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By John Butcher
* When boys and girls find gaming easier than real life they
begin to forget that there is a reality and live in a virtual
* The constant thought and need of video games
* About 10% of gamers exhibit some form of addiction.

*What’s video game addiction?

How serious is addiction to video games?

 There are some people who would put aside their basic necessities and play
until they die. Like this one man in S. Korea.
 “The 28-year-old man collapsed after playing the game StarCraft at an
internet cafe in the city of Taegu, according to South Korean authorities.”
 “The man had not slept properly, and had eaten very little during his
marathon session, said police,” he was sent to the hospital but died from
what appears to be a heart attack shortly after.
 It seems in S. Korea professional gamers can be paid more than $100,000 a
year and are treated like celebrities, which is what possibly pushed this man
to playing, getting himself addicted, and dying from video games.
General Symptoms
• Grades are dropping
• Falling asleep in school
• Most non-school hours are spent on video games
• Lying about how much time you spend on games
• Dropping out of social groups or clubs
• Being irritable when not playing games
• Dry eyes
• Sleep disturbances
• Headaches
• Backaches or neck aches
• Failing to eat regularly and hygiene levels dropping
 Preoccupation – being distracted, irritable, or disinterested
 Lack of Control – can’t control how much they play games, will play with intent of 15-20
minutes but instead will go on for hours
 Loss of Time – time will fly by while playing video games
 Defensiveness – Denial is often an indication of addiction, especially if the person seems
unconcerned that friends and family are feeling neglected

Symptoms for Teenagers

Symptoms for Adults
 Playing computer or video games makes you feel intense feelings of
pleasure or guilt that seem uncontrollable
 Still spending more time to get that feeling of enjoyment
 Spending loads of money on gaming
 Always thinking about games even when doing other activities
• The high score – trying to beat the high score and be recognized as the best
• Beating the game – desire to beat or lv up in the game
• Role-playing – playing as a character with his own story and who interacts with people in
game as well (emotional attachment)
• Discovery – exploring new places, brand new worlds (even if they aren’t real)
 People who are easily bored
 People who have poor relationships with family members
 People who feel like outcasts at school
 People who tend toward sensation-seeking
 All these kind of people are more easily drawn into video game
addiction because it fills a void and satisfies needs that aren't met
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – when the main nerve between the forearm and the hand is
squeezed or pressed
• Migraines – usually start off as a headache in one area in the head and slowly spreads (very
severe, can cause vomiting)
• Poor Personal Hygiene – Stop taking showers regularly, brushing teeth, combing hair, simply
becomes less of a priority or not one at all
Social Consequences
• Playing too much can cause a loss of social skills and not being able to talk to girls, hang out, or
just enjoy someone's company (becoming socially awkward)
• Neglecting a relationship with a friend can cost you to lose that friend because he probably
feels left out or offended you would rather play video games then hang out with him/her
• Can cause difficulties in marriages, where the gamer doesn’t want to do anything with her/his
 A therapist or treatment program that specializes in adolescents would be a first place to start.

 Summer camp or wilderness program will get your child out of his normal environment and
into a situation where they are forced to experience reality. His/hers time will be filled with
activities that are designed to instill confidence, develop healthy passions, and work on social
 Sending them to military or boot camp can do more harm than good!



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