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A. The purpose

To state ability in doing something

B. The most usual expressions which can be used are:

Be able to
C. The pattern

S + Can + V1 + Object
S + be + able to + V1+ Object

S + Can + not + V1 + Object

S + be + not + able to + V1+ Object
For examples, look at the sentences below.

I can play the harmonica. I am able to play the harmonica.

I can swim in the sea. I am able to swim in the sea.

She can make pancakes. She is able to make pancakes.

Joko can not fix your leptop. Joko isn’t able to fix your leptop.
Types of questions

1. “Arief lived in England for several years. …. speak English.”

2. “….finish the exercises. He is good in math.”
3. “I never learn how to drive. I …. a car.”
4. Tono bisa menulis dengan kakinya.
5. Saya tidak bisa menjawab soal bahasa inggris.
1.He is amazing. ... Speak five languages, including
2.She is seven years old. But... Read yet. Her parents
give her more exercises.
3.I read the book three times. But ... Understand it.
4.Saya tidak bisa mengangkat meja berat ini.
5.Dia (lk) bisa tidur nyenyak.
6.Orang tua ku tidak bisa mengajak saya ke luar
7.Adik saya bisa membuat susu sendiri.
8.Mereka tidak bisa mengerjakan ujian kimia.

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