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Fundamentals of NVH Analysis

Lecture 3 – Vibration of the SDOF

system under Complex excitations

School of Automotive Engineering at Dalian University of Technology

Lecture Notes – Fundamentals of NVH Analysis
General Forced Response

 So far, all of the driving forces

have been sine or cosine
 Now we examine the response to
any form of excitation such as
 Impulse
 Sums of sines and cosines
 Any integrable function

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -2-

Response to a Complex Periodic Input

x(t )  2 n x (t )  n2 x(t )  F (t ) where F (t )  F (t  T )

 We have solutions to sine

and cosine inputs. 2
 What about periodic but
1.5 T
non-harmonic inputs?
 We know that periodic 1

Displacement x(t)
functions can be 0.5
represented by a series of
sines and cosines (Fourier)
 Response is superposition -0.5

of as many RHS terms as -1

you think are necessary to
represent the forcing
function accurately -2
0 2 4 6
Time (s)

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -3-

Linear System and Linear Superposition

Linear Superposition allows us to break up complicated forces into

sums of simpler forces, compute the response and add to get the total

Theory of linear superposit ion :

If x1 , x2 are solutions of a linear homogeneou s equaiton, then
x  a1 x1  a2 x2 is also a solution
If x1 is the particular solution of x  n2 x  f1
and x2 is the particular solution of x  n2 x  f 2 , then
ax1  bx2 is the solution of x  n2 x  f1  f 2

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -4-

Review the Fourier Series Definition
For periodical function F (t )  F (t  T )
a0 
Assume F(t)    an cosnt  bn sin nt      (3.20)
2 n 1
where    n   n
a0  2
T  0
F(t) dt              (3.21) : twice the average
an  2
T  0
F(t) cos nt dt  (3.22) : Oscillations around average
(n = 1, 2, 3, … )
bn  2
T 
F(t) sin  nt dt     (3.23)

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -5-

The terms of the Fourier series satisfy
orthogonality conditions

T  0 mn
0 sin n T t sin m T tdt  T mn
 2
T  0 mn
0 cos n T t cos m T tdt  T mn
 2
 0
cos n T t sin m T tdt  0                       (3.26)

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -6-

Fourier Series Example

F0 Step 1: find the F.S.

and determine how
many terms you
0 t1 t2=T
 0,    t  t1

F(t)   F0
 t  t t  t1 ,     t1  t  t 2
2 1

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -7-

Fourier Series Example


2 coefficients
0.8 10 coefficients
100 coefficients
Force F(t)




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s)

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -8-

Having obtained the FS of input
 The next step is to find responses to
each term of the FS
 And then, just add them up!
 Danger!!: Resonance occurs whenever a
multiple of excitation frequency equals
the natural frequency.
 You may excite at 100rad/s and
observe resonance while natural
frequency is 500rad/s!! Backwards?

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -9-

Response to Periodic Excitation
Recall that the steady-state solution of the SDOF system under a
force excitation consisting of a sine and a cosine terms:

x(t )  2 n x (t )  n2 x(t )  f c 0 cos t  f s 0 sin t

 xst (t ) total  xst (t ) sine  xst (t ) cosine
 xst (t ) total  X s sin(t   s )  X c cos(t   c )
Total solution is the superposition of the
From before, we know that: two individual particular solutions.
 f s0 Fs 0
X s  
  2
n     2  
2 2
 
k 1  r 2   2r 
2 2

 Fc 0
 Xc 
 
k 1 r    2r 
2 2 2
Eq. (3.1)
 2r
  c   s    tan 1
 1 r 2
Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -10-
Response to Periodic Excitation
Now let’s consider an arbitrary periodic force input having the
F (t )  F (t  iT ), for i  1, 2, 3,..., n
From Fourier Transform, the input function can be written as:

F (t )   a1 cos t  a2 cos 2t  ... b1 sin t  b2 sin 2t  ...
a0 n
   (ai cos it  bi sin it )
2 i 1
where   2 T
The EOM for the vibration system can then be written as:
1  a0 n 
x(t )  2n x (t )   x(t )      ai cos it  bi sin it  
m  2 i 1 
Ignored in the steady-state solution since
it only affect the equilibrium position.
Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -11-
Response to Periodic Excitation
Based on the results of Eq. (3.1), the steady-state solution
corresponding to the arbitrary periodic excitation can be expressed
as a superposition of each particular solution corresponding to
each individual force term:
 n
ai cos(it   i )  bi sin(it   i )
 x(t )  

i 1  
k 1  ri   2ri 
2 2 2
Eq. (3.2)

 1 2 ri
 i  tan
 1  r
 i
For a special case with no damping (i.e.,   0 ):
ai cos(it )  bi sin(it )
x p (t )  
i 1 
k 1  ri
 for force excitation, or
Eq. (3.3)
ai cos(it )  bi sin(it )
x p (t )  
i 1  
1  ri
for base excitation

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Impulse Response Function

Impulse excitation

     

 t
0 t  
 Fˆ
F (t )      t  
 2
0 t  
 is a small positive number Eq. (3.4)

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Definition of the Impulse Strength
From fundamental dynamics The impulse imparted to an
object is equal to the change in the objects momentum
i.e. area
F(t) under impulse force  =   F(t)dt  Ft
pulse   

F̂   I( )   F(t)dt   F(t)dt  N  s

  

2 F̂
         2  F̂
   

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Dirac Delta Function

We use the properties of impulse to define the

impulse function:

F (t   )  0, t   Dirac Delta
 function
F (t   )dt  Fˆ F(t)

Eq. (3.5) impulses

if Fˆ  1, this leads to the

Dirac Delta Function  (t)

 (t   )
 (t- )  lim F (t- )  
 0  0 (t   )     t

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -15-

Dirac Delta Function

Properties of Delta function:

1.  f  t δ(t-τ)dt  f  

2. f  F δ  x-x0 
distributed quantity lumped quantity

 : mass density per unit length

 '    a
 a  m  x  a 

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -16-

Free Response of SDOF System to Impulse

The effect of an impulse on a spring-mass-damper is

related to its change in momentum.
F(t) Just after Just before
impulse impulse
impulse= momentumchange
   =0 if the
 
Ft  mv  m[v(t )  v(t )] 0 0 system is
initially at
ˆ Ft
F rest
Fˆ  mv0  v0  
m m
Thus the response to impulse with zero IC is equal to
the free response with IC: x0=0 and v0 =FΔt/m

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -17-

Review: Response of the SDOF System

Recall that the free response to just non zero initial

conditions is:
The solution of
mx  cx  kx  0 while x(0)  x0 , x (0)  v0
in underdamped case :
(v0   n x0 ) 2  ( x0d ) 2 nt  x0d 
x(t )  e sin d t  tan 1
d  v0   n x0 

For x0  0 this becomes: Eq. (3.6)

v0 e­ n t
                  x(t)  sin  d t Eq. (3.7)
Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -18-
Solution to the Impulse Input
Next compute the response to x(0)=0 and v(0)
Based on the results on the previous slide, the solution of

mx  cx  kx  0 while x(0)  0, x (0)  Ft / m 
in underdamped case is :
Fˆe  nt
x(t )  sin d t Eq. (3.8)
For unit impulse input Fˆ  1, this reduces to
e  nt
x(t )  sin d t
Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -19-
Solution to the Impulse Input - Summary
So for an underdamped system the impulse response is (x0 = 0)

Fˆe  nt
x(t )  sin d t (response to Fˆ ), or
 n t
Unit impulse
response function

ˆ e
Eq. (3.9) x(t )  Fh(t ), where h(t )  sin d t
md x(t) m

0.5 k


0 10 20 30 40
Time history of the response to an impulse at t = 0, and zero
initial conditions 
Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -20-
Solution to the Impulse Input - Summary

The response to an impulse is thus defined in terms of the

impulse response function, h(t).

So, the response to  (t) is given by h(t).
e n t
                             h(t)  sin  d t    (3.8)Eq. (3.10)
m d
What is the response to a unit impulse applied 
at a time different from zero?
            The response to  (t­ ) is h(t­ ).
This is given on the following slide

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -21-

Solution to the Impulse Input - Summary

For an impulse input occurs at time t =  ,

let t '  t   , then   t       t '  , the
response can be written as:
 n t '
x(t ) 
sin d t '  h(t   )
Therefore the response to   t    is :
h(t   )

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -22-

Response to a General Impulse Input
The right solution is for the
general case that the impulse  0
t 
  (t  )
occurs at  . If more than one h(t   )   e n sin d (t   )
forcing terms exist, note that  md t 
the effects of non-zero initial
conditions and other forcing Eq. (3.11)
terms must be superimposed 1
on this solution. =0
For example: If two -1
pulses occur at two 1
0 10 20 30 40
different times then =10

their impulse
responses will -1
0 10 20 30 40
superimpose 1

0 10 20 30 40
Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -23-
Response to the Impulse of the undamped

Setting   0 in the equation (3.8)
Response to unit impulse applied at t   , 
i.e.  (t­ ) is:
                        h(t   )  sin  n (t   )
m n
Eq. (3.12)

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -24-

Example 3.1
Example 3.1 Consider an impact hammer test on a SDOF system with
the following parameters: m = 1 kg, c = 0.5 Ns/m, k = 4 N/m, and F̂ = 2 N·s.
Compute and plot the response under the single (2 N·s occurs at t = 0) and
double hit (second hit of 1 N·s at t = 0.5) impulse excitation of the hammer. i.e.,
single vs. dual impacts and zero initial conditions.

m  1 kg, c  0.5 kg/s, k
Ns/m  4 N/m
F̂  2 N  s  and F(t)  2 (t)   (t   )
               n  2,  0.125
2e n t
x1 (t)  sin  d t  1.008e0.25t sin(1.984t),t  0
m d
x2 (t)  0.504e0.25(t   ) sin(1.984(t   )),t  

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -25-

Example 3.1 (cont)
Total response of the double hit:
x(t)  x1  x2
 1.008e0.25(t ) sin(1.984t) 0 t 
       
sin(1.984t)  0.504e0.25(t  ) sin(1.984(t   )) t 


Single hit
1 Double hit

Displacement (m)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  0.5 Time (s)

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -26-

Example 3.2
Example 3.2 Consider the same physical system as illustrated in
Example 3.1 but with the following EOM, and non-zero initial conditions.
EOM (SDOF system under two impulse excitation):
x(t )  2 x (t )  4 x(t )   (t )   (t  4), x0  1 mm, x 0  - 1 mm/s
Because of the two Dirac Delta functions and the initial conditions, by
analysis, the total solution will consists of three parts (linear
superposition of the homogeneous solution and the two solutions
corresponding to the two impulses).
Compute the response of the homogeneous problem (initial condition
By inspection :
n  2 rad/s,   0.5, d  n 1   2  3
the homogeneous solution is :
 v  x  
xh (t )  e nt ( A sin d t  B cos d t )  e nt  0 0 n sin d t  x0 cos d t 
 d 

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -27-

Example 3.2 (cont)
Compute the response to the first impulse:
Treat  (t ) as x0  0 and v0  1, 0  t  4
v  1 t
xI (t )  e  nt  0 sin d t   e sin 3t , 0  t  4
 d  3

Total Response for 0< t < 4:

x1 (t)  xh (t)  x I (t)

 e (cos 3t 
sin 3t),
       for   0  t  4

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -28-

Example 3.2 (cont)
Next compute the response to the second impulse, which starts at t = 4 s:

Fˆ  n ( t  ) 1 t  4
xII (t )  e sin d (t   )   e sin 3 (t  4), t  4
md 3

The total response for t > 4 s is therefore:

t 1  e t  4
x(t )  e  cos 3t  sin 3t   sin 3 (t  4) H (t  4)
 3  3
Note the unit is in mm Heaviside step function

0, t  
where H (t   ) is defined as : H (t   )  
1, t  

Here the Heaviside step function is used to “turn on”

the response to the impulse at t = 4 seconds.

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -29-

Example 3.2 (cont)
Plot of the response


Displacement (mm)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 4 Time (s)

In solving the above problem, can we add the all IC’s at t=0 together?

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -30-

Response to an Arbitrary Input
The response to general force, F(t), can be viewed as a series
of impulses of magnitude F(ti)Δt 
Response at time t due to the ith impulse zero IC

xi(t) = [F(ti)t ].h(t-ti) for t>ti x i 

F(t) ti  t
Impulses If t  t I  (the i th  time interval)
F(ti) x(t I )   [F (t )t ]h(t  t )
i i
i 1

t  0, t i   
(t )) FF(
( )h)h(t
(t  )d )d
0  (3.12)
t1,t2 ,t3 t i  t 0
which is1 4 4the
called 2 4 43
convolution integral
convolution integral
Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -31-
Properties of Convolution Integrals
It is symmetric meaning:

Let   t   , t fixed so that  = t  

and d  d . Also  : 0  t   : t  0
t 0
x(t )   F ( )h(t   )d =  F (t   )h( )(d )
0 t
=  F (t   )h( )d

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -32-

The convolution integral, or Duhamel
integral, for underdamped systems

1  n t t
x(t)  e  F( )e sin  d (t   ) d
 n 

 
m d 0

1 t
m d 0
F(t   )e n sin  d d           (3.13)
Eq. (3.10)

• The response to any integrable force can be computed with

either of these forms
• Which form to use depends on which is easiest to compute

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -33-

Full Response of Arbitrary input with non-zero
Note that the response calculated through the Duhamel
Integral does not include the response to the non-zero
initial conditions. Therefore, the full response if the system
has a initial displacement and velocity is:

 x 0   n x 0  -  n t
x (t )  x 0 cos  d t  sin  d t e
  
 d 
1 t
F   e sin d  t  τ  d τ
  n  t  
 
m d 0 Eq. (3.11)

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -34-

Example 3.3
Example 3.3 Undamped oscillator under IC and constant force
For an undamped system:
F (t ) F0
h(t )  sin nt
The homogeneous solution is t1 t2
v0 F (t )
xh  sin n t  x0 cos n t , t  t1
Good until the applied force acts: x(t) m
x1 2   F ( )h(t   )d , t1  t  t 2
0 k
t1 t
  F ( )h(t   )d   F ( )h(t   )d
0 t1
Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -35-
Example 3.3 (cont)
Next compute the solution between t1 and t2

For t1  t  t 2
x12   F0 sin  n (t   )d
m n

F0  (1)(1) 
          cos  n (t   ) 
m n   n t1 
 
         [1  cos  n (t  t1 )]
m n2

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Example 3.3 (cont)
Now compute the solution for time greater than t2
For t  t 2
0 0
t1 t2 t
x2   F ( )h(t   )d   F ( )h(t   )d   F ( )h(t   )d
0 t1 t2

F0  1
  cos n (t   ) 
mn n t1 
 
 [cos n (t  t 2 )  cos n (t  t1 )]
mn 2

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -37-

Example 3.3 (cont)
Total solution is superposition:
 v0
 sin  nt  x0 cos  nt t  t1
  n

 v0 F
x(t)   sin  nt  x0 cos  nt  0 2 [1  cos  n (t  t1 )] t1  t  t 2
 n m n
 v0 F0
2 
 sin  nt  x0 cos  nt  cos  n (t  t 2 )  cos  n (t  t1 ) t  t 2

 n m  n

m  F0  1,  n  8,t1  2,t 2  4, x0  0.1,v0  0

Check points: x increases after  application of F. Undamped response around x  0
Displacement x(t)



0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s)

Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -38-

Response to an Arbitrary Periodic Input

x  2n x   x  F (t ) where F (t )  F (t  T )

 We have solutions to sine 2

and cosine inputs. 1.5 T

 What about periodic but 1

Displacement x(t)
non-harmonic inputs?
 We know that periodic
functions can be 0
represented by a series of -0.5
sines and cosines (Fourier)
 Response is superposition
of as many RHS terms as -1.5
you think are necessary to -2
represent the forcing 0 2 4 6
Time (s)
function accurately
 Alternatively, use the
Duhamel Integral method Question: what do we do if the input
can not be expressed explicitly?
Fundamentals of NVH Analysis, SDOF System – Arbitrary inputs -39-

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