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shalom, good morning ...

introduce my name Aurel Nathania Bee from SMA NEGERI 9 MANADO .

First of all, I would like to thank the Lord Jesus profusely because to this day I was allowed by Pelita Harapan
University to state the reasons I wanted to enter this campus and why I majored in accounting.
This is the reason I really want to go to this campus because the first time I was in 11th grade, at school I had
visits from campuses. Well, there, as I recall, one of the brothers from the UPH campus was also present. I am
very happy because I can find out what is on campus and the study programs and the scholarships too. I have
always wanted to take an accounting study program. In 11th grade, I started browsing on Google about a good
campus. Well, I happened to find the UPH campus. then I was interested when I saw this campus. I went
through google, there I started to think, I praise God, I really want to enter this campus. because in addition to a
good campus, I also really want to add more insight, add friends, and want to train myself to be more
independent. moreover I'm a shy person, hehe. I want to be a successful person in the future.
When I was in grade 12, there were educational activities from campuses. So, I was confused about which campus
to go to, hehehehe.
in every brother and sister who conveyed information about their campus, finally there was a UPH campus. well,
his brother is very kind, friendly, just fine.
There I became interested in wanting to enter the campus, especially when her brother said there was a
scholarship. and it can take academic scholarships. and I also entered this high school, thank God I got a
scholarship from the government. Then I really wanted to try to register at this UPH campus.
I saw that my report cards from grades 10 to 11 were okay to enter this campus. Then my friends and I who took
part in the edufair were given a link to register for the scholarship. and today I was given the opportunity to fill
in the data.
Praise God, I really hope to be accepted into this UPH campus because from grade 11 to grade 12 I was very
interested in seeing this UPH campus.
and I chose to stay at the UPH campus because I wanted to enter the accounting study program. because I want
to achieve my goals. my goal, I want to work in a bank and want to be successful in the future and also I really
want to build a successful business.
From a young age, my father invited me to enter the bank, and then I saw a lot of beautiful sisters. and I told my
papa that I wanted to be like them. besides being able to hold money hehe, I also really want to help those who
are having difficulties in the financial field. That's why I chose to enter the accounting study program.
And at the end, I pray that God will allow me to know more about this UPH campus. and I was accepted by the
campus to become a UPH student. I really hope to be accepted in this campus , because that has been my wish
for a long time . thankyouuuuu 🙇🏼‍♀️🙏🏻


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