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Whats That???.
All Ethics deal with Values.
What is Value

ideals, and principles that we essentiall
consider to be good
Ex: Human life we value so its good. Sinning we
dont value so its not good
What are Morals Then?
The system of rules we live out based on our
2 types of Ethics
Philosophical ethics
Pursuing what is good
Ethic of the World
1. How can I be good?
2. How can I do good?

Christian ethics
Pursuing taking the focus off of me and place it on
1. What is the will of God?
How can we determined
Gods Will
Manser writes: The ultimate foundation
of ethics is the character and will of God,
Which is made known supremely through
Jesus Christ and in Scripture

being in a personal relationship with
Jesus and being in Hid Word regularly.
What are principles or
guidelines for our behavior?
Mark 12:28-21

Matthew 5:43-48

1 John 4:7-12, 19-21

Salvation army Handbook of
Doctrine tells us again,
To realize Jesus radical ethic of love is to
treat all our relationships as holy
covenants. God is able to love through us.
This transformation is what makes social
holiness possible and what enables us to
live by the radical ethic of love.
What are some ethical
guidelines ??

1 Peter 3:9,
Philippians 2:3
Exodus 20:12
D. Stephen Long Writes:

The purpose of Christian ethics is to

help us live well, and in so doing make
Gods Name holy. For this reason Christian
ethics deals with most ordinary, everyday
activites such as family life, sex and
reproduction, economic exchange, and
uses of power
Are Ethics a black and White
Yes and No

The issue of killing may appear black and white- At first

God says "Don't What He actually say is dont murder.
The difference in that deliberate killing of innocent life is
murder. A solider killing an enemy in war is not deliberate
killing of innocent life.Because that person is
consciously participation in the attack of his people
against the life of my people and he must share in
bearing the consequences of the collective guilt
Why is it important for a leader
to make ethical decisions??
Beinga positive example is very different
than being told what decision on Gods
Word, helping others to do the same.
What is Character

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