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The Kinds Of The Mineral

Eka Nurohman H P
M. Albit Andika
Maria Ekravillo A
Yafet Matruti
Y. Rafael .H Wenda
Copper is a chemical element in the periodic
table that has the symbol Cu and atomic number 29.
arms is derived from the Latin Cuprum.Tembaga
conductors of heat and electricity. Besides these
elements have corrosion quickly. Its pure copper
smooth and soft, with a reddish orange surface.
Copper mixed with tin to make bronze.
Copper, silver, and gold is at 11 group elements in the
periodic table and have the same properties: have one
orbital electron-atom d s skin with good electrical
conductivity properties.
Malleability copper can be explained by the high
electrical conductivity (59.6 106 S / m) and therefore
also has a high thermal conductivity (second highest)
among all pure metals at room temperature.
Together with cesium and gold (both yellow) and
osmium (bluish), copper is one of four metal with the
original colors other than gray or silver. Pure copper is
red-orange and reddish in contact with air
Gold is a chemical element on periodic table that has the symbol Au (Latin:
"Aurum") and atomic number 79. A transition metal (trivalent and univalent) are soft,
shiny, yellow, heavy, "malleable" and "ductile". Gold does not react with other
chemicals but is attacked by chlorine, fluorine and aqua regia. This metal is widely
available in gold nuggets or dust on the rocks and in alluvial deposits and one of the
coinage metals. ISOnya code is XAU. Gold melted into liquid form at a temperature of
about 1000 degrees Celsius.

Gold is a metal that is soft and malleable, hardness ranging between 2.5 - 3
(Mohs scale), as well as its density depends on the type and content of other metals
combined with it. Gold carrier minerals are usually associated with the associated
minerals (gangue minerals). Generally associated minerals such as quartz, carbonate,
tourmaline, flourpar, and a small amount of non-metallic minerals. Gold carrier
minerals are also associated with sulphide deposits that have been oxidized. Mineral
carrier nativ gold consists of gold, electrum, gold Telluride, a number of alloys and gold
compounds with the elements sulfur, antimony, and selenium. Electrum is actually
another kind of gold nativ, only the silver content in which> 20%.

Gold formed by magmatism or concentrating on the surface. Some

precipitate formed by the contact metasomatisme process and the hydrothermal
solution, while the concentration of mechanically produce placer deposition (placer).
Tin is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Sn
(Latin: stannum) and atomic number 50. Lead has two possible
oxidation numbers, +2 and +4 are a bit more stable. Tin has 10 stable
isotopes, the largest number in the periodic table.
This element is a metal poor (post-transition metal) silvery, malleable
(malleable), not easily oxidized in air so that rustproof, found in many
alloys, and is used to coat other metals to prevent corrosion. Tin is
obtained mainly from the mineral cassiterite formed as oxides.
Tin ore mined in Indonesia generally is of a type of tin alluvial
sediment and sediment often referred to as a secondary tin or tin
placer called. This type of tin ore has been separated from its mother,
namely tin deposition primer, and by water deposited back in other
places lower.
Economically, white mineral is cassiterite tin with a SnO2 chemical
formula, although there is a small percentage of tin produced from
sulfide as stanit, silindrit, frankeit, kanfieldit and tealit. The main
minerals contained in the tin ore is cassiterite, while the associated
minerals are pyrite, quartz, zircon, ilmenite, galena, bismuth, arsenic,
stibnite, chalcopyrite, xenotime and monazite
Coal (from the Old English term col, which has meant "mineral of
fossilized carbon" since the 13th century)[1] is a combustible black or
brownish-black sedimentary rock usually occurring in rock strata in layers
or veins called coal beds or coal seams. The harder forms, such as
anthracite coal, can be regarded as metamorphic rock because of later
exposure to elevated temperature and pressure. Coal is composed
primarily of carbon along with variable quantities of other elements,
Coal formation chiefly hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen.[2]
The process of change remains of plants into
peat to coal termed coalification. In brief, there
are two stages of processes that occur, namely:

Biochemistry stage, begins when the plant

material deposited to form lignite. The main
agents involved in the process of this change is
the water content, degree of oxidation and
biological disturbance that could cause the
process of decay (decomposition) and
compacting the organic material and form peat.
Metamorphic stage or geochemistry,
covering the process of change of lignite into
bituminous and finally anthracite
Thank You

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