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• Sanitary napkin can be used and disposed in
a much easier way as compared to cloth.
• It has absorbent material layer, which
provides a dry feeling.
• Decreases chances of infections.
• Helps in mobility and ease of daily routine
• Less Building Maintenance
• Cost Effective
• Increased in Attendance
• Stress Free for All
• Hygienic Environment
• Avoid Blockages
• Saving Water
• Reduce Plastic Bag Usage
• Avoid Waterway Pollutions
• Avoid Drainage Line Check-up
• Health Problems
• Mental Stress
• Unhygienic
• Less Attendance
• Reduce in Efficiency
• Loss of Concentration
• Polluted Environment
• Bad Smell
• Sanitary Blockages
• Waste of Water
• Water Pollution

 Cheaper than disposables in the long run.

 Much Less waste for you to throw away.
 Less waste formed during manufacturing.
 Reusable (better for the environment + saving you money).
 Always on hand – Never “run out” and have to make the dash to
the supermarket to get more.
 Feels softer than plasticky/papery disposables.
 Tends to be less “sweaty” feeling than disposables.
 May lessen the chance of getting thrush (than using
 Not giving money to large companies.
 Can help women get in touch with their bodies and view
menstruation in a more positive light.
 Can buy a variety of different styles and shapes to suit your
preference and needs.
 They come in bright colourful fabrics, which makes them
more interesting.
 Can be available in natural and organic fabrics.
 Less chance of causing skin irritations as they don’t contain
the chemicals found in disposables.
 No adhesive strip to catch pubic hair.
 Soaking/washing water makes a good fertilizer for plants.
 Can wash them in the washing machine with any load of
 Various options of absorbency means you can use
whatever is appropriate for each day.
 Many styles can be tumble dried.
 Some styles have waterproofing sewn in, so can be as
leakproof as plastic disposable pads.
 Some styles have no synthetics to be as breathable as
possible (less “sweaty”).
 No bin of smelly wrapped used pads sitting in the
 Can be more absorbent than disposables.
 Some women find reduction in length or heaviness of
periods, or reduced cramps, clotting etc. when using
 Easy to make yourself.
 Takes time to wash and dry the pads compared to throwing
away disposables.
 Handwashing can be time consuming and difficult (though
you can machine wash them).
 More expensive to purchase initially.
 Usually bulkier than many “ultrathin” style disposable pads.
 Not as easily available (not stocked in supermarkets).
 Many women find the concept unpleasant.
 Other family members may be uncomfortable with their
 Cloth pads can stain.
 Users have more contact with blood.
 Users have more contact with blood.
 Special care may need to be taken if the user has thrush
or blood diseases.
 Using disposable pads is quicker and easier.
 It is generally more socially acceptable to use disposable
 Disposable pads may be more discreet (smaller) than
carrying around cloth pads.
 You have to bring your cloth pads home with you if you
change them while out.
 Pads soaking in a bucket of water could pose a risk when
small children are around.
 Many women would not like the added complication of
caring for menstrual pads.

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