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Fiqh (Jurisprudence)

Noor-ul-Idha wa Najatul Arwaah

(The light of clarification and the Salvation of Souls)

The Chapter Anjaas (Filth) And Its Purification

The Types Of Najasah

Filth is divided into two types:

Heavy Light

Heavy filth includes things like alcohol, flowing blood, the meat of a dead animal and its skin, the urine of animals whose meat is unlawful such as a human fox or wolf, the dung of a dog as well as the dung of a predatory animal and its saliva, the droppings of a chicken, duck or swan, and whatever discharges from a person's body which nullifies Wudhu.

As for light filth, it includes: the urine of a horse, The urine of an animal whose meat is lawful to eat, and the droppings of birds that are not lawful to eat such as a falcon, hawk and eagle are considered light.

Non-Edible Birds (non-permissible) e.g. Eagle & Hawk

Edible Birds e.g. Pigeon, Sparrow & Chicken

Flying Birds e.g. Eagle & Hawk

Non-Flying Birds

Flying Birds e.g. Pigeon & Sparrow

Non-Flying Birds e.g. Turkey & Chicken

Light Filth

Heavy Filth


Heavy Filth

Predatory Animals e.g. Fox, Wolf & Lion

Non-Predatory Animals e.g. Sheep

Heavy Filth

Light Filth

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