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Assalamualaikum wr.


Name : Rika Aisya Putri
Class : 1D (PBI)
NPM : 1711040132
Negatives of Zoo
1. Benefit or pros
The average zoo today is a far cry from the zooa
of old when cement cages and steel-bar
enclosures were commonplace. A much more
natural approach is taken these days, with
modern zoos using streams and moats to prevent
animals from leaving a specific area.
2. Cons
The main argument against zoo is the belief by some
professionals that, even with the best intentions and
conditions, a zoo cannot provide the perfect
environment for every type of animal.

3. Conclusion
There is no denying that the animals kept in zoos
argument is a bit of a hot potato but both sides of the
argument make valid points.

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