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Home a Place Or...

By: Carra Ramos, Tania Arias, Jeremy Angel & Maria Pulido
1st Grade
Lesson Overview
This lesson is aimed to aid artists in understanding the big idea of Home, through
visual culture and psychological safety. By the end of the lesson, students should be
able to link the idea of home to the concept of visual culture and decide whether or not
home is a psychologically safe environment. The objective will be met through a short
lecture, a class discussion, a hands on studio and an exhibition.
Lesson Objectives
1. Content area 1 Literacy: The students will be able to interpret, negotiate, and make meaning
from information presented in the form of an image. Do this by being able to discuss the theme
and matter that describe big idea.
2. Content area 2 Visual Art: The students will be able to create art in relation to visual perspective
by ways of drawing, sculpting, painting, graphics, or any other form of art that is meant to be
seen from different perspectives . They will be able to construct their concept of home
individually and with a group on a poster board.
3. Content area 3 Social Studies: The students will be able to identify the relation between art and
social studies by looking at the differences that have been made over the years and showing it
through there art.
Essential Questions
-What is home?
-What does home look like?
-What are some objects that can remind an individual of
- Genre. The representation of people, subjects, and scenes from
everyday life.
- Content. Message, idea, or feelings expressed in a work of art.
- Theme. An idea based on a particular subject.
- Subordination. Making an element appear to hold a secondary or
lesser importance within a design or work of art
- Still life. Arrangement or work of art showing a collection of inanimate
- Primary Colors. Any group of colors from which all other colors can be
obtained by mixing.
Ekaterina Popova “Home” series collection
Ian Strange “Landed”
Jacob Lawrence
“The migration gained in momentum”
Jacob Lawrence “The Builders”
Key Concepts
- Home isn’t always an area you feel safe.
- The idea of home is shown through TV, Video Games,
and other visual media
- Home can be more than one place

- Home is shaped by what we say and believe to be true

Activity 1: Construction Paper Home
Instructions: Artists, on their own, should use the markers
on the table and a single sheet of construction paper to draw
or or write what they think “Home” is or what “Home”
looks like.

Time: 5-7 Minutes

Activity 2: Posters
Instructions: Artists are to share their construction paper
ideas with each other at the tables and use the poster boards
and markers to create a bigger, shared idea of home, using
all or some of each artists pieces.

Time: 10-12 Minutes

Activity 2: Part II & III Sharing
Part II: Artists are to move as groups to the right and have
2 minutes to comment on other artists posters about what
they like, what was new to them, and what they don’t like.
Until they reach their own tables again. Time: 12-15 Min

Part III: Once everyone has had a chance to comment,

those who raise their hands can share what they liked
and/or learned from others and explain their comments.
Time: 10 Min.
Activity 3: Clay Models
Instructions: Artists, after watching the demo, are to work
as a team to create a 3D model of the idea of “Home.”
Artists can make individual pieces and place them as one
larger group model.

Remember: There are no wrong ideas! They are your own and so long as it
represents home to you, that’s all that matters.

Time: 20 minutes

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