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What are characteristic of extremism

that threatens national unity?

driving (something) to the limit, to the
mostly used in apoliticalorreligioussense
Extremism could never bring together the
masses of different race, culture and belief
system into one common end.
Extremism contradicts to a peaceful
coexistence among races - An extremist
group will look down upon another group of
different believers and perceived as

Extremism include bigotry and intolerance,
which make a person obstinately devoted to
his own opinions and prejudices
As well as rigidity, which deprives him of
clarity of vision regarding the interests of
other human beings
Extremism manifests itself in a perpetual
commitment to excessiveness and in
attempts to force others to do likewise

Suspicion and distrust are also
manifestations of extremism. An extremist
readily accuses people and quickly passes
judgement contrary to the generally
accepted norm: "innocent until proven
guilty." He considers a person guilty the
moment he suspects him of something. He
jumps to conclusions rather than looking for

Extremism is the out-of-time and out-ofplace religious excessiveness and
overburdening of others. E.g. when applying
Islamic principles to people in non-Muslim
countries or to people who have only
recently converted to Islam, as well as to
newly committed Muslims.
Extremism manifests itself in harshness in
the treatment of people, toughness in the
manner of approach, and crudeness in
calling people to Islam

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