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Submitted by –
Harleen Kaur
Roll No. -10
B. Arch. 4th Sem.
What is COLOR ??

 Color is an integral element of our world,

not just in the neutral environment but also
in the man made architectural
 Color or colour is the visual perceptual
property corresponding in humans to the
categories called red, yellow, blue, etc.
 Color categories and physical
specifications of color are associated with
objects or materials based on their
physical properties such as light
absorption, reflection, or emission spectra
COLOR in architecture ..??
 Colour in architecture has to meet many different demands, concerning
human experience as well as economic and practical issues.
 Working as an architect seldom offers significant opportunities for
developing a solid experience of the interaction of light and colour in the
creation of space.

What does color symbolise..??

 Color hold significance for people
around the world.
 Not only do colors influence
emotions, but also hold meaning in
religion and various cultures.
 Color symbolism in art and
anthropology refers to the use of
color as a symbol in various cultures
 Color symbolism is also context-
dependent and influenced by
changes over time.
excitement, energy, passion, love, Energy, balance, enthusiasm,
desire, speed, strength, blood, fire, ORANGE warmth, vibrant, expansive,
RED war, violence, all intense and flamboyant, demanding of
passionate things, etc. attention.
Royalty, nobility, spirituality,
ceremony, mysterious,
Joy, happiness, betrayal, PURPLE transformation, wisdom,
optimism, idealism, imagination,
enlightenment, cruelty, honor,
hope, sunshine, summer, gold,
arrogance, mourning, temperance.
YELLOW jealousy, illness, hazard and
friendship. Nature, environment, healthy, good
luck, renewal, youth, spring,
GREEN generosity, fertility, jealousy, service,
Peace, cold, calm, stability, inexperience, envy, misfortune,
harmony, unity, trust, truth, vigor
confidence, conservatism,
Earth, stability, hearth, home,
security, cleanliness, order, loyalty,
BLUE sky, water, technology, BROWN outdoors, reliability, comfort,
endurance, simplicity, and comfort
depression, appetite suppressant.
Power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth,
mystery, fear, evil, unhappiness, depth, style, sadness,
BLACK remorse, anger, anonymity, underground, good technical
color, mourning, death (Western cultures), austerity,

Reverence, purity, birth, simplicity, cleanliness, peace,

WHITE humility, precision, innocence, youth, winter, snow, good,
sterility, marriage (Western cultures), death (Eastern
cultures), cold, clinical.

Security, reliability, intelligence, staid, modesty, dignity,

GREY maturity, solid, conservative, practical, old age, sadness,
boring. Silver symbolizes calm.
 Color psychology is the study
of hues as a determinant of
human behavior
 Color can indeed influence a
person, however it is important
to remember that these effects
differ between people. Factors
such as gender, age, and
culture can influence how an
individual perceives color.
 Color psychology is also widely
used in marketing and
branding . Many marketers see
color as an important part of
marketing because color can
be used to influence
consumers' emotions and
perceptions of goods and
 For planning a COLOR scheme, we must consider three main
components of shell –
Walls, floors, ceiling
Proportions of the room
Balance of solids and voids

1. Walls, floors, ceiling

People feel more comfortable in room with light ceiling, medium walls and dark floors
and it corresponds to the color of sky, foliage and earth respectively.

2. Proportions of the room

If a room is too large, the effect can be subdued by using dark colors and
complementary color schemes. If the room is too small, it can be made to appear
larger by the use of light colors and monochromatic and analogous color schemes.

3. Balance of solids and voids

It determines the amount of light entering into a room. If a room lighted more than the
desired comfort level, then the effect can be subdued by use of dark colors. If amount
of light entering into the room is lesser than the desired level then the effect can be
subdued by use of light colors. It depends on the extent of windows in a room.
 Proportions of each color in a color scheme are also important. You have to
balance entire design scheme by use of light and dark colors. You have to
identify the objects which are to be painted with light color or dark color. So,
smaller objects should be in dark colors.

 Choice of color scheme also depends upon the nature of projects. For
residential areas, harmonious color schemes (monochromatic or analogous)
are preferred and preferably cool colors are used on southern sides and little bit
of warm colors are used on northern side (Indian context).

 For Health Centers, soothing colors are used with a little bit of warmth such as
combination of off-whites and browns.

 For Hotels and Restaurants bright and warm colors are used with complimentary
color schemes. These colors are used to provide stimulating and exciting
effects. Examples: red, yellow, orange with complimentary colors.

 For Nursery Schools, bright colors like red and yellow with complimentary color
schemes are used which depicts childhood.
Red depicts childhood
Yellow depicts youth
Green depicts maturity
Blue depicts old age
 Color scheme should be based upon
the certain concept and concept
depends upon the nature of space.
 Color is important of exterior façade.
Color concept for exterior façade
depend upon the weather building
should merge with surrounding.
 When buildings is merge with
surroundings, colors used are green, light
browns, blues which are close to nature
 For buildings which should be isolated
from surrounding red, magenta colors
are used.
 Large areas on façade should be
painted with light colors with small
horizontal bands painted in dark colors.
Color has an immediate
and profound effect on a


Microsoft Office clipart

Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Microsoft Office clipart

Warm Colors
Reds, oranges, yellows


Cool Colors
Blues, purples, greens


Colors can affect how humans feel and act

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