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Buyong bin Buang BET of Data Communication 7898685467 345 Jalan Bukit, 44000 Kuala Lumpur 30 August 2011

Professor Dr. Balri Abu Hassan Dean of University Klang Berjaya Maju Institute Jalan 8, Bandar Pasu 45321 Tanjung Harapan Klang Dear Sir INCONVENIENT SERVICE AT THE RESOURCE CENTER I have been studying at the university for a year and I was pleased with the university management until now. Recently, I am very dissatisfied with the service given at the Resource Center. On the mid July this year, I was borrowing a book from the Resource Center, RC for 2 week. As usually, the student can extend the loan period by renew my book loan online at Opac website. However, because of the service difficulty at the website, I was unable to do it online and be force to do it manually at the RC counter. I often used that book, so it becoming difficult for me to repeating the procedure manually at the counter as i maybe occupied with other thing. I already voice up my complaint to the Library counter but it turn to be impossible to resolve as the librarian was very unhelpful. This incident left me with no recourse but to log a formal complaint to you. As for the sake of other student, it will be kind if this matter to be taken into hand quickly. I am very grateful for the help and time.

Your Truly

--------------------------Buyong bin Buang

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