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Irfan Priatna

She was originally named Nasibah bint Ka'ab
bin Amr and Hamro Asad her nickname mean
red tiger. She was a distinguished lady, a
Mujahidah, comes from the Anshar group,
derived from the descendants of Khazraj, Al
Maziniyyah Al Madaniyyah. Her brother was
Abdullah bin Ka'ab Al Mazini, the warrior of

In addition, Umm Umarah participated in the
night of the Aqabah, participated in the war of
Uhud, Hudaibiyah, Hunaian and Yamamah. She
also participated in jihad and performs many
tasks until his hands were defective. Dhamrah
bin Sa'id Al Mazini once talked about his
grandmother, that when he came to Uhud, he
said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say, "The
position of Nasibah bint Ka'ab today is better
than the position of fulan and fulan."

She was very excited in the war, until his
clothes were torn in the middle and wounded
thirteen wounds. She said, "Indeed I actually
saw Ibn Qami'ah hit his shoulders to cause
severe injury, then he was treated for a year.
Then there is a man calling the Messenger of
Allah, 'Come to see Hamra` Al Asad (red tiger)'.
It means Umm Umarah. Umm Umarah then
tightened his clothes, but he could not stop the
blood. "

Narrated by Umar bin Ghaziyah, he said: Umm
Umarah said, "I see troops troubled and scattered from
the side of the Messenger of Allah, so there is nothing
left except a handful of ten persons: My son, my
husband (being beside him to protect him), while the
other members of the troops are backed up to the
disarray. At that time he saw me not carrying a shield.
When he sees a man backward with a shield, he says,
'Submit your shield to the warrior!' He threw it and I
took it and used it to protect the Prophet.

Meanwhile the cavalry tried to attack us. If they
were pedestrians like us, of course we could
beat them, Insha Allah. Suddenly a rider came
to hit me, and I hit a shield to him, but not hit
him. I then hit his horse and his paws. The
Prophet then shouted, 'O Ibn Umi Umarah,
look at your mother, see your mother!' He then
helped me defeat him until I gained many
spoils. "

Narrated by Muhammad bin Yahya bin
Habban, he said, "During the Uhud war, Umm
Umarah was injured by 12 injuries. During the
Yamamah war, her hands were cut off and
suffered 11 injuries. She came to Medina in a
state of injury. Abu Bakr then visited her to
inquire about her when Abu Bakr became

Umm Umarah is a Muslim soldier, nicknamed
the red tiger. She was very tough in every war,
during the Yamamah war, the war against the
rebellion of the false prophet Musailamah al
Kadzdzab, she fought hard to get eleven
wounds on her body and one of her hands was
cut off. Her age, which at that time reached 52
years, did not dampen her enthusiasm to
continue to strive in the way of Allah.

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