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Nhóm 6

Kim Thị Thanh Thư

Lê Đức Công Minh
• 3.1 .Concept
• Ethnicity is a stable people's community developed in history, with its
own territory, a unified economy, a unified mother tongue and
directed by a state.
• From an MARX-LENIN point of view, people are a community of many
people, stable blocks formed in the historical process born on a
common language, a common territory, a common psychological
structure and expression through a common culture.
3.2.Subjective power and fundamental rights
of peoples
• The subjective power of peoples is closely related to the reality of
struggles, not depending on the recognition of other countries or
based on the establishment or non-establishment of a country.

The most basic rights of the peoples struggling for
independence are to exercise their will and aspirations in any
form, any form including using force to free themselves.
IV.Intergovernmental international organization
• 4.1 Concept
• An intergovernmental international organization is an entity linking
independent states and other entities of international law,
established on the basis of international treaties, having the power of
international law subjects and organizational Strict, appropriate
function to maintain the active and in order to achieve the
organizational goals and principles of the organization.
• Intergovernmental international organizations must be distinguished
from government-funded international organizations that are
established by individuals or individuals or non-state-owned
associations and members. beyond the scope of a country
Considered the subject of international law, the inter-governmental international
organization must meet the following conditions:

• - Members of intergovernmental international organizations are

• - Intergovernmental international organizations are established for
certain purposes.
• -The intergovernmental international organization has a strict
organizational structure.
• Intergovernmental international organizations exercise their rights
independently of the rights of member states.
• - Intergovernmental international organizations have separate subject
capacities in international relations, regardless of the member states.
4.2.Basic power of an intergovernmental
international organization

Subject status of international law when:
• -It is clearly expressed in the document of the organization
• - Subjects are necessary to facilitate the realization of specific
goals and objects and implied.
• -The subject matter is necessary for the fulfillment of the
organization's obligations.
• - Subjects organization is consistent with the practice of nations
in international relations with related international organizations.

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