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Have you ever place your finger inside a

yogurt container to consume it all?
Have you ever think that you waste food
that could be consumed?

Now, we bring the solution to

this problem.

The solution to the problem previously

exposed is a special straw that removes the
final waste of various containers, such as:
yogurt containers, which is called Lopotes.

Responsibilities of the Team

Loretos Responsibilities:
1. Development of the project and
construction of the project.
2. Quality check of the project.
3. Testing of the project.
4. Naming the project .

Hellens Responsibilities:
1. Materials to develop the project.
2. Reserch of the projects benefits.
3. Improvement of the Project.
4. Product safety.

Arturos Responsibilities:
1. Marketing of the project.
2. Calculate the estimated costs of the
3. Viability of the project.

The principal objective and principal reason
of why this project was initiated is to
eliminate the final waste that remains in
various products, such as: protein shakes,
yogurt containers, liquid chocolate
containers, among others.

First week (September 30th and October
2nd): Choose the project and assign the
responsibilities to each of the team members.
Second week (October 7th and October 9th):
Estimate the costs, see the potential benefits,
see potential consumers and sponsors, and
see the possibility of marketing the product.

Third week (October 14th and October 16th):

Desing the prototype and test the product.
Fourth week (October 21th and October
23th): See the errors of the prototype (try to
perfection it) and solve all the presented
Fifth week (October 28th and October
30th):Finish the projects protoype.
Sixth week (November 4th and November
6th): Final presentation of the project.

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