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Conditions influencing
development or growth is how
the dictionary defines the word

Environment as the term itself

indicates is anything that surrounds or
environs us.

Environment in this sense is made

of all those things which though
distinct from us affect our life or
activity in some way.
Forces, situations, or stimuli
affect the environment from the
A high growth rate in the
human population means
increased and intense
competition for a share of
Earths water, land, food, fossil
fuels, and other resources.
The most populated
places on Earth are the
biggest losers in this
competition for resources.
Technology leads to speedy developments
and changes. But at the same time
technology gobbles up resources very fast. It
means that the depletion of raw materials is
also very fast.
BAD: The purpose with technology is the fact
that, as we get more and more technology,
the demand for electricity rises (as more
people want to use electronics in more ways).
This, of course, means more fossils fuels will
be burned to make the electricity. In addition,
some components of electrical devices are
very harmful to the environment if not
properly disposed of.
GOOD: Ideally, IT can be used to help reduce
stress on the environment. A good example of
this is the smart grids that are under
development. These would, it is hoped, help
us use electricity much more efficiently, thus
reducing the demand for electricity and the
amount of resources used to produce that
Therefore technology is a very powerful tool
available to us today to improve performance
in any endeavor of human activity. It can be
used to achieve any given objective of human
endeavor more effectively and efficiently.
Protecting and improving environment is one
of the many areas in which information
technology can contribute a lot. The
relationship of information technology with
environment is same as that with any other
organized activity.

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