the easiest solutions. That is why we have trials. And yes, I was arrested once for something I didnt do. Really? she asked perking up a bit at this announcement. She liked that she was with a Bad Boy. Yes, when I was in the Army. I had a motorcycle and I was in uniform and I had a backpack on. I went off post late at night to get something to eat and when I came back on post, they arrested me right at the gate. Evidently, someone dressed just like me had robbed a convenience store and the MPs were ready to pin it on me. Luckily, the convenience store clerk cleared me or I would have probably spent the entire night in jail.

She sighed a bit disappointedly as she said, Well, go on with your story. Think about it. Reaganomics and people like Romney want to give the rich even more tax breaks. Just like the nobles of France. Exactly, now add in the fact that there are very few mom and pop shops or local businesses anymore. There are an abundance of chain stores like Wal-Mart, Sears, JC Penneys, and so on. This is money leaving the local economy, this is the capital flight of Imperial Russian that was experienced when French Industrialist were invited in to start companies. Money was earned but the majority of it went to France. It is very similar to what happened in colonies as well. With the lack of capital, money is tight and so are jobs. Most of every dollar you spend will end up in someone who calls the shots pocket. The only way to recirculate that money into the local economy, down to the level that truly drives the economy is good paying jobs and taxes. Most of the good paying jobs are being shipped overseas to reduce the labor cost which reduces the amount of taxable money. People have had to take pay cuts to keep their jobs because someone else is addicted to money and though they are rich, they need more and more. This reduces taxes. I think roughly 70% of all income is controlled by the 6% of a population; which means that of every dollar you spend, 70 cents ends up in a rich persons bank account. With the rich getting more and more tax breaks, less and less money is being recirculated to the lower levels which drive the economy. Basically, you have capital flight from local economies and the with the rich not having to pay their fair share, more and more of a burden is being placed on the working classes. But because they have less and less income due to layoffs and pay cuts and inflation, there is less financial activity at that level. Since they are the main ones paying taxes, there are fewer taxes collected causing a revenue shortage, which causes the borrowing. Exactly, in a healthy free market system, everyone works except for the natural unemployment percentage. Whats that? Its a natural percentage of population that doesnt work because they are too young, in school, changing careers, retired, on in some other form of transition. Most are working and with something like a flat tax rate, everyone pays a fair share to be used for the development of the infrastructure of a community and a safety net for emergency. The rich oppose a flat tax rate because they love their money, theyre addicted to it like a heroin addict is to heroin; they want to keep all that they can. So basically what you are saying:

1. Big business and the rich are trying to get more and more breaks for themselves. People believe that if we make them happy, they will create jobs but the reality is that they are never happy and like any good addict want more and more. 2. With this in mind, they are sending jobs overseas in favor of increasing profit margins just like the jackasses on Shark Tank preach to do. 3. They are ruling their businesses like petty tyrannies/dictatorships in which they are overlooking laws of the land and national traditions of honor with respects towards their employees. Some like Wal-Mart are even backing organizations which are fighting to disenfranchise groups of people that disagree with their Agenda. 4. In their pursuit of feeding their addiction, they are constantly raising prices and using current events to reduce payrolls and benefits. Good paying jobs with benefits are disappearing. 5. Capitalism is all about growth and the pursuit of satisfying individual greed. They used laws under Bush to limit and break unions. Companies want their employees to be loyal to the company and not their fellow employees. Because, united we stand and divided we are intimidated. In the pursuit of growth to satisfy personal greed, they are actually anti free marketproof is in the fact that no matter what city you go to, it is the same companies. 6. With 70% of every cent leaving the local economies and the evaporation of good paying jobscorporations get more and more tax breaks, there is a problem of capital flight from the local economies. 7. Assistance to those that need it is harder to get. A friend of mine is unable to do his regular job because of a health development. He was urged to go to the hospital by his doctor who assured him that he would get assistance. He has a condition that he could drop dead any moment but was denied disability because he cant afford to go to a doctor regularly. He cant afford it because he has a hospital bill of over $13,000.00 for a three day stay. It is over 92% of his total annual income because no one will hire him for a better paying job because he cant pass a physical and no insurance wants to cover him. 8. The only way people can make it because of the capital flight is borrowing. When 8 million leaves your community to fill the pockets of some rich guy, to keep the economy going, you need to have money coming in somehow. 9. With the flood of the market with large chain stores, regional differences are disappearing. Large corporations have such an advantage with resource that the entry of new ideas and competition is almost impossible. 10. With less income in the layers of the economy that actually drive the economy and make dreams a reality and breaks for the rich, there is less tax revenue, with less tax revenue; the government needs to borrow just like Louis XVI. Just like

France of old, the poor are forced to carry the burden so that the plutocracy to do as it wills. Bill looked shocked as he asked, If you knew all of that, why did you ask me? I honestly thought that you were down because you didnt understand. No, I understand. What I am depressed about is that this is a great country with unlimited potential and possibilities, but we cant do anything because the people are so out of touch with reality that they believe these organizations like the New Majority, AFP Agenda, Different which are run by the same big oil, politicians, insurance companies, and other organizations that are raping this country to begin with. I am depressed that people out there honestly believe that Obama has the power to call all the shots. They honestly believe that congress, the supreme court, state governments and 350,000,000 people are helpless against the power of Obama. They are all doing it together and blaming Obamaoh, sure, he is to blame as well, but it is all of them. I mean, my God, they make it sound like Obama is to blame for 80,000 more women being laid offit was Romneys Job Creators who laid them off in the pursuit of more for themselves. There are people who truly think of the Shark Tank as heroes. They are assholes who are raping this country and this country is cheering them on. It is amazing how stupid people can be. They actually believe that Obama is borrowing for the sake of borrowing and he is doing it all on his own; didnt anyone have a civics class? Wow, that is so sad. Our Founding Fathers warned us to stay ever vigilant and to hold our politicians accountable. They are so deep into the pockets of big corporations why would they ever care about us? I guess that if we dont do something now like: Everyone cancel their insurance policies Help our neighbors, friends, and familyworking together and helping each other is what made this country strong. Hold our politicians accountable for their actions instead of applauding bullshit like Sanford, Spitzer, Bush, Bush, or Clinton and make them actually work for their payit is truly unbelieveable what they receive as a lifetime pension. It is pretty much what they were being paidI know I found a place where we can save some money. Assholes like Corbett cut assistance to people who need it and then raise their taxes while making sure his friends, family, and rich friends are getting all of the perks and breaks he can give them. Hell, why do their spouses have expense accounts, expensive offices with high paid staffs? I have not seen in our Constitution or the individual states where a first lady was an office and had support. Dolly Madison was called the first lady because she actually did a lot for many. Now, it is like they are queensI know thats a place where we can save. We need to support local businesses or start our own. We need to stop worshipping assholes like Trump, BP, Wal-Mart, or the Shark Tankthey are the ones raping this country along with the rest of the plutocracy.

If our government refuses to listen to us, work for us, assist us, or tries to force us to listen to them or oppress us, then it is time to get rid of them. Not the Constitution or the ideas of this nation but the assholes in government positions who are selling us out to the highest bidder. They are no longer our government if they are working for the plutocracy. These are the very reasons that they claimed were the reasons they went after Kaddafi, Shah, and Noriega; why in the world are we letting our own politicians get away with it?

I have to say, if they turn this nation into a capitalist dream land like Pyongyang, Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, or Peoples Republic of China, we have no one to blame but ourselves; not Obama or Romney. We can only blame ourselves because we sat back and let them do it. Shut up and kiss me you fool, said Sue with admiration.

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