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The Partnership Action

Amanda Ternes and Mary Beaumont
School Improvement Goal and Activities
School Improvement Goals and Activities
All students will become proficient in the area of Science
Goal: A 3% increase of all students will demonstrate proficiency in actively participating in a four step scientific method (observe, predict, explore and check) in Science by 8/17/17 as measured by the GPS
Improvement Assessment
Activity: Visual support sheet of scientific method for each student
Status: Need to verify that every class has this resource for every student
Should there be multiple versions? Tiered?
Activity: Visual support template of the scientific method will be utilized in the classroom on the tablet and short throw
Status: Need to verify that every class has this resource/ knows how to access
Activity: Students will participate in a science experiment and showcase their use of the scientific method
Status: Held on parent teacher conference day
Science Fair flyer for teachers saved at:
N:\#Peters\School Improvement Resources\Science Goal
Science fair team will meet on 2/16 to plan
Historically PTC have been held in April. Science Fair info should be reviewed with teachers at 3/2 Science curriculum meeting and 4/13 department meeting
Activity: Teachers will collaborate in grade level PLC meetings to create units revolving around the science curriculum
Science curriculum meetings scheduled: 9/23, 11/3, 1/5, 3/2 and 5/4
Activity: Newsletter published in October and April which will provide information to parents and staff regarding resources and suggested activities for teaching scientific method
The Scientific Method- Adapted
Science Fair
This is our first year having a science fair at school. Classrooms will be doing
experiments and show casing them in the gym for the parents to see during
parent-teacher conferences.
This was greatly received by staff. Classrooms are excited to showcase what
they are doing in the classroom. Some of are making videos of their class
doing the experiment, others are creating poster boards and displays for
parents and caregivers to see.
This will hopefully be the start of an Annual Science Fair.
Make and Take for Parents and Caregivers
We are focusing on three easy and fun experiments to make and take, with
every day items found in your house.
Parents/caregivers will be able to watch a video on the three experiments.
Make them and take them.
Packets will be pre-made for taking home.
Supplies will be there for the parents to make and take.
Resources will be make available for more fun experiments
Access to a survey of their overall experience at Parent-Teacher conferences(Ipad)
Newsletter for Teachers
Newsletter to Parents
The Experiments
Oil and water dont mix because of how their molecules are
constructed. Water is what is known as a polar molecule.
A water molecule is shaped like a V, with an oxygen atom

at the bottom point of the V and a hydrogen atom on each

of the two top ends. However, there is unequal sharing of
Fill the bottle three-quarters full with vegetable oil.
electrons between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. This
means that the bottom of the molecule has a negative
electrical charge, while the top carries a positive charge.
Vegetable oil, on the other hand, is a nonpolar
molecule made of long chains of hydrocarbonsstrings of

carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen atoms. Unlike the water

Fill the rest of the bottle with water (almost to the top but
molecule, there is equal sharing of electrons between the
not overflowing).
carbon and hydrogen atoms. This means that the electrical
charges of the atoms are not separated, so the molecules
dont have opposite positive and negative ends. If you were
to think of molecules like groups of people, the polar
molecules hang out with other polar molecules, and the
nonpolar molecules with other nonpolar molecules. This

Add about ten drops of food coloring. Be sure to make brings us back to the reason why oil and water dont mix.
the water fairly dark incolor. Notice that the food
coloring only colors the water and not the oil. Water is a polar molecule, and it just doesnt hang out with
nonpolar molecules like oil. Scientists say that oil and
water are immiscible. The adage like dissolves like will

The Experiments
help you remember what will mix with what. Salt and
water mix because both molecules are polarlike dissolves
like. Its also easy to mix vegetable oil and olive oil, or
Divide the Alka-Seltzer tablet into four pieces.
motor oil and peanut oil . . . but thats gross.
You also noticed that food coloring only mixes with water .
. . and now you know why. Food coloring is a polar
molecule because it dissolves in water. In other words, food
coloring and water are miscible. Vegetable oil is not
affected by the food coloring because they are polar
Drop one of the tiny pieces of Alka-Seltzer into the oil
and water mixture. Watch what happens. When the opposites.
bubbling stops, add another chunk of Alka-Seltzer
The Experiments
The video

This video we will be showing to our parents at our science fair. It will be on
repeat. This is to help show our parents what our science goal for school
improvement is and how to use our scientific method poster while completing the
experiment. We also have a packet for the parents to take with them at the science
fair which contains two other science experiments they can do with their children.

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