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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7th June 2012 at 7.50pm in the Community Centre
Present: Stan Amey, (Chair), Edward Mackay, (Vice-Chair), Barbara Jappy, (Treasurer), Penny Kane, (Secretary), Alison Cowie, Paul Harrington, Gerry Wood, 1. Apologies: Councillor Deirdre Mackay, Malcolm Bromley, 2. Police report: Since 1st May 2012 there have been 24 calls to the police. 5 non-criminal, 4 Fixed penalty notices, a few driving offences including speeding, 2 alarm calls from vulnerable people panic alarms. Also one licence granted for the Hoolie and the issue of 4 firearms certificates. There had been a major complaint re frequent speeding down Golf Road. Four speeding checks had been carried out and no-one caught, therefore it is unlikely that the police will supply a camera van. Police also aware of speeding within the village on the northern entry and without the village as far as Berriedale. There was discussion re heavy lorries being unable to avoid going over the Telford Bridge due to poor parking down Dunrobin Street. This problem of traffic flow is an old one which has been difficult to solve. In the past double yellow lines on street corners has been suggested, as well as loading bays for deliveries to the shops. There is now a Traffic Warden who does spot checks and who can either get really badly parked vehicles moved on or issue parking tickets. The current position of the lollipop lady may be moved, no further information available about this. If there are any further issues we should contact the police. 3. Approval of May Minutes: Proposed Barbara, Alison seconded. 4. Matters arising from April Minutes: The Balnacoil Wind Farm Exhibition is on Friday 15th June 2012, from 2pm-7pm in the Community Centre The call to Stan Amey regarding the letter to Mrs Lynch was from the police As McColls have still not responded the letter to them dated 19th April 2012, Penny to contact them again as the Council wishes this matter to be resolved. A letter has gone to Mrs Culliford re the Timespan Museum 5. Councillors Report: Deirdre not present. 6. Treasurers Report: The question of the signatories has now been sorted out. In the account there is: 577.21. 7. Development Officers Report: HOUSING: Still awaiting planning confirmation for Rockview Place FILLING STATION: Having had a meeting with the Highland Council Trading Standards, Environmental Contamination Unit and Planning departments, all are in full support of the project and are looking to progress this with us. As a consequence of this meeting the steering group met last week and have decided to move the project further forward. They have identified the risks and liabilities to the community and have opted to investigate a further option, Above Ground Storage Tanks. I have also had a meeting with the Big Lottery Fund and outlined the project to them, they have indicated that this is the type of project they are more than willing to support. Quotations in full have been requested by the two manufacturers who will be visiting site in the next couple of weeks, in order to provide full costings for the project. There will be a Community awareness day date yet TBC on the options selected. Direct neighbours of the petrol station will be kept informed. RENEWABLES OFFSHORE: An application, in partnership with The Highland Council, has been submitted for AXIS 4 EFF funding. This will cover the costs of the feasibility engineering study that needs to be

undertaken to ensure the harbour can meet the minimum O&E requirements of the developers. I have also approached BOWL to open up negotiations regarding Community Investment. RENEWABLES ONSHORE: The Gordonbush wind farm fund has now opened for the second year, first round 1st Jun to 31st Jul, decisions in Sept. The framework has been put together for the coming 5 years after its initial year of operation. As part of this framework, all panel members have agreed to the following grant awards/limits: a) Micro grants awarded by CC up to 250 (total of 5% of the total fund - 7,200) , administered and awarded by the four Community Councils Each Community Council may be awarded a grant to establish a Micro Grants scheme for its area. From this, each Community Council may award small grants of to 250 for general charitable purposes in response to requests from individuals or groups within its area, including non-constituted groups. Applications by Community Councils to distribute such awards will be made to the Panel as per all other applications. In any one fund year the maximum amount that can be distributed in this way by the Panel is 5% of the value of the Fund. This provision is allowable under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding in relation to Micro Grant schemes. The individual Community Councils will have to report to the Scottish Community Foundation (SCF will relinquish the fund to SSE in late 2012) on applications received and grants awarded but all decisions and administration of these grants will be taken by each Community Council. These grants will be administered by the Community Council throughout the year. b) Main grants awarded 250 to 5000 c) Strategic grants awarded 10,000 to 20,000 Therefore the CC will receive a grant of 1,800 per year this has to be applied for on the main grants format and has been done. When received they will need to be restricted funds. The CC can only award a grant of up to 250 maximum. A simple single side application form will be produced locally and SCF will issue a returns form in order to fulfil the audit requirements. BALNACOIL WINDFARM: Exhibition day Friday 15th June, 2pm to 7pm, in the Community Centre. I also have taken the step towards investigating Community Investment in Balnacoil you do not have to see something to own it. COMMUNITY MINIBUS the committee has agreed to undertake a service level agreement with Stage coach regarding the early morning run from Helmsdale to Brora, at an agreed cost. This will be a trial run and will be marketed by Stage Coach. A meeting is taking place with Stage Coach on Friday morning to agree the service level conditions. UPDATE FROM HELMSDALE STATION COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY, JUNE 2012 Due to the time which has elapsed since original building cost estimates were made and changes to specification require as part of planning permission / listed building consent, the Directors have felt that they cannot authorise the start of work on the station building until a re-assessment of costs by a quantity surveyor has been undertaken. Currently one quote for this work has been obtained and a site visit is taking place on 7 June which should result in a second. Funding for this feasibility work is being sort to ensure that the funds secured (140,000 from LEADER and the Railway Heritage Trust) will at least cover the essential aspects of the restoration the essential aspects being restoration of the income generating holiday accommodation so that this can be put to use and start income earning. Last year, Network Rail promised to repair and redecorate the outside of the platform signal box (also a listed building) as their contribution to smartening up the station; Im pleased to report this work has now been completed. Im also pleased to say that it appears we are overcoming another hurdle which has been the very large cost of the legal fees for the 50 year tripartite lease estimate of up to 7,000 by Network Rail alone. This was beyond what our funders would agree to pay given that the total fee (inc VAT) in England is 1,620 where a standard pro-forma lease is available. As a result of our campaigning, Network Rail in Scotland has agreed to move to a similar pro-forma agreement which should more than halve the original legal cost estimate. We are continuing with the second part of our campaign which is to encourage ScotRail to use the same solicitors as Network Rail (this is done by all train operating companies in England & Wales); this should result in a further saving of c 1,000. We are being helped in this campaign by the publication last year of the Department for Transports / Office of Rail Regulations McNulty report which calls for a greater efficiency in the rail industry and closer working together between Network Rail and train operators. Michael Wilmot, 04/06/12 8) A.O.B. a) Stan has received a letter from the Police in Lairg regarding Brown Signage. They have asked us to compile an inventory of all the brown signs in the parish and return this to them by 3rd August. Paul has

agreed to do this. Penny to invite Fiona Mackenzie, Development Officer Sutherland Partnership to July meeting. (done) b) Stan has received a letter regarding disabled parking places in the village. Penny to complete and send in with covering letter (done) c) Stan has received a letter regarding Supplementary Guidance Consultation-Developer Contributions and Public Art Strategy. This is available on-line at: http:/ Penny to ask for hard copy to be sent to Stan. (done) d) Stan: One Community Council Representative invited to a flag raising ceremony at Drummuie, Golspie on Monday 25th June 2012 to mark the start of the week in which Armed Forces Day falls. Stan agreed to attend on behalf of the Council e) Gerry: a film company are shooting a documentary on the Highland Clearances and ask for permission to show footage of the Statue to the Emigrants. The Council agreed and Stan signed a release form to allow this f) Gerry: Requested funding on behalf of Timespan for a grant towards an inner door for the ice house to ensure better weather proofing. Suggested that Timespan send in a written request for grant money g) Gerry: Ann Macdonald asking about a bench down at the harbour. Edward confirmed that this was on its way. Another family are arranging for a second bench to be installed. h) Gerry: One of the green wheelie bins at the Bridge car park has no lid and debris is blowing everywhere and the gulls are getting in to it. Barbara to request new bin i) Alison: requesting dog fouling bag dispenser down at the Bridge car park. There is one already at the harbour. Barbara to follow this up j) Penny: Ward forum 12th June 2012. 7.30pm Golspie Community Centre. Topic Changes to refuse collection and recycling in East Sutherland and Edderton Ward k) Penny: Planning application for an anemometer mast on the Balnacoil site is being submitted by vento ludens (sic) l) Penny: No news on Post Office post box m) Penny: on-going road works on B781 Kinbrace to Syre Road may cause long delays n) Penny called for a vote of thanks to Paul for his hard work on behalf of the village with which the council agreed and gave Paul a round of applause o) Barbara: Has received a letter re the damaged wall in Timespan car park. This has already been reported. p) Edward: suggested that all issues regarding money should be discussed with Deirdre before any decisions made as she has access to expert advice. The Council agreed q) Edward: Several dead deer have been left lying by the side of the road around the Crackaig/Loth areas. Barbara to enquire from Transerve who is responsible for clearing them r) Edward: has received complaints that people do not know who their GP is and this affects continuity of care. It can also affect post as letters re Helmsdale patients are sometimes sent to Brora. Also that there seem to be a lot of locums. 9) Questions from the public: Anna, the new Director at Timespan, asked for the criteria for awarding micro- grants. Paul confirmed these would be published soon Meeting closed at 9.10pm Date and time of next meeting: Thursday 5th July 2012 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

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