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(Minggu – 2)
LS 1329 ( 4 SKS)
Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan
ITS Surabaya
1.2 Circulating water systems

 In motorships there are two main circuits, one salt , one

 The salt circuit is: sea inlet box (seachest) - pump(s) -
f.w. coolers in series (first LT then HT) – turbo blower
aftercoolers in parallel (if any) – provision condenser in
parallel (if any) - overboard.
 Branches may be taken to blower oil coolers, fuel valve
cooling oil coolers and from the outlet side, to evaporator
sea inlets or domestic warm water systems, baths, etc.
 There may be a blanked connection to the fresh water
1.2 Circulating water systems
 The fresh water circuit being under positive head , is
closed, i.e. pump-fresh water coolers - cylinder
jackets - cylinder heads - exhaust valves (if any) –
turbo – blowers (if any), - pump inlet.
 There may be closed circuit branch to evaporator
primary-stage heating inlets.
 If the engine pistons are water-cooled, the circuit may
be in parallel with the jacket circuit; it is more likely to
be separate, the circuit being: pump – cooler - inlet
manifold- telescopic tubes- outlet manifold- pump.
1.2 Circulating water systems

 The f.w. temperature

should be kept as high
as practicable by the
use of the salt water
bypass valves on oil
and f.w. coolers.
 These may be
butterfly valves
controlled by thermo-
pneumatic devices.
1.2 Circulating water

 It is usual to provide for

warming the fresh
circulating water before
the main engines are
started, either by steam or
more usually, by bleeding
from the auxiliary fresh
cooling circuit.
1.2 Circulating water systems
 The air compressor inter-and after- coolers are
likely to be supplied in parallel;
 It is unusual for supercharger blowers to have
aftercoolers; if they have, they will be circulated
 The auxiliary fresh water system is similar to the
main and may use the same header tank if the
resulting head is not too great; if it is, a separate
header tank will be provided.
1.2 Circulating water systems
 If the pumps for each service are not duplicated, they will be
 If one pump fails, the survivor becomes the fresh water pump
and a clean service e.g. ballast pump circulates the sea water.
Seawater Cooling System
Jacket Water Cooling System
Central Cooling water System

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