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Presented By:

Aymen Latif
 Reading is a receptive speech activity and one
of communicative aims in teaching learning
foreign languages.
We read for a reason:
 Pleasure
 Knowledge
 Information
 Curiosity
 Textbooks (slow)
 Journalistic (medium)
 Other writing (fast)
 Intensivereading
 Extensive reading
 Intensive reading, analogous to intensive
listening, is usually a classroom-oriented
activity in which students focus on the
linguistic or semantic details of a passage.
 Skimming
 Scanning
 All kinds of pleasure reading
 Pre-reading activities
 While-reading activities
 Post-reading activities
 Presenting a text
 Developing the reading lesson
 Follow-up
 In an interactive curriculum, makes sure that
you don’t overlook the importance of specific
instruction in reading skills.
 Teaching should be intrinsically motivating.
 Techniques should utilize authentic language
and context.
 Includes the bottom-up and top-down
Thank you 

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